
Chapter 118

Chapter 118: Worries Of A Demigod [1]

Chu Shang Wu was moved like lighthing, as he retraced the direction of the voice-cryer back to the last-possible position of Zhang Xiu Ying. He wasn't at home since the night before. He had left on a self-attuned journey inside an immortal cave near the border of Lijiang continent. He was returning from the journey when he became aware of the voice-cryer sent by Zhang Xiu Ying. She must have been trying to get in touch with her, but had decided to send a coice-cryer since she couldn't.

Voice-cryers were messages of high importance and urgency, sent through the mind force. They were only used when mind-voice connection couldn't be made with the entity intended. No immediate connection was needed to send a voice-cryer but their must be a previous connection between the sender and the receiver. The mind-force containing the message, would travel through spacetjme until it reached the receiver. Provided that it wasn't intercepted by a more powerful force.

Depending on the time and distance, these cryers were extremely dificult to make and highly tasking. The more powerful the sender, the more difficult and tasking the voice-cryer. The reason voice-cryers were not used frequently.

Chu Shang Wu continued to move at maximum speed as his mind was anxiously occupied. This particular voice-cryer, was sent to him by the demigod. It was Zhang Xiu Ying he was talking about here. The golden core demigod. Who didn't like her in their village? A very beautiful soul in every possible ways. Moreover, she was the third golden core of their village. And as golden cores, they were bound to help one another in their time of needs, as long as it was justified. The message he recieved was short.

'Trouble. Xue-Ku.'

A Xue Ku? He had asked himself in shock. That was justified. With a deadly grim face, he intensified his flight. Retracing the direction of the voice cryer, he was led into the JinJin village. From there, he follwed  the after-sense of Zhang Xiu Ying's divine aura into the Ivory-yonder, using his spiritual sight. Since he already had a mind connection with Reena before, it was easier for him to trace her after-sense aura.  As soon as he entered the plain, he saw a dense blood aura with traces of dark blood essence, surrounding a cultivator in a red armor, walking towards the direction of closed gates. The same direction of the after-sense of Reena's divine aura.

It didn't matter if he was the same Xue Ku that Zhang Xiu Ying was talking about or not. A Xue Ku was a rogue blood cultivator. A rogue blood cultivator, killed innocent mortals and immortals alike. As simple as that. Descending to the ground in full force, Chu Shang Wu raised his massive war hammer and hit the ground with great force.

The Raging Abyss.

A powerful terran energy that could grind anything caught inbetween, unless the opponent was more powerful. That was a move Chu Shang Wu recently learned from lord Luoyang. Oh, how wonderful to use it against such a rogue cultivator, even if he wasn't the one Reena was talking about.


Sensing an impending martial arts move, Lang Hai stopped and quickly created a force-field around himself. As the tremor passed through the ground and headed his way, he floated into mid-air and retreated backwards. The terran abyssal energy dispersed with great force, out of the ground, between the blood cultivator and the forsaken gates.


He twirled around with a face full of grievous anger. Who or what, could be the source of such a display? He cast a quick backward glance at the Raging Abyss that was still in effect, before focusing on the streak of light, blurring towards his position. Why did everyone like interfering in his dealings? He squinted his eyes as he examined the new entity before him. An immortal of the middle-stage nascent soul. Even if he was sent by the gods, he should have known better than to confront him.


With his eyes on Lang Hai, Chu Shang Wu digested the details of the body-infused red armor that Land Hai was wearing. A chaotic blood armor? Could it be? An ascendant? Gaius knew this was trouble, definitely more than his power level. But, he would just act as if he was unaffected. 

"You are a Xue Ku."

"Another one? I'm a Xue Ku! So what?!"

"Only Xue Wu is permitted under the laws of this land."

"Laws of what lands?! I follow no mortal law. They're not for me." 

"Yea, I know. Xue Kus don't care about any laws. Easy way to power, using innocent lives. Detestable." 

"Think what you may. We're not for you to judge, creation will decide that when we face the sisters. And that, is not in any of my plans. Immortality is what we all seek. Isn't that what you also seek, fellow immortal?"

Lang Hai stared dangerously at the terra bane, as if daring him to contradict. When he didn't receive any answer, he continued.

"Life is what it is, no space or time for regrets. Now I employ you, to go your own way while I go on mine. We can still maintain our peace on this day."

"And if I say 'no'?"

"Then, it can end up a sad tale."

Chu Shang Wu continued to observe Lang Hai, as he thought about his next step. The powerful aura emanating from the blod cultivator, was an indication of his cultivation's level as a peak-stage golden core. But in the world of combat, Chu Shang Wu knew that it depended on both the nature of the martial and mystical arts techniques, and the cultivation level. If the rogue blood cultivator was an ascendant as he thought, then he could have a better technique than him, putting him in mortal danger.

Lang Hai glanced back just as the gates of the Forsaken Palace disappeared from view.


This time, his anger was echoed by his mighty divine eagle that was circling overhead. Suddenly, his chaotic blood armor gave a blast of flaming blood before lighting up. He was slowly materialising his glaive, when a lady's voice sounded as she descended from the cloud.

"Why are you two fighting? You don't want to do that."

She was dressed in a pristine white robe, lined at the helm with glistering gold threads.

"Have you two fogotten the rules of the Forsaken palace? Better you settle your disputes another time."

Seconds later, other nascent soul cultivators started to arrive from different angles.With his chaotic blood armor rescinded, Lang Hai looked at Chu Shang Wu with deadly pale eyes before shaking his head. He was well aware of the rules of the vicinity of the forsaken palace. Who would, in their right mind, offend the Jade emperor. Still staring at Chu Shang Wu, he sent a mindvoice across.

"You'll see the light of Radar another day."

He looked at the gathering golden cores before streaking off into the sky. 

Lang Hai was well aware of the rules of the vicinity of the forsaken phantom palace. Who would, in their right mind, offend the Jade emperor. Still staring at Chu Shang Wu, he sent a mindvoice across.

"You'll see the light of Radar another day. I assure you."

He looked at the gathering golden cores before streaking off into the sky. 

After a moment, Chu Shang Wu was standing on a small hill, overseeing the plains of Ivory-Yonder. That was so close to a battle. He later realized that he wouldn't fare well against the blood cultivator. And the death-gaze, he still remembered the looks on the face of the rogue blood cultivator before he left. That was the look of a deadly predator. He would have to be on guard, always, to protect himself from such a dangerous cultivator. Snapping out of his troubled thoughts, his mind wandered back to the present.

Ah. The plains of Ivory-yonder. One of the places that used to be the homes of the ancient ivory magical beasts. The mighty white Mastodons and the powerful golden saber-toothed tigers. Beasts with immense strength to rival that of some land divine beasts. Of them, there was even an ancient mythos. That those beasts with ivory tusk, could only be found in places of abundant terran energy. That was the reason for their incredible body strength. A pity it was now a shadow of its former self.

But, who could've known that an entrance of the Jade emperor's forsaken palace, would be here. Why here? Though, he could sense traces of heavenly spiritual energy but not that much for any significant cultivation. Chu Shang Wu remembered that the after-sense of Zhang Xiu Ying's aura had indicated she had entered the forsaken palace. The mythical palace of fortune. How he wished for it to be opened again now. He looked around, at the many nascent souls waiting for the gates to appear and open for them.

They were still waiting, when he felt a faint familiar connection. Instantly, he sent out his mind voice.josei

"Lady Zhang ?"

"Yes it's me, Chu Shang Wu."

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