Paragon Of Sin

Chapter 1153 1147

Chapter 1153 1147:An Alchemist's Greatest Power

Through the usage of the Prosperous Gate S6KG, the Sword Dome Continent swiftly became populated by Ascended beings numbering in the tens of thousands and rising by the minute. Within the allotted hour, Mystic Ascendant Realm cultivators arrived in droves, accompanied by their attendants, disciples, and blood relatives. When the Prosperous Gate S6KG powered down, exhausted of its pre-stored spatial materials, exactly 63,439 cultivators had arrived, and, among them, a total of 127 Highlords stood at the forefront of the assembly with their disciples standing respectfully and curiously behind them. 

Some of them were Chosen, others were descendants, and a few were wives, husbands, and Dao Companions. When they came here, their first response was shock, finding the constantly emerging cultivators from the multicolored light curtains to be startling, to say the least. Fortunately, the Ascended beings that led their groups were calm but they all had solemn and dignified expressions as they observed ahead.

Opposite to them was none other than the illustrious Pavilion Master of the Golden Life Pavilion, Ma Zheng! Additionally, and more shockingly, the Grand Knight of Neo-Dawn—Wu Yu, was present. And despite their unfathomable, breath-suppressing presence, it was not them but a mortal that was leading the group, and they all knew his identity without a doubt!

Wei Wuyin!

The Neo-Dawn Alchemic Sovereign! The creator of the Neo-Dawn Eclipse Pill and Sharded God Domain Pill! The Mortal that had established a cultivation requirement that altered the entire Grand Cyclic Stellar Region's concept of Chosen and personally determined the requirements! 

To the general public, Wei Wuyin was a talented Alchemist with at least two Earthly Saint-level Alchemic Knights at his beck and call; he had close relations with the Golden Life Pavilion and owned the sole Fire Phoenix that was rumored to be so terrifying that even Earthly Saints felt it was dangerous! He was the most successful Mortal Sovereign Alchemist of his generation, of any generation, and could rival the top starfields with his private force alone!

Moreover, he wasn't even a hundred years old yet! The whispers of the Second Coming of the King of Everlore were rising by the day, and with the consistent loss of reputation that the Everlore Association had experienced during these recent years, it was showing that a new era of alchemy might be ushered alongside a new age of Chosen. 

After all, the merchant organization that only dabbled in alchemy, mainly focusing on facilitating trades, importing and exporting resources, and providing rare, uniquely crafted items, concoction methods, and architectural designs, was currently exceeding the Everlore Association in terms of quality for their era-defining products. While this might be temporary, should Wei Wuyin ride the wave of their recent dominance of the Mortal-tiered alchemy market, it would become increasingly hard to say if the Everlore Association will be able to retain its position as number one. 

This could even lead to a cascade of issues should Wei Wuyin ascend and eventually become an Alchemic Saint! 

They all saw the white-robed youth standing before them, his silver eyes exuding a faint glow of exceptional spirituality that could ensnare the soul, and his ungodly levels of handsomeness made him seem as if he was an impossibility. He softly caressed his Fire Phoenix's feathers with a faint, heart-throbbing smile that sent many of the female Ascended and disciples aback. 

The imagery of Wei Wuyin and Bai Lin was picturesque, especially given their auras and dispositions that felt as if they were endlessly compatible. Seeing the female Fire Phoenix so relaxed as its golden-colored eyes carelessly swept over them left many with indescribable feelings. 

Moreover, the dynamic of seeing an Earthly Saint, the Grand Knight of Neo-Dawn, Wu Yu standing respectfully and deferentially behind Wei Wuyin caused their minds to reflect on all the rumors of Wei Wuyin's means and abilities, and their hearts shook with anticipation and a little fear. This was an Earthly Saint, a literal peak-tier expert of the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region, and his battle accomplishments were by no means little!

He defeated two Ever-Knights shortly after becoming an Earthly Saint, escaped from the Everlore Association's revenge-fueled pursuit, and defeated Nansi Yuangu in the battle for the Pavilion Master's seat of the Golden Life Pavilion! In recent years, he's also made other astonishing accomplishments, but they paled in comparison to those three. 

Yet such a domineering figure was standing behind Wei Wuyin without the slightest sense of discomfort. This firmly settled in their minds that Wei Wuyin was a figure that far surpassed their original beliefs. While most had seen Wei Wuyin during the Saint Cyclic Renewal Summit, seeing him from afar and facing him directly were two entirely different things. 

"Welcome, everyone; I hope your journey was a comfortable one." Wei Wuyin spoke with a broad greeting and an amicable tone, but there was a wisp of exalted pressure that subconsciously exuded from his body that made them feel inwardly reverential. It was this that made them all silently watch as if they faced an Emperor, only allowed to speak when directly spoken to. 

"I'd like to first give my apologies for the subterfuge that I used through the Golden Life Pavilion; I hope none of you hold a grudge against them for this," Wei Wuyin calmly said. The expressions of the Ascended beings and their accompanied members slightly changed in varying ways. Many of them had come for the prospects of a business venture, including being contacted after their 'requests' had been heeded to receive one of the two era-defining Worldly Domain-establishing pills. 

While these products were being produced at a crazed pace recently, the recent gambling had caused a lot of losses, and the amount produced couldn't satisfy an entire Stellar Region's elite population. The cost wasn't something that many could afford either, and they much rather hold out for a Neo-Dawn Eclipse Pill than a Sharded God Domain Pill for their loved ones and disciples. 

"As an apology, regardless of how the next events go or your decision, each group will receive a low-quality Neo-Dawn Eclipse Pill." Wei Wuyin's words instantly stirred the crowd, especially the hopeful juniors and spouses of those invited. Most came for the prospect of the much inferior Sharded God Domain Pill, so how could they not be excited? 

Huang Xiaoming laughed heartily, taking the lead, and smilingly said: "How can we find fault with you? Just from your promised words, I'm sure none of us would be leaving with anything less than what we came for, or even more than that." He was unanimously elected as the leader of the group by the other Highlords, mainly because his relationship was the closest with Ma Zheng. They often interacted and often drank together; while Huang Xiaoming was young for a Highlord, he had an old and amicable spirit that made him quite enjoyable to be around. 

Ma Zheng inwardly chuckled, gesturing with his eyes that nothing unbecoming would happen here, and Huang Xiaoming inwardly relaxed. It wouldn't be an exaggeration that many here felt increasingly fearful in their hearts, especially seeing a line-up of three Earthly Saint-level beings and an Alchemic Sovereign! Just Bai Lin alone could burn them all into crisps. If they had unintentionally offended Wei Wuyin, they would have nowhere to cry. 

Wei Wuyin didn't mind Huang Xiaoming sounding out his intentions with his words and simply smiled in response. "Indeed, you'll all be leaving here with more than you came with, perhaps much more." Those words of his instantly perked the ears of many. He continued, "I wish to discuss more about that possibility with those at the Soul of Mysticism Phase and higher privately. Shall we?" 

"..." The experts here were instantly left with a decision. They could go forward and accept the discussion, hearing Wei Wuyin out, or take their leave and secure an era-defining product for their loved ones. 

There were over 20,000 Ascended beings here, with more than 19,000 Soul of Mysticism Phase cultivators. Some didn't come with their loved ones, while others brought them along for the experience considering the Golden Life Pavilion was covering their travel expenses under the guise of 'testing' out a new Void Gate. None of them feared that the Void Gate would be faulty or unreliable, and they had cultivations that would allow them to easily protect themselves and those accompanying them should something go awry. 

A female Soul of Mysticism cultivator, a well-known vagabond, spoke out. "Will there be danger involved with this discussion?" She had unruly dark hair, which seemed untamable, but her facial and bodily features were beautifully fierce. She was renowned for her combat power amongst Vagabond Venerables. Her official name was Venerable Bloodtorrent, and she was a partial member of a Void Pirate group and a Void Hunter organization.

She was wanted in four Starfields with an Arrest-On-Sight Order on her. Of course, the Golden Life Pavilion's operating grounds had no extradition agreement and was considered neutral, never revealing her location. A reason why she often traded with them her ill-gotten gains. Similarly, she never dared to attack any of the shipments of the Golden Life Pavilion. 

Wei Wuyin saw her and his eyes lit briefly, answering: "There will, but the greater the risks, the greater the rewards." 

Venerable Bloodtorrent went silent, her eyes focused on Wei Wuyin as she noticed his particular gaze. However, she didn't say anything. Her next decision could cost her everything, so she was mentally occupied.

Great risk! 

Great rewards!

The hearts of many throbbed, and their loved ones looked towards these figures that were their sky pillars. Some were hopeful, others a little fearful. Events like these weren't uncommon because the greatest power of an Alchemist was their ability to rally others to their cause with prospects of tremendous gains. Instead of scouring Void-Blank Space, entering ancient ruins of ancient starfields, cultivating their own resources over hundreds or thousands of years, or attacking shipments, this was one of the most reliable ways for vagabonds to acquire resources. 

The Chosen hoped their fathers, mothers, master, or many-great grandparents would risk it for them, a selfish desire certainly, but one that was perfectly reasonable given the times. Should they wish to stand out, they had to seize chances like this. 

Huang Xiaoming was the first to stand out, walking towards Wei Wuyin while instructing his disciples to stay there, and he laughingly said: "To pursue greater heights, either for yourself, your little ones, or your loved ones, how can there not be danger involved? I'd love to discuss further on this, Alchemic Sovereign Wei." 

Seeing Huang Xiaoming take the first step and speak those words that carried truths, many began to step forward as well. Among them was Venerable Bloodtorrent, and when she arrived, she saw Wei Wuyin smiling at her. Her heart shook slightly, but she didn't mind it. There wasn't any ill intent in his smile or eyes, so she didn't place it in her heart and inwardly speculated further about what this might be.

No one here was a fool; the recent happenings of the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region certainly coincided with the reasoning for this gathering of experts. The most important? The founding of the Born True Starfield!

Which one of them wasn't aware of Trueborn's existence? The leading figure of black market deals that was the opposite of the above-board Golden Life Pavilion. Some of them even had dealings with them, but none of them ever took it further, either out of fear or caution. 

Involving themselves with a clandestine organization that cultivated illicit resources such as Primal Yang Liquid and Refined Beast Essence Blood and was linked to many, many inexplicable disappearances and deaths over the millennia, they would be fools to carelessly involve themselves with that group. They wouldn't be able to discern if their bodies might be refined into certain materials for cultivation without an explanation. 

And they were also aware that there were rumors that Wei Wuyin was in direct conflict with Trueborn, and considering how Wu Yu and the Golden Life Pavilion had involved themselves in the battle for supremacy in the Great Blue Starfield, causing the Pentastar Cluster Unification to be stopped, it was clear that this was true.

A shadowy battle between Wei Wuyin, a mortal with enough private forces and connections to rival a top-tier starfield, and the clandestine organization known as Trueborn that terrorized the hearts of many cultivators, was unfolding beneath their feet. And what was this if not a rally of mercenaries? 

They knew what this was, and they still leaped forward!

At the very least, they had to see what was offered! Only a few decided against it, taking their effortlessly earned gains and hurriedly refused. In the end, only 118 Highlords remained and a little over 18,000 Venerables. Those that did decline were given a simple Mystical Oath to swear before receiving their pill and offered to stay for a bit. While this was an 'offer', only those who were stupid would think of it as such.

They could only stay in the Sword Dome Continent and cultivate until the 'discussions' ended, and perhaps a little beyond that.  josei


Five days later, another group of cultivators appeared, with their numbers reaching 12,000. They were given the same choice, and very few declined.


Ten days later, a larger group numbering 34,000 cultivators arrived, only coming after taking multiple Void Gate trips to reach the range of the Prosperous Gate S6KG. 


A month later, several unfathomable beings arrived by themselves. Among them, two figures instantly stood out, and one of them felt fiendishly evil with an ever-present sanguine aura surrounding his body! 


After a total of thirty-eight days had passed since the first meeting, there was an air of tension in the Sword Dome Continent, rising steadily without end. 

"Young Master Wei." Ma Zheng stood outside the most luxurious palace within the Sword Dome Continent, the residence of none other than Wei Wuyin. Shortly after he called out to Wei Wuyin, the door opened. 

Standing before him was a fierce-looking, dark-haired beauty loosely draped in a male's robe with nothing underneath, her hair even messier than before, and her eyes were shining with energy while looking equally exhausted from her languid body movements. Her cleavage was unintentionally exposed, and she rubbed her eyes a little. 

"Pavilion Master Ma?" She seemed to have thought that it was someone else, as she looked at his hands initially as if trying to spot a plate of prepared dishes, not expecting a male arrival.

Ma Zheng faintly smiled. "Venerable Bloodtorrent, please inform Young Master Wei that we're ready for him." 

Venerable Bloodtorrent! 

"En." She nodded absentmindedly; a tinge of embarrassment crept into her expression as she covered herself more with Wei Wuyin's robe. She went back in and called out with a gentle voice. 

Shortly after, Wei Wuyin, dressed in Essence of War-conjured white-colored robes, left with Venerable Bloodtorrent beside him. They soon arrived at a gate leading to the Reaping Sword's headquarters.

'Here we go.'

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