Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Shifting Gears

Suki, Katara, and Meng made their way to Wu's mansion in a flurry, avoiding the waterbenders getting to know the villagers and their temporary kindness, relieving themselves by changing into warmer clothes, eating, and drinking without their diet being measured.

"Aunt Wu," Meng hurriedly slid open the main doors to Wu's room where she attended to others' questions and doubts only to find Nik, Wu, and an old woman sitting down with small earthen cups filled with refreshing and steaming light green-colored tea.

Nik and others turned to look at the newcomers only for him to wave at Katara and Suki, "Hey... so I did a little more than scouting."

The explanation, though quick, left much to be desired as it could be seen from Katara's and Suki's expression— the very embodiment of discontent. They might not have worried over Nik for a scouting mission but to take down guards? Rescuing prisoners not to mention almost getting caught in the middle of an all-out battle between two bending parties... Nik's ability did surprise the duo but they felt that even he would be hard-pressed just to survive the worst-case scenario.

"How could you?" Suki was the first to have a go and she did with blazing and rightful indignation, "Do you have any idea how reckless it was?"

"More reckless than—"

"Don't talk back when you clearly tried to chew more than your bite!" Suki snapped a growl causing Nik to stop and stare at her for a minute. Her blue eyes were still full of rage despite the burdening silence with only the sound of their breathing escaping.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," Nik stated candidly.

"You should also be sorry for doing things like these without any plan," Wu interjected.

"I couldn't care less," Nik looked at her with a cold stare, "I don't know you, Wu. Not well enough to have been thrown into that Fog of Lost Soul based on cryptic messages and if Hama and other waterbenders fought Hara and his team... I still wouldn't care. I rescued them, that's the limits of my concern and...

them," Nik gestured with his thumb towards Suki and Katara before turning to them once again.

"I mean it... I let myself go out of control just because I could take them out. I will try so that it never happens again."

Suki pursed her lips and crossed her arms. Still keeping her silence, she continued to stare at Nik for a good while causing him to finally feel a little weird. As much as he boasts about understanding signals from the other gender, this stare was new for him. It was a bit concerning... but exciting, too.

"What?" Nik finally questioned.

"Is that all you have to say?" Suki questioned.

'I mean... I made a mistake. I promptly apologized and promised to keep this from happening in the future to the best of my abilities... what else is needed to be done?' Nik tilted his head in confusion while scooching a bit closer to Suki. His hand held her shoulder as he stated with a slightly complicated smile, "No, of course not."

While he didn't know what to say in this kind of situation since for him, punishment usually followed after a mistake, he also couldn't let his past recollections affect his current lifestyle as he leaned forward, not minding the looks on them to gently peck her lips, while repeating, "Sorry—"

"I mean," Suki pulled Nik back, kissing him deeper with her arms hugging him tightly as she closed her eyes. Their lips remained pressed together only until Suki deemed it enough sugar for now and let go, continuing in a short gasp, "Don't do crazy things alone... at least, have me by your side."

Nik blinked and nodded, his smile turning more natural, too.

A curious voice finally cut in and attracted the attention of others as Hama seemed to be gazing at the slightly blushing and awkward Katara with a frown, "Why do you have Kanna's betrothal necklace?"

"How do you know Gran-Gran?" Katara broke out of the flurry of emotions she felt seeing Nik and Suki this intimate and frowned, too. Her fingers traced her blue choker with a beautiful pendant fixated on it as she gave Hama a wary glance.

"Gran-Gran?" Hama didn't reply but muttered under her breath. She continued that for several seconds before a piercing cackle started to escape her lips.

"People!" Wu interjected this time. She was a bit irritated, too. Not only would she be the one asked to deal with the situation by the villagers, but she was also a bit annoyed by how Nik suddenly began to treat her and the situation he had managed to create out of sheer luck, "Relationships can be understood out of this room. Apologies for being rude to rush you all but I have more arrangements to fulfill. Hama, as I answered your question prior to being sidetracked— destiny is never fixed. You were never meant to leave the prison but you did and things have changed again.

Now, I must leave if none of you have any other question."

"Um, Aunt Wu..." Katara picked on meekly.

"Sigh... what, Katara?" Wu looked at the brunette.

"Can I eat any other fruit except Papaya?"

"No," Wu stated before standing up and retreating as she left Katara momentarily distraught.

"Great..." Katara pouted before turning to Hama, "Miss..."

"Oh, Yoki says she doesn't deserve that level of respect," Nik interjected, "Just call her Hama."

"Just because you lack respect and patience— virtues of a great bender— doesn't mean that others need to follow the suit!" Hama scoffed.

"Is what you did to Yoki the inclusion to these great virtues?" Nik narrowed his eyes.

"Definitely. To be able to master an element to such a degree requires innovation and patience to deal with the underlying issues. You have much to learn, boy," Hama then turned to Katara, "My name is Hama, young one. I'm from the Southern Water Tribe, the same village as Kanna before I was captured during the war. That betrothal necklace used to be around her neck."

'It's a choker though,' Nik added internally.

"Wait... Katara, you're engaged?" Suki gasped, wide-eyed, "You didn't tell me that but continued to ask me about Nik instead?"

"I'm not engaged! I'm a..." Katara's voice was stuck in her throat as she turned to look at Nik with a furious blush, "What are you still doing here?" She snapped, "Didn't you do something wrong? Go, repent."

"Repentance comes naught from the act but the heart itself," Nik replied calmly, causing Hama to nod, "Well said."

"I didn't know you were such a great speaker," Suki, too, fawned slightly, feeling a lot better after that kiss.

"Ugh," Katara rolled her eyes, "Point is, I'm not engaged. This was my mother's necklace..." she added softly and then looked at Hama with a bitter expression the old woman was all too aware of.

The expression of loss.

"Um... Gran-Gran and Mom passed away. This is the only thing I have that I can remember her by," Katara smiled weakly as Hama fell silent.

"I did always say the best of us would also be the first to leave," Hama sighed softly before smiling, her wrinkles crippling together as she added, "We leave tomorrow, I hope you're prepared for your waterbending lessons."

Hama slowly stood up and walked out of the room, giving the young group or privacy so either Nik could be torn into a new one or he could explain the situation clearly.

"Tomorrow?" Katara instantly frowned.

"The news of the prisoners escaping will be posted to Admiral Zhao according to the warden of the prison so staying here will only make us their targets and Yoki says that the Northern Water Tribe needs their assistance... because of something Wu said," Nik explained softly.

"What about Sokka?" Katara replied stubbornly, "I'm not leaving without him!"

"It's alright," Nik sighed softly, "I'll tell Hama that we'd be staying here."

"Don't you two want to learn more about waterbending?" Suki interjected at this moment, "You might not have this opportunity ever again."

"We've been separated long enough... I just feel that—"

"Hey," Nik chuckled, "We can learn waterbending from each other well enough. We also decided to meet with the group here, albeit, in a better situation so if you don't want to leave, we won't either. I mean... not to speak for Suki or anything."

"Oh, please," Suki scoffed.

"... Really? It's entirely up to me?" Katara looked at the couple and they nodded.

"Well, Nik doesn't get to have an opinion for the time being," Suki then added, causing Katara to finally smile a little.

"Hmm... let me go out and clear my head."

"Oh, have you seen Sun? I want to make the prison... you know, disappear, so that it cannot be used again but I think I will need an earthbender to help me through," Nik stood up alongside Katara as she shook her head.

"Um... he's probably at the top of Makapu mountain," A buzz-like voice spoke up at this time, causing the trio to look towards the entrance as it slid open with a shy Meng coughing, "I'm sorry... I just heard Katara speaking a bit louder and got curious."

"How did you know Sun is at the top of that mountain? Were you eavesdropping on him, too?" Nik smiled as Meng blushed further, shaking her head excitedly before quickly shutting the door.

"Well, you two can go clear your head. I will be looking around," Suki sighed and then groaned with a yawn, "After a nap, maybe."


Far away from Makapu Village, one can view a small caravan making its way through the thicket. The people of the caravan talked amongst themselves loudly as the evening sun began to set in.

A campfire was raised and food was quickly cooked for the passengers as the group grew even rowdier.

Amongst the slightly well-off men and women, children and elderly, was a gloomy figure draped in a dark grey hooded robe that hid the wearer completely except for the slightly fairer chin, and a set of thin but delicate lips that suggested to the individual's more caring bringing. Still, many kept their distance from this individual.


A sharp whistle tore through the happy atmosphere at this point. An arrow coldly pierced through the hand of a lecherous middle-aged man who was about to grope a suspiciously younger woman beside him with a reluctant expression.

"Aaaahhhhh!" The man screamed instantly but his voice was drowned by the shouts of figures walking out from the darker shadows of the evening forest.

"Who are you?"

The driver asked hastily while the middle-aged man rolled on the ground, a sharp bamboo arrow sticking out from the back of his hand.

Replying to the driver was a female voice that finally walked out with a young man wearing a conical straw hat. A bow in his hand— the shot who got the sobbing man.

"We are Freedom Fighters. Of course, we are here to free you from your illicit wealth."

The masked figure replied while unsheathing a dagger from her waist.



A series of sharp whistles yet again filled the surroundings as small knives accurately caught the edges of the clothes of many members of the Freedom Fighters and had them lodged against the surrounding tree. Cold sweat broke out from many individuals since it would have only taken a small readjustment to the path of knives to have them stick out their throats.

"Who the hell are you?" Jet shouted instantly while the archer next to her didn't wait for a reply and shot an arrow in the direction of the hooded individual who threw out these knives.

Slightly tilting its head, the figure let the arrow tear through the side of her hood as it was pushed back, revealing the face of a young and fair-skinned woman with her dark hair tied into two small buns from above and the rest of it flowed down.

It was Mai. She stared at the archer for a moment before a small smile finally touched her lips.

"I was tired and bored... I'm not now."


"Achoo! Snrrrk!" Tom-Tom rubbed his nose and wiped off the oozing snot before just sticking his finger up. The sharp momentum of flight took care of the rest.

"Did you just fling your booger from the sky?" Sokka instantly called out while Appa gave a low growl.

"Hey, I didn't say anything when you farted out in the wind!" Tom retorted.

"He has got you there, young man," Pakku who sat beside the duo with his legs crossed, his whitened hair flowing back to the wind, commented casually.

"Tch," Sokka clicked his tongue, "Well... is it wrong to let the whole world breathe in my fart?" He muttered under this breath while Aang shook his head, "That was... offensive to my entire culture, Sokka."


"Fart bomb is a great and innovative airbending technique!" Aang shocked everyone, "Not completely effective, but it is said that in some situations, this technique is the best way to deal with adversaries."

"Focus!" Pakku suddenly stated sternly as the small ball of water in front of Aang almost blew away with the wind. The Avatar sweated and fell silent once again.

Pakku had been teaching the group in various ways. While Aang took in waterbending, Sokka learned how to use his spear well from Pakku who claimed to have some knowledge in the art of spear while freezing a stick of water. Meanwhile, Pakku would also assist Tom-Tom with his needle and knife throwing.

Of the three, Pakku categorized Tom-Tom the deadliest for now and since this art was new to him, the old and the young actually practiced together, getting their aims better by the day. Of course, Pakku was limited by his aging eyesight but Tom-Tom had started to show his worth in the area.

"Man, just two days away from Makakapupu Village!" Sokka sighed with a relaxed smile, "Can't wait to meet Katara and rub it in that we found the waterbending master before her."

"It's Makapu Village," Tom corrected.

"Yeah, yeah," Sokka waved his hand.

"Aang, we will rest for now. It's already evening," Pakku called out and Aang nodded, "Yes, Master Pakku."


Quite a bit far from Omashu traveled a large group of battle-hardened men in red armor alongside armored vehicles that produced dark steam constantly as it seem to make the setting sun gloomier.

"Ah, Zhao, here. This is my cup of special Jasmine Tea. Can you guess that special ingredient?" Zhao had recovered quite a bit. He sat on the open carriage pulled by a Komodo Rhino and was in the middle of the procession.

He glanced at the two cups of tea with an obviously enticing scent and then looked up at the slightly 'healthier' old man with a calming smile but Zhao now knew well to not underestimate seemingly non-threatening individuals.

"No, Fire Lord Iroh," Zhao stated respectfully.

"I insist, Admiral. Take a sip. You're not with my younger brother, so, you can take off a bit of burden from those tense shoulders," The man in front of Zhao— Iroh— only had a neat and long beard with a narrow end for his facial hair. His white hair tied at the end of his receding hairline in a small, turning bun with a golden flame-shaped headpiece settled on top of the fold of his hair. The old, but clearly more than generously proportioned man wore an ornate red robe with golden markings that made him look regal, as befitting his title.

The Fire Lord.

"As you wish, my lord," Zhao nodded, picking up the cup and taking a small sip.

"How is it?" Iroh inquired with a genuinely excited face, "Can you guess the secret ingredient?"

"With all due respect, Fire Lord... why did you not attack Omashu? Returning the sovereignty to King Bumi is a terrible mistake. He had all of us fooled when in reality, getting crippled has only increased his bending techniques!"

Iroh didn't reply. Instead, he sighed and calmly took a sip from his cup before letting out a satisfied smile, "Admiral Zhao, taking free will through conquering land is different from taking the will of mind."

His words caused Zhao to gulp as the temperature around him was steadily rising.

"I am not aware what the Phoenix King has hidden but... it is his right. The ruler of all can do as he sees fit, right?" Iroh shook his head, "And as for Omashu. Admiral, you must have patience. It's a key ingredient in situations that are placed in front of you yet so far away. What do you think my brother's priority will be now that Avatar is back?"

Zhao's eyes widened momentarily and he took another sip from his cup. He could tell that Iroh was probably more than furious by the things discovered in Omashu. It is only a matter of time before Iroh now uncovers everything, too. Before that happens, the Avatar needs to be caught!

"Lord! Admiral! A messenger hawk just arrived."

A scroll was passed to Iroh who only shrugged and handed it to Zhao, "Do read it loudly while I enjoy my tea."

Zhao nodded and began to read the letter. It described the escape of the prisoners of the water tribe from Makapu Village by the individuals that Zhao now knew to be the Avatar's help and yet, he felt a little scared as Iroh's glance in his direction was filled with cold, silent fury waiting to be unleashed.

"T-the Avatar must be in Makapu Village. We must reach there as soon as possible!" Zhao gritted his teeth, stating his opinion as Iroh shrugged again, "Good to see that I can depend on you Admiral. Of course, wake me up once it's dawn," he yawned before walking into the carriage, causing Zhao to sigh in relief as they instantly changed course.

"Two days! If we don't reach there in two days, you all will the wrath of the Phoenix King!" Zhao glowered his warning to his underlings, more than frustrated by how suppressed he felt under Iroh's scrutiny.


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