Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 183

Chapter 183: The Tour (1)



Azula's body froze as she felt the pair of hands resting around her waist while the hot exhales tickled her ear.

"I have some things to settle with him," Azula replied deadpan. Fizzling out the flames, she pulled Jin's arms away and turned around to face Nik standing by the hinges of the door and scoffed, "How dare you disregard me?"

Instead of anger, Azula questioned solemnly. She truly was irritated but deep down, she also knew that 'fighting' was only a threat. She wanted some answers. She had successfully moved on from Jin... a bit, so Azula knew she could move on from this situation, too. As for last night... it was merely a drunken affair. She doesn't catch feelings.

"What would you have me say in front of Zuko instead?" Nik shrugged, "That I care for you because I slept with you and Jin? He's already out for a pound of my flesh by the thought of Jin and I together... kind of troubles me what he would do if he finds out about last night."

After all, Zuko wasn't alone. He did have a considerable force at his beck and call.

Azula's frown, however, hardened while Jin moved towards Nik and settled with his arms around his waist.

"Does she know?" Azula questioned.

"It's not my place to tell her," Nik replied.

"Jin, your little boyfriend is scared of Zuko because he is the Blue Devil. So am I," Azula smiled and focused on Jin who frowned.

When it was revealed to Jin that Azula and Zuko were the children of the Phoenix King, it was easier to adapt because Jin simply couldn't comprehend the implications behind such a revelation and how important an heir is to a ruler... but now, she paled visibly.

Blue Devil was the synonym of rebellion and was quite famous around these parts of the land and to think...

Jin looked at Azula, not knowing what to say at this moment. josei

"It seems you both are a match," Azula smirked, "A terrified peasant for a scared little boy. What can you hope to accomplish without me and Zuko, Nik? Your ragged bunch is subpar, at most. And we have an army!" She took a step forward, "And I suppose only a weak man like you would try and take advantage of a woman alone—"

"Alright, now that is stupid," Nik sighed, "I don't consider you a woman at all... well, not in the way you are establishing now. Blue flames? That is some serious firepower," He frowned, "And if you take your head out of your ass, you would have understood what I meant."

Before Azula could retort, Nik continued, "Can you guarantee Zuko wouldn't have exploded right then and there should he have gotten the slightest inkling of something going on between us?"

Azula fell silent while even Jin looked complicated for a moment.

"And if he does have a meltdown, can you guarantee your mother won't know about your positions sooner or later? Of your family, I have yet to meet your father but I can say I have a good rapport with Iroh and Ursa. Your brother? Not so much. He hates my guts for something he did because of you!" Nik asserted and growled, "And you," his gaze bore into Azula as the nearest lamp within the house glowed up with a peal of flame bursting within, "If you think I would not push you down just because you command an army then you are seriously mistaken and out of your depths. Your brother may be scary to others, but in reality, he is an inconvenience at best."

Azula shuddered in anger as she clenched her fist and hissed, "Excuses! Just fucking admit that you like Jin more so I can melt both of you!"

Nik and Jin blinked.

What's with the sudden threat?

"No, Jin understands. I like her a lot... but there are many more." He remarked seriously and added, "And the fact you think I would seriously disregard you, even now, baffles me."

Jin shook her head slightly as she viewed Azula's confused expression.

Meanwhile, Nik was quite confused himself. How did Azula reach the level of blue flames? If it really depended on intention and the mentality of the user then she... was a mess. Did he need to have many complexes— Nah, he shouldn't open the pandora's box.

"What... do you mean?" Azula stuttered, her momentum falling weak as Nik held Jin tighter and kissed the top of her head, "You have a lovely home, and I also said I would reveal where I and others live... so that you can decide. You wouldn't mind if I bring Azula along, too, right?"

Jin shook her head, smiling, "Of course, not. Although... if we do live together, I want a room next to hers so I can hear her go down weakly every night."

Nik chuckled at this while Azula growled, "Don't ignore me!"

"Oh, spirits! Nobody is ignoring you just because we aren't talking to you for a moment!" Jin scowled and Azula scoffed at this. It would seem she needed to make Jin realize how to address royalties... but all in due time. The Princess had her piercing golden eyes gazing into Nik's violet orbs as he shrugged, "Let me be clear, if you do decide to see this place... I will exact your loyalty tonight."

He didn't have to say anything else as he waited for Azula.

"What kind of place is it?" Azula inquires.

"Won't say," Nik smiled.

"So, you expect me to trust you out of nowhere?" Azula crossed her arms.

"Make up your mind," he shrugged.

Azula grew silent and then questioned again, "Does this have something to do with your ability to make things appear and disappear?"

" Yes."

"I have never heard of an Avatar doing that before."

"Now you do."

Azula gritted her teeth. It was hard getting answers from him and even harder trusting him. While he looked almost defenseless... he wasn't easy to get manipulated and his prowess with just firebending was admirable. But looking at his status... no, he isn't some mere peasant now, is he? But Azula quickly killed that divergence. How long did she want to delude herself? As Nik said... she had to make up her own mind.

"What would happen if I disagree?" She finally questioned, "After seeing your secret, I mean."

Nik had no witty replies this time. Sure, with Mai's help... he could truly 'exact' loyalty from Azula, or at least, some kind of it but...

"Why would anything happen to you if you disagree? I am the one who invited you. I am going to be just fine shouldering the consequences of my actions," Nik remarked, 'Even if I have to make some tactical retreat.' He added internally.

Azula frowned harder, feeling quite bothered. She didn't know what kind of place she might end up in.

"And you have no intention of using the rebels for your objectives?" She inquired.

"None whatsoever," Nik kept it concise, fearing that he might inadvertently insult the rebels since it was simply so easy to do so.

"... fine," Azula clenched her jaws and walked toward him.

"Your hand," Nik stretched his right hand towards her as Azula scoffed, "This doesn't mean anything."

"Of course," Nik smiled, "But last night you moaning crazily under June did, right?"


Before Azula could retort, the trio disappeared from Jin's house.


It was a wondrous sight. A slightly illuminated night sky without a single twinkle of a star or the glow of the moon under which was a grove of mango trees that were lush and full. So ripe that Azula and Jin could practically taste the sweet juice it held under its peel.

They were... somewhere strange, that's for sure.

"Right, let's start the tour," Nik smiled but Azula interjected, "Where are we?"

"The honest answer would be inside of me... but that would mean I am also inside myself which doesn't make any sense."

"Stop playing," Azula frowned, "How did you do this?!"

"I didn't even feel anything," Jin muttered as she touched one of the trees and plucked one of the many low-hanging fruits. Understanding their confusion and with the motive to make them more comfortable just for the sake of not being a total cryptic bitch, Nik sighed and leaned against one of the trees as he looked at Azula and Jin, "How else can I explain this? I moved you from one place to another and this place is just close to me physically. There is no point in questioning how. Even I am not sure," he then pointed at the mangoes, "And those are as sweet as they look. Have a taste, you guys will enjoy it."

"Like hell, I will eat something from a stranger!" Azula snorted while Jin hummed thoughtfully as she looked at the mango in her hands, "Do I need to wash them?"

"Here, let me show you," Nik walked toward her and took the mango from her hand.

"You bite the lower tip of the mango like this," he bit the tip slightly and chewed on it. Of course, that is not recommended in any way... but why waste even the slightest bit?

Spitting the chewed-up peel, Nik licked his lips and brought the mango closer to his lips. "And then, you thank your fortunes before sucking on it hard."


Jin and Azula were left stunned as Nik sucked on the mango. A soft, squishing sound filled their senses as the mango visibly deflated in his hands and a thin trail of juice sputtered out from the corner of his lips.

Done, Nik realized what he had done and quickly plucked another fresh mango, "Ah, sorry about that. They are just too tasty," he chuckled and created a small pit before tossing the peel and the seed within. But still, the duo gulped.

"Are you supposed to suck it all in one go?" Jin finally inquired as she nibbled the top off and began sucking on the fruit, her eyes squinting at the sweetness bursting and melting into her mouth.

"I never thought a place without a moon and stars exists," Azula wondered out loud. She sighed and was slightly annoyed at the increasingly louder slurping noise behind her. Turning on her heels, she reprimanded, "Jin, have you lost manners on eating a— What the hell are the two of you doing?!"

Azula shouted as she found Jin happily cornered against one of the trees with Nik towering over her. One of his hands rested beside her head on the trunk of the tree while the other one held the half suckled mango as Nik and Jin made out. Her arms swayed towards Azula, gesturing for her to knock it off as if an annoying fly, and further lowered her hands onto Nik's butt, pulling him closer and having him rub his semi-erect destroyer she'd been impaled on yesterday.

"This is the part of the tour," Nik huffed as he pulled back, a string of viscous liquid mixed with their spit and the mango's juice bridged their lips. Wiping it away, Nik smiled and handed Jin her mango back, "Welcome to this space, Jin... there are other procedures we must adhere to. I hope you won't mind it." While his words sounded formal, his dastardly smirk alongside the fact he sensually grazed his thumb against Jin's lips made things all too clear as she blushed a little, "Ehm... for proper procedures... after all, I don't want you to treat me different than others." Jin smiled and nodded.

As they walked, Nik led Jin towards Azula who froze for a second, expecting such a juicy violation of her own royal lips and not playing coy at all this time and fully of the mind to 'exact' Azula's loyalty and maybe then later try to learn more about blue flames, Nik held her chin and pressed his lips into Azula's. Her hands opened and balled back as if confused about how to reach even after anticipating such an action. She closed her eyes soon as Nik's tongue snuck in while Jin gave her a knowing, almost mocking smirk.

Truly... Jin has been getting on her nerves increasingly!

Yet, once Nik was done, he whispered into her ear, "You won't be able to go back unless I wish for it... so be a proper princess, yes? And when we're done, like yesterday, you'll only feel happier come next morning."

Oh, her mind buzzed and she still didn't know how to react but as if having a mind of its own, her body down there squeezed against her dampening royally slutty quim while a low, unconscious whimper escaped her lips.

"Good start," Nik smirked, rewarding the effort by pecking her submissive lips once again.

"Right!" Nik pulled back, "We have a lot of areas to cover and fuck in— ehm, I mean, commit some procedures in. Let's go!"

Of course, Nik wanted the two to get as familiar with this world as others back at the mansion, and keeping the mansion as the last location where they would eventually rest, Nik began to give them a tour of the regions around the structure.


Shoutout to Time Long Gone!!

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