
Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Heavenly Tribulations [2]

The nimbus.

It was the universal circle of light that descended on cultivators that survived tribulations.

At the Zhuji stage, the nimbus had four colours; red, green, yellow and blue, the colours of the four primary elements of the universe. They represented the four primary elements of life; red[Fire], green[Air], yellow[Terra] and blue[Water].

At the Jindan stage, the nimbus had five colours; red, green, yellow, blue and orange. The four primary colours with the addition of orange[Wood].

The nascent soul formation stage had six coloured nimbus; red, green, yellow, blue, orange and indigo. The indigo[Illusions and dreams].

The immortal ascension stage had seven colours to it. Red, green, yellow, blue, orange, indigo and violet. The colour violet[Space-time], completed the rainbow nimbus.

The nimbus at the cosmic ascension stage had only one colour, the polychromatic white light. The combination of all the colours, true light of creation.

Ju Feng had recently advanced to the Zhuji stage as a premier but he hadn't become a full premier. He had to go through the tribulations and should have received the nimbus to become a full premier of the Zhuji stage.

He decided that it would be better to advance in this world due to the fact that most of the outer disciples were at the Ningchi stage already, it wouldn't draw attention to him. The problem would be after the tribulations. Eyes would be on him, how would he have the chance to get back home on time for his lectures? He needed to think carefully about it.

Then, the sky began to change.

Raging cloud started to gather overhead and spiralled with thunderous sounds. There would be five lightning strikes of the heavenly tribulations at the Zhuji stage. The first lightning strike would be fire lightning, the second would be air lightning, the third would be terra lightning, the fourth one was the water lightning and the last one was the combination of all these four lightning.

The cloud started to gather in strength.

Throughout the sect premises, the gathering cloud could be seen. Cultivators started to gather to observe, disciples gathered together in groups, masters observed from their hills, even the eyes of the grandmaster observed. The only exceptions were the grand patriarch and the ancestor who were meditating in seclusion.

"Heavenly tribulations."

"At the bamboo forest?"

"Is it a disciple?"

"A disciple? At the bamboo forest? I don't think so."

"A disciple would have used the cliff fall."

"Maybe an elder."

"Mm, must be an elder."

The disciples were speculating as they gathered and continued to watch from afar. Some of the masters also gathered near the bamboo area to observe.

The raging cloud reached its crescendo and a powerful bolt of lightning the size of a child's torso streaked down from it striking Ju Feng's orb of soul. The more powerful a soul was, the more powerful the lightning. From womb till then, Ju Feng's soul had been acquiring so much energy that his soul had formed a massive condensing orb of liquid light. After the lightning his soul, the high voltage spread around his soul making him scream in agony before it dissipated.

The second lightning struck him, followed by the third and the fourth. The raging cloud started gathering strength for the last time, the cloud was booming with thunderous sounds before it released a lightning that combined all the previous four. The shockwave from the lightning made his mortal body collapsed but his soul was battling the lightning in the dantian.

"Five lightning strikes. At the bamboo forest?"

"That must be a Zhuji cultivator who became a full premier."

"Had to be one of the new disciples."

"Surely, a new disciple."

"Strange. Truly strange."

"I wonder whose disciple was that."

"It's a pity we couldn't see through the walls of heavenly tribulations."

"We'll find out soon enough."josei

The cloud cleared after the last lightning and the nimbus descended on Ju Feng's body after his soul had successfully passed the heavenly tribulations. The nimbus entered his soul making it transformed into a true premier soul. Even his aura had become manifested.

Regaining himself, he was full of unrestrained joy. He never knew the trial would be that powerful, but thankfully, he had passed it. He thanked everybody he knows, everybody in his life, for seeing him through.

He knew all the sect's members would have noticed his heavenly tribulations, thus he decided not to use the swift spine technique but the flash steps. As he was using the flash steps to return to his hillock, he saw the elders and stopped.

"Are you the one that was undergoing the tribulations?"

Asked one of the elders.

"Yes elderly masters, I just finished."

Ju Feng replied bowing very low.

"Why did you use the forest instead of the Cliff Falls? Don't you think about other's safety?"

"Forgive me, elderly masters. I only used the place that came into my head. Please forgive me."

"Are you a new inner disciple?"

"Yes, elderly masters. I was accepted from the outer section today sir."

"And you already underwent the tribulations same day? How can that even be?"

Elder Zhou Lin, who had been watching from the side cleared his throat and looked at the elders.

"Fellow elders, this is my new disciple, Ju Feng."

"I remembered him now."

"Yes, me too. Truly impressive of him."

"It looks as if you have yourself a new genius, Zhou Lin."

"Indeed, Zhou Lin."

"Fellow elders, i believe we are done here. Zhou Lin, we'll take our leave now."

"Enjoy yourself young Ju Feng. We hope we'll be seeing you in good health later."

The elders departed and left Zhou Lin alone with his disciple. The two of them slowly walked back towards the hill range.

"You've had a long day Ju Feng, go and have a rest. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Yes master."

Finding himself alone, Ju Feng sighed and used the flash steps to arrive at his cave. He ate some turtle meat and collapsed in the bamboo bed. He would be meeting the rest of the lightning disciples the following day, it would be a long day.

He closed his eyes and he dreamt.

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