Past Life Returner

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333


The club members exerted significant influence over the lives of thousands of people with just a single approval. Whenever the U.S. Central Bank President changed the interest rate, even by a decimal percentage, businesses either went bankrupt or were resurrected, thereby determining the fate of families.

Aside from such economic power, the majority of the U.S. members played key roles in the Iraq War. It resulted in numerous casualties, both among the occupying forces and Iraqi civilians.

Those who killed a number of people were shocked that only one Awakened died. This was a time when the abilities of the Awakened weren’t well known by the public. Moreover, they didn’t realize that wiretapping devices were unnecessary for the Awakened who had reached the master section. Although people roughly had an idea of what the Stage of Advent was like, my actions were labeled as ‘murder’ instead of ‘punishment.’

Meanwhile, there was a general consensus among everyone regarding the identity of the dead girl. They all said she was Chinese, as it was unlikely that any other country besides China would have sent a spy. I agreed with this perspective.

The shock in the crowd slowly subsidized.

Evening arrived and dinner had just started. I eavesdropped on a conversation at the table while eating separately in my room. They were discussing Keynes’ theory as it was the perfect explanation for the shock that occurred in the financial market on the Day of Advent and the current surge in the global stock market. Both were the results of mob psychology because there was no reason for the stock markets to rise based solely on the facts alone.

The world had closed its doors to China, and now they closed doors on us. The reality was that the longer this economic sanction lasted, the more it would harm the global economy. Although we defeated the monsters, many cities were destroyed. No positive effects could be expected from there. The damage remained, so further destruction was expected.

It wasn’t that the Awakened would sweep gold from the alien civilizations at the moment. The mana stones were only monsters’ intestines, and only Yeon-Hee and I knew that they could be used as a new energy source. Nevertheless, the financial industry and the public craved stocks in pursuit of new hope.

“That’s right. Stories are more important than facts.”

There was someone here who shared my views. Although people widely recognized the relationship between human psychology and the stock market now, the economics community had only given it proper consideration during the Great Depression in the 1930s. This was during the time when Keynes was active. Moreover, even genius scientist Isaac Newton left a famous quote that no one could predict human madness after he was defeated in the stock market.

There was a reason why the two financial figures at the table were rediscussing Keynes. Keynes had used the term ‘wild impulse’ to refer to human psychology being reflected in the economy, but such a term wasn’t important. The significant thing was the conclusion that he had reached during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Keynes’s reasoning was simple. His aim wasn’t to put forward a comprehensive theory about the impact of human psychology on the economy. It was possible that he wanted to be in a similar position as me.

Both economic and non-economic motives play a crucial role in shaping human economic behavior. The psychology of humans is prone to fluctuations, ranging from pessimism to optimism, and fear to hope, which can be determined by the stability of the economy. Hence, there is a need for effective measures to manage and regulate the irrational aspects of human behavior. In this regard, the intervention of the “visible hand” is deemed necessary to maintain the stability of the economy.

What Keynes referred to as ‘visible hands’ was here, the club! The people who were at the table where the conversation continued were proud that they were a part of the ‘visible hands.’


The supper was over. Then, I heard a clattering fork sound from there, as if dessert was being served. The conversation between the two men was moving on the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.

“Let’s change the topic then. Our club is stronger than the Bilderberg in its heyday. It is undeniable that our authority in the club has decreased, but that’s not a big deal.”

“I agree. If Bilderberg still existed now, then it would have been ruined immediately.”

“It wouldn’t have survived the Day of Advent, and nothing like this would have happened. But do you think things will be fine this way?”


“It’s not because of the Awakened. It looks like peace has been restored, but the world is still in chaos. Let’s assume one thing. Well… this is something that can actually happen sooner or later.”


“His assets will be revealed to the public. Of course, people will only think of it as the Big Four’s property, including Jonathan Investment Finance Group. Excluding what he has given to paper companies, the public will be amazed by the assets of the Big Four alone, without going into further detail.”

“Yeah, that must be the case. The value of the Big Four’s holdings will go up a few times more than now… I can’t even imagine how far it will increase.”

“There is no doubt that the figure will surprise even us, so the public reaction will be even more intense. They will definitely discuss the distribution of wealth. If public opinion takes a certain direction, we won’t be able to control the outcome no matter what actions we take. Look at the examples in America and Korea, where candidates we didn’t support were elected.”

Then, the two lowered their voices as if they were conscious of the U.S. President.

“That’s true. The public calls the Jonathan Group a hero now, but it’s not going to take long for them to turn their back on them. I see what you are thinking. Are you trying to revive ‘Tessera?’”

“The global public needs more direct control, don’t you agree? Not indirect controls like big data from Googol, but controls that can place them under the surveillance network of the club.”

“Mmm… But the problem is that Odin has already rejected that request.”

“He is not like who he was last year. He is more… Sigh. It gives me goosebumps when I think about it again. Did you see the Chinese Awakened woman’s face as she writhed in pain? There was not a bone left of her when he was done. Anyway, Odin must have changed his mind.”


“So, I’m saying that he will agree with me that we should revive ‘Tessera.’ This is our chance.”

Project ‘Tessera…’ Tessera referred to the name tag that Roman slaves had to carry in the past. In other words, it was a sign of slavery, but what the two members were talking about wasn’t a wooden plaque, but a microchip that was implanted into a human organism. It would allow the club to track the locations of everyone in the world!

It was the top issue among the world’s slavery projects and remained widely used to this day. The technology was not difficult to implement and was commonly attached to luxury items like cars, clothing, and even the wealthy’s pets to prevent loss. But putting such a thing under the skin of people and the Awakened around the world?


The Bilderberg Club had addressed this project after the 8.11 attacks, which was 9.11 terrorism in my past life. They saw an opportunity to advance the project due to the social climate and believed they could push for it. Under the Bilderberg Club’s guidance, the world’s media also promoted the idea that implanting subcutaneous microchips would greatly aid in tracking down suspected terrorists.

However, the public strongly opposed it. The club then reexamined kidnapping incidents to change the public’s mind, claiming that transplanting a microchip in the body would ease the concerns of parents with young children.

Nevertheless, the plan went to pieces. The microchips injected under the skin of sex offenders were replaced by electronic anklets in the face of strong opposition from Christian and human rights groups. However, this didn’t mean that the project was wiped out completely as the summary of the plan still remained in the members’ heads.

Let’s say that we can use the notion of an alien invasion and a new era as a means to manipulate public opinion. Then, how will we implant microchips in people all over the world? That many? How can we make this terrible curse a blessing?

The solution was vaccines. The plan was to begin with children in underdeveloped countries and eventually offer free vaccinations to developed countries, all of which would be laced with microchips. This may appear sinister, and the club may be viewed as a source of evil. I couldn’t deny that.

However, human greed wasn’t limited to the stock market. I was certain that if Keynes had been a member of the Bilderberg Club, then he would have been more eager about this project than anyone else.

The club only had one motto: the only world government.

That was why club members constantly talked about control over the public, and this was why they gathered. It was clear that my Jeonil Club had the old Bilderberg Club as its foundation. I couldn’t take away the interests of all club members because the earth was too vast to be governed by a single absolute power.

The media reported that the Big Four, including the Jonathan Group, defended the Day of Advent. However, there were hidden contributors, the club members who had faithfully followed my instructions. We were able to maintain our civilization because they had exerted their influence and left the economic system open even on the Day of Advent. Thus, my relationship with them was between the ruler and the ruled.

This was the reason I left them alone even when they tried to plant a terrifying wiretapping device in all mankind. I couldn’t behead them just because I didn’t like a certain idea of theirs. In addition, their actions and thoughts weren’t against the club’s motto.

‘But if the chipped people became the Awakened?’

It was necessary to keep a close watch on them even if I didn’t confine them within one fence. On the other hand, the Awakened were bound to be implanted with microchips for identification purposes, even if it meant surveilling them. Doctors would administer anesthetics to their triceps and insert microchips using needles. I was confident that they wouldn’t resist, as this would be a mandatory requirement for registration, not only because it was an order under the name of Odin.

Yes, tomorrow’s club conference would resolve the agendas that would compel the Awakened to join the association. This was where the World Awakened Association and the world would come to an agreement. Although it was unfair, no one would be able to refute my statement.

I am Odin, the owner of the club, and the most powerful Awakened in the Ender section.

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