Past Life Returner

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Since the global economy had overcome the European financial crunch following the subprime crisis, it was supposed to boom again without any disheartening factors. However, it had not improved at all. Instead, the economic recession had deepened and its duration lengthened. It didn’t plunge all at once, but the world’s stock price chart had entered an endless depression with a downward curve.

Chris Lee was the hedge fund manager who had grasped the flow first. He was getting ready to give a speech on his success story. It was actually an investment briefing session to recruit customers for his business, targeting the world’s richest people who had blind faith in the Jonathan Group.

“Yes, it’s incredible how Jonathan has calculated twenty percent of their profits and has given it to you every year by 2015. To be honest, the industry calls it the realm of God. A steady earning of over twenty percent per year is unbelievable. However…”

Chris pressed the presentation remote control button, then the Jonathan Group’s major hedge fund earning chart began to plummet. Some of them had dropped to 0%, -5% and even -20%.

“This is proof that Jonathan no longer has the intention of giving you profits in the future.”

He had expected to see a reaction from the audience, but their eyes didn’t change. They still acted as if they were being forced to watch a boring documentary film by their lovers. Chris understood their thought process as the profits that Jonathan had given them over the past decade had made up for the losses they had encountered during the past two years.

Moreover, Jonathan was called the ‘Ten Trillion Man.’ His assets would have been greater as the ten trillion total had been calculated using only the assets of the companies such as Googol, Nano Soft, Nile and Facenote that had revealed their financial information through the North American corporate disclosure.

Christ was aware that it was just the tip of the iceberg. He thought Jonathan would have had a tax haven and paper companies in New York, where his assets were kept. Furthermore, it had been a while since the Federal Reserves had been filled with Jonathan’s people. It was impossible for the U.S. government to tamper with them. The Jonathan Group’s money power went beyond the realm of the country’s law. It was obvious that there would be an unprecedented situation when one tried to challenge that.

“Then, I’ll ask you a question. Do you know the reason why Jonathan has pulled out of the stock market?” a rich elite suddenly asked.

Chris responded evasively, “Strictly speaking, he hasn’t completely withdrawn yet.”

Jonathan had basically been stepping back on staying the de facto shareholder of the world. Naturally, he still held a lot of financial power.

If he sold all his shares at once…

Chris shivered just thinking about it. If he had betted during the decline of the market, he would have earned an explosive amount, which could have been comparable to the jackpot Jonathan had earned during the Asian financial crisis. However, human civilization and the global economy would have retreated hundreds of years if that had actually happened.

So what was the point of all the return percentage? Currency and stock bonds would have been meaningless. It was fortunate that the Jonathan Group had controlled the speed through constant program transactions. In fact, Chris admired the man personally and was astonished as a citizen, but enormous speculative forces like the Jonathan and Gillian Group could have torn the world apart with a snap.

“But you’re saying he’s getting close to the limit, and you’re betting on that, Chris.”


“That’s why I’m curious about Jonathan’s reasons for withdrawing from the market. Let’s take a look at your briefing documents again. Jonathan wasn’t doing this alone. There must have been an agreement between the Gillian Group, Telestar, Gold and Silver, the Karjans and so on to withdraw from the stock market for the past two years, Chris.”


“Do you know what Jeon-il Club is?”

Chris answered, “Yes, and I see what you are trying to say. On the other hand, existing capital forces such as the Rothschilds and Silverman have bought up what has been sold. That wouldn’t be the resolution of the club itself.”

The elite continued, “I understand that you hit the jackpot by reading the market’s flow, and I agree that you are a man of that capability. Also, I give you props for the fact that you are brave enough to go after our money, which is currently in Jonathan’s pockets. But I think you are still a child who doesn’t know the world of adults. The lollipop in your hand is so sweet that you have completely forgotten who has given it to you.”

The rich who were investing in the Jonathan Group seemed to have sturdier faith in the man than Chris had expected.

He refuted them, “You are correct except for one thing. I didn’t receive the lollipop. I took it away from them.”

“Haha, oh yeah? You still haven’t answered my question yet.”

“It doesn’t matter why Jonathan and the other capital forces have pulled out of the market. As you know, the important thing is the flow of the market. They are maintaining a steady selling trend that will bring a dark age to the global economy…”

“On that issue, we are in agreement that it is necessary to take advantage of it. Do you still not know why we took the time to come out here?”

Chris realized that there was only one way to change the minds of the rich. He had to tell them the reason why capital forces that were connected to the Jonathan Group were withdrawing from the market. However, he had no clue.

Why did they crush the global economy when it was obvious that the up-phase was coming? Even at the expense of their enormous losses?

They were retrogressing the physiology of the financial industry.

“Ah, you are so frustrating, Chris. We thought you would know the source of the upcoming war!” a female elite sitting in front of Chris raised her voice.

The war…

Chris had once thought of it too. If capital forces had withdrawn to prepare for a future war, the scale of said event must be at least as large as a World War.

When the female elite stated a bald fact, the others frowned.

“It’s not a war. There is clear evidence that shows that there has been no significant change in the movement of the spot market for raw materials, including gold. Whatever the reason, I’ll increase the number in your accounts,” Chris said.

Chris’s investment plan began to pop up on the screen. He had painstakingly worked on it, and many numbers appeared.

“There is a famous quote in the industry. ‘Invest first, then find out the reason.’”

However, Chris soon noticed that he had failed as he looked at their reactions.

“Mmm… I’m willing to invest in you if I can, but you don’t know anything yet.”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Jonathan modified the gate regulations during the subprime crisis. Even if we want to invest in you, we can’t get our money back from Jonathan’s pockets.”

That motherfucker. Then why the hell are you guys here? This was a waste of my time.’

Chris gritted his teeth while smiling.

“You must have really thought I knew the source of the war. Once again, I don’t know anything about …”

Chris was interrupted by the noise.

Wooong. Woooooong-

A fighter jet flying in the sky outside the room was the source of the racket. The rich, who had been sitting with a haughty attitude, rose from their seats at once. The vibrations of phones were buried by the sound of fighter jets.

When everyone in the hall took out their phones, Chris recalled the moment when he was a newbie on Wall Street in 2001. That day was similar as the alarm that indicated the start of war had filled the air, and the managers hastily ran out of the office with their phones. The incoming calls filled the screen so that he couldn’t check the breaking news. Chris rushed out with the rich and shouted at his cellphone.

<Chris: What’s going on?>

<Secretary: Where are you?>

<Chris: Investment briefing!>

<Secretary: Are you in New York? Never go outside of Brooklyn. Never!>

He was confused as he was already outside Brooklyn. Since central New York was Jonathan’s territory, he had purposely scheduled the meeting in the suburbs.

<Secretary: Monsters are here.>

<Chris: You mean terrorists?>

<Secretary: No, they are actual monsters. Oh, gosh. Damn it!>

Chris couldn’t ask if the secretary was joking as the man’s voice was dead serious, and the sound of fighter jets in the air was so loud that he couldn’t hear the secretary properly.


He heard something getting destroyed from the exit.


Then, he heard the screams of a woman. He rolled his eyes. He didn’t know exactly what had happened, but he did notice that a serious incident was going on. Brooklyn was in the center of the situation. He couldn’t find anything that was suitable to be a makeshift weapon, but he did recall a place to hide. He was about to grab a rich man passing by him but stopped himself as it was too late to warn him that it was dangerous outside. The place he could hide was small anyway, and the more people there were, the more likely they were to be exposed to the threat.

<Chris: Tell me more. Are you talking about non-human beings like those in the movies?>

There was no reply as his secretary had hung up.


Chris ran in the opposite direction that the rich had, and the old rich lady who was looking at Chris turned toward him.

“Wait for me!” she wailed.

However, Chris didn’t even give her a glance as he had to focus his energy on sprinting. He threw himself and crumpled into a ball to fit into the place he thought was safe. Then, he quickly moved his index finger while covering the light of his smartphone inside his jacket. Breaking news footage began to play.

The creatures running across the field were real monsters and reminded him of werewolves. The monsters grouping together and racing violently looked like a scene in a crude B-rated movie. A cluster of monsters appeared simultaneously throughout the United States, including the suburbs of Washington D.C. and eastern L.A.

What if the Chinese troops are falling from the sky in the parachute? What if the masked terrorists carried out the invasion they had planned for a long time?

Ridiculous thoughts like those would have made more sense than what was actually going on.

His mind mocked him. “Then, I’ll ask you a question. What do you think is the reason why Jonathan has pulled out of the stock market?”

Chris could now answer the question. Those with fucking power over the world had been guessing about the current situation since 2016, but what made no sense was that there had been no chance in the spot market.

Anyway, one thing was clear: he was fucked! The success he had earned by reading the market’s flow had become meaningless.

Chris continued checking the breaking news with quivering hands and often hid his smartphone whenever he heard a bizarre noise outside. However, something weird happened. The contingency plan was supposed to launch and halt the entire financial market, including the securities market. It was a natural step when something corresponding to a war had occurred.

「Even if our SOB Bank’s main facilities get destroyed, computer servers with account information are distributed in many places. In the wake of the 8.11 attack, deposit records are kept safe, but if you still cannot trust our group in this emergency, please find a branch of our SOB Bank. We will do our best to find your valuable assets. However, please note that confusion leads to greater confusion. Your assets are secured, and their owners are you.」

“These crazy…”

Chris unconsciously opened his mouth but closed it immediately.

Jonathan was insane without a doubt. Chris couldn’t understand how the man would handle the inevitable Bank Run. The contingency plan had to be launched instantly as it was the essence of dealing with a critical situation.

Chris opened the stock application on his phone just in case. As expected, the ‘circuit breaker,’ which suspended the selling of stocks when the price soared or plunged, had been activated. However, it was on the first of the three levels, and there was a notice that transactions would resume in twenty minutes. Chris couldn’t stop himself from calling Jonathan crazy. Unidentified monsters were appearing not only throughout the U.S. but also throughout the world.

He isn’t closing the market in this situation? I guess he thinks he will fail regardless of whether he closes it or not. Maybe the institution that controls the securities system was gulped by the monsters. That might be why the system is not proceeding the way it’s programmed…

At that moment, another thought crossed Chris’s mind.

Where and what is all the money that Jonathan and other capital forces have stockpiled doing right now?

Chris couldn't hear anything as he was greatly immersed in looking through the transactions that had happened before the stock market was temporarily put on hold. There was an unprecedented deal going on. There were people selling their stocks madly, and there were retroactive forces that continued purchasing them. They must have been Jonathan and the capital forces that supported him. Also, they were fighting the terror that the monsters created.


Chris’s body trembled.

What am I looking at?

He felt a shudder wrapping around his body and straightened his back as he had forgotten that he was currently curled up for a reason.


He banged his head on the structure above him, then came to his senses. He felt overwhelmed. The fact that fantastical monsters were invading the world was surreal enough, but it was even more unbelievable that the world’s capital forces were still resisting the horrors.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Chris made a decision while his heart thumped against his chest wall. If he lost them, the number on the computer would never be money. His money in the safe would also be used as kindling in the war.

“Take the call. Please, take it,” Chris murmured and focused on the ringtone, but he couldn’t connect with the executive who had the most authority in his company. After going through multiple trials, he finally succeeded in connecting with an executive who was in a lower position than the first one.

<Executive: I’m watching… It’s the end.>

The man was crying as he talked on the phone.

<Chris: No, we can fight back.>

<Executive: …>

<Chris: Remember, do not dispose of our assets. If you are already doing it without my permission, stop it now. Also, spend all the funds left in the account in buying the stocks that are being sold in the market now. I don’t know how much we can get but do it. Are you listening?>

<Executive: Yes, I am. Sob.>

<Chris: You must do it no matter what…>

Chris suddenly froze with his mouth wide open as he had heard footsteps.

<Chris: You must do it no matter what. Take in as much as you can.> josei

He had to hang up before getting an answer since the intimidating footsteps were getting closer to him. The heavy sound that rang through the hall sounded like a messenger dragging a sickle. He actually heard a metal sound along with the footsteps.

Chris thought of death, but he didn’t want to die easily. The monster in the video was terrifying, but he was determined to at least fight back.

I’ve gone through so many hardships to survive on Wall Street! This is nothing!

“Is there anyone here?”

It wasn’t the howl of a beast. It was a human voice. Chris pulled out his face in surprise.

“What the hell are you doing there? Come out quickly!”

The first thing Chris saw was a pair of two military shoes.

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