Past Life Returner

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

“Could you please share with us your insights on the current situation in China regarding the renminbi currency reform? It has only been two days since implementation, and they are already facing challenges. The Chinese authorities have urgently stopped issuing new bills. According to multiple financial experts, the problem might have started with products traded on New York Mercantile Exchange. Why is that so?”

“It’s true that China has worked very hard to break the order of dollar hegemony. A gold standard is a valuable tool in the ongoing economic competition between nations. I share the perspective that this approach can provide an advantage, and it’s a viewpoint that seems reasonable and logical to me.”

“Yes. So what happened at the New York Mercantile Exchange yesterday? I would appreciate it if you could explain in easy-to-understand terms for the viewers.”

“Products linked to new bills and gold were traded, but above all, we have to pay attention to the amount traded. Let’s exclude the renminbi first and focus on gold.”


“There was a lot more than gold traded on exchanges around the world. Given the scale of this activity, we now need to ask where did such an abundant supply of gold originate from? After all, it now exceeds the amount currently in circulation. What are your thoughts on where this excess gold may have come from?”

“From China?”


“But isn’t China being sanctioned right now?”

“While imports and exports were subjected to limitations, not all financial transactions were completely restricted. The U.S. would have wanted to freeze the Chinese assets through the second round of economic sanctions, so China would have sought to preemptively change the situation before the sanction was enforced. This is potentially why they took the risk of implementing the currency plan and even engaging in the New York Mercantile Exchange.”

“So why did yesterday’s New York Mercantile Exchange transactions play an important role?”

“Modern wars differ significantly from those in the past as they don’t necessarily involve physical combat. They are commonly referred to as ‘currency wars’ or ‘wars without gunfire.’”

“Ah, I see.”

“If a currency war breaks out, then the entire world would turn into a battlefield.”

“Why?” josei

“Because the exchanges that trade stocks, futures, and foreign exchanges are distributed all around the world. Local wars break out simultaneously, and there are bound to be warzones that determine the victory or defeat of the war among them.”

“So the New York Mercantile Exchange must have served that role yesterday, right?”

“That’s right. Gold prices were being supported by dollar-based financial conglomerates at exchanges back then as they were defending it with all their might. But despite their efforts, gold prices continued to rise. However, this trend reversed suddenly when certain traded products experienced a significant decline. Since then, there have been attacks suspected to be originating from the Chinese capital. But… as you can see, it seems that these efforts had limited impact on changing the market outcomes.”

“Then, is the war still going on?”


“So… Am I correct in understanding that the transactions conducted on the New York Mercantile Exchange had a considerably larger impact compared to other exchanges, thereby influencing market prices on the latter?”


“But here is the question. The value of the dollar is declining while the prices of gold are surging. Why is it that such a contrasting market situation is predominantly occurring on the New York Mercantile Exchange, where significant transactions are taking place? Furthermore, why is China venturing into gold-based product trading when they are supposed to stop exporting gold? The most puzzling thing is that in order to enter all those transactions at a time when the value of the dollar is declining…”

After the host asked the question, the guest abruptly faced the camera and crossed his arms, signaling for them to stop filming. The recording light on the camera immediately switched from its middle-of-recording state to a red ‘stop’ light. The tension in the room was palpable as the interviewee stared at the host with a rigid expression.

Then, the producer strode into the studio.

“What the heck are you doing? You should follow the script. Don’t add anything else!” the producer shouted.

The host yelled back at the producer as if he had made up his mind, “This is what the viewers are most curious about. How can I proceed with the interview without asking the most important question?”

“Who says the viewers are curious about that?”

“Then are they not?”

The tension between the host and the producer remained unsolved, then suddenly, the host realized why the producer was being particularly sensitive regarding this matter.

There must have been pressure from outside! Is it from Washington D.C. as they have enough control over the news station? Or a business owner? No, no… The person must be in a higher position than them.

The host thought he couldn’t back down. The incident on the New York Mercantile Exchange didn’t only deal with the hegemonic war between China and the United States. There were substantial capital forces that ruled the world from behind the scenes. Those who could beat superpowers like China only with money!

Oh, gosh.


Kim Cheong-Soo acted as if all of the air had gone out of him, similar to how I acted when the Man Who Overcomes Adversity died down. At the same time, he didn’t only think about the current front, but also included what would happen later in the calculation.

“Our group and your assets will be revealed to the world, Odin.”

I exerted external pressure, but the public wasn’t stupid. By comparing the Day of Advent to yesterday’s struggle, they would come to the realization that the assets of the Big Four, including Jonathan Investment Finance Group, were vast beyond imagination.

Members also brought up this agenda at this year’s club conference. They argued that the entire human race should be labeled with slave marks as the public would soon find out the immensity of wealth I held. Kim Cheong-Soo obviously felt the same way. When I told him what happened at the meeting, he also expressed remorse that the project Tessera was confined solely to the Awakened.

When his stimulant pills became ineffective, I received a call from the White House that the Chinese ambassador wanted to meet the owner of the club.

It was said that there was a punishment called Domoji during the Joseon Dynasty[1] that stuck wet pieces of paper to a person’s face. As additional layers of paper were added, the slips of paper became more and more adhered to their nose and mouth, obstructing their air passages.

The Chinese ambassador looked like a criminal getting that punishment. He came in with a ghastly pale face, and it seemed like layers of paper were over his face.

As I was the only one present in the office upon his arrival, he could quickly grasp who the owner of the club was. Nevertheless, he appeared taken aback as he saw a young Asian adult waiting for him and became distracted for a few moments. It was only after I gestured towards the couch with my chin that he quietly took a seat across from me.

“...We apologize first that our leader couldn’t come.”

Despite the cold weather, he was sweating. He wiped his forehead with a wet handkerchief, and the way he studied my face was annoying. As I remained silent, an uncomfortable hush descended into the atmosphere. The ambassador opened his mouth as he couldn’t stand the silence.

“It started when the authorities detained the Awakened. The leader is concerned that you and the world leaders are failing to overcome the association’s coercion.”

It wasn’t just me who was experiencing sleep deprivation, as Kim Cheong-Soo, my knights, and their elite corps had also been unable to sleep lately. The ambassador rubbed his bloodshot eyes, suggesting that he may have been in a similar situation, then he waited for my answer.

However, he should have been honored that I had let him see my face. I didn’t have the slightest intention of replying to the nonsense. The ambassador coughed several times, then continued, “We will hand over the Awakened who have been detained by the authorities to the association.”

He decided to turn in a direction as I still didn’t answer him.

“Do you have the products from the… New York Mercantile Exchange?”

“Then what?”

He moved his butt and pulled the chair close as he finally heard the voice he had been waiting for.

“The products are linked to the new renminbi bill, as well as gold.”

“Yes, and you guys stopped issuing them. But you will have to keep printing while turning a blind eye and pretending that nothing has happened so far…heh.”

He wasn’t a financier, but he seemed to have heard enough about what would happen in the future from his aides. Otherwise, there was no reason for him to stop breathing with a deadly pale face.

Soon, he became short of breath, and I said to him, “We won’t stop by just designating China as the axis of evil.”

“As… as you know… The World Awakened Association doesn’t want armed conflict. If they intervene, you will be in trouble.”

It meant China would cancel all the products that were poured out from them.

“It won’t happen if you keep your promises.”

The ambassador became speechless since he didn’t have the right to make a decision. He was here to inform me of the Chinese government’s decision.

I continued, “Are you sure that you won’t hand over the renminbi and gold? There is still a lot of time left before the expiration date. You are being too hasty.”

The ambassador became overwhelmed with fear. Was it because he was facing me? No. it was because he knew that the currency war could turn into World War III, where real nuclear missiles would be used, if he said a single wrong word.

Within a short span, he started trembling visibly. Despite attempting to conceal his apprehension by clenching his fist, even his hand was shaking.

“The leader said… we won’t… transfer… Please listen until the end. I’m sorry to tell you this, but you must not want an all-out war.”

They were thieves. Although they sold items without limitations, now that things hadn’t gone according to their plans, they were acting as if nothing ever happened. They received trillions of dollars in advance, but they were now saying that they couldn’t give people the products. The most heinous thieves of all time were grouped together and extorting money from others.

I laughed in vain at their courage. I was unsure of how the ambassador perceived my laughter, but he feigned a smile and nodded. Of course, he couldn’t stop shaking uncontrollably even at that time. He was staring at my lips.

“Well, if you are not going to do that, then I have no choice but to forcibly take them away.”

That was the reply that the Chinese authorities wouldn’t have wanted to hear the most. They didn’t have a scenario of shooting nuclear missiles at each other. They would rather let their economy collapse because World War III would render everything a barren wasteland and annihilate all vested interests along with their lives.


The ambassador froze on the spot as if he had been attacked by a skill with an ice attribute. He didn’t even blink his eyes, and nuclear missiles were flying in his mind.

Then, he squeezed out, “Please… please give me time. I… I will talk to the leader… again.”

I demanded, “Call him.”

“Excuse me?” he squeaked.

“Call your great leader. I’ll talk to him myself.”

The ambassador became indecisive because doing something like that exceeded his jurisdiction and was evidence of his not fulfilling his duties appropriately.

However, he soon rummaged inside his jacket and took out his phone. After he hung up the first call where he spoke in enraged Chinese, he received another call. He handed it over to me instead of answering it himself. The vibration of the phone was as strong as how the ambassador’s body was shaking.

1. Korean kingdom that ruled for over 500 years during which time it made significant cultural and social advancements. ?

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