Pantheon Online

Chapter 93 - War Is Coming

Chapter 93 - War Is Coming

[2. Domestic: Civil War]

[A number of Skardians are no longer happy under the rule of their current King for their areas. A civil war is brewing, and it is time for the Pantheons to decide what side they stand on. This vote will determine temporary allies and enemies.]

[Option A: Join the side of the current rulers of Skardia.]

[Option B: Join the rebel factions and help to overthrow the current rulers. (Warning! There is a corresponding Quest detected. If you choose Option A, you will abandon the Quest.)]

Exile did not have to think twice about this issue as he cast his vote. What had surprised him was the fact that he would now automatically gain allies in this fight. Well, that also depended on who else voted the same as him. 'These sessions really will hold a lot of weight in the future... I'll have to see what I can find out about raising my Pantheon's Tier.' Exile hummed as he waited for the next notification.

[3. Foreign: Enemy]  josei

[A Holy War has been declared by a Skardian Pantheon against a Sommerdan Pantheon. Does the council vote to elevate this war to a Divine War? (A Divine War will turn Skardia and Sommerdan into National enemies in the Mortal Realms. The gateway between the separate Divine Realms will be opened allowing the war to also take place in the Divine Realms.)]

[Option A: Elevate the Holy War to a Divine War (As the instigator of this issue your vote has been automatically placed for this option.)]

[Option B: Abstain from elevating the War status.]

Exile glanced around nervously as he wondered how many of the players present knew that he was responsible for this issue. To be fair, at the time he had no idea that it would be brought up in a setting like this. Where it could alter everything for the entirety of Skardia as well as the players.

"All issues have now been voted on. I will now send the results that will reflect how the votes affect you." Valheim almost sounded smug as a push notification made its way into Exile's mind.

[1. Domestic Resources]

[Result: Option A]

[Note: Beasts, creatures and monsters will now be more numerous in the Skardian Divine Realm.]

[2. Domestic: Civil War]

[Result: Option B]

[Note: You and members of your Pantheon will be unable to harm anyone in the Rebel factions. Your followers will be more friendly to fellow rebels.]

[3. Foreign: Enemy]

[Result: Option B]

[Note: The Skardian Council of Gods has refrained from elevating the war status. Warning! This has had an effect on the Sommerdan Council's options.]

Exile felt his heartbeat rising rapidly as he read through the results. He had voted for Option A on the first issue so he was glad to see it get passed. He did not really have a choice on the second issue due to his Quest and he was glad to see that the others voted no to elevating the war. Which was the right move as far as he could see. Especially as they would be dealing with a civil war as well. 

However, those around him wore the same concerned expressions that he did. Everyone was caught up on the warning that their vote affected Sommerdan's options. Exile swallowed a lump of saliva as he thought about Parthus. 'How influential can he be? He'll probably want to elevate it on their end. Then there's the fact the Skardian NPCs have been raiding their Mortal country.

"The votes are now in for the other Councils. I will now send you the results of all and any votes that affect Skardia." Valheim suddenly stated, startling the players present. 

[Sommerdan has declared a Divine War on Skardia. The pathway between the Divine Realms has been opened. The Avatar spell will no longer have a cost if used to join the war in the Mortal Realms. Defeat in the Mortal Realms will prevent the use of Avatar for one natural day.]

Cries of outrage echoed around the chamber. Their contents were much the same as they cursed whoever had started a war with Sommerdan. Exile kept a straight face as he listened, determined not to give anything away, while a cold sweat broke out on his back.

Surprisingly, nobody pointed the finger at him. 'Was nobody there in a Pantheon? Or was there just no other leaders? I'll have to be careful for a while.' Exile sighed as he glanced from one angry face to another. 'This is going to cause problems with the Civil War...'

"This Council Session is now over. You may now exit the Tower." Valheim's voice sounded one last time as the various players began to file out.

The shock of the event was still fresh in their minds. Many were busy making their own plans as they tried to figure out how they could take advantage of this mechanic in the future. As Exile was busy with his own thoughts, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He frowned as he turned to face its owner, only for his eyes to narrow in disgust.

"Don't think for a moment that I've forgotten about you..." Aeri smiled sweetly as she stared directly into his eyes. "I hope we're on different sides in this Civil War, because I'm going to bury your pathetic Pantheon."

"Sure... If we don't bury you first." Exile sneered as he brushed her hand away.

"Exile!" Aeri shouted in rage as she stared at his back. "There's no version of this where you win. Surrender now and join Kaleidoscope!"

Exile turned around with a confused expression. For the life of him, he could not figure out why she would invite him to her own Pantheon. "Sorry, but why would I surrender to a third rate player like you!"

Aeri's expression turned to shock at the venomous words. Much like those around them that had heard Exile's bold words. Some leaders secretly praised Exile while others swore to avoid him at all costs in case they drew the ire of Kaleidoscope.

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