Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Avatar Diary— Rebellion Clause (2)

Shout-out to Joseph Bibb!

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"Stop this instant!" Zhao shouted, another flaming pillar unable to catch its mark as Mai was agile. More agile than Zhao would have expected from the daughter of a Mayor who had already lost his mental bearings but he knew well that no ordinary woman from nobility would go through intense training to make their aim this insane. It's all about the mentality and that is why Zhao also knew Mai wouldn't stop. Women like Mai don't stop at words.

'Fine then!' Zhao snorted internally. He took a skipped step in a crouched posture before bringing his hand together, creating a vortex of fire aiming in her direction while Zhao took to in her direction. His charge was swift but Mai noticed something.

Zhao was without his boots and with every step he took, a short burst of flames would propel him forward from his contact with the ground, making sure that he matched her in speed if not agility.

"You will answer for your treason," Zhao commented coldly, making a swipe with his elbow while Mai bent back, flicking a small knife as it almost went through Zhao's eyes if not for him hurriedly lowering his head, causing the blade to scratch past the corner of his eyes.

"Gah!" He growled, a blowtorch-like jet of flames shot out of his clenched fist and Zhao struck down.

Mai's eyes widened momentarily. Her position gave no space to dodge but she wasn't out of moves yet. Especially, not after having a warm-up with Firefighters that were sent packing soon enough. Her dedication in throwing knives led her to learn more combat techniques in the first place and clutching Zhao's hand that was about to make a burning hole in her shoulder, she slid through the gaps between his legs, making him flip around and stumble on his back.

"Ugh—" Zhao huffed, only now feeling the slight exhaustion brought by generating fire for so long but his words got stuck in his throat as he found Mai kneeling on one knee and holding a knife right in front of his left eyeball.

"You won't get away with this."

Zhao threatened finally.

"On the contrary," Mai whispered, "An Admiral defeated by a little girl... I would say that it is you who won't get away with this and most definitely lose your title."

"Listen to me," the color drained from Zhao's face as he pressed his dry lips together, "If you stop your actions now... I will forget that you tried to help the Avatar."

Mai's eyes twitched for a moment before her gaze turned a bit... drooping— impassive and uninterested.

"A settlement? How boring..."

"It is," A third voice surprised the two. Mai glanced to her side and Zhao looked in the same direction to find a Fire bender in his uniform gazing at Zhao with amusement.

"What do you want?" Mai questioned. If she was going to be attacked then the man wouldn't have simply introduced himself and given away the element of surprise unless he's an idiot.

"Um, miss, my name is Hara," the man smiled, "I came here once I listened to some commotion caused by your... meeting. Admiral said that you're here for the Avatar, right? Fire Lord Iroh explicitly ordered against the formation of a hunting party to search for the Avatar. You may go in that direction..."

"You're not lying?" Mai frowned.

"I don't know you... I wouldn't get anything from lying. Here, your knives and... needles," Hara stretched out his arm to hand Mai her ammunition that was spent on the battle temporarily and Zhao glared at Hara, "You fool!"

"I'm only following the Fire Lord's orders," Hara shrugged.

Mai finally stood up and took the knives from Hara's hand and nodded without a word. Pulling her hood back on, Mai began to walk in the stated direction under the stares of the villagers while Zhao slowly sat up. He was silent. Eerily so.


Zhao moved suddenly and kicked out, intending to catch Mai by surprise using a blast of fire only for him to get punched in the face that knocked him down out cold due to the sudden nature of this attack itself... ironically.

"The rumors were right... if you're willing to attack a woman behind her back after a defeat... you really did pull all kinds of crazy shit during the war," Hara rubbed his right wrist. His tone was scornful.

He then turned around and looked at the wary villagers before sighing softly and pulling the unconscious Zhao up.

"H-hey!" One of the men called out. The one who boasted himself to be immortal for the day, "Good job knocking this scum out!"

Hara simply nodded, knowing fully well that just one act wouldn't be enough to redeem him at all. But it was a start.


"So... you met this individual. Nik, right?" Iroh contemplated while questioning Wu who had raised her request in return for the information on the main reason why Iroh even agreed to take his procession now.

"Yes, he left a few days ago," Wu nodded, sipping on her cup of tea.

"And you say that despite being unable to predict anything about him, your guide suggests he be kept away from the Avatar no matter what even if it means taking his life."

"I would never recommend something this extreme if not for my guide stating that the Avatar's life may be in danger."

Iroh chuckled, "Even an Avatar's life will come to an end sooner or later. You fear something that hasn't occurred and will give up on your present for worrying about the matter. And..."

Iroh grew silent and closed his eyes. The next moment he opened them but now he saw a phantom of a giant figure with a horned, skull mask and a body made of branches and leaves. The hollow eyes of the skull lit up with blue, phantom flames. The figure silently stood behind Wu as she sipped on her tea again while looking peaceful.

"Wu, do you understand the difference between being intimate with the spirits and being spiritual?" Iroh questioned. His words stumped Wu and she blinked in surprise.

"I have given my life understanding fortune-telling and made a connection with the higher realm. I think I understand the difference very well."

"Higher realm?" Iroh questioned again. Rhetorically this time as he continued while patting his large belly, "Two sides of the same coin cannot have higher or lower between them. Anyway, I have another question," Iroh smiled as Wu seemed to be losing her smile ever so slightly.

"Do you believe that the tea gives insight into the personalities of the one who brews and prepares it? If you think about it, this line of thinking is quite similar to predicting an action based on an individual's behavior."

"I don't understand why this is relevant..." Wu narrowed her eyes.

Iroh picked his cup and sniffed the scent of the tea once again with a pleased smile, "Panda Lily. A rare herb. Good for the body. But, its effects are overbearing even if it means positive for the body. The taste is masked by Tropical Honey. A delight on its own but it makes such an interesting combination in this tea. Even if something is good for the body, it isn't necessarily someone likes without the coating of sweetness that makes it worth living in the first place."

"You think my actions are correct but I am overbearing with my request?" Wu questioned.

"No," Iroh shook his head, "I never said that I believed this study. I was just talking about the tea. As for the future... the Swamp Spirit of Connection that guides you and the threat to Avatar's life against someone unpredictable... all these things make you consider that I'm your solution."

"A war general who can be ruthless anytime." Wu reminded Iroh of his past.

"An old king who wants to find his lost relatives and make amends. That's my objective. Wu, destiny is one's belief. I believe it's my destiny to not interfere with the likes of the young Avatar but find my Sister-in-law. My nephew and niece, too..."

Iroh slowly stood up and Wu did, too.

"I can tell you their location! If you just—" Wu began when Iroh chuckled.

"Tell me or not, the journey will be the Panda Lily of my experience for the time being. But encountering surprising situations... I look forward to such a tropical honey. It has been enlightening, Wu. Great Spirit of Swamp."

Iroh bowed slightly towards Wu and the spirit behind her as Wu did the same yet the spirit didn't move at all.

Iroh soon left the room, leaving Wu to sit alone and digest the conversation she had with the Fire Lord.

"I was made to understand he would agree," Wu whispered but the image of the spirit behind her silently disappeared, not having any answers itself.

Meanwhile, Iroh found a worried Meng by the entrance of the mansion and he chuckled, "What could worry a girl with a smile as bright as yours?"

"Hmm? Ah! Please, Fire Lord, let me offer my personal gratitude to grace us—" Before Meng could continue, Iroh scratched his beard while interjecting, "Don't be so flustered, Meng. Is there anything I can help you with? I promise, I won't skip out any soldier to assist you."

Meng pursed her lips while fidgeting slightly.

"Um, it's nothing, Lord."

"Oh, fine. Then would you mind giving this old man a tour? Does this village have a tea shop?"

Meng's lips parted slightly at the friendliness of the supposed ruler of massacres.





Seeing the lava bubbles popping in the location where he was standing a few seconds ago, Sokka looked back at Sun with a slightly nervous look.

"Hey... budddyyy! Like I said, of course, I will answer your questions."

"We won't be bullied!" Tom-Tom hissed, causing everyone to break out in cold sweat once again as Sokka pulled Tom-Tom and closed his mouth with his hand, "Don't listen to him... he's rich. Was. He now lashes out at everyone."

"Sun, I'm telling the truth. Trust me," Aang spoke up.

"I don't buy it. You were stuck in ice for more than 100 years?" Sun scoffed while lowering his hands. The patch of lava cooled down alongside his actions, too.

"It's the truth," Sokka nodded, "I and Katara found him and a naked Nik in the middle of an iceberg. So, if you could tell us where they are, we will find them and leave."

"That ship has long sailed," Sun narrowed his eyes.

"Child, you do not want to know how this will end," Pakku narrowed his eyes.

"Listen, old man," Sun glared at him, "Their ship has long sailed. They aren't here. Now, it's my turn... what do you plan on doing?" Sun looked at Aang.


"Don't answer that!" Sokka spoke hurriedly, unwilling to have their plans exposed to a supposed fire nation soldier.

However, Sokka pursed his lips once matched with Sun's glare.

"What would you do with that information?" Aang questioned the youth as Sun grunted in response, "None of your business."

"It is my business what you do with the knowledge of my travel," Aang replied, "Please, Sun. We just want to find our friends."

"Well, I just want to not wake up every day feeling that it's going to be the day where I'm shoved out off the village but it looks like we're both not getting what we want."

"If it's like that, why not move on?" Sokka questioned.

"Like hell I will leave my home!" Sun snorted.

"Then stop complaining," Sokka shrugged, "Makes you look like a lavabender that can be whipped around easily."

"What did you say?"

"Sokka said that he will kick your ass!" Tom-Tom retorted.

"I made no such claims," Sokka glared at Tom-Tom and then sighed, "Look, dude. We were intimidated before but it's clear now that whatever happened here, even if not completely pleasant, has something to do with Katara, Suki, and Nik. Just tell us... and if you have any questions for us, we will answer everything later."

Sun clicked his tongue.


He finally began to describe everything. How he was sent to pick up Katara and Suki while Nik was there, too. This led to Sokka questioning Wu's integrity which led to a whole different conversation as to how he saved the village from the Volcanic eruption of Makapu Mountain and then how he was soon ostracized by the villagers, and taken in by the firebenders. His setting up of the prison, Nik's eventual rescue of the prisoners, and then the prison's disappearance before the group's departure.

"Huh... so Nik did it all alone. How about that," Sokka muttered, still dazed.

"Boy, you said something about Tui and La... is that true?"

"Granny Wu has never been wrong," Sun shrugged and Pakku's expression turned severe.

"Well, now it's my turn. What will you do now that you know where your friends are headed?" Sun questioned.

"Hah! We lied! We're never—" Before Sokka could even claim his proud tactic, Aang replied innocently.

"Of course, we're going to track down our friends and then free the Northern Tribe. I want to master all the four elements starting with water so this will also allow me plenty of experience in waterbending."

"Oh... you, sweet, arrowheaded stupid, bald—" Sokka rolled his eyes, groaning.

"Is that so?" A calm, impassive voice broke their conversation.

A dark figure walked out from the thicket and Tom-Tom's expression changed momentarily. Sokka gulped and took a step farther from the boy and so did Aang.

"Who are you?" Sun's body tensed.

"Whatever," Mai rolled her eyes at the youth and walked past everyone before stopping next to an Appa still sitting away from the group, quite afraid of Lava.

"What's the top speed of this thing?" Mai questioned while touching Appa's fur as Aang frowned, "Appa is not a thing."

"Hmm... so you say..." Mai muttered, "Well, complete your conversation and then we leave."

"But I don't want to go home!" Tom-Tom stomped his foot only to be judged by Mai's sidelong glance.

"Fine. But then, I get to fly, too," Mai narrowed her eyes, "And we won't be living like some peasants. I expect regular stops for refreshment and my gears back."

"If you think you can just waltz right here—" Sokka began only to be cut off by Pakku this time.


"What now? Jeez... can't even speak."

"She is his sister, right?" Pakku pointed at Tom-Tom and questioned.

"Yeah, so?" Sokka frowned.

Aang looked at him. So did Tom-Tom. Their gazes clearly meant something and only now did Sokka's lips twitched. Tom-Tom had revealed that the only reason he wanted to learn to throw knives was because of how great Mai was.

"Regular stops, you said?" Sokka looked at her again only to see her nod.

"Villages or Colonies?" Sokka inquired with a pleased smile plastered on his lips. josei

"Preferably cities."

Everyone rolled their eyes at her.

"There is something else," Sun hesitated.

"What?" Aang looked at the youth who eventually shook his head.

"No, nothing. Aang... I understand that you want to learn waterbending. But if you ever want to learn earthbending and Lavabending... you can come talk to me. Or, if you find a master, train me, too. I believe that if the villagers find out I'm chummy with the Avatar, they would give me less shit." Sun heaved a deep sigh.

"I mean... you did hold the prisoners. Even I would give you the stink eye," Sokka added and Sun hissed, "I never wanted that! Those were our orders!"

"Orders to hold my men and deprive them," Pakku narrowed his eyes.

"Take it up with the Phoenix King. I like Hara and others who helped me but I think Phoenix King isn't my kind of guy." Sun shrugged, "And, Nik made sure that the prison disappears."

Hearing the name, Mai's eyes twitched. Clearly, she had other objectives by joining the group aside from looking out for her brother.

"Sun... thank you for delivering their message," Aang bowed, "And I won't forget my promise to look you out when it's time to learn earthbending."

"Then I hope I didn't scare you all too much by threatening to end your lives with Lava," Sun bowed, too, "And you guys shouldn't stay here for long. The Fire Lord may try to attack you."

"The fire lord, huh..." Pakku traced his thin beard.

"You know him?" Mai questioned the old man.

"No. Do you?"

"Yes," Mai nodded plainly, causing Pakku's eyelids to twitch.

"And would you tell me how?"

"I'm not interested."

Mai shrugged.

"Oh, didn't Mom say that we were supposed to go back to the Fire Nation mainland with the Fire Lord?" Tom-Tom blinked but Mai could see the devil hidden behind the innocence.

"My gears," she demanded, causing his shoulders to slump.

"We should be leaving," Sokka groaned. If possible, he wouldn't want Mai on the trip at all.

'Maybe... I could dump her on Nik, too?' Sokka thought for a moment. He wouldn't deny that his life has been a bit enjoyable once there wasn't the constant need for refreshment and as such personal for the women during their travel.

The group didn't stay any longer and Sun, too, soon returned.


"Sun! You wouldn't believe what happened! Fire Lord just made tea for me!" Meng gushed the moment Sun returned to the mansion. Her words caused Sun to fall into a daze.

"Huh? Oh... tea by Fire Lord..." Sun muttered while Meng explained how Iroh seemingly won many villagers by his art of preparing tea. Heck, Iroh smoothened out the Villagers' resistance within a matter of hours by playing pai sho!

"Oh! Did you get to meet the Avatar?" Meng questioned and Sun nodded with a troubled expression.

"... Yeah, I did."

"Hey, what's wrong?" Meng questioned and Sun pursed his lips. He silently stared at Meng for a couple of seconds as she soon dodged his gaze.

"D-don't stare at me like that," she blushed slightly.

"I did meet the Avatar. His name is Aang... I also told him everything. Meng... he was younger than me," Sun stated softly, "But... even when I gave him Katara's message... I..."

"You... what?" Meng questioned, "Wait, let me guess. You didn't tell him about Aunt Wu's warning, didn't you?"

"How'd you know that?" Sun inquired with a surprised expression as Meng tilted her head with a gentle smile, "Aside from Aunt Wu's training. I know that talking with Nik and Katara helped you. They aren't bad people so you don't want to drive a wedge by saying that Aunt Wu predicted that Nik would harm the Avatar."

Sun nodded silently, "I'm sorry..."

"No, don't. Although Aunt Wu never said this to you... when she taught me, she once told me that our choices are part of a greater picture. So don't apologize for something you think isn't wrong."

"Wait a minute," Sun suddenly frowned, "How did you know I talked with Katara and Nik before they left? I never told you about it."

Meng blinked and smoothly pointed at her own face, "I predicted it, you dummy."

"Oh..." Sun wondered but he still felt suspicious nonetheless.

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