Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Bloody Moon

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"Nope, still not feeling it! Put some heart in it!" Hama yelled, munching on sweet-covered pomegranate seeds. A few drops of reddish juice could be seen alongside her spit flying about as she glared at Nik who continued to waterbend a small layer of water on a thin cut on his palm. The portion of water flickered with a soft glow but seemingly gave up quickly.

Nik frowned, focusing again. He was getting better at waterbending surely but there was one skill of this art that he failed to grasp even at a basic level.


Katara could heal wounds for the most part just by watching Avatar Kyoshi do it once. Healing, as a skill, was predominant to females in the Northern Water Tribe while the more aggressive skills were learned by men. Of course, this issue of patriarchy came to an end when the fire nation came knocking— nothing like a top dog from the outside to straighten the local whiners. Still, other male waterbenders revealed that they struggled in developing this skill to the point that various duties didn't leave them any chance to actually focus on something that took so much of their time.

Hama didn't care about these things. The deck was populated by a spectating Suki. The sky was darkening and Nik continued to sweat slightly while trying to heal the shallow cut.

"And why did you stop? Keep on taking water from your surroundings until you fall!" Hama yelled at Katara who was not far away. Her situation was worse than Nik. By now, most of the benders were clear that Hama took a liking to Nik and Katara. After all, Katara happened to be a Southerner and a descendant of Hama's friend, meanwhile, Nik was the one who got them out of the prison. Someone is only harsh when they want oneself to be better.

Katara was exhausted now and thanked the spirits that she took a nap for the rest of the afternoon. She took a quick glance in Nik's direction, her thoughts almost diverting to the moment when she woke up only a few minutes after Suki and Nik while leaning against him entirely. Of course, the fact that his arm supported her head and coiled around her shoulders meant that Nik was aware...

'Am I thinking too deep about this—'

Her eyes widened. She lost her concentration for a moment and the blob of water fell on the deck.

Exhaling deeply, Katara moved her hands and pulled tiny droplets from the humidity around her.

"Hmm, keep doing it until this becomes a natural instinct." Hama nodded before looking in Nik's direction, "How hard is it to heal? You have the water. You have the energy. And you have the will! Just heal already!" Hama scoffed, aggressively munching on pomegranate seeds.

"And who brings a bunch of pomegranates as a Souvenir!" she scowled further.

Katara and Nik looked towards Suki who shrugged, "I told Nik and Katara that fruits are a bad idea. Sigh, Hama, they never listen to my instructions, too."

"They're blessed with talent but not obedience," Hama shared the sentiment before glaring at Suki, "Now go. Get your dinner and leave us alone for the night. I have to teach them a few moves of mine. Oh, and tell Yoki not to send anyone out for the night."

"The entire night?" Suki inquired to confirm again and Hama nodded plainly.

"Sure. See you two tomorrow," Suki waved her hand at the sweating and exhausted duo, still enjoying her vacation as she skedaddled into the living quarters after informing Yoki of Hama's... 'request.'

"I'm tired," Katara finally looked at Hama with exhaustion relevant in her eyes and Hama nodded uncharacteristically, "Good. Dry off the sweat and sit down. Close your eyes and just regain the calm in your chi."

Katara nodded and once she was dried, she sat down with her expression turning a bit relieved.

Hama then silently stared at Nik while peeling her fourth pomegranate. He wanted to tell her that maybe that's enough but in the end, he didn't want to unnecessarily piss Hama off too much. After all, no matter if she eats healthy or not, she's only a guest for a couple of years either way.

"How's your progress?" Hama inquired after a few minutes of silence.

Nik grew silent. It really was hard. But the thought of being able to heal injuries, at least, the ones not too serious, was a great motivating factor for Nik. Just like Hama, he too, remained a guest in this world without knowing when he'd have to return and the thought of not mastering something so convenient just because he couldn't give it enough time would nail a point of regret in him.

"Just a little," Nik replied.

"Just a little more and you'll master it?" Hama inquired, well aware that Nik would sometimes pull some shit with his words.

"... Just grew a little bit better."

"I knew it!" Hama gnashed. Not angry by the lack of quick progress but at Nik trying to pull one up on her!

"I don't get it," Nik sighed, "It will just take more time than usual, I guess."

"Don't get too worried. Just because you're good at controlling the form of water and its temperature doesn't mean you're also talented in the spiritual aspect of bending."

"Spiritual?" Nik looked at her with a slightly confused expression. Aang said the same thing and Avatar Kyoshi seemed to imply something similar and restricted Suki from teaching Katara any further.

"Of course. Everyone else already knows it but the two of you started straight by bending the element. Why else do you think bending elements is considered a noble and sacred art? Because we also have the ability to connect with ourselves deeply. This is one of the two things I'll teach you two today. Maybe tapping into that potential will start increasing your mastery over healing.

Now sit next to Katara and dry your sweat."

Hama pointed out and threw the pomegranate peel and the slight leftover into the sea.


"Why do you think Hama wanted the deck for herself tonight," a waterbender inquired Yoki as he and another bender were controlling the cruiser. They learned basic control from the cruiser's captain. Though unwilling, the prisoners now understood that the only reason they were even in a slightly worse location was due to the lack of manpower and resources amongst the waterbenders themselves.

If they truly had ill-intentions, the sea was filled with voracious aquatic beasts. Tossing the prisoners out of the deck would have been plenty of fun for the waterbenders.

"I'd rather not talk about it... that old coot has crazy skills. Too bad she didn't want to teach us. Then again, we realized it too late that even if our traditions needed to be upheld, certain changes would not have been bad." Yoki grumbled as the two men next to him turned silent.

One of them was none other than Boron. He couldn't help but chuckle at this point, "Commander, what do you think of Nik and Katara? Can you believe it? They never once meditated."

"And?" Yoki raised his brows while throwing a questioning glance at Boron, "Bending is a physical and spiritual art. Sure, balancing the two sounds nice but if it was easy... heh, unironically, there'd be more wars. Still, you talk like you're already a master in meditating, huh!"

Boron sighed while the other waterbender smirked knowingly.


"Listen," Hama sat in front of Katara and Nik. The moon hung high in the sky. A full moon. The deck was slightly brightened with no cloud shrouding the radiance of the full moon.

"Waterbending has two aspects. By now, I have only taught you one of them. This aspect includes the ability to dominate your will over water and feel connected to it, and move in a similar flow of water to control it. This is the concept of waterbending. At my level, you will find out that movement is not as important as the understanding of water and its ways."

Hama's white hair dropped over her face due to a chilly gust but she didn't bother trying to pull her hair back. josei

"However, what differentiates a non-bender and a bender?" Hama inquired rhetorically.

'Some form of talent perhaps.' Katara closed her eyes.

'A flexible waist, for sure,' Nik narrowed his eyes with a wise look as if he saw the world for what it truly is.

"Spirituality!" Hama smiled. "All the benders have the supernatural talent only because of spirituality that we are born with. It is for this very reason that there is another aspect to waterbending— a spiritual aspect.

Spirituality is not something foreign to us. It is a way of life. We live and as we experience the twists and turns of life, we start understanding ourselves. This is the essence of being spiritual and only when you realize your potential can you start viewing the world for it really is."

"Do you get it?" Hama inquired seriously. This stumped Katara and Nik.

"That's it?" Katara questioned.

"That's it," Hama nodded, "As I said, spirituality is understanding. If you expected some great training methods then I'm afraid there isn't one. Of course, you can meditate and reconsider how you spent your day and the decisions you've made."

"But I have on good authority that Airbenders have specialized training." Nik coughed.

"And how many of them are alive?" Hama questioned, "Listen. Life is harsh. It dulls our passion and slowly whittles our hearts with hardships. But being true to yourself even then is what this is really about. Sure, Airbenders may have a set of training for it but you both aren't airbenders. Water is always on flow but it follows a pattern. Air is all-encompassing yet free from burdens. Earth is the support of the world. And fire is the passion that drives us to a better tomorrow."

Hama stated as Nik and Katara looked at each other.

"It means, we have so much to learn from the elements that our mind does not need to be shackled by the sight from our eyes. For instance, while many think that there isn't water in the air, most of us now know how to find water to support us even on the hottest and most dry days.

Any questions?"

"So? Do we try copying the moves of other benders?" Nik inquired.

"No, you learn from it." Hama shook her head, "And it will inspire you someday."

"Still, a clear explanation was needed for the two of you so that you can begin to understand both the aspects of waterbending. It's not something you will understand in a day or two. It might take an entire lifetime to be considered a genuine master of this art."

Nik and Katara nodded. To them, the most spiritual one was naturally Aang due to his origins but he was also the perfect example of Hama's reasoning that it might take a lifetime to master spirituality since it is based on bitter experiences of life.

"Are you...?" Katara inquired without actually stating anything. Hama scoffed a dry chuckle and shook her head, "I don't think so. And this is the second topic of the day.

You have to understand one thing about me. This is the second time that I got imprisoned."

"The second time? Were you pardoned the first time?" Katara quickly followed up.

Hama raised her hand and replied with an eery smile, "Let me finish, Katara. I was imprisoned during the latter portion of the war for years. It was hard at first but I and others grew accustomed. I previously hated my captives but now I realize how genuine they were. Simple soldiers following orders. Instead, in Makapu Prison, there were instances of tortures committed by an inspector that arrived once in the blue moon.

To answer your question. I wasn't pardoned the first time. I broke through the prison and escaped."

"To understand the brilliance of it, you need to realize that our condition related to the supply of water was pretty much the same. They sparingly provided us water and that, too, from a great distance. It was either quenching my thirst or attacking the guard but my predecessors, who attacked, didn't live to tell the tale.

And in that moment of weakness, I realized something. No, more like I felt it when the full moon continued to watch over me." Hama began to chuckle softly, her hair swaying to the wind as her expression turned of pure joy and pleasure, "I felt my blood coursing through my veins leaping with joy. A waterbender's strength increases at night similar to how tides grow fiercer under the glow of the moon.

And then I discovered another fluid that a waterbend could bend but had kept their eyes close to its existence."

Stretching her arms outward, Hama shuddered. A soft whimper escaped her lips as her sheer body language creeped the hell out of Nik and Katara.


She whispered.

"A waterbender's true strength lies in bloodbending." Her voice suddenly lost its fervent touch as she looked down. Her eyes stared at Katara and Nik through the curtain of her white, haggard strands of hair as she suddenly slumped down on the metal deck.

"Oh, no!" Katara quickly scooched back with a clear expression— she wanted nothing of this craziness. Meanwhile, in his state of daze, Nik neither chose flight nor fight. What should he have done? Bunch up her hair into a fist and slam her face into the deck? Instead, he grew wary. Bitches can be crazy, and sometimes, not in a likable manner.

"That is how I would have felt if you met me before my second capture," Hama's voice turned calm suddenly. A bitter smile touched her lips.

"As I stated, me being captured a second time put things in perspective. Katara, Nik... I was a bad person. A wretched and wicked woman who controlled human lives due to misguided anger until I incurred the backlash from him."

'Is that infatuation?' Nik realized the look on Hama's face.

Katara pursed her lips, too. Feeling guilty at her reaction.

"I hope you two get to meet him under happier circumstances. He didn't set me on the right path but opened my eyes to the true possibilities of what I can choose and which path I can travel on," Hama chuckled, "In fact, if the recent news is true, we were just a shy away from meeting him."

"The Fire Lord," Nik realized as Hama nodded, "Indeed. He confronted me but even when I controlled his body, he controlled my future and helped me shape it. I was imprisoned yes, and hidden from him, but I can confirm that he never meant harm. He fulfilled his duty."

"Now," Hama's voice suddenly turned cold as Katara's and Nik's bodies froze unnaturally and physically.

"Let me teach you the way of dominating your will over another person. Remember, do not despise the skill since it is not evil or kind. Its use is entirely dependent on the user. I hope, the two of you turn for the better."



A haggard figure fully covered with a mask on her face walked out of the thicket with an injured youth. The edge of his conical straw hat was now littered with tears from knives as he leaned against the petite girl.

"Shit! Shit! First that bastard in Chay Thang Colony and now that bitch in the middle of nowhere... Longshot, I have considered it. We're going to go to Ba Sing Se and join the revolution caused by the Blue Spirit." The masked figure stated with a determined expression.

"..." the youth named Longshot silently stared at her only for the masked figure to grumble.

"I know, we won't be the top dog. But... what are we doing here? The scourge is in Ba Sing Se. As long as the Phoenix King lives, we cannot change a thing!"

Longshot nodded with a heavy expression.


A/N: I think if Hama met Iroh, he would have definitely got to her in a positive manner regardless of her past. Of course, pity wouldn't stop Iroh from catching Hama and imprisoning her since that is simply required but yeah, Hama didn't need to be evil or defeated in this version but just a tad bit stable who realized that the most important thing in life isn't to hurt others but to learn from past mistakes and grow everyday.

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