Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Facing Truth

Important News~

A total of three tiers are finally complete for this ff—

3$= 10 Advance chaps.

5$= 15 Advance Chaps (10+5)

and 10$= 30 Advance Chaps (10+5+15)

The next and final tier will have additional 30 chapters but instead of grinding daily, I will instead go about it slow. I think 30 advance chaps are quite the stock already.

I sincerely hope to grow the patron base so, I'll try to think of some awesome or smutty rewards. If you have any ideas, do let me know. After all, I don't read as much as I pass my time writing so I'm still, after all this time, wet behind the ears when it comes to patron experience.

Anyway, thank you for taking time out of your busy routines to read, vote, comment, review, or any other method of supporting the fanfic.


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"And we cannot move past this location," Uti touched the icy walls that divided quite a bit of structure in half with an aggrieved expression, "Because of the segregation, even Princess Yue cannot meet with us and the other side is fairly evacuated. The fire nation soldiers also come here every evening to keep an eye on us."

"Is that all?" Nik inquired with a smile, "I'm sure you don't like talking about the separation and the fight so why not tell us something fun? Like is there a secret corner that you use to hide when playing with other children?"

"Why would I tell you?" Uti pouted.

"Eh? How else will I find you kids when I play with you? You don't want me limping on one leg, right?" Nik grinned as Uti's gaze turned bright, "All of you?"

"Of course," Nik replied for everyone without hesitation. He wasn't going to be the one to strike down a lovely girl's request. He simply wasn't built that way.

With the tour almost over, Katara couldn't help but inquire, "Uti, we have met your father but what about your mother? Isn't she a waterbender, too?"

"Oh... I don't know. Actually, I don't really remember her. I was so little when the fighting started but after Dad and Mom were taken, only he came back. But Dad promised me mom is in a better place so it's fine," Despite the grim undercurrent to her words, the bright grin on Uti's face only managed to make Katara feel worse.

"He is right," Surprising others, Mai was the first to speak, "Your mom really is in a better place," the woman affirmed with an uncharacteristically gentle tone as Uti nodded and led the four of them back.

Although they didn't speak, Mai could feel her 'companions' gaze linger on her for quite a while but she didn't bother with them.

As the noon sun began to set and give way to evening glow, exhausted by playing hide and seek with Uti and a few other curious children, Nik alongside other girls was promptly called by Pakku into a small house by the edge of the segregated region.

As the four of them entered, they found Pakku alongside a few older men and a small group of robust men and women who radiated strength just by existing. Their presence was similar to Yoki and others. Amongst them were Uti's father and the other two guards who they had met this morning.

"Aside from the hunters who are still outside of the tribe, these are all the waterbenders of the tribe. Hahn had managed to marginalize all the waterbenders and tribal warriors due to his actions so aside from civilians, the only fighting force he has comes from the fire nation soldiers staying on the other side," Pakku gestured for the four to take a seat as he continued, "Our best approach is to deal a lasting strike sudden enough that we get the time to bring in Yoki and others awaiting my signal and keep the fire nation off the tribe." josei

"Considering their main strength is still within that fleet brought in by Zhao, I'd say the tribe's fate will be much worse than before since he is here under the Phoenix King's will and not the Fire Lord," One of the old men adopted an accusatory tone and gruffed loudly, causing other warriors to hand their heads low in shame.

"Zhao has been dealt with blows not once but twice. The first time he lost, the great city of Omashu was freed from the reigns of the Phoenix King and the Fire Lord was quick enough to consolidate the situation with King Bumi pledging his allegiance wholeheartedly. The second time was during the chase of Avatar Aang where he was personally defeated by Mai before she ended up joining our endeavor."

Mai secretly rolled her eyes at Pakku's vain attempts at placating the crowd. After all, defeating Zhao wasn't even a challenge to the young expert of hidden weapons.

Pakku then afforded the group some brief details about the situation including Nik's ability to make things disappear which caused many brows to raise including Mai, Nik, Katara, and Suki. After all...

Pakku claimed that Nik could make things disappear unless it's coated with flames or any other element in its primal nature. This instantly discredited Nik's ability to devour ground and water as he saw fit. Yet they didn't intrude.

By now, experience told them that even if coarse, Pakku was a man with experience who can be trusted. In fact, the wisdom of old men could be seen when the waterbenders wanted to oust Hahn yet the old counsel that remained resisted and persuaded against the act until it was too late.

"We will leave for the fleet tonight when the moon is at its highest. Under the blessings of Spirit Tui, we will decimate Zhao's forces!" Pakku pumped his aged, veiny fists as the young men and women began to chant a solemn battle tune that reverberated within the interior of the house while disapproving looks flashed across a few older men and women.

When everyone left to prepare, Pakku issued a deep, exhausted sigh as he slumped down on a chair in front of the four youngsters as a wry chuckle emerged from his throat with his raspy tone remarking the cruel passage of time, "It's hard to make others feel motivated when one doesn't have the same youthful drive themselves. Anyway, I'm sure you are wondering why I lied to them about your ability, right?"

"Asking about will only get me some cryptic response or get myself pushed into some weird situation where, by the end of it, I will have an answer... so I would rather remain clueless and enjoy my time here," Nik shrugged, "It's hard to feel motivated for answers when what I truly want to find here is a way to heal myself."

His words made others, including Pakku realize, how little they had to do with the current rebellion. Aang only assumed the role of the great balance of the world but would require a lot of time to even understand what it means. Meanwhile, this rebellion was linked to the greater powers of the world including the waterbenders and Pakku. It could be argued that the attachment of outsiders, including Katara, Sokka, and Hama, was only related to the fact that both of their tribes had the same origin and the same enemy.

Nik, Suki, and Mai were different.

Sure, Suki's goal was broad and subjective— to help. Even the girl understood she cannot help everyone since it is humanly impossible. Every second someone suffers injustice around the world, so it isn't hard to assume that Suki's goal was directly related to her personal satisfaction and morality by helping when she 'can.' Emphasis on the 'can.' She may have wanted to help Nik when he got yeeted into the Spirit World but she simply couldn't.

Mai expected an adventure aside from the dull sceneries. Ironically, defeating Zhao to whom her father once bowed his head to was already quite adventurous for her.

Finally, Nik was selfish but clear enough to announce that his goal deeply revolved around the self-betterment of his current injuries.

Pakku couldn't help but nod, "Right you are. I wasn't going to present you with an answer in the first place. However, I am willing to present you with the real plan instead."

"The real plan?" Suki tilted her head with her brows locked in a frown.

"I trust my life in the hands of these waterbenders but the old warriors that took charge until the benders returned... I saw it first hand. They have no drive left. Although they may not want anything bad for the people, but the possibility of avoiding conflict by our arrival and betraying us is... rather high. You must have already noticed that this location is filled with the youthful and the only old men and women here have their families on this side, too.

So, I and the other waterbenders are bait. We will go out and see if the Fire Nation fleet has covered themselves in some element, preferably fire itself. On the other hand, you are needed here..."

Pakku zeroed in on Nik, "All the ancient tomes, if they are still preserved, can be found within the palace. If you wish to find something related to your injury then that location is your best bet.

Yoki and others... we don't want to win the battle. We want to secure our homes. The only way to do that is by capturing all the fire nation soldiers... and their families as hostages and then defend the entrance until we strike a deal."

Comprehension flickered in the eyes of the four youths. It was true. If they managed to regain control of their home then they could defend the location by playing to their strengths.


"Capturing their families..." Katara pursed her lips, the first but not the last one to find a problem with this act.

"I don't think I could do that." Suki supplied her own response.

"I don't have my knives," Mai shrugged.

"What I don't understand is... why not move away? The people on this side are not willing to follow Hahn. You guys have all the waterbenders. Just relocate like the Southern Water Tribe," Nik questioned as Pakku frowned and shook his head.

"We cannot. No... we won't. As early as we can walk, every warrior of the tribe has vowed to protect our home. Not the people. We are warriors by nature and we deserve a place to belong to instead of taking the convenient choices. Do you think Yoki and others returned with the false hope of relocating?"

"Wouldn't your actions just initiate another war?" Katara muttered, "Uti has lost her mother. When does this stop? The only one she has left is her father now."

"Your concern is... as belittling as the ever-increasing insult Hahn has become for our tribe," Pakku hissed, "Does this Uti realize what we are fighting for? Or have you forgotten what war really is?"

"It's cold and cruel. A person can never find honor in war, despite the accumulation of warriors. It's bloody and shrewd. A person never returns from war even if alive.

Why do you think I want the four of you inside rather than outside the walls?"

Pakku's cold inquiry stunned Katara to silence while Nik couldn't help but shake his head, "I suppose that we are going to be led by the hunters still outside the tribe. They will be responsible for taking them hostage. I will be responsible for disarming anyone that I come across before eventually taking down their important weapons and facilities."


"What do you think?" Nik turned to look at Suki whose face scrunched into a deeply conflicted expression.

"I... I don't know. Taking innocents hostage is just... not my picture of honor even if it gets the work done. Master Pakku is right... no matter what I choose— to assist or not, I end up just as guilty."

The room descended into a sad silence as Pakku's expression couldn't help but turn downcast involuntarily after everything he had said. The fact that Suki felt so conflicted just by the prospect of completing the task showed how green she really was... no pun intended.

"Is it any different from keeping hold of prisoners back in the ship?" Nik inquired.

"Vastly so," Suki nodded, "Innocent or not, they were under the employment of the Fire Nation in some capacity. I don't mean they are essentially wrong but... something just isn't right in taking women incapable of fighting and children hostages."

"I see... well, I'm willing to give this plan a shot," Nik's agreement caused the two girls to instantly look at him with varying levels of discomfort.

"I don't... have emotions attached to my opponents," Nik looked at Suki and Katara, "Of course, what really motivates me still is the thought of healing my knee but even if my knee was completely healed, I would rather help others reclaim their land."

"And what about the innocents?" Katara frowned, "Both from fire nation and the water tribe."

"I won't hurt them," Nik replied, "But I can't promise they won't get hurt. I'm only one man."

"It's not the right thing to do," Suki shook her head as Nik shrugged. He truly didn't share their morals. His morals were loosely related to not crossing a few lines. For instance, taking a life and even these standards were loose since Nik certainly didn't feel any remorse for what he did to Koh.

Pakku was about to intervene but Suki was quicker in questioning Nik with a genuinely concerned look, "Do you think Avatar Kyoshi would accommodate your decisions as honorable?"

Nik knew it for a fact that one of the most major reasons why Suki ended up with him was not only saving her life but also Kyoshi attesting to his questionable character. However... Nik was falling hard, too. It was almost addictive to have someone genuinely concerned for you. To have someone contradict you not to lower your stand but out of respect and the eagerness to understand one another.

For this to work, Nik had to shed some pretenses. One way or the other, Suki, and even Katara would come to know the real him and while it wasn't so bad, it wasn't exactly honorable in their terms either, or so Nik believed.

"Avatar Kyoshi... huh. Suki, I won't lie," Nik issued a genuine chuckle, "I'm still unable to process what honor is. But Avatar Kyoshi, that day, said that I will come to know it naturally... I guess, I didn't regret saving you then...

And I won't regret trying to find a solution for my injury. It's quite out in the open but I think... Avatar Kyoshi might be onto something then. I just wanted you to know that even if you end up not participating... I will look out for myself and return well. Without untreatable injuries, at least."

Seeing the peaceful smile on Nik's lips for the first time, Suki couldn't help but feel shocked. Until now, most of the time, Nik would either devolve the situation with humor or some other witty reply. In reality, it was part of his charm that she fell for and his actions that spoke for him instead of his words.

But this time, those very actions seemed to produce conflicted emotions within Suki yet his words managed to ease her heart by a lot.

"I... see. We still have time until midnight, right? I would like to think things over... Though, I'm sorry. I didn't want to blame you for anything. I can't imagine how much you want to walk normally already," She cast a guilty look towards Nik as he shook his head, "Don't be. If I can't be honest with you then who am I supposed to find? Sokka?" Nik chuckled because it was true. Weirdly enough, Sokka knew more about him than Suki.

"I would like to think things through, too," Katara muttered.

"I'm in. Just make me some knives," Mai looked at Pakku who nodded.

"Hmm, then meet me here in the next three hours. If you're not here then I will assume you don't want to participate. Alright, Mai, tell me the dimensions of the knives you use."

It was their signal to leave the house, too.


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