Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Drunken Tales (1)

Pouting, Jin crossed her arms, "It was entirely unnecessary to carry me like a sac!"

"Come now, cutie. You weigh like cotton and certainly feel as soft as one," June was heavy on her words, making Jin blush as her wheaty skin practically glowed during the night. Jin looked down while nervously straightening the ends of her braided twintails.

"Yeah, don't get caught in the drunkard's words. She's a vile woman," Nik smirked as he and June flanked Jin.

"Vile? How very honest of you!" June hummed, "That's why I get to have all the fun~! Better prepare your pouch of coins. I tip heavily when I'm drunk!"

"Well, you do focus on one," Nik nodded in agreement. His words pulled an amused giggle from June who only found herself more and more engrossed with Nik as the time went by. Just the fact he was endearing and pleasing even to Nyla was enough for June to stay, not to mention he anti-gotified her every night in ways she could only dream of.

"Gosh! How could you say that in front of Jin," Mocking her tone in offense, June wrapped an arm around Jin's shoulder. Taller than Jin by almost an entire head, June only brought Jin's face close to her breasts, "Don't you listen to him. We'll party the entire night this time... huff, I haven't visited the tavern once I met him... to think he would work me so much~!"

She slurred, letting her suggestive tone create all sorts of misunderstandings as Jin couldn't help but sneak a glance in Nik's direction.

"You got that opposite," Nik scoffed.

"Sorry to interject but... what if we run into Zuko or Azula?" Jin inquired with a worried tone?

"Zu— who? Ah, the loser from the morning?" June snickered without mincing her words as Jin felt uncomfortable but she was thankful that Nik was beside her to balance the menace June represented, "Even if they are there... it's a small village. You can't expect to avoid them forever. Besides," slipping Jin out of June's grasp, Nik pulled her slightly closer to himself, "Would they really bother you if you don't want to interact with them and if things do get out of hand... June and I are here."

His comforting tone was only overshadowed by the rather bold grasp of her hand as she flinched only for a second before continuing without saying much. Her mind, however, was a mess.

"Hmph, I'm only saying the truth, aren't I? Iroh teaches the three of you... with you being on the top, Azula below you, and Zuko even lower. It's a simple ranking," June scoffed.

"Anyway," Nik steered the conversation away, "We haven't really gotten to know each other better so I hope we can do that tonight," he smiled, making his intentions clear. His words did manage to make Jin smile as she found herself rather flattered. After all... she had shamelessly bunked into their store. Although she didn't know where all of the 'group' disappeared to during the night, it wasn't hard to imagine that she came across rather... sudden. The more she came to understand the group as a whole, the more Jin realized how unnecessary she felt around them.

Seeing her smile turn slightly downcast, Nik grew confused but it would be a shame to let her wallow in whatever she was thinking so with a smirk, Nik suddenly questioned her, "Hey, is there any place worth sightseeing in the village?"

"Huh? Well... I used to have a special spot in Ba Sing Se but this village is pretty normal," Jin smiled.

"Why don't we go there then?" June grinned.

"We can?" Jin blinked in surprise.

"I know the way," Jin shrugged.

"And I suppose I can make our entry smoother," Nik smiled as June winked, "You catch on quick."

But it would seem that even if Jin wanted to avoid them today especially, things wouldn't go in the way she wanted. Nik's ears twitched as he managed to make out an almost annoyed snarl before...

"Jin?" A mocking, almost condescending tone interrupted their way to the tavern and the worst part was that they weren't too far away either. Barely a few minutes left and they could even see the tavern in the distance with its large torches glowing it up from within.

"Fancy seeing you in someone else's hand just a few days after I threw you. Honestly, you're pathetic."

It was honestly a surprise to Nik that Jin wasn't affected as they turned to face Azula. However, her hand squeezed Nik's palm a little tighter.

Frowning, feeling indignation over how she'd been treated by Azula often... Jin finally retorted, "What do you want, Azu?" She still referred to Azula by her chosen name.

Cocking her eyebrows up in surprise, Azula let out a nasal and amused hum, "Hmm... you always did have quite the mouth on yourself. Off to make it of some use?"

Jin's brows wrinkled and she hesitated.

"That's quite the sass coming from someone who lost twice," Nik chuckled, pulling Jin closer while Azula's chest heaved, making Nik take a quick glance at it.

"You ambushed me!" Azula snarled.

"And the second time I was alone," Nik was still amazed that he defeated the two but he would surely rub it in until either of the two snapped. His respect and adoration for Iroh had nothing to do with how he treated them.

His retort left Azula speechless and made June cackle.

"And who are you?" Azula snapped at June. Of course, Azula was introduced to June but that's not what she meant.

"Someone who knows how not to lose to the same person twice," June shrugged and leaned in on Jin, setting her hand on Jin's shoulder and pulling her dark maroon marked lips into a mocking smirk, "And someone who's gonna fill this sweetheart with booze and let things go as intended!"

Jin almost choked on her saliva at June's proud declaration. Maybe... only Toph could match her when it came to boldness and... Jin glanced at Nik again. She didn't know that he had defeated Azula twice... that certainly changed things.

Azula's eyelids twitched. Her heart felt scratched at the thought of a drunken Jin... and to see her with the two of them. They would... take her away, Azula felt that this was within the realm of possibility. And she didn't like it when someone took something from her—... Azula silently looked at Jin... the situation and her own arrogant decisions finally forced her to see the truth.

— SOMEONE from her...

"Would you really go that far, Jin?" Azula inquired with a muted but threatening tone. A tone Jin had never experienced before but... she didn't want to fall back into her previous state all over again. Nik had treated her so kindly until now and others didn't go out of their way to belittle her either... honestly, it was scary to take the next step but Iroh had been more helpful than Jin could ever thank him for and she replied solemnly, ", don't regret your actions."

"Don't you dare take that tone with me!" Azula hissed, her body almost leaning forward and attacked when Nik snapped his fingers, "Oi, don't you take that tone! If you wanna fight, sure, let's do that but when I take you to Mai after you lose... I won't be as respectful as before."

Azula's anger felt splashed by a bucket of cold water. Her lower lips quivered at the thought of it and her toes curled within her sandals at the thought of constantly orgasming into newer heights with just a single touch... the thought of it also forced Azula to glance down at Nik's crotch. That thing was a threat and that is why she wanted it burnt off... too bad that they couldn't achieve their goal.

June suddenly had a realization of what Nik was on about and she took a better look at Azula before licking her lips, "Hey... I got an idea. Booze makes friends, yeah? How about you join us. Drink up and just talk it out."

"Oh, my god," Nik groaned, resisting the urge to facepalm... but maybe that's what he gets to bring someone as voracious as June who wanted to kick back and get drunk... a greedy slut who wouldn't stop at trying her way on everyone.

Even Jin's solemn expression cracked as she grew awkward, not expecting June to suddenly invite Azula.

And Azula herself was in a daze.

This wasn't rational at all!

But the invitation had been set out... and the mood of confrontation was simply dissolved to oblivion.

"Suki was right. You really are—"

"A magic in a bottle?" June raised her brows with a smirk as he rolled his eyes, "More like a storm, Bounty Hunter."

"Oh, those days are long gone. I am just happy to find a good man and settle like every woman does~!" Her frivolous tone only suggested otherwise and seeing the duo bantering, Azula glared at Jin, "Is this what you found yourself?"

"Objectively still better than you!" Jin finally berated as Azula flinched. But Nik wasn't about to have some empty threats and words right before a good drinking and possibly fucking session so he uttered, "Let's not ruin our mood over nothing. If you want to drink, you CAN possibly be around us. That's all. Let's go," Nik looked at Jin who nodded earnestly as they turned to leave while June did wave her hand, "Don't keep us waiting, sweetheart!"

Azula scowled and sent them off with her gaze... before she followed them with her fists clenched...

She was only loitering about since she had nothing better to do and she ended up running into them. Of course... now her plan changed to get them drunk...

Soon... she would have Nik down on his knees. She would ravish Jin in front of him... and that perfect slut next to them... and only then she will have Nik, making him taste their sloppy juices all over her...

Wait, what was this sense of deja vu?


A cold gust waved by.

Must have been the wind.


"Hey, hey, didn't know this hole would have such a great spot to drink," June's smile couldn't be wider at this moment. There was nothing wrong with drinking in a public space but the cozy environment of the private rooms of the tavern that also worked as special drinking rooms just made things easier to 'transition' and with Nik finding out that their best room which came with a large bed, as the owner stated so enthusiastically, was within their range, they found themselves served with two giant kegs of cheap rum... or something vaguely similar... and Nik's personal stock of supreme Water Tribe wine that he was generously 'gifted' when they raided the castle under Hahn's control...

Of course, while Nik, June, and Jin began drinking on one keg placed in the center as they sat on the bed... Azula sat in the corner of the room, gloomily staring at them with a mug of her own but she had yet to touch her alcohol.

"If we did, we could have ended here the first time we met," Nik grinned and nodded. After all... the room came with a lock! That's saying something in this tavern.

"So... you guys really met that day for the first time?" Jin gasped while the duo confirmed it for the umpteenth time for her, making her silently drink and wonder... what kind of people just warm each other for the night after hours of meeting one another? Well... she could name what KIND does it like that but... still, she was trying to get into the pants of... one of them and hoping to get into everyone else's panties, too...

Then what would this make her?

Probably not too different than those she was currently drinking with.

"She came here to hunt down Poppy and Toph," Nik chimed.

"Hey, not hunt. Capture! Glad I didn't though. Don't tell Toph but unless I pull a fast one on her, she'll kick my ass."

"I won't," Jin nodded with an earnest smile.

"I will," Nik remarked nonchalantly as June scowled. josei

"Wait, that blind girl?" Azula questioned from afar.

"Sorry, but you gotta be this close to ask questions," June smirked, pulling Nik's collar and suddenly kissing her for a moment before pulling back.

Seeing them, and now with a healthy amount of alcohol lubing the notches of her courage, Jin couldn't help but want to try that, too... But again, she wasn't drunk enough. Meanwhile, Azula scowled, "I am! Now speak!"

"Hmm? We never kissed," Nik scoffed, "You and Mai did."

"Wow... what?" June gasped while Jin's lips parted in shock.

Exactly! What?!

Grinding her teeth, Azula retorted, "You... Don't make me say it."

Yet, giving Azula a sidelong glance, Nik recalled what he did there and took a deep gulp from his mug. All he did was... help Mai capture her... fuck Mai, teach Mai a little on how to dominate, and probably grope Azula's butt... not probably but surely. Wasn't the worst thing, Nik realized, based on his experience.

"Do your worst." Nik's sincere, almost encouraging response made Azula strung harder than before. She should not have accepted the so-called invitation now that she realized that all this was just some excuse to get drunk and sleep around... but surely, they would be out of their wits not long after. That's when she would strike.

Nik seemed pivotal to his group so if Azula wanted to assimilate them, she would have to start with him. Seeing how he went through the mugs of cheap drink, Azula waited. She took a sip when he drank an entire mug. Zuko would be out of commission after 9 mugs at best... Nik was already down 4. Soon...

Meanwhile, Azula grew silent again while Nik and others didn't disturb her. If things do get hot and heavy, they'd just kick her out.

Yet, Azula's heart clenched as she found Jin dwindling the quickest, "Well... why don't you tell me the reason why all of them are into you... and don't lie!" She remarked with a solemn expression. Her body leaned forward as she spoke, almost tipping on Nik while her olive-green eyes grew mesmerizing in hazy intoxication.

"These are tales of bravery," Nik flamed his own tales without a hint of shame, "The kind that rescues princesses!"

"Hmph," Azula snorted, suppressing her itch to pull Jin away from him. Their faces were too close and June muttered, too, "I'm also interested in what happened to you in the North. I tried asking others but they said only Mai was there with you and... you know how she is."

"Sure, then Jin, tell me... do you believe in spirits?"

Nik looked at Jin, holding her wrist that held a mug and stopped her from drinking and making her gaze into his eyes.

"Spirits?" Jin didn't struggle. His hold wasn't painful, after all. Instead, she looked into his violet eyes, imagining how he would save her, too, if the coming tales of bravery have a shred of truth in them.

"There are no such things as spirits," Azula retorted mutedly but much to her chagrin, Nik and Jin didn't even look in her direction or acknowledge her words as Nik, still lost in Jin's eyes, whispered, "Spirits can be strong or weak. Merry or gloomy. Dangerous and friendly. Jin, I was struck by a spirit. Ambushed in the snowy glacial of the Northern Water Tribe."

His other hand grazed on Jin's left calf as her breath hitched. His hand stopped over her left knee, "It took my knee. Named Koh, the Spirit could steal faces."

He let go of Jin's wrist, his tone captivating as he brought his hand to Jin's face. Stroking her cheek gently until he held her chin betwixt his thumb and curled index, he seemingly pulled Jin closer who had forgotten all about the mug of drink in her hand, "Koh preyed on anything it found beautiful. Anger... hatred, lust, happiness. But it found beautiful faces, like yours..." leaning forward, he whispered in a hush against her ear, "The most enticing."

A soft whimper escaped Jin's lips. Not minding the obvious thing Nik was doing, June leaned forward. She was interested in the topic of spirits now that she was cursed by one temporarily and Nik certainly... had a dramatic flair for his storytelling.

"Exactly," Nik smiled, not minding Jin's unconscious whimper, and leaned back. He continued solemnly.

"It was a battle too terrible, the kind I barely escaped alive."

'Should have stayed dead,' Azula snarled internally.

"But even with a knee crushed and left crippled... I couldn't stop. The Northern Water Tribe needed me," Nik peered deep into Jin's eyes, "Yue needed me. We hadn't met yet, but she was the princess of the tribe then. Out meeting was already fated."

Nik felt Mokshi inside of him 'curl' since it represented everything BUT fate.

"A princess?" Nik's words startled the trio. That Yue was a princess?

"A Princess in the hands of the man capable of everything vile. The Chieftain of the tribe then... Yue's husband, was a traitorous scum that betrayed his tribe and allowed the Fire Nation to invade during the war. I single-handedly defeated the man. He was mighty..."

'Pathetic,' he added internally as Hahn truly was reduced to a mighty pathetic state even if he was lying to some extent.

"Then what?" Jin inquired. Her eyes practically glowing. "I saved her. Won the subsequent battle and freed the Northern Tribe. Jin... you should see the tribe. It is so... breathtaking," Nik smiled and brushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear, making the girl blush heavily, "Yue isn't alone... I have such tales for everyone around me be it Suki or even Poppy."

"I would love to share them with you eventually," Nik continued, his fingers grazing her jaw as Jin leaned forward for his touch while squinting her eyes in comfort, his voice remained the only thing she wanted to hear right now, "But... I wouldn't have been able to save them if they did not desire so in the first place."

His thumb slowly traced down. His warm grasp on her neck and close to her collarbone as his fingers slid into the collars of her kimono robe.

"Hmm... I want to hear them," Jin cooed, forgetting about everyone around her. Oh, she didn't care at this point simply.

June had a dastardly smirk on her full lips while Azula shuddered in... what looked like rage.

Seeing Jin leaning forward, her eyes closed and her lips puckered up in an inviting pout as her kimono threatened to slip from one side of her shoulder and revealed her healthy wheaty complex, Nik didn't find any reason not to save this beauty from the shackles of her evil partner... who was right beside them.

She waited only for a second, Jin, that is. That second was enough to make her heart almost explode in nervousness while thinking if Nik would accept her or not. She was ready to share him. Maybe that's why he wanted her to look? To make her realize just how easily he would break her otherwise without the constant support from others. Just how easily he would turn her into a moaning harlot with her—

Jin's lurid fantasies fell short as Nik tenderly kissed her. Their breathing exhaled at once, their drunken taste exactly not the best but when he set his hand on one side of her cheeks, possessively, and how his other hand was on her waist that soon slid over her needy ass, Jin melted into his arms. Her hands grew hasty as her nails found it the most pleasing to scratch against his tunic and broad, well-built pecs.

"Jin! That is enough!" Azula couldn't keep it in any longer!

Seeing her so... ripe in his arms, so... excited under his ministrations, Azula felt her venomous envy pump through her veins as she threw the mug in her hands away, smashing it into the wall, and stormed towards the couple making out without acknowledging her... AGAIN!

Before her hands could separate the two, Nik pulled back on his own accord.

Jin exhaled hotly, opening her eyes with a wide grin on her lips. "That was amazing... Azula? You're still here?"

Jin looked at Azula weirdly. She didn't have the heart to focus on everything bad that had happened to her since something so good was right in front of her. So, she did find it weird why Azula would stick around until now.

"Uh, bugger! Drama," June pouted, taking a full gulp from her mug as Nik shot her a glance, "You're the one who invited her!"

"Shut it! You are leaving with me. Now!" Azula's stern tone left no room for argument but life rarely left room for imagination as unlike Azula's expectations, Jin refused directly.

"No. If it's too hard for you to see a peasant fodder like me interacting with others... you should leave. Besides, weren't you all too excited for giving Zuko your blessings? This shouldn't be too hard to ignore."

Nik and June glanced at other for a second. It wasn't hard to notice the glint of approval in each other's gazes as Azula thinned her lips in displeasure.

"Jin... you would rather be some unknown harlot in his depraved group than reconcile with me?!" While Azula's tone was as harsh as it comes... the look in her eyes was just so easy to decipher as she all but cried at this point.

Jin pursed her lips. It would be wrong to say she wasn't swayed. Not by Azula's words, of course. Azula always lies. Jin had to always look for the truth between her words just like now... but her expression... the sheer need in Azula's eyes for herself... pulled back some happier recollections as rare as they may be.

But it was just too hard and trying to be with Azula. For once, Jin wanted to not bear the pressure in a relationship... to relax. And Nik presented factors so much more than relaxation.

As hard as it was for her at this moment alone, Jin almost found it impossible to hold Azula's gaze... to shoulder her intense emotions but if she didn't do this then Jin felt that she really may just be a peasant fodder. So, looking Azula in the eye, Jin shook her head, "I can't be with you, Azula... sorry. Even if we forget what happened a few nights back... something else—"

"It won't," Azula had trouble bottling her emotions at this point. Letting things go wasn't her strongest suit much less letting someone go. Her promise was sincere as she forgot all about keeping up with the pretenses. Screw Zuko. She would have Jin all for herself and if she desires any man, Azula would bring him to his knees in front of Jin and let her handle the situation.

Jin's lips quivered. It was getting harder and harder by the second. A moment's hesitation now bore into her being with the weight of a mountain as Jin's watery eyes threatened to tear up.

"Azula... please," Jin whispered, "We both know it will."

"It. Won't." Azula punctuated each word with great emphasis. Her hand tried to reach forward and grab hold of Jin as the olive-eyed beauty leaned back slightly, causing Azula's arm to freeze in its location.

Seeing this, Nik couldn't help but look at the two of them.

It would be so damn easy to just... get both of them on the mattress. June's encouraging gaze only served to motivate all of Nik's illicit desires that he had begun to cultivate ever since he had a second chance at life.

Just a nudge is all it would take.

Just a sense of comfort to melt the most brittle stances the two women in front of him had gotten themselves into.

He had a choice right now.

To adopt a morally high ground and let Azula and Jin sort out their relationship. Again, he had full confidence in his shot with Jin either way.

Or, he could sink into the chaotic mess and make the most of it. Again, he was connected with the offspring of order and chaos... and it wouldn't be his first rodeo.

Yet the answer was equally simple.

Did he consider moral highways when helping Mai tame Azula to some extent?

With a ghost of a smirk touching his lips at this moment, Nik suddenly pulled Jin from the somber environment and kissed her deeply, muffling her yelp in the process as she soon forgot about every dilemma she had a few seconds ago. But... Nik looked past Jin who closed her eyes in pleasure.

His gaze was as challenging and smug as it could be, and his hand beckoned Azula with a middle finger of his... it was clear. He was out to decimate her in front of her.

Azula was stunned for a second but then she growled. The challenge was simply too open to not be perceived.

Someone like Zuko may use their martial prowess but Azula realized that the only way she had to snatch Jin back from the Devil's grasp was by stepping into HIS battlefield.

To make Jin realize just how compatible they are with one another instead of Nik.

As Azula snarled, pouncing on the mattress, June grinned.

"Booze and fuck! Who said I stopped being a bounty hunter?" She cackled as she realized just how similar her life still was and happily exclaimed before downing the entire mug. It was clear to her that Jin and Azula didn't think much of her and oh, she planned to change that tonight!


Shoutout to Aiden, Krawn, and Nitorxs!!

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