Paragon Of Sin

Chapter 1224 1218

Chapter 1224 1218: Unprecedentedly Defiant


It was a cosmic phenomenon at the peak of the Mortal Dao revolving around a Solar Star's collapse to demonstrate its greatest might! It could signify the transformation of a Solar Star or its final moments.  josei

To ask a Solar Star to go supernova was similar to asking a cultivator to self-detonate. It was ridiculous! However, the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star began to tremble violently between the two Absolute-sized Solar Stars as soon as Wei Wuyin roared out the command.

Then, it went eerily quiet.

The silvery surface of heated mass and energy began to darken, turning blacker, and then started to expand. The core of the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star was becoming heavier and heavier as it began to absorb itself! As its Star Core's mass grew heavier, the gravity it emitted spiked to untold levels! Levels that even it could no longer withstand! Triggering an implosion!

Wei Wuyin was at the center of this change. The gravitational force within was going out of control, crushing him firmly in the center of the Solar Core. However, his astonishing visage hadn't shown the slightest sign of pain. Instead, he had a wide grin on his face with a tinge of madness in his eyes.

The more he thought of the situation, the further he pushed himself into an irreversible position, and the more he felt that his decision was not only right, but he wanted to push it to another level! This was madness! This was insanity! Wei Wuyin's silver eyes erupted with rippling maniacal light. 

A split second before the upcoming explosion, he recalled his journey thus far. Since the beginning of his Astral Core Realm's path, his Astral Souls had been piloting this madness to do almost impossible things while traversing the edge of death to pursue the absolute peak! Since they gained a sense of self-cultivation, they refused to take the easy path and acted to exploit every situation to their limit!

Their madness brought about four Zenith Origin State transformations; their insanity brought about a multi-Stellar Region-wide journey; their courage summoned 'The World' itself and dared to slay it; their unyielding will for the best things allowed him to enter the River of Time and view alternative timelines of himself! 

When he was very young, he wholeheartedly believed in myths of immortals and divine fairies of the cultivation world, soaring on swords, dancing amidst heavenly flowers, or using their sabers to cross ten thousand miles while claiming ten thousand heads! 

Looking back at everything he'd experienced since his life began, since it truly began after meeting the Black Skeleton, including regaining a family that he thought he no longer deserved after losing his own, Wei Wuyin now realized that he had far surpassed those myths he had once listened to as a child! 

He wished he could turn back time to tell his younger self that his journey, strength, means, and experiences would exceed all those stories by ten thousand miles. He sincerely wished he could see the smile of excitement bloom on his face, the very same smile that was forming on his face now! 

"I think I got infected by you four," Wei Wuyin laughed as the Star Core's mass reached its peak and the concentrated and cultivated energy of twenty-six years and 10,001 Earthly Saint tireless efforts began to loosen. Wei Wuyin closed his eyes, rippling with crazed chaos, "Well, I guess taking that last step myself feels right." 

The process of a supernova was complex yet simple.


A gorgeous brilliance that could outshine entire Galactic Zones exploded!

The two Absolute-sized Stars shook as the explosion sent the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star's cultivated energies in every direction. But they were so large, their gravitational force so strong, that they pulled every ounce of energy into themselves as it crashed against their surfaces with thunderous, devastating force. 

The form of the two Absolute Solar Stars had distorted! Their perfect spherical shapes of energy and mass were punctured and pushed. Their gigantic bodies rippled as solar flares and bursts went wild as their blazing surfaces began to become tainted by the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star's luminous energy.

Wei Wuyin was at the center of the remaining concentrated mass; the gravity it was emitting was tremendously monstrous, yet it wasn't comparable to the monstrous strength of the two Absolute-sized Stars! They were still moving further and further away! Despite this, Wei Wuyin was undeterred by this result. 

"COSMIC SINGULARITY - BLACK HOLE!" Wei Wuyin tapped into the entire cultivation, knowledge, and experiences that his Astral Souls and himself had gained throughout their lifetime. He began to interface with his Black Hole! Moreover, he was feeding it his innate energies! 

Every. Last. Bit!

"You're trying to become a singularity?!" Kratos roared in shock. Even it was stunned by Wei Wuyin's plan, and it almost instantly understood what Wei Wuyin was going for! "DO IT! ROAR!!" The True Void Dragon wasn't present, but it was exhilarated at the prospect of Wei Wuyin's intention. It was no less insane than their own schemes! 

Wei Wuyin's grin grew. Since they did it once before, why not again?! WHY NOT BECOME A BLACK HOLE?!

Wei Wuyin funneled every last ounce of his energy into his Black Hole! The Neo-Dawn Defiant Star core's condensed mass had transformed into an extremely dense state, exuding gravity of an untold level while trying to gather all the additional matter! 

But this new form was sucked into Wei Wuyin's Mind's Eye! While it had imploded and transformed into a dense star core, becoming an entirely new form of a star, it was still Wei Wuyin's World-Bound Star Domain! The energy of the Star Core was tapped into, feeding Wei Wuyin's internalized Black Hole with its dense mass directly!

Wei Wuyin's fists clenched as he floated as lesser than a speck of dust before the two gargantuan beasts of mass and energy that was the Alpha Star and Omega Star. 

"ARGH!" Wei Wuyin's body was writhing in extreme pain as the Black Hole expanded inside him, but he gritted his teeth and pushed through. Then, he UNLEASHED IT! 

It started small.

Tiny, even.

Starting only at Wei Wuyin's size. When compared to the size of the other two celestial bodies, it was insignificant to the utmost, yet it began to expand. And expand. AND EXPAND!

Wei Wuyin took the center of the Black Hole as he acted as its core, the singularity itself, and began to pilot it in an almost indescribable way! If Wei Wuyin's physique hadn't gained its newfound qualities, this type of action would've crushed him into nothingness, but he withstood it all! 

"GET OVER HERE!" Wei Wuyin roared in his heart as the Black Hole began to exude an astonishing degree of heaven-rending gravity far surpassing anything that could naturally occur in the Mortal Dao! The two Absolute-sized Stars could feel the danger and tried to lengthen the distance between them.

Unfortunately, they had already fallen for Wei Wuyin's trap! 

The energy of the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star was still under his control! Everything that was the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star, from its energy, light, mass, or gravity, all belonged to Wei Wuyin! It was his domain of total control! 

The mystic-graded properties within made it difficult for the Absolute-sized Stars to fend it off or remove it, so they were being held by an invisible grip as the energies and detonated mass tried to return home! 

A small Black Hole was pulling two Solar Stars as they resisted vigorously, yet they found themselves spinning chaotically and soon spiraling around it despite their enormous size. Wei Wuyin was forcefully pulling them inward to himself! 

Wei Wuyin was instinctively emulating a celestial phenomenon of the Mortal Dao—Stellar Collision! The two Absolute-sized Stars were bursting with radiance as if it was their last-ditch attempt to escape their bindings! And it was! They exuded intense radiance and heat! Unfortunately, this went against them as the Black Hole that Wei Wuyin had become began to unhesitatingly devour this power to grow!

And grow!


Within a blink of an eye, the Black Hole expanded to the size of a dwarf-sized star, and it continued to expand! Wei Wuyin, at the center of it all, was acting as the core of the Black Hole—the mysterious singularity! 

This would be utterly impossible if Wei Wuyin didn't have the Bloodline of a True Void Dragon, capable of harnessing and absorbing a potentially infinite amount of space and time energies without dying! By doing this and relying on his body, he could emulate a substance that was potentially infinitely dense! 

He hadn't understood what he had become during the Gravity Source Tribulation, but having come this far, having experienced two lives, he fully understood that all his tribulations thus far had only been possible because they were the combination of Ori's ability to connect, King's ability to sever, Eden's ability to transform, and Kratos' ability to defy and resist! 

They made the perfect quad-unit of Astral Souls, and only due to their combined powers could they strive for endless changes and continuously new heights! It wasn't simply because they were sentient, it wasn't because they had cultivated themselves, but because the fundamentals of their powers 'together' allowed change! 

For example, allowing Wei Wuyin to become a singularity! 

Every other Gravity Emission Phase Cultivator only created a condensed core of dense mass that emulated gravity and would later act as the center of their Star Core, but Wei Wuyin's Gravitational Central Mass had become him, so it fed off him and evolved into the Cosmic Dual-Singularity! 

If the world knew that Wei Wuyin had become something that was infinite in mass, space, and time for even the briefest moment, no one would believe it! A feat at the true limit of the Mortal Dao!

This had always been the most mysterious change out of all his tribulations. Unfortunately, he was unable to sustain it before because his body couldn't withstand the density of a potentially infinite force, unable to accept or resist, so it was located in his body's metaphysical space where it remained. But now that his body had been refined by the Neo-Dawn Paragon-Forging Pill, his body could withstand and accept it! 

The Samsara of Stars experienced an unprecedented event as the two peak Absolute-sized Solar Stars began to spiral inward with a Black Hole at their center! They began to shrink as their energy, mass, and light were devoured, fueling the growth of the Black Hole. At this point, they could no longer escape the gravitational force that was being emitted from the Black Hole. 

They began to distort and twist apart as they eventually collided! However, they didn't violently explode as one would expect! The two stars were opposing opposites, and they were fighting each other for supremacy, one trying to create endlessly while the other was destroying endlessly! 

The Black Hole kept growing and growing, feeding on expanded energies and light amidst this contention! 

A long, long time passed; It was hard to calculate, it could've been a split second or a million years, but the stars had vanished, leaving only a single lone Black Hole. It had a spiraling disk of remnant light energies, beautifully existing in the Samsara of Stars. 

Suddenly, from the Black Hole, a bright and brilliant object escaped! 

The Neo-Dawn Defiant Star! While it was only a dense star that had transformed after its supernova, it had escaped! 

A soft voice that was hard to hear resounded throughout the Samsara of Stars. Then, the Black Hole quivered as a brilliant whiteness began to explosively infect it. The Black Hole had transformed into a White Hole as the singularity properties changed!

Wei Wuyin finally understood why and how he had given birth to a dual-cosmic singularity—a Black Hole and a White Hole! These cosmic phenomena weren't the product of his cultivation; no, it was his ability to change and affect time, space, matter, astronomical forces, energies, fusion, and transformation! They resulted from each of his Astral Souls' uniquely formed Gravitational Central Masses merging into one!

The White Hole that was larger than the Absolute-sized Solar Stars began to funnel out and expel concentrated and refined solar energies back out and into the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star! Wei Wuyin started to operate the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star as he began to execute the cultivation method of the World-Bound Star Domain, including the properties of being able to grow it and recover it post-supernova!

Other cultivators had detonated their World-Bound Star Domains against enemies and had to devise ways to recover the damage from the act and expenditure. Wei Wuyin had this method at hand, and he didn't hesitate to use it!

The Neo-Dawn Defiant Star was like a greedy vacuum, absorbing the condensed solar energies of two Absolute-sized Solar Stars, including their unique energies of creation and annihilation, without holding back. These energies underwent a round of indescribable refinement, far greater than when they went in. 

A long, long time later.

The Neo-Dawn Defiant Star had not only returned to becoming a beautiful luminous Solar Star emitting solar radiance in every direction, hot and bright, but its size had enlarged to a considerable degree! 

Wei Wuyin floated at the edge of the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star; his eyes closed as he slept. He was thoroughly exhausted, and the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star cradled Wei Wuyin, allowing him to orbit it without harming him in the slightest. There was only gentle warmth wherever Wei Wuyin's body passed. Despite being so large in comparison, the care that the star was giving Wei Wuyin was unprecedented. 

Especially since the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star had defied the limitations of the Mortal Dao! Its size was not at the Supermassive or Absolute level, but slightly beyond, a level that stars should never have been able to reach!

However, from today onwards, should Heavenly Seers or Oracles try to pry into the secrets of the Mortal Dao, they will discover that the Mortal Dao no longer had just five sizes: Dwarf, Titan, Colossus, Supermassive, and Absolute…

It now had a sixth—Defiant. 

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