Paragon Of Sin

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014: A World of Chaos

Chapter 1014: A World of Chaos

Outside the City of Endless' Voyager Tower of the Realms, the third tower built specifically for the testing of Realmlord level Destined, Liu Suyin stood beside its entrance with her silver robes. Her hand was firmly placed on its surface, eyes closed, aura fluctuating wildly, and her Spiritual Power seeping within.

Liu Suyin maintained that indifferent countenance, but her heartbeat was in an irregular rhythm. Since the beginning, she was acting as Overseer of this Voyager Tower, observing the progress of all the Destined, including Wei Wuyin, and ensuring that the rules were followed without fail; however, Wei Wuyin's actions had caused her mind to suffer an unprecedented impact, finding it hard to believe.

The Voyage of the Spiritual was an insidiously difficult test. It was so difficult that many Destined of lesser cultivation stages in the lesser towers found it impossible to succeed even with reduced difficulties. In truth, the vast majority of Destined failed to pass the first voyage, and Ye Ziling was a perfect example of this. She had been tested in the Tower of the Stars, meant for those at the World Sea Phase of the Astral Core Realm, and the Tower of the Resonance, meant for those at the Spatial Resonance Phase, and had failed at the first stage.

Still, her survival allowed her to become a legitimate Destined. Those who passed the Voyage of the Spiritual were then faced with the Voyage of the Unyielding, and the numbers passing this voyage were far, far less in terms of the overall percentage. The bloody scent of corrupted Battle Intent was insidiously difficult to adapt to.

However, Liu Suyin witnessed Wei Wuyin overcome these two voyages in the most relaxed manner she'd ever witnessed before. The Voyage of the Spiritual felt as if he was taking a brisk stroll through an aquarium, while the Voyage of the Unyielding was unable to cause his steps to pause for the briefest of moments, dealing with every threat with a single swing of his tattered saber!

No matter how indifferent she seemed, it was impossible to not have one's heart pounding upon witnessing this!

Eventually, she recalled the profound scriptures of the Void Voyage Sect, and she calmed down. Her breathing soothed out, her eyelids steadied, and her heartbeat regained its normal rhythm. An indifferent chill exuded from her. Due to this, she missed the entirety of Wei Wuyin's and Ye Ziling's conversation, only returning as he stepped inside to the next voyage.

Off in a far location within the City of Endless, the cloaked figure sat in the lotus position, still surrounded by candles lit with silver flames. The figure opened their eyes, once again revealing their enchanting blue eyes that contained a worldly charm.

"Not just Inhuman Spiritual Sense, but Spiritual Strength that exceeds Ascended beings, and physical strength capable of devastating worlds." The figure's eyes lit with a beautiful radiance. She continued, "You don't have his mark, yet your Alchemic Talent and silver eyes say otherwise. Your age is far too low to have such terrifying physical strength, yet you do not have the bloodline of the World Titans. Was it you that activated the hidden Rainbow Bridge?"

Years ago, the Rainbow Bridge was activated twice. Somehow, it bypassed the Endless Void Mirror's powers, entering a location without a set of coordinates. The Fire Phoenix was there, and at its second activation, the strange armored Earthly Saint that resembled an Incarnation of Wei Wuyin, carrying his distinct aura, was present. josei

However, they knew of the Battlefield of the Three Ascended Sovereigns and knew that it was not a location that could be completed in such a short period. Furthermore, only Starlords and Mystic Ascendants beneath the Earthly Saint Phase were allowed to enter, and it was utterly impossible to be sent back without reaching certain requirements. As for the cost to participate, it wasn't something a mere mortal could acquire.

If he wasn't his descendent or disciple, wasn't a titan, was this or capable of that, then how? Just…how?

The figure's thoughts consumed their time and focus. When they closed their eyes to observe the situation, they too had missed the verbal conversation that Wei Wuyin and Ye Ziling had. It was as if an unseen hand had redirected their attention perfectly.

A heavenly feat.


Surrounded by this indistinctly ever-changing world, Wei Wuyin felt himself floating in the endlessness of chaotic space. 'I'm quite fortunate that this is the third voyage,' Wei Wuyin thought as he sharply inhaled and then clapped his hands! A series of ripples erupted that affected the space surrounding him.

When the ripples ceased spreading outward, Wei Wuyin found himself standing upright. The chaos of this space was given fixed order and stability. The Void Dao encompassed the aspects of space—Fixed, Stable, and Chaotic. They included the various states of space throughout the Dark Void, including atmospheric space and various spatial chaos events, such as Vanishing Points.

Cultivators at the Astral Core Realm are only granted to interact with two out of the three forms of space, Fixed and Stable, through typical cultivation. The former was in the Spatial Resonance Phase and the latter was in the Realm World Phase. Chaotic Space was an aspect that required diligent study to understand.

Wei Wuyin had the bloodline of a True Void Dragon, so he innately had connections with all forms of Space, Time, Astrological Forces, and Void Energy. Unlike cultivators, beasts could freely control these forces without understanding them. Kratos and Bai Lin were representatives of this unquestionable fact. The former was fully ignorant of any detailed information except the most foundational understanding of the Void Dao.

Wei Wuyin had to fumble through, learning step by step the differences between each state of space and how to use the Void Energy that Kratos refined.

Wei Wuyin firmly grasped fixed space at the Spatial Resonance Phase, especially after reaching the Grand Convergence Spatial Resonance, capable of initiating Spatial Merging, illustrating the obscenely high level of understanding he possessed of fixed space.

He then grasped chaotic space while traversing through the Stellar Transit Light, the same multicolored light often described by the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region as a Rainbow Bridge and linked to the Void Voyage Sect. It was an amalgamation of fixed and chaotic spatial energies transporting beings from one location to a Chaos Realm.

During his round-trip to the Battlefield, he had used this to comprehend the intricacies of the Stellar Transit Light, grasping insights into chaotic space and its profound usages. Furthermore, he was exposed to a Chaos Realm, and while his Celestial Eyes weren't functioning, during the final battle against 10,000 Spirits of War, he sensed the profoundness of the walls forged from chaotic spatial energies after unleashing his four Soul Idols.

And lastly, when he reached the Realm World Phase, he learned about stable space as well. His entire understanding of space was extremely comprehensive, and he possessed Void Energy to interact with all three with ease. He didn't even have to use his Void Energy to handle this world of chaos, merely exert his spatial force to regulate it.

"The Voyage of the Wanderer has begun! Make your way through the chaos, Destined.

"Only your Spatial Force is allowed. Other forms of strength used to overcome this voyage will count as a forfeit of your destiny."

Before Liu Suyin could speak of the rules, Wei Wuyin had already solved the puzzle. With a slight breath of relief, Wei Wuyin's Celestial Eyes swept the chaos and found a figure amidst it.

Ye Ziling was flailing, twisting, and turning without end. She didn't scream or shout, but she clearly found it extremely difficult to stabilize her position. She tried to muster her spatial force to support her, but the chaos of this world ate away at it, converting it into more chaos, further worsening her situation.

Wei Wuyin could feel that the chaotic space here was extremely dangerous. Given enough time without any stability, her speed of movement would continue to increase until her flesh was ripped from her bones, her blood drained from her body, and her bones turned into dust. He could already imagine her limbs being twisted off. If she's lucky, it'll be her head first.

With a step, Wei Wuyin flashed through the chaotic space as if he was spatially shifting, emulating the Stellar Transit Light properties. His spatial force enveloped his body in a multicolored light reminiscent of a rainbow.

He appeared beside Ye Ziling, grabbing her slender waist. Finding a solid object, Ye Ziling grabbed it with all her might. While she didn't scream or shout, she was unimaginably terrified. The abnormal pressure she felt as she spun and moved was dreadful.

Ye Ziling pressed her face against Wei Wuyin's chest, clutching her pale white fingers around his robes with all her strength, and held as if her entire life depended on it. She breathed heavily, and an urge to cry swelled within her, but she kept it within. She refused to cry, not here—not ever. She swore it to herself long ago.

Wei Wuyin couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart. Even seasoned men of war would holler in this type of environment. A world without color, form, direction, or control. It was enough to send anyone into a mad frenzy of panic and despair.

Wei Wuyin knitted his brows, thought for a moment, and then he began to allow the chaos of this space to regain its frenzied control over him. The two of them, holding each other, began to spiral! They hurtled through this chaos without direction!

Ye Ziling groaned out softly, her countenance morphed to the color of pale ash. She had been given a brief respite, yet she was unable to rein in her fear immediately after. For thirty minutes, she felt a pressure that sought to rip her limb from limb. She could only think about how she would die here and how she would never see her younger sister again.

Then, the speed came to a sudden halt. Her heart halted with it. Was this death? Yet after two minutes, the same amount of time as the previous period of respite, she was moving again!

At the moment, Ye Ziling's eyes were wide open. She was directly staring into Wei Wuyin's face, holding onto his robes, and undergoing all sorts of emotional changes, but she only saw chaos. Pure, uncontrolled chaos.

Thirty minutes later, she stopped again. Her breathing was heavy and hectic alongside every pound of her beating heart. This continued three more times at the same interval, and her eyes began to brighten. She realized that, while the speed and pressure of this chaotic space were increasing slightly after each time it stopped, it wouldn't reach lethal levels for at least twenty more hours.

Ye Ziling's desire to live was ignited! She had a chance in this world of chaos. She just had to seize it!

Wei Wuyin softly smiled. 'I've given you the opportunity. It's yours to grasp, Ye Ziling.'

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