
Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Aculus Divinis Again [1]

As Ju Feng continued to walk towards the direction of the grey tree, his mind was occupied with his encounters in the Gloomvale. Oh, many were the times he could have died in that heavens forsaken place. More time than the previous two places combined. The Gloomvale was as dangerous as a place can get. He recalled their fights with the dread-beasts at the valley of retribution. He should have been dead many times over, but somehow, he had managed to survive them all. No small thanks to the three true nascent souls, surely. The organized battle formations they displayed were a sight to behold. 

And when he was starting to think that his luck could actually keep him away from death, he encountered the world oracle. His only intention was to find the Soul Banishing scroll which he didn't even know why he would need such. But the words of the oracle turned everything on its head. She had told him true things about himself and the certainty of his future death. No matter the way taken, the outcome would be the same. That wasn't even what was troubling his soul, it was the last words of the oracle. She had whispered to him in cryptic words. Possibilities of the ways he would die. He knew he would have to accept the certainty of his death. But could there be a possibility of...

"Is that really you, child. Or is my ageing sight deceiving me?"

The voice of the grey tree sounded as Ju Feng neared its location. He quickly snapped out of his troubled thoughts and refocused his mind. He had been lost in his own mind, not knowing when he even reached the vicinity of the tree. Seeing the grey tree, he remembered the words of the Soul-Carver.

"You must be very careful, young one. You don't want your presence to anger or annoy the Frost-Dreamer in any way. You could easily loose your life."

Ju Feng quickly cupped his hand and bowed. Why wouldn't he be careful in the propinquity of an entity like this. Frost-Dreamer, a Yakshasan god that pretended to be daimon tree. The more for him to extremely careful. He knew the Frost-Dreamer was already aware of his presence and knew exactly who he was the moment he appeared back in this place. He just had to maintain his countenance if he wanted to live.

"Senior, I meet you well."

"Titan's torso! It is you! All good and well despite your gloomy face. I believe you can agree with me that treasure hunting is really good for you, young one. So can I say that I did you a good favour? That I'm a generous soul?"

"You are indeed very generous, senior. I'm very grateful."josei

Ju Feng responded while still bowing down. But in his mind, he thought there was not that much generosity in anynof thr tree's acts. All tthe many times he could have died, how generous was that? But, could he even blame the Frost-Dreamer for all that? Maybe or maybe-not, but left for him, why would he decide to go into the realms of immortals. Was that not like seeking death? Why did he even exchanged his items in the first place? Surely, it must be the  Frost-Dreamer.

Then, he remembered some scenes from his encounters in the realms and sighed before smiling inwardly. Well, the adventures were not all doom and gloom. The  good memories flooded his mind as he continued to muse over the past.

"Don't beat yourself, child. Though, I gave a nudge to your thoughts, you already had the desires to go on adventure. That was acceptable within the immortal rules of dealing with mortals. Since I couldn't force you to go to the places you went, I gently stoked your thoughts. Your going was on you, so, wipe the gloom of your face and cheer up. True, I'm bound by rules in this place, but make no mistake child, I can easily kill you. I just have to find a reason to blame it on and there are many I can think of. But as far as you are concerned, with me, you are good. Come and have a sit beside me."

"Yes, senior."

"Child! No experience is a waste. I surmised you've had an encounter with the oracle. It's yours to keep, not mine. Words of advice, child. Take both the good and bad things from your experience, and make good use of them. They could save your life. Right, enough with yours. Can I predicate you are with my scroll?"

"Yes senior. I do have it."

Ju Feng reached the grey tree's side and sat down on the mould beside it. He reached into his spatial sac and produced the Scroll of Sentience, showing it to the tree. The scroll floated to the space before the tree and spread itself. Their was a silence as the scroll continued to hover before the tree. After some long minutes, the scroll folded up and entered the opened space on the trunk of the tree.

The air started to get heavier as the energy began to roil strongly. The energy contrasted before exploding lightly outwards. An elderly man wearing a snow white robe with long flowing white hair and grave icy eyes, emerged from the centre of the exploding energy. The aura and icy energy coming from the man was that of a god, no doubt about that.

Despite the slight explosion, Ju Feng, who was sitting down, was knocked scrambling several feet away. He quickly recovered himself but remained on his knees as he cautiously and deeply bowed before the elderly man.

The Frost-Dreamer.

A Yakshasan god. The fourth member of the dangerous circle of gods. The powers that made a number of damages on the heavenly plane. From the words of the Soul-Carver, the Frost-Dreamer was definitely an exceedingly powerful figure among them. He was a clear and present danger.

"Long last. Sentients we evolve. So it begins."

The Yakshasan god gave a wry smile as he looked at Ju Feng's alarmed face.

"Stand up, young one. Great service you rendered, you need not worry. As I said before, if I wanted you dead, you'll be dead already. And yes, as you can see, the tree was an illusion. But, since you've met the others, there's no longer need for me to maintain the illusion. By the way, how are they doing? My friends."

"Senior, the last time I saw them, they were all doing wonderfully well, I suppose."

"Yes, I know. I already saw their marks on you. Just wanted to ask you."

Ju Feng suddenly felt a compulsion on his soul as he was replying the Yakshasan god. His hands searched his spatial sac and produced one Arthurian cube of silver and a runic branch of redwood tree. He offered them to the Yakshasan god as he bowed low.

"Senior, if it's well with you, Can I make a demand."

"A demand? As long as I can afford it, why not?"

"Senior, I would like to invoke the Divinis Ordis."

The moment he said it, Ju Feng knew he could be in dire trouble. This was not his making, definitely the work of the Soul-Carver. Ju Feng was certain of that. He recollected that upon seeing him in the Gloomvale, the Soul-Carver had told him he had made an unfair agreement coming there. He had told Ju Feng he would do him a little favour when next he would see the Frost-Dreamer. Ju Feng never liked this idea that could get him killed but the Soul-Carver had dismissed it as nothing. Since an Order between immortals must be just and fair, even more so was an Order between an immortal and a mortal. As long as he was careful not to be annoying, he would be fine.

"The Divine Order? Why is that? Is it that I didn't treat you right, child?"

"No, senior. You treated me well. This little one was only thinking maybe you can render a favour regarding the heaven's trade.

"Hm, I see. Favour of the equal ground. What is given, what is taken. "

The Yakshasan god observed Ju Feng with a raised brow.

"If I treated you fairly, why should I follow such rule with you then?"

"Senior, maybe to show I'm just a mortal beneath your feet?"

"Hehehe. Smart words you speak but they can also get you killed, child. Hehehe."

The Frost-Dreamer laughed gently as he gave a slight shake of his head.

"Though, I wasn't expecting you back so soon, if at all, it's good to see you've made such progress in a short time. Nonetheless, I could have killed you, you know. But I've seen the effect of the others on you. They must have liked your person. Strange."

He turned towards the direction of Ju Feng and asked.

"Do you believe in fate, young one?"

"I do, senior."

The elderly god gave a soft sigh before snapping his fingers.

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