Past Life Returner

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

These people had lived fiercely more than anyone else. During their years at school, they had never left their desks and did their best to survive in the jungle-like society. They could never afford to take a rest on the weekend since they had lots of responsibilities at work and needed to pay attention to their competitors.

Although they were lawyers, judges, doctors, office workers, self-employed business owners, civil servants or athletes, the distinction between their jobs disappeared the moment the modifier ‘successful’ was added in front of their occupation. They boldly steamrolled other people and became more ambitious no matter how often they tasted despair. There was always a clear goal and confidence that backed up their decisions.

Therefore, Ji-Hoon felt proud that he was now in a higher position than these people. Back on earth, it would have been impossible for him to even have a conversation with them. Now, those who he had admired no longer looked down on him, who had been unemployed. Instead, they were busy flattering him.

“Sir, the captain has been waiting for you. I have already explained, but…”

“Thank you.”

Ji-Hoon tapped the guy’s shoulder and passed by. This guy used to be a prosecutor.

In the headquarters, there was a map widely spread out on a table in the captain’s room. The captain, who was staring at it, slowly turned his head around when Ji-Hoon entered and pointed to the front seat.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” Ji-Hoon said.

“There must have been a reason. Sit down.”

“I heard he came, didn’t he?”

The captain nodded. “Yes, the woman who came in with him is called Shin Kyung-Ah. All her equipment is C-class or above, and people said she didn’t seem nervous at all.”

The fact that she was fully equipped with C-class items meant that her stats and skills were also likely to be high. It was difficult to find such a tycoon. Even the majority of those who had reigned as the winners of Act One, Stage Two had lower class abilities. Ki-Nam, the captain who led one of the four main squads in Sky Guild, was in the same boat.

Ki-Nam nodded with eyes full of interest and curiosity. Then, Ji-Hoon continued his report, “She is twenty-eight years old.”

“What was her job before?”

Ji-Hoon responded, “She was a lawyer.”

“Law school?”

Ji-Hoon confirmed, “Yes, she graduated from a law school and worked at Kim and Park law firm.”

The captain frowned slightly. “Is that all you have about her?”

Ji-Hoon shook his head. “No. We were able to find someone who knew her in the past. Her name is Jeong Yi-Soo, the captain of the Power Squad.”

“Yeah, Jeong Yi-Soo probably knows a lot about Kim and Park. But, she would have thrown a tantrum, right?” Ki-Nam smirked.

Ji-Hoon nodded. “Yes, I was on my way here after checking that. Shin Kyung-Ah tore off Jeong Yi-Soo’s arm as soon as she saw her. That’s how I found out that the new woman is a melee dealer.”

Ki-Nam laughed gleefully. “Hahaha. Jeong Yi-Soo must have been a terrible boss. What else?”

“You must have heard the rumor that there is a female leader from the World Awakened Association, who has rapidly expanded her power beyond a hundred districts. There are several guys in the village who came from there, so we are comparing Shin Kyung-Ah with the person in the rumor based on what they’ve told us. Even if she is not the one, she is definitely something.”

Ki-Nam nodded. “Ah, but she followed Odin instead of establishing her dominance over him… I should greet Odin some time. When will I be able to do that?”

Ji-Hoon promised, “I will try to schedule the time.”

“Yea, I like how hard you’re working. Hahaha.”

Ji-Hoon instantly lowered his head as he noticed the captain’s smile had a slight sneer to it. He immediately added, “I’m sorry. I’ll contact him right now. I’ll report to you when I get back.”

“Go,” Ki-Nam commanded.

“Yes, sir!”

There was a strict hierarchy now. People who had relied solely on the natural physical abilities they had trained in society without using their heads had already been eliminated. The ways of the world were the same even though the environment had changed. Those in power remained in a higher position.

This wasn’t the story of the ‘golden spoons[1].’ Ji-Hoon had witnessed a number of people succeeding after climbing up the social stratum from the very bottom. He had a feeling that he was finally about to turn his life around, so he didn’t want to see Seon-Hu again.

Are you telling me to commit suicide like an idiot? Fuck you.

“If you approach me once more, I will kill you. Get out of my way.” Ji-Hoon smiled as he recalled Seon-Hu’s warning from a long time ago. He would never approach his former classmate…no…the monster again. He was going to buy time and lie to the captain because the captain wouldn’t visit Seon-Hu directly after hearing the rumors of how powerful and antisocial he was.

In the past, Ji-Hoon had been busy pulling stunts here and there, working to please and flatter those stronger than him. However, that was an old story as he was now an idol to most people! He now had the Miracle Squad’s crest on his chest, and he had become one of the most successful Awakened. He now had golden luxury items as his equipment.

The question was how long this glory would last, but the rules were still the same. Those who had a lot had more than others, and those who lacked kept struggling and went to hell. People who had failed to adapt to this new world even after Act One, Stage Two would continue to have trouble.

“What a fucking, wonderful world,” Ji-Hoon swore quietly and strained his eyes.

[Hello, Awakened. Long time no see! I was so worried that you might forget about me.]

It’s a fucking, wonderful world except when you arrive, jerk. Well, at least I have the perfect excuse as to why I didn’t talk to Na Seon-Hu.

Ji-Hoon ran to where people were gathering. The blue Spirit was flying in the center.

[Anyway, I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has reached the Final Stage. ヾ(。>﹏<。) ]

Someone screamed ecstatically, “Final? It will be finally over, right? Finally, finally!”

Stupid, haven’t you learned anything so far?

Just as Ji-Hoon was grumbling inwardly, something happened.


[Oh, what I meant was the final stage of Act One. Please don’t interrupt the Guide’s speech.]

[I will now continue. What did you guys think when two hundred districts were combined and more than twenty thousand people were on one stage?]

People were silent as they had just witnessed what had happened to the man who shouted out of excitement a few seconds ago. However, they were now used to the Spirit’s brutality as enough time had passed since the first time it occurred during Act One, Stage One. No one even flinched when a head exploded right in front of their eyes. In fact, there were more people whose expressions showed that they blamed the victim instead of being sympathetic towards him. People acted like they expected his death as he had looked quite shabby.

[It’s quiet, but it’s nice to see you concentrating on me. Keep it up! You are ready since you have gone through Stages One and Two. However, your capabilities are limited to small-scale battles, and we are very worried about that. Your enemies are aggressive and violent, and they are already prepared to conquer your precious home territory.]

It was never a good sign when the guide had a longer explanation than usual. People’s lips dried up in fear.

[You don’t know this yet, but they exist in corps, and you will encounter them in the Final Stage. In other words, everyone who has become stronger through Stages One and Two should collaborate and compete against them. I will tell you the time and place where each gate opens and the monsters that will come out…]

The Spirit turned red.

[Mmm… Never mind. I changed my mind, hehe! I don’t want to tell you anymore (>_<). ]

Then, the Spirit returned to blue, and it continued with its speech.

[The Final Stage is similar to the waves from Stage One. You have to defeat the Major Kciphos Corps. Remember, they are much more terrifying than anything you have ever encountered or imagined. However, I truly believe that you guys will overcome this as you have all persevered through Stages One and Two. Once again, I hope you unite as one group and work together instead of spreading out in each district. I have given you lots of time to mingle around.]

Then, the last message popped up on everyone’s window.

[The Final Stage of Act One has begun.]


However, there were notification messages that only appeared on Seon-Hu’s window.

[Explorer has been activated.]

[Twenty-three gates have been detected.]

[Category: Gate 1

Class: F - E

Emerging point: District 2

Emerging time: Within 13 to 15 hours]


[Category: Gate 23

Class: F - E

Emerging point: District 175

Emerging time: Within 2 to 5 hours]

If Seon-Hu had upgraded this trait to a higher class, the information about the gate’s class and when each gate would open would have been more accurate. However, he was satisfied because he needed Explorer to be at least B-class in order to have all two hundred districts in his search area. Even if he actually had points to upgrade it, it was still better for him to accumulate them and upgrade his other top priority categories.

Anyway, only one gate was in a higher class than the other twenty-two gates. It was in District 152, and its class was between E and D. It was evident that the general commander of the corps would come out of that gate.

“We can only win if at least five of our offensive teams fight against one corps together. Of course, this is under the assumption that the teams are formed with elite troops. Soo-Ah.” Seon-Hu looked at Soo-Ah.

She nodded. “Yes.”

Seon-Hu continued, “Your village is prepared. Work with Kyung-Ah and do your best to secure the first and second placings in the quest rewards as much as possible.”

It’s not my village. It’s yours.’ Soo-Ah was about to voice out that thought but stopped.

“Why me?” Kyung-Ah asked.

“The nail that sticks out gets hammered. I don’t know if that’s what Odin meant, but do as you are told,” Seong-Il interjected.

“Step out. This isn’t your business. I joined to be with Odin. I have a town like this over there.” Kyung-Ah pointed her finger in the direction of her village.

“Kyung-Ah,” Soo-Ah tried to stop her.

Kyung-Ah protested, “Unnie, Odin promised me something before.”

“Why are you so nice to her, but mean to me?” Seong-Il frowned.

Then, Seon-Hu burst into laughter. The three sensed that if they argued any further, Odin would…

Seon-Hu opened his mouth amid the sudden silence.

“I did promise Kyung-Ah something.”

Kyung-Ah nodded. “Yes.”

“The stage you are looking forward to will be after this. Whether you like it or not, I’ll force you to accompany me if you wait a little longer. You have the time until I get back to decide whether you really want to go to that stage.”

“I…” said Kyung-Ah.

Seon-Hu interrupted her, “I’ll listen to your answer when I get back. If you don’t change your mind after dealing with the corps in the Final Stage, you’ll go all the way with me. The same goes for Soo-Ah and Seong-Il. You guys are curious about the real stage, right?”

“Of course, but don’t we have to risk our lives on that one?” Seong-Il questioned.

“What about you, Soo-Ah?” Seon-Hu turned his head toward the person in question.josei

Soo-Ah replied, “It will be a dangerous stage, but I’ll go if it’s worth it.”

“So go through the Final Stage of Act One. The real stage we will be going to is incomparable to the Final Stage, though. Did that answer your question, Kyung-Ah?” Seon-Hu said coldly.


Seon-Hu smiled grimly. “Then I will see you here again soon. It won’t take long, at least for us.”

There were three Acts in the Stage of Advent, and each Act had three stages. The Final Stage for Act One was obviously a battle against the corps. After countless fights against bigger and more powerful monsters, people could enter the Stage of Rest. There were eight hidden rewards left, and the reward for the Final Stage of Act One was the Stone of Return.


District 152.


A guy began vomiting as soon as he crossed the boundary. People in the same group who recognized him surrounded him instantly. The guy muttered incessantly, “R…run… They are coming. Coming. Coming…!”

He rubbed at his eyes crazily with his palms, and his bloodshot eyes trembled frantically in fear. Then, he hurriedly crawled on the ground. He scrambled toward where his leader was waiting while shaking off other peoples’ hands.

He screamed, “We… we should… flee. We… we can’t… can’t stop them. They are coming toward here. They are coming! Comiiiiiiiiiing!”

The leader’s face became peppered with spewed out blood and saliva and also some loose teeth from the other man’s unfortunate mouth. The leader had never seen this man scared to this extent as he had previously never lost his composure under any circumstances. Well, he was cruel at the same time. However, such a person was shaking so much that he couldn’t speak properly.

The leader asked, “What about the rest? There’s no way all of them got killed.”

The guy who was screaming was in charge of four squads, so it was unbelievable that only one out of a hundred people came back alive. The battle should still be ongoing.

The leader kicked the man and armed himself, but it was strangely noisy outside. Some words caught his attention, and he realized the disturbance hadn’t been caused by the man’s fear.

The leader sprinted out of the building. Everyone was looking up at the sky, and their entire district was buried by a huge shadow. The monster roaming the air was gigantic. Since it only had a skeleton and no skin or fur, it looked more bizarre and horrifying.

Some people called it Bone Dragon, and others called it a Skeleton Dragon. Whatever its title was, the leader felt dread tingling down his spine. He realized that the four attack squads had actually been wiped out by the monster.

The moment he had faced Kciphos Gundrak, the boss monster in Stage One, crossed his mind. The monster wandering in the sky seemed to have more overwhelming force than Kciphos Gundrak. Every time its thick and huge wing bones flapped, the leader felt like he could hear the countless screams from dying people.


Everyone started running like crazy even before the leader shouted.

Shhhhhh- Thud!

Fragments that bounced off from the destroyed road scattered in all directions through the dust. The only two things that flashed into the foggy dust were the blue flames glaring out from the monster’s eye sockets.

The leader momentarily doubted what he heard.

“Who is the leader? Is he or she still alive?”

However, it was undoubtedly a human voice.

“It’s… It’s… me…”

The leader uttered his words and stepped into the dust without realizing it.

“I am your leader from now on. Gather all the power and follow my command.”


The voice continued, “If you want to run away, do it. But keep in mind that I will never let you go alive.”

The thick dust settled down, and the owner of the skeleton dragon walked out with a burning sword in his hand.

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