Parasyte System

Chapter 104 - [Bonus ]The Most Important Thing

Chapter 104 - [Bonus ]The Most Important Thing

While the higher ups of the Academy reached a verdict on how to deal with the problem of the "Limit" field, Jay had already entered his classroom and was now listening attentively to the teacher present.

"Good morning to all present, my name is Zequiel Roldan and this is the Skill Control class for Espers, if there is anyone who got confused, you are still on time to get to your corresponding class." Said the teacher, wanting to warn any clueless students who might have made a mistake.

Unlike the teachers and instructors Jay had seen so far, this teacher was much leaner and simpler, as well as not having an imposing or flashy presence.

As for his appearance, he had his hair combed in a middle parting and wore large glasses that covered a good part of his face, further enhancing his appearance of a normal teacher.

However, none of those present dared to underestimate him, including Jay, after all, many times, appearances were deceiving, especially in a place like the Academy where exceptional supers could be easily found.

"Now then, I know you may be eager to start improving your control and get stronger, but you must not forget that for all supers, it is always important to be very clear on the most basic concepts, so before we go out into the field, let me ask you a simple question."

After saying that, the teacher turned to the huge green board behind him and began to write in letters large enough for all present to see.

At the same time as he finished writing, the same teacher read from the board, "What are the most important things for an esper?"

Immediately, the question caused a large number of students to begin actively thinking about the correct answer, although of course, there were also those who had their answer perfectly clear.


A girl's vibrant voice then echoed in the classroom, but unexpectedly, it came not from the students present, but from a girl with long black hair who was standing at the entrance door of the classroom, a big confident smile imprinted on her face.

Seeing this, the teacher turned to her with a kind expression, "Good morning, Miss..."

"Syvis Genna, I apologize for being late, teacher!" She replied, still standing in the classroom doorway.

Just as she finished saying her name, some students began to murmur among themselves, apparently, they already knew something about the newcomer.

As for her, she noticed this immediately, and keeping her big confident smile on her face, she shifted her gaze so that it fell on that of the students who were muttering, "Power is everything in the life of an esper, be it prestige, fame, money or anything else, be it to help our allies... or to eliminate our enemies, power is always useful and necessary!"

Placing special emphasis on the word 'enemies', Syvis did not take her eyes off those who were muttering, who immediately fell silent and avoided her gaze, for while what the esper had said was an answer to the teacher's question, it was clear that it was also a threat.

Hearing her words, the teacher smiled, "Quite an interesting and true approach, Miss Genna, but before we continue, come in and take a seat please."

With his permission, Syvis then began to look for a place to sit, her large pupils scouring the available places to sit, obviously passing by the various students present, who also avoided her gaze, fortunately for them, this only lasted a second at most.

Or at least that was the case for most of them, but when her gaze stopped on Jay, Syvis continued to watch him for a longer period of time.

'...Hm, I wonder if I'll be in trouble...' Jay thought, bringing his gaze to meet Syvis'.

While he hadn't thought much about it, it was true that he had stood Syvis up yesterday.

Normally he wouldn't make a big deal out of something like that if it were anyone else since it could be solved with a simple apology, but judging by said girl's actions yesterday and that of only a few seconds ago, Jay wasn't so sure it would be solved so easily.

At that moment, raising her hand to point toward an empty seat at the front of the room, Syvis spoke again, "I'll sit there."

To the relief of many, Jay included, the energetic girl did not choose to sit next to them.

Now that the newcomer had seated and the rest of the classroom quieted down, the teacher then continued with his initial question, "Okay, we already have an answer, does anyone else have any other?"

Unfortunately for the teacher, Syvis' arrival had left several students feeling uncomfortable, making the atmosphere a bit awkward for them to give their answers.

However, at that moment, another girl's voice was heard in the room, "Control, even if you have all the power in the world, if you can't control it, it's completely useless."

The person who said that had been a female student with short, bright golden hair, rather pale skin and a disinterested expression on her face.

This caught the attention of several students, including Jay, firstly because it was an answer that made sense, but more importantly, because she was openly and unnecessarily challenging Syvis.

In reaction, Syvis brought her gaze towards the blonde student and commented with a mocking expression on her face, "Heh, only a weakling would think that way, even if you perfectly control a grain of sand, you could never stand up to a mountain, even if it has no control whatsoever."

Also moving her gaze to meet Syvis', the student replied, "My name is Faith, Faith Bamard, and I'm sorry but... I don't see any mountains here, just a pitiful plain."

Those present could already guess that this girl was not frightened in the least of Syvis, but with what she had just said, it was clear that not only was she not afraid of her, she was even taunting her!

"A plain is where I'll bury your body in!" Syvis shouted as she stood up and the energy in her body rose dangerously high.

"I'd like to see you try!" Faith replied, still in her seat but also raising her energy to match Syvis'.

The moment she did, Jay understood why Faith wasn't scared of Syvis, and it was because her energy level was in no way inferior to that of the aforementioned esper.

However, before either student could do anything, the figure of the teacher suddenly appeared between the two, "Great, rivalry is a good motivation to encourage progress! However, you must remember that we are in a classroom... and any kind of fighting is forbidden!"


When he finished saying that, a current of invisible energy immediately spread throughout the classroom until it filled the entire room, having the teacher as the center.



The first people to feel the effects of that wave of energy were Syvis and Faith, who for a brief moment, felt the energy in their bodies lose control.

Another person who felt this change was Jay, who while he didn't have as good an energy control as the two espers, could clearly see how for a brief moment, his energy parameters went haywire.

'...That was... Energy Disruption?' Jay thought, impressed by the teacher's simple yet powerful action.

What Jay was referring to with Energy Disruption was a technique known among espers and mages which, as the name indicated, hindered the flow of energy within a super.

While it was an incredibly useful technique, it was only available to espers and mages who had achieved extremely high energy control, and certain requirements had to be met in order to use it, such as that the targets could not be of a higher rank than the person using the technique.

Even with that, it did not detract from the fact that the teacher was undoubtedly an esper to be careful with.

Having been warned by the teacher, both Syvis and Faith sat down, though it was clear that the enmity between them had not disappeared, it had only been appeased for the moment.

Returning to his desk, the teacher spoke again, "Now then, we already have two answers, power and control, does anyone else have another suggestion?"

Now that the teacher had put a stop to the strange atmosphere of a few seconds ago, the students were encouraged to give other answers, such as type of ability, traits, talent, among other things.

However, the teacher was not satisfied with any of those, "Come on guys, don't forget the most fundamental thing when using your skills!"

"Our bodies." Suddenly said a young man sitting in one of the front rows.

He had a white straight hair that reached his shoulders, thanks to the fact that he was wearing a tank top, one could clearly see his physical condition, which had nothing to envy to a pugilist.

"Whether it's for power or control, if you don't have a body that is able to withstand both, then the only thing that awaits us in the end is self-destruction."

The young man's words, as with Syvis and Faith, also made sense to the students present.

Cases of espers succumbing to their own power were not few, with the most famous being rank (B) espers, and the cause of this was nothing more or less than the fact that they had focused all their training on strengthening their abilities, neglecting their bodies.

As a result, their bodies, even though they were inherently strong thanks to being rank (B) supers, could not withstand their energy level and ended up destroying themselves.

"Nice, we already have three correct answers then, but before we go on to the last one, what is your name, young man?" The teacher asked.

"Allen Wrenne, sir."

Thereupon, the teacher pulled out a small notebook with several notes and spoke again, "Let's see, that would be Syvis Genna, Faith Bamard and Allen Wrenne."

Seeing that the teacher was writing down the aforementioned names, Allen couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, excuse me but why are you writing down our names?"

"Oh, it's so I don't forget to reward you at the end of class, you may not know this, but at least in my classes, every participation is rewarded with merit points."

The moment he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the classroom changed completely, each student's desire for merit points completely filling the room.

However, before they could say anything, the clear, loud voice of a young man interrupted them, "THE MIND!!!"

Standing in his seat and with one foot on top of his shared table to draw more attention to himself, Jay was looking at the teacher, "Unlike mages and pugilists who use techniques or spells to channel their power, we ourselves are the ones who channel our abilities as we have a deeper connection to our powers than they do, but if we don't control our emotions and our mental state, then everything else will fall apart."

While Jay's answer was motivated by money, it was still true, after all, even if a mage or a pugilist was sad, as long as they performed their spells or martial techniques correctly, the effect of these would not be greatly reduced.

However, this was not the case with espers, whose emotions could completely change the level of power they could display, either for better or for worse.

Visibly satisfied with the answer he had just heard, the teacher continued, "Well said, and these four concepts are what work in harmony in an esper's body!"

Thereupon, the teacher rolled up the sleeve of his white shirt to his elbow, before his arm began to fill with energy to the point where it looked like it was going to explode.

"A strong body to withstand our energy and power to channel that energy!" Said the teacher before letting all that energy out into the room, creating dozens of energy spheres that floated in the air and kept increasing in size, making the students worry that they were going to explode.

But before this happened, just as the spheres reached the size of a person, they immediately stopped, "Control, so we can use our power properly!"

The next moment, all the spheres began to move in front of the teacher, gathering into a huge sphere that reached up to the ceiling, the energy inside moving so violently that even Syvis and Faith were showing concern.

"And finally..."


With that sound, the sphere exploded, but to everyone's surprise, instead of causing damage, the only change that occurred was that there were now small sparks of energy floating around the room, creating a considerably beautiful scene.

"A sound mind to control all three.." Added the teacher with a beaming smile on his face.

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