Chapter 56

Chapter 56

56 Chapter 56 Date with Sister (two)

When Desmond’s words reached my ears I could see him make a signal with his hand, some people approached the square with some small cages full of luminary butterflies, they are a very normal kind of butterfly ignoring the fact that they shine like gems in Darkness.

what are they doing? ′′ Exclaimed a little curious. josei

′′ Well, if I told you it would no longer be a surprise. ′′ Desmond said as we walked hand in hand to the center of the square. He paused briefly, releasing my hand he turned to face me again and continued.

′′ Do you remember last year, you graduated from high school and there was a graduation event, you wanted me to accompany you, but that day I worked late and my boss did not permit me to leave. When I got home I found you very upset because you spent the entire event rejecting guys who wanted to dance with you and the only person you wanted to dance with was not there with you. ′′

′′ Yes, I remember, you said that one day you would make it up to me. ′′

A kid-like smile that got away with his mischief crept across Desmond’s face, raising a hand as he snapped his fingers with style.

′′ Well, it’s time to make it up to you. ′′


And with the sound of a click the lights went out, the turntable played a soft melody that soon resounded throughout the entire botanical garden, the cages were opened and hundreds of butterflies shone like stars at night in a wide variety of colors. . And there was the man I had admired for more than half my life only to love him for the rest of her, bowing like a gentleman and asking me to dance with him.


My heartbeat was a thousand per hour, our hands always together while our bodies spun non-stop through the dance floor that Desmond created just for us, I could feel our feelings filling the environment; love, affection, care, and desire. I lost track of time as we danced in the dark, illuminated only by precious gems that danced flapping around us.

The music was soon stopping and the butterflies dispersing, when the light returned to the botanical garden, Desmond and I were there, giving each other the most passionate and tender kiss that we had had so far. We only stopped kissing when our breath took us, with love filling our eyes, we quietly left the botanical garden.

At this point I did not care if the rest of the date was bad or just now and Desmond took me straight to a motel to make love to me until I was unconscious, this was already the best day of my whole life and it only served to reaffirm what so much that he loved Desmond. It was evident how hard he had tried for this date, the amount of time and thoughts that he put into it, I knew that he was trying to make it as special as possible to compensate for any damage that in his mind he believed he had done to me.

He was so foolish in that sense, he had done so much for me, sacrificed so much, he had hurt himself so much by bathing his hands with blood and sin to protect us; still he somehow he believed that he owed me just because he was a bit of a womanizer and he slept with some girls here and there.

A small smile escaped me as I thought about him, without knowing it we had already reached the next part of our appointment and the last part judging by the time. It was nowhere that special compared to the previous thing and we had even been here before, it was a small bazaar of various articles that were made in the town every weekend.

What are we doing here? ′′

Truth be told, it’s hard to find dating spots in such a small town, so I thought we could have a quieter time as we wander around here as a normal couple and shop for some home decorations. You have since we moved complaining that the house feels a bit empty so indulge yourself and buy as much as you like, for something we have to use the money we got from selling the apartment in the city. ′′

With a helpless shrug, Desmond spoke about the clear disadvantages of living in a town like this, but in my opinion, despite the lack of romance at the end of our date, this one couldn’t be better. Just walking around as a normal couple is pretty cool by itself, being able to choose and buy things to improve the home we share is also special in its way.

Although Desmond insisted that I buy whatever I wanted, I’ve never been the kind of girl to buy mindlessly, so our purchases ended up being quite small, but I still enjoyed every minute of it.

Carrying a bag containing some vases, a decorative mirror, candles, and other small details, she walked hand in hand with Desmond on the way home. Desmond only carried on his shoulder an exquisite garden table that I could not resist having and a wind chime that he insisted on buying, although I don’t know why; Now that I think about it, how can he carry that table so easily?

When we finally got home, we left things in the living room and less than five seconds we were desperately kissing each other, we didn’t even try to get to a room when the clothes started to come off us, but before things got too far an emergency alarm rang through our home and probably the entire town.

I recognized that alarm, I had heard it before and it brought back bad memories, it was a mutant beast attack alarm, it meant that the town was currently under attack and things did not seem to be going well. I started to worry, but Desmond just kissed my lips gently before saying something that I didn’t quite understand.

′′ The truth was already late, I assumed that they would not let me have a peaceful date, but I did not think that they would interrupt me in the best part. ′′

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