Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 364

Chapter 364

Chapter 364: Impeach?

Eun-Sun wouldn’t lie that she hated his caring attitude towards her, because she didn’t. No one had ever placed such value on her, or prioritized her as much as he did.

All her life, she cared for others, and took whatever bullshit they tossed at her in appreciation. She took care of everything her father left behind, as well as the debts. She looked after her mother even when she made life difficult for her. Several times, she sat by her hospital bed after her frequent episodes of OD, yet she abused and blamed her for all misfortunes. She cared for her grandmother till she died, but no one had ever treated her this nicely.

She leaned into his warm embrace that has become her say haven, and Dan-Han slipped his arms around her, fully immersing her in his intoxicating warmth. He was careful enough not to squeeze her or pull her too close to himself as the stab wound on her midsection was yet to heal.

She placed her head on his chest and listened to the sturdy beats of his heart, that spoke to hers. But despite all the assurance his embrace gave, Eun-Sun couldn’t waver off the concerns of her heart.

“Dan-Han, I love you and I know you do too, but I still can’t lie still and let you take your job for granted. Your father-”

“Can’t take the company away from me.” He confidently declared knowing that was the concern of her heart, but Eun-sun wasn’t at all convinced. As powerful and strong-willed as he was, she didn’t think he should go against his father. The man was just as powerful as he was, and even though she knew they’d always be at loggerhead regarding the matter of their relationship, Eun-sun didn’t Father Lee to have evidence to slander Dan-Han with. His father might no longer oversee the affairs of the company, he still had enough power to make things difficult for Dan-Han, and she didn’t want that for him at all. She had seen the look in his father’s eyes when she threatened him with Dan-Han’s position and she feared he might do something against him.

She lifted her gaze to Dan-Han, and intently bored her eyes into his. Her eyes reflecting the sincerity of the words about to roll off her lips.


“Dan-Han, I’ll feel responsible if anything happens to you or the company. You’ve worked hard for the company, so mustn’t jeopardize anything for my sake, I’ll lose my mind if you do. You can’t say you feel at ease staying here at home, because I know you don’t. For my sake, please go to work. The project is pending and everyone is waiting for you. Just go to work, please.” She sincerely pleaded with him, and her heart anxiously pounded anticipating his response.

Seeing those beautiful hazel eyes gleam at him and having her small pleading voice ruffling his heart, Dan-Han didn’t know what to say. He peered at her and sighed.

“Park Eun-sun,” He helplessly muttered, while his fingers pressed the bridge of his nose. He glimpsed at her eyes and he darted his gaze away.

“You should stop using those eyes on me. You know what they do to me.” As much as he knew she spoke the truth, he simply wanted to stay at home with her and care for her. But here she was pushing him away to work when she should be monopolizing him all to herself.

“Are you saying?” Eun-sun’s eyes anxiously perked up.

He sighed again. “Fine, I’ll go to the office tomorrow. Happy now?” He reluctantly yielded while she happily bobbed her head and stole a kiss from his lips.

“Thank you.” She said


When the morning came, Dan-Han was no longer willing to leave for work, because he didn’t want to leave her at home unattended, but the small lady was bent on sending him away.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea.” He grumped as she buttoned his shirt for him and fixed his tie, while he carefully held her on his thigh.

“You promised.” Eun-sun reminded him, knowing he wasn’t one to break his promise, especially not the one’s he made to her. She chuckled when she observed the grumpy look on his face. “I’ll make dinner for you. You haven’t tried my cooking yet.”

“There’s another type of dinner I’d want, but unfortunately you won’t be able to give it to me now.” He lowered his head and kissed between her breadt, slightly taking a soft bite of them.

“Dan-Han!” She nudged him off, but he hooked his arms around her waist and trapped her in his embrace. A dangerous boyish smile tugged his lips making her blush.

“Don’t make dinner, Alex will do it. I don’t want you moving around.”

“It’s just dinner.” She protested.

“I need not remind you there’s a cast on your leg and arm, so stay in this room, till I’m back. Chang-Wok will deliver everything you’ll need to keep yourself busy.”

Eun-Sun’s lips twitched to say something, but she clipped it shut and obediently nodded.

“Good girl.” He ruffled her hair and pecked her cheek. “I’ll be back before dinner.”

“Take your time.” She told him.

“My wife to be should have more of my time.”

“Wife to be, huh? You haven’t proposed.”

“Should I?” He asked, and the eagerness that flashed through his eyes didn’t miss her attention, but Eun-sun hurriedly shook her head.

“Not yet.” She said, while he nodded. His countenance didn’t change, but Eun-sun could tell something flickered through his eyes. He was anxious and desperate to make her his, but she was dallying his plans, and that made her feel bad.

Though he was understanding and would probably never complain, Eun-sun still didn’t want to be selfish in their relationship. He was holding back on his plans just for her to be happy, and she also longed to do same for him. She had to hasten her plans to make something of herself. It might not be as grand as she had always dreamt, but she could make some compromise for him.

Eun-sun wordlessly hugged him.

She picked his bag and passed it to him. “About Ji-Tae and Hei-Ran’s cousin, did you find anything?” She inquired.


“Really?” Eun-sun was surprised, more like disappointed. She had hoped to get some results from him, so Hei-Ran could wrap up this issue with A-Yeong.

“Yes. Are you really sure they were the ones you saw?” He asked and she nodded affirmatively.

Dan-Han thoughtfully furrowed his brows. “If there’s something between them, then Ji-Tae is being really careful about it and I don’t know why. But it wouldn’t be strange if he wants to keep her hidden.”

“How so?” Eun-sun asked as she frowned in confusion.

“Ji-Tae isn’t known to be committed to any woman. Every relationship he’s been has always been for his own benefit and nothing more. He’s just a strange person.”

“But what about the owner on the off shore account? Did you find anything?” She asked. Hei-Ran had mentioned the foreign account A-Yeong had occasionally been sending money to, and she had also passed the details to him, while they also waited for Jin-Hai’s contact.

“I’ll get an answer for that when I return.” He told her.

Eun-sun smiled appreciatively. “It’s okay. Thanks for helping us.”

“It’s no problem.” He said, before his phone suddenly began to ring.

“What is it?” He stoically spoke through the phone and Eun-sun was surprised by how quickly his voice changes whenever he spoke to someone other than her. His current tone was chilling and terrifying.

Eun-sun frowned when his countenance changed into a grave one.

“Let him. I’ll be there.” He said and dropped the phone.

“Did something happen?” Eun-sun worriedly asked.

“It’s just work, nothing serious.” He gently told her, but Eun-sun didn’t believe him. His countenance didn’t just mean anything, nonetheless she smiled and urged him to leave.

“If you miss me...”

“I’ll call you.” She completed his sentence knowing that was exactly what he wanted to say.

“Good girl.” He kissed her one more time before leaving, but not without ensuring she had all she needed to stay busy.

The moment Dan-Han left Eun-Sun picked up the laptop he had left for her. She opened her email and looked through a project she had drafted in her earlier days of working in Pk corps, but had been too scared to submit it. She read through it and she was surprised to discover the conviction which had birthed the idea was still strongly rooted in her.

To make a path for herself she has to go the extra mile and that involved bringing the extraordinary to the table, and this extraordinary would require her intellect and strength which she wouldn’t mind to give. If she pitched her idea well, she should be able to land herself a promotion, and that would bring her step closer to her dreams, and her plan of marrying Dan-Han.


The atmosphere of the entire company changed the moment Dan-Han strided into the building with heavy feets. His presence plummeted the temperature to the barest minimum.

Dan-Han was greeted with an anxious look on his secretary face.

“Where is he?” He asked while Chang-wok trembling pointed towards the conference office. Dan-Han pushed open the door and walked in. Everyone jerked to their feet the moment he stepped into the room, except his father. His presence mounted an insurmountable pressure on the people surrounding the table, making them share looks of fear and worry.

“What’s the meaning of this?” His cold voice echoed through the room, as he took his seat at the head of the large conference table.

“President Lee,” They echoed in greeting and bowed, but Dan-Han ignored him. He could see they way they shifted uncomfortably but they were the least of his concerns.

He turned to his father. “What’s the meaning of this meeting?” He inquired, the sullen on his face intensified as he stared at his father. josei

“I thought she had you tied to her heels.” Father Lee snickered with contempt, but Dan-Han wasn’t in the mood to entertain him.

“Why are you here?” He asked.

“Need I remind you this is still my company, and you come earlier, you’d had found out my reason for being here.” He scowled at his son.

He turned towards the frightened men still waiting on their fee. “Inform the press and everyone who needs to be informed, the centenary project begins building today.”

He glanced at Dan-Han who looked murderous. “And in the next quarterly shareholders meeting slated for next month, we’ll be discussing matters regarding the leadership of this company. It seems President Lee is falling short in his duties.” He announced. A wave of shock twirled across the room and it was evident on the face of everyone in the room. They understood what his words meant. All eyes darted towards Dan-Han who was blankly staring at his father.

‘Was father Lee impeaching his son from power?’ Was the question on everyone’s mind.

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