Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Duo-Solo (1)

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"Welcome back," Nik walked out of the multi-storied panel that led to residence below and the control station up ahead. Seeing him, Suki's lips instantly curved into a smile.

"It's been a week. You don't have to come to pick me up always," She retorted instead but was quick to reciprocate the hug. The tight squeeze of her back pulled away all the exhaustion that had accumulated over the day— both mental and physical. But the contact didn't last long as they pulled back. While Nik felt at peace by including looking out for Suki into his routine, he knew well enough that it wasn't out of sheer force of love or romanticism. This was simply an act of balancing his life for the time being he is in this world.

Not to mention the fact that instead of raw heat during their intimate moments, Nik strangely enjoyed warmer moments more. The former is something he looked forward to but the latter is what compelled him to just hug Suki every time she returns from her duty.

"I don't have to," Nik agreed, "But I like it."

He kept it simple. There wasn't any need for a long, drawn conversation about the philosophy of romance and tender feelings. Suki gave a short chuckle and pulled closer to him, "Well, as long as you don't mind the smell I bring from the prison."

"Oh, I do," Nik scoffed a short huff, "But that's only making me look forward to the night after you freshen up."

"Huh?" Suki squeaked, "You mean?!" Her eyes now wide while Nik pulled the innocently confused card over his expression, "Yes? Isn't it always a delight to feel clean after a stressful day?"

Suki looked away, a soft snort escaping her nostrils while her cheeks puffed up slightly. It was hard to measure her expressions when she wore her Kyoshi make-up but during such animated moments, it was easy to understand and tease the warrior. Not to mention the fact that now Nik could spare with her equally as she would wield her weapons and he would do the same in the form of waterbending.

"Of course, we also need to have a discussion on how you're going to include our training in your routine to keep up with your guard duties." Nik leaned down and whispered, "It might just take up the entire night so do notify your roommate."

Suki's heart thumped as her puffed cheeks deflated to her pursed lips fighting back an excited squeal and the blush that crept closer to her cheeks.

"As your trainer... it's my right to give you plenty of rest but I don't see why we cannot discuss the future of your training since you learn at a great pace," Suki recollected herself and spoke a little loudly. Not for them but others around her.

"Oho~ Making time for each other during the night, eh?" Of course, there were many who simply caught onto the true situation. Almost everyone was getting back at their feet and the refreshing freedom also brought back many feelings at a great surge causing plenty of waterbenders to hook up around the metal cruiser. A part of this reason was that they were the members of the past— before the Northern Water Tribe succumbed to the rule of the Phoenix King. This made them feel a bit excluded by now but also closer to each other instead of in the form of a tightly woven and hooked-up group.

"He's just enthusiastic about training," Suki replied, finding Rena sneaking behind them as the dark-skinned waterbender adopted a teasing smile, "Enthusiasm, what a feeling to have for training~ Say, would you two mind if I joined in on the training. I'm really curious how Suki trains you." The glint in her eyes said all that was left unsaid causing Nin to snicker.

"No way!" Suki shrugged Rena's hand off of her shoulder.

"Come on!" Rena retorted.

"I can't train anyone else without permission," Suki replied as a matter of fact.

"Tch," Rena pouted, "You're no fun, Suki."

Suki merely shrugged, quite relieved that the waterbender left them alone.

"Was Rena screwing with you two again?" Katara's words pulled Suki back from her relief and her body tensed up slightly while Nik looked in her direction and replied with a smile, "More like, she was making plans to screw with us."

"Huh?" Katara looked confused while Nik winced at the twist of his flesh around his wrist.

"Anyway," Suki suddenly smiled, "Congratulations on another victory today. I wanted to say that to the two of you together."

"Hehe, it was easy," Katara giggled with a shrug, "Still, sorry. This must have increased your workload."

"Not that much. Most of the women were firebenders so it actually increased the work for two of you in this ship," Suki smirked.

The trio ate the dinner well. There was plenty of seafood for them and Nik simply let his appetite all out, downing eleven bowls of soup himself and two full servings of the fish. Now that there was plenty to eat when it came to quantity, Nik didn't keep his stomach a 'shy' away from full and actively fulfilled his body's needs. Even after days, he got weird looks for his appetite.

The members of the ship ate in various locations and during various shifts which meant that Suki, Katara, and Nik were among the first batches to eat and it wasn't the time to rest just yet. They may not be part of the night crew but they needed to relieve them for the time being until everyone who needed to be in their posts was fed well.

This made the trio separate once again after the dinner only to return to their chambers after one and a half hours.

Nik was quick to clean himself in his personal world. There was a bathing chamber within the cruiser occupied by men or women at different times but this wasn't the allotted period for men.

Once drenched, Nik simply waterbent the fluids on him and dried himself. Even if waterbending is claimed to be mighty in battles, Nik liked its application during daily life even more.



Nik only had to wait a few minutes and soon the metal entrance to his chamber was knocked twice.

"We really kept this waiting—" Nik opened the door with a grin but his words soon got stuck in his throat as he found a burly man with dreadlocks for his hair and beard gazing into his eyes. Nik expected to view a pair of blue eyes but Yoki's wasn't that pair.

"What thing?" Yoki inquired curiously as Nik sighed softly, his shoulders slumping for a moment, "Uh, nothing," Nik shook his head and added, "How can I help you?"

"Hmm, I just got some free time and wondered if you'd like to join the trip tomorrow. We've sighted an inhabited island nearby and a small number of us would be making the trip tomorrow to make essential trades. Of course, the lot of us also need to stay here and watch over the prisoners."

"Oh, yeah, definitely," Nik nodded, "What time?"

"By the dawn. Fishers probably leave the island at that time, too, so we need to be cautious. Of course, it's also training for a few rookies like you and some of us old veterans who need to stretch our limbs well."

"Training?" Nik was instantly curious.

"Surfing," Yoki grinned, "Surfing over the tides you create to travel the sea. That's how you're going to reach that island."




As Yoki delved a bit further as to what items to keep an eye out for, Nik heard the soft steps that grew louder at a constant pace until even Yoki heard them and looked in the direction of the approaching figure. With her hair still damp and let down, a blue kimono robe covering her body but distinct from her usual attire, the edges of the robe were a bit longer and her legs were uncovered underneath.

"Am I intruding on something important?" Suki was incomparably nervous to have been seen while making her way towards Nik's room but when push came to the shove, she did manage to keep a calm profile.

"Well, yes," Yoki nodded with a serious expression.

"But actually, no," Nik brushed it off with a glare. His status was special. Despite his rash act, Nik had been lucky enough to not face actual consequences and even have the entire tribe of waterbenders owe him a great deal of favor. Yoki was the same in this regard. He took honor to a different level even when Nik hadn't advocated the said favor in any manner.

"Oh, could it be that I'm the one intruding?" Yoki suddenly realized, quite perceptive for a warrior known more to war than nightly visits.

"Uh, what?" Suki reeled in surprise and stuttered while Nik nodded, "Well, yes." The same thing Yoki just did.

However, this time, there was no refusal.

"Hehe, got it. About to bend some liquids, eh?" Yoki laughed as he walked away, waving at the young couple, "Might as well take her to the trip tomorrow. Of course, you'll be the one to carry her."

"What trip?" Suki looked at Nik as he shook his head, "Something Yoki has planned for tomorrow. Come on, I'll explain things inside."

Nik stepped aside while Suki gulped as she faced the open door as if encountering the maws of absolute doom just waiting to devour her whole.

Of course, it was just a room.

"A-alright," Suki made up her mind and stepped inside.


The metal door creaked slightly and closed shut behind Suki.


The loud sound almost made her jump out of her skin. She looked a little stiff. It wasn't the point that she was in a men's room. Nik's room hardly looked any different than her and Katara's compartment. What she felt nervous about was being alone with Nik. Heck, although perverse, she felt oddly at calm around Katara now that the couple had fooled quite a bit when she slept heavily.

'I did shower properly... but what if the smell is stuck with me... damn it! Should have asked Katara to look me over before leaving...' Suki cursed internally, growing more anxious.

"Are you going to keep standing in the middle of the room?" Nik chuckled as he noted Suki's nervousness and walked ahead of her, slumping on the metal frame of a bed covered by a warm mattress.

"Did Katara mind you leaving for the night?" He added as Suki looked around.

'Nope... still the same compartment. Focus!' She shook her head and came to be, "Hmm? Yeah, Katara didn't mind."

She walked up and sat next to Nik since there wasn't any other location to take a seat beside the metal floor and Suki hadn't lost her composure to the point of taking the knee before even a single kiss.

Cozying up, Suki's gaze wandered again. The silence itself drummed down as it made the sound of their breathing seem louder— closer to each other.

"So, Yoki—"

"Yes?" Suki looked at him with a snap reply.

Nik pursed his lips and smiled, not pointing out Suki's reaction, "As I was saying. A few waterbenders that won't be having any particular duty in the morning will be leaving for a nearby inhabited island tomorrow by dawn. It's also a practice for a few rookie waterbenders to become more natural at moving on the surface of the water."

"Sounds... interesting," Suki hummed, "Do waterbenders run on water directly though?"

Nik shrugged, "If they do, I have yet to learn it. But for now, we will be surfing."

Suki grew more interested and gazed at Nik with an eager expression.

"So? Would you like to join me tomorrow? However, I can't promise that we won't be falling into the sea. That will be my first time, after all."

"So, you're scared about your first time, too, huh?" Suki smiled and leaned forward to peck his cheek softly, "I never thought you'd be scared after all we've gone through."

Nik looked a bit stunned. Not scared?

If he wasn't the slightest bit scared, he wouldn't have been practicing his ass off!

"You've made me stronger," Nik whispered, pulling Suki close and letting out a torrent of cheese even if it may only be partially true, "There's no way I'd feel scared when you're there for me."

'But if you and the Unagi are there in the same place... then I might just piss my pants this time.' He affirmed his true reaction internally.

Their lips locked with each other. Their bodies tilted slightly to face each other for Nik to coil his arm around Suki's thin waist and pull her closer.

As they pulled back slightly, Nik whispered, "Hey, even if I'm scared about surfing... you don't have to be."

Suki knew that the latter didn't refer to surfing but something else. Something much more immediate that she was going to face. Gulping softly, she nodded.

"Look at me," Nik pushed up her chin using his curled index under her chin and smiled, "The last thing I want is for you to remember me with a night of pain."

"It won't hurt then?" Suki inquired with a bit of hope.

"Oh," Nik blinked. He could say that it definitely would hurt since he had it on good record that most of the time first penetration did tear hymen if it wasn't already naturally taken care of by physically burdening exercises around the thighs. But that would simply speak and detail on the fact that he had more experience and she didn't and even if this was something the two of them knew, there was no need to put it in words.

"You'll be just fine. I promise that injuries once healed make us better," Nik grinned.

"I said that," Suki scoffed, her mood lightening as she held Nik's hand from under her chin and flipped it over to inspect his knuckles that were constantly dipped into medicinal pastes after beating against the trunk of trees.

"And I stand corrected," Suki whispered, grazing Nik's coarse hand.

"The same rules?" Nik inquired. Looking up, Suki could see the sheer smugness rolling off of his gaze as she rolled her eyes, "Isn't that kind of... perverted?"

"Says the one moaning right next to Katara," Nik gently pushed Suki down on his mattress as he smiled, inquiring again, "Same rules?"

Glaring, Suki pouted, "You really want me to say it?"

"How else will I train you if you're not obedient? Yes, answering this question is part of it," Nik's hand traced the edge of her kimono covering Suki's breasts. By now, her perky nipples poked through the thin fabric in excitement as she let out a heavy breath, "T-the same rules..." She blushed lightly, her hands tracing Nik's arm towards his shoulders, taking note of the contours of his slowly developing muscles— a testament to his hard work.

"And what rules are those?" Nik continued.

"I'm not saying that!" Suki huffed, clenching her nails against his arms but not flinching from the pain, Nik kept his body supported on his knees pressed on the mattress on either side of her waist. His fingers coiled against the fabric of the already loose collar as he contacted the skin below her collarbone. "Why won't you say it?" Nik questioned with a perverse glint in his gaze.

He enjoyed his time with Mitsuko because she was quite the degenerate. He enjoyed his time with Michi because even if she didn't show it, she was quite perverse herself.

Suki is different. But he wasn't. And the thought that Suki could turn more than her innocent self was... enticing to Nik. Terribly so.

With his presence seemingly enveloping Suki completely to the point that that flames of the lamp covered well to not have been blown off by wind suddenly blazed out. Suki yelped in surprise while Nik felt a little surprised, too. He felt it. This was his doing out of a strange sense of domination but it was only for a moment.

He connected with the flames that brightened the once-lit lamp!

However, he had something much more important in front of him.

"Why won't I say it?" Suki repeated the question, "Isn't that obvious?!" The cover of darkness instead gave her confidence now that she couldn't see Nik's enticing face.

"What's obvious?" Nik whispered, slowly pulling apart the ends of her collar, revealing more of her skin while bis warm breathing tickled her neck, "You will abide by the rules but not announce them? Isn't following such a thing should be more embarrassing than saying it?"

As Suki felt his warm... no, hot hands gently cupping her breasts, her cold nipples suddenly shivering at the warmth, a soft moan rolled off her tongue, "Mmhm, you're so unfair!" She gasped, clutching against his clothes, "I'll do anything you say! Happy?!" She snorted.

However, Nik wasn't pulling back this time, his face getting closer to hers as if the cover of darkness didn't impede her vision at all and he retorted, "Not with that attitude, I'm not."

Not giving the rude disciple of the night a chance at a comeback, Nik pressed his lips against her. His tongue followed with a more aggressive approach as Suki's toes curled alongside her squirming knees that rubbed against Nik's thighs. Her arms coiled around his hips as she pulled him down, feeling the extraordinary tent already pitched within his pajamas and poking against the flat of her crotch.

"Mmhh," Suki and Nik grunted against each other as Suki soon reciprocated with the techniques she'd learn throughout her experience with Nik. It was deplorable, she knew. But that's what excited her. The idea of not being good while also not hurting anyone else increased her scope of experience.

Nik's fingers gave Suki's soft breasts a gentle squeeze, making her feel short on the breath as her body grew warmer with each passing second but the sense of heat roiling within Nik even made him feel worried for a second. This change was a sudden one but there wasn't anything else different.

" Hah-hah! You feel so hot," Even Suki noted the difference in between her breaths as Nik simply didn't have a reply except for distracting Suki's attention by pulling apart her robe completely.

She was completely naked under and Nik could feel it from his years of experience but his words did make Suki feel a sense of delight. josei

"Now I wish the lights hadn't gone out suddenly!"

"Hehe, your loss!" Suki snickered, her hands snaking down as they brushed against his erection as if taking the measure of the tool they had stroked, rubbed, and milked for days already. It was simply a sensual sensation that Suki loved!

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