Parasyte System

Chapter 53 - Victory On One Side, Trouble On The Other

Chapter 53 - Victory On One Side, Trouble On The Other

In a fairly deep part of the South Zone, in a small 2-story building which served as one of Wolf's Fang's temporary bases.


The sound of a loud bang could be heard in the vicinity, product of a man punching a person hard enough to send him flying for several meters, forcibly taking him out of the window of the building.



This young man couldn't help but let out a cry of pain as his body was forcibly brought to a halt by slamming into a metal lamppost, bending it in the process, proving that his landing had been anything but soft.

"You don't know how much I've waited for this day, haha." The vibrant voice of a stocky but average height man sounded from the now broken window, "Moreover, I'm not done with you yet!"

If Colt were here, he could definitely recognize this man as Chuck, the guardian of District 30.

Just like Colt, several veins were visible on different parts of his body, such as his arms, neck and some on his forehead, and of course, the most striking aspect of all, his blood red eyes.

It was obvious that he was also under the effects of the blood pill, however, unlike Colt, Chuck had been granted one due to his own strength.

He then jumped towards the street, only a few meters away from his victim, activating his ability to reduce the damage from the fall as he prepared to finish off the young man in front of him.

The next moment, before he could even straighten up, a man suddenly rushed at him, it was clear from its speed and posture that it intended to attack him.

However, before it could even touch a single hair of Chuck, the man's speed suddenly slowed tremendously, as if he was being restrained by an enormous weight.

"Sh*t!" said the figure, trying to free himself from this annoying restriction.

"Hey, come on, don't be so careless..." Reproached a woman's voice which came from inside the 2-story building from which Chuck had just jumped.

This woman had silky black bowl-cut hair, her skin was olive-colored and she had slanted eyes which expressed some disinterest.

Like Colt, aside from being an esper with the power of telekinesis, she was also under the effects of the blood pill.

"Oh, thanks for that!" Chuck said, giving a thumbs up to the woman who was exiting the building before turning his gaze towards the figure who had wanted to attack him, "As for you, you didn't really escape huh, wow, you're more of an idiot than I thought."

"F*ck off, you Metal Body scum, if it wasn't for the drugs you took, we'd be sweeping the floor with you right now!" Replied the man, who had turned out to be a member of Wolf's Fang which had escaped a few moments ago,

Both Chuck and the woman didn't bother to reply to what he said and instead just went about their business.

Chuck then proceeded to approach the young man who was leaning against the metal lantern.

The woman in the other hand raised her hand as she seemed to squeeze something, exerting force on the neck of this Wolf's Fang member with her skill.

"These are the last of them, right?" the woman asked Chuck, turning her head as she slowly suffocated the Wolf's Fang member.

"Yep, with that, we would have destroyed 2 bases already, if we keep this up, we can definitely get a nice bonus after this!" Replied Chuck, rather cheerfully.

Hearing Chuck's reply, a slight smile formed on the woman's face, after all, the bonuses the boss gave were by no means small, especially when the achievement had been nothing less than destroying enemy bases.

In that way, they both managed to wipe out one of Wolf's Fang's bases thanks to their personal strength and the advantage that the blood pill gave them.

This was a scene that was taking place in quite a few places in the South Zone, with all the Metal Body members who were eligible to participate in this battle attacking all the Wolf's Fang bases in their path and wiping out any enemy they saw.

Taking into account that each of them were rank (D+) supers boosted with the blood pill, plus the fact that they were all in groups of at least 3 people, they were basically unstoppable against the few members of Wolf's Fang.

Judging by this amount of force that Metal Body was using, it was clear that they were completely determined to wipe out Wolf's Fang once and for all.

"By the way... are you sure Mark is okay...?" The woman asked, pointing to a young man who was hiding in the shadows of the building they had emerged from.

His appearance, while also indicating that he was under the effects of the blood pill, was the same as always, although a bit paler than normal.

However, his expression was that of a person whose soul had been snatched away, just staring at a blank space as he muttered, "A monster..."

"Uh...yeah, don't worry, it's just that he got a good scare a while back and has yet to recover from that, it'll wear off in a few days..." Chuck replied, making an awkward smile.

Even though he had said that, he really wasn't sure when Mark would be back to his old self.


At the same time that Chuck was filling up with worries, deep in the South Zone, specifically in the districts around District 10, the entire area had become without a doubt the most dangerous place in the entire South Zone.


One explosion after another resounded in multiple districts, each explosion was accompanied by the loud sound of pieces of debris falling to the ground, which obviously came from the surrounding buildings, of which some were even just a step away from collapsing.

The reason for all this destruction was due to none other than the Metal Body executives clashing with the Wolf's Fang guardians.

Normally Metal Body would limit the damage they caused to the surroundings due to it not being beneficial if they destroyed possible homes for the other inhabitants of the South Zone, however, facing Wolf's Fang guardians and due to not wanting to spend any more time than necessary, they could not afford to limit their strength.



Another explosion, this time much louder than the previous times suddenly resounded, accompanied by the scream of a man, who flew off until he crashed heavily into a nearby two-story building, breaking a concrete wall in the process.

"D-damn it..." He managed to say, albeit with great difficulty.

The hit had undoubtedly been incredibly strong, in fact, it was strong enough to kill a rank (D+) super, but despite that, the man quickly got up, revealing his sorry state.

Both his clothes and body were stained with blood and several wounds could be seen all around his body, some were even so terrible that not a bit of skin could be seen, only scorched flesh.

"I have to get out of here as soon as possible...!" The man said, a panicked look was visibly plastered on his face.

However, before he could even take a step forward, two people quickly rushed towards this man, pinning him to the ground and creating a large crack that moved the entire 2-story building.

This time the man didn't even have a chance to scream before everything went dark for him, it was not known if he had simply lost consciousness or worse, but the people causing this disaster didn't seem to care in the least.

Then, the taller of the two activated his ability, which manifested itself by surrounding his fists with a small energy field, the next moment, he hit the man on the ground with all his strength, sinking his body even deeper into the ground.josei


If before it wasn't clear if the man was still alive or not, now there was no doubt left at all, these two men had finished him off.

"Alright, that's another guardian down." Said the person who had finished off this man, whose appearance also made it clear that he was under the effects of the blood pill.

"Well, let's meet up with the boss' group then." His partner replied as he turned on his smartwatch to call their boss.

These two people were Metal Body executives, and the person they had just eliminated was the guardian of this district.

Like the other executives, they had been tasked with taking out all the guardians surrounding Wolf's Fang's main base, to cut off any reinforcements that might come from the outside.

At first they had been expecting much greater resistance, but unexpectedly, the power of the blood pills had been enough to completely overpower this guardian, which it should be mentioned, was a rank (C-) super.

After waiting a few seconds, the call connected.

"Boss, we're done with the District 13 guardian, this turned out to be easier than we thought, you need us to do something else-"

*Tap tap tap*


Suddenly, they both heard the sound of footsteps, so they immediately activated their abilities and prepared to receive an attack, cutting off the call with the boss due to the fact that they needed all their concentration for this.

The taller of the two encircled his arms with the same transparent energy field from before and raised his guard.

His partner also did the same, with the only difference being that instead of an energy field, a heat of great intensity could be felt coming from him.

They stood back to back, that way they would cover whatever direction the attack came from.

However, after waiting for a few seconds, nothing happened, although they did not let their guard down anyway.

Just when they were about to move, the taller of the two caught something in the corner of his eye, it was a black-haired young man who came from above and was throwing a kick towards his partner!

"Watch out!" he shouted pushing his partner away and taking his place while raising both arms to block the attack.

Although it might seem dangerous, since his skill was focused on defense, he was pretty sure he would be able to withstand any kind of attack.



However, despite that, the sound of bones being fractured could still be heard, and not only that, it was even enough to force him to his knees, creating a small crater in the ground due to the strenght of the kick.

"You!" The next moment, the man's companion lashed out at the attacker.

Unfortunately, seeing that he wasn't able to finish off his opponent with a single attack, the young man jumped and landed several meters away from both of them, giving the Metal Body member no chance to attack him.

"Wow, your friend is pretty tough." Said the young man, with a small smile of arrogance on his face as he assumed a 4-legged stance and gathered strength in his legs, "Be that as it may, since you dared to step into Wolf's Fang territory, you definitely won't get out of here...!"

After saying that, he again lunged at them, only at a much faster speed than before.

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