
Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Springflame [5]

Ju Feng was lost in thoughts as he pondered on what lay ahead before him. From what he had learned at the beginning of the journey, he knew hey would soon be entering the argonian pass. Although it was an outland, it was still at the outskirt of the scaven kingdom, and part of the argonian territories. The original pass started from the scaven kingdom and ended in the argonian area. The humans living at the outskirt had fashioned another pass from their outskirt territories which joined argonian pass at the outskirt of the scaven kingdom. But every now and then, the scaven and the argonian scouts would patrol the outland for any discrepancy. Confrontations was always avoided as much as they could.

However, on this day, the pass was peaceful and quiet. No sign of any form of aggressive alerts or dangerous auras coming from lurking scavens.

Although they had an invisibility array arround them, they knew it couldn't do much if a sentient scaven was sround. But at least, it was a form of protective assurance against regular and sole s cavens. With the way things were looking, unless they would run into a planned ambush, they should pass through the place without any sort of problems. Ambushes and other sorts of attack were allowed among opponents going to the Springflame, as long as a nascent soul and above, was not involved. 

That was the reason why they had nascent soul cultivators observing from all sides of the kingdoms. They were constantly monitoring those types of encounters with their awareness and other scrying seals.

His mind wandered off to Springflame. According to the information, Springflame was located at the center of the planet. The island was sorrounded by two oceans. Xiang and Tagau. The Xitang ocean covered a diameter to the other side of the springflame which fell in the territories of the scavens and argonians. The Tagau ocean was covering the other diameter to the territory of the humans. Which meant that, the outland cavalry could have passed through the human territory of the planet.

But then, they would have to fly over the dangerous waters of the Tagau ocean. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't do that with flying clouds or flying weapons. This was due to a very extreme gravitational anomaly in the fused cores of the planet. This dangerous anomaly, happened in the Tagau ocean. Thus, they would have to use the fortified flying ships which were specifically built for transportation to the Springflame. But those ships were exceedingly expensive, despite not being big enough. The cost of using them as transportation ways to the Springflame was simply too high for the outland territories.josei

Although, the ocean provided a great defense to the human territories in regards to other kingdoms, it was also a great hindrance in terms of Springflame. But just like the Xitang waters, the Tagau ocean had a safe zone for other kingdoms too. Part of the agreement made among the three rulers of the kingdoms. Any form of attack, must not be carried out in a safe zone. So far, the pact was still standing.

Therefore, for the outland territories, the only reasonable way to the Springflame was through the argonian pass. Once they were about to reach the other side of the pass, they would have to cut out to the Ralat river before reaching the mainland of the argonians. The Ralat river would link them to the Xitang ocean which was a much more safer route than the Tagau ocean. The dangerous pull was not happening in Xitang waters. Hence, the reason why they always endeavoured  to take that best possible route

Gathering his thoughts, he looked around himself. Sorrounding him, were dozens of cultivators. All from the same city of Chanuan. They were all a mixture of soul, body and dual cultivators. They were led by a golden core dual cultivator named Shi Jian. A cultivator of the water affinity. They said he had cultivated his body to the third level of the nine-stage Undying-Immortal body. Only heaven's knew what type of technique he was using. With his level of cultivation, he could have moved to the fortified cities, easily. Rather, he had been planning for this day for a long time. Like the other golden core cultivators among them, he was flying on his weapon's light, emanating from a large titanium broadsword.

Ju Feng, along with the rest of the zhuji cultivators, were standing on a flying cloud. The flying cloud would be at the level of the mountains peaks, according to the reports. And for him, the flying cloud was better than flying on any weapons or walking on the ground. It provided the experience of a solid ground, though softer and faster.

Several hours later, they came to an open plain. Ahead, they could see the mountain ranges on both side of a road which extended for miles without end. The rocky mountains heights which were covered in some eerie mist, produced a captivating scenery. He had seen something like that before on a grander scale at the lunar plain. On a mountain which turned out to be the home of the titan lord.

"The argonian pass."

Whispered the tattered clothed boy seated by Ju Feng's side, moments before they came to a halt in total silence.

"We are now entering the argonian pass. Stay alert, and always be in formation at all times. The invisibility array should provide us some covers if needed."

The golden-core dual-cultivator's voice sounded in their mind through the mindvoice. With a body emanating a dangerous aura and a deadpan face, he glanced at them. Passing through the argonian trait was no simple feat. Many human cultivators from other villages had attempted the traits before, all had suffered defeat at the pass. One way or the other, they had been killed. That was why many human villages at the outskirt of the fortified areas had to be abandoned. When their caravans didn't return with treasures for them to maintain their villages and keep the scavens away.

"But maintain your silence."

As they proceeded, Ju Feng keenly observed the road ahead. The ever dangerous road that the outland humans dreaded to take. Even from the sight of the place, he could feel the deadliness of the place. Though, they were flying inside an invisibility array, he knew it might not be enough to shield them. What if the scavens or the argonians had a much more powerful array and army waiting for them? Battle. That would be the outcome.

He gently shook his head as he continued to focus on the pass ahead. Why, grey tree? Was this what the tree wanted him to come and face? What if there was no cavalry going to the Springflame? The cavalry had been planning and preparing for a very long time, but he just came with few days' idea of going to the Springflame. Well, he could simply go back, couldn't he? At least, the tree had given him the option of turning back. He could always do that if it was necessary. 

On their journey to the Springflame, they met a few scaven and argonian scouts who didn't detect their presence. They continued their forward journey without any further disturbances. Yet, they could feel a watchful presence observing them. They couldn't place the feeling but they knew something or things were out there in the covers of the misty mountains biding their time.

After several hours of flight, they reached the Ralat river to their brief relief. They had reached the place without any battle and without loosing any member of their cavalry. That was unusual. Very unusual. The scaven scouts must be taking a break or something. Upon reaching the safe zone of Iling ocean, the invisibility array which was cloaking their presence, was removed. The sorrounding scavens and argonians, were a bit startled by their sudden appearance. Although they were aware of people using the invisibility array to come to the dominion, they would still be startled. 

Their shock turned to anger. Humans taking their route always put them off-guard which was of great annoyance to them. But as annoyed as they could be, there was nothing they could do. That part of the Xitang ocean, was a safe zone. There wouldn't be any fighting on this part of the Iling ocean. Not until they would reach the Springflame at the least.

Ju Feng, couldn't help, but took in the account of what was happening around him. And in regards to the tale he heard about the Xitang ocean, there was a slight pull in its waters. There was no way he could have reached here by himself. He wondered if the tree knew everything in advance and already planned it for him. He shook his head as he stared at the water. The pull didn't disturb them from continuing their flight, safely, towards the Springflame. 

Several hours later, they saw from afar, a large mass of land which could be a separate world of its own. There appeared to be no structures on the massive island. Just an empty plain that stretched far and wide into the great beyond. But they knew this was the result of the cosmic array which transformed Springflame into a close dominion. The Springflame dominion was there without a doubt. A place of fiery fire.

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