Parenting in Full Bloom! The Former Villainous Noble Son Who Found His Love Nest

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
Author: aji (あじ)
Translator: sleepingjay

Three days had passed since I came to this mansion.

Everyday, I would wake up early in the morning and then eat salad while Belus, taking no ifs or buts, supervised me.

After that I would go to the village, though within these three days I’d gone to the town once to sell medicine. At noon, I would take a quick look at the medicinal herbs field, then I would make protective charms for Andrea and others — like this, one day would be over.

More than my previous life, I was almost never alone. Maybe he wasn’t too concerned about it, but sometimes Seth would unexpectedly disappear off to somewhere else. Was it really no problem to not stand guard over me?

Personally, being constantly watched did cause me some stress, so being able to be alone was a welcome thing. But. I did worry whether Seth’s actions might anger others.

But now, I was a little regretful about separating from Seth. Even if he was such a noisy guy, I’d rather have him here than not.

I, who had been alone, was now locked inside a warehouse, soaked in excessive sweat.

A little while ago, one of the servants called out to me.

“Andrea-sama asked us to convey to Lilius-sama, he is waiting in front of the warehouse.” Told such a message, and thinking the boy was trying to play hide and seek or something, I headed there without a doubt.

When I arrived in front of the warehouse, because there was only a very slight opening, I couldn’t be sure whether Andrea was there.

So, I entered the warehouse. At that moment, already, the door was closed and locked automatically.

In this midsummer, what would I become when locked inside such a secret room? If nobody noticed, wouldn’t die?

Just when I was about to unlock it with magic, I noticed a physical discomfort.

A magic formation engraved in the corner of the warehouse was invoked when I tried to use magic. The effect was to suck out the magical power of the magic user.

The point was, if I used magic, this magic formation would be invoked. Then, it would suck out my magic reserves until it was completely consumed. Whether it was humans or beastmen, everyone had a baseline magic reserves in their bodies. If this was completely gone, the body’s functions would be suspended, and they would die.

Would my magic be consumed first, would somebody come and help me first, or would I be able to break the magic formation first?

Including that time at the staircase, it seemed that there were people with dark sentiments towards me in this residence. Although I had raised my vigilance since that incident, they still took such a large-scale action against me like this. Was the other person so crazy about killing me, that they were willing to even risk their own life?

I didn’t know if that person was the servant that had called me out, or unlikely as it might be, if there was another third party.

But wasn’t this funny.

Since they had such hostile intentions against me, why not I take them up on the challenge?

Thankfully, this magic formation that was sucking my magic reserves up was counteracting the restraints placed on the bracelet.

With a snicker, I decided to let the magic power discharge and gather at my wrist. Then all at once, I threw the gathered power at the magic formation.

I repeated that for the second time, then a third time.

Crackle… Crack… A clear, sharp sound like glass breaking. Little by little, the shine of the magic formation weakened.

Before everything disappeared, I tried to once again gather my magic.

“Those magic that has come to my side, point me to the other side.”

When the magic formation was broken, some misfortune would likely fall on the bastard who set me up.

Perhaps like me, they would fall from the stairs, or perhaps their toes would be caught in a door.

Thank you very much for the “present” you gave me — so without fail, please receive this in return, hmm?

After it lost the last of its shine, the magic from the formation, like a snake, crawled on the ground with a slither and disappeared off to the outside.

“With this, the other guy will be marked.”

The snake just now would parasitise on the person who tried to kill me. Based on the remnants of the magic formation, it would search out the person who had the same lingering magic.josei

Then, that magic-user would be shrouded by a black aura, which would be visible only to me, and I could confirm who they were by sight.

Once I knew who the culprit was, then and there, I would definitely teach them a lesson.

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