Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390: Mysteries And Secrets.

Mysteries and secrets were all Dan-Han could see around him. Secrets that would wreck and shatter a wide range of people if they were all brought to light.

Puzzles seems to keep stacking up for him, and as much as he loves solving puzzles and unraveling mysteries, he was beginning to fear the outcome of the ones at hand. But he wasn’t scared for himself but more for the people who were somehow involved in all this, and at this point it was, Eun-sun.

He didn’t know how that has happened, but she has just be added to this huge mesh of mysteries on his plate.

He had not expected Song-Hee’s answer to be what it was, and as a matter of fact, he wanted to live in doubt of it, but he knew he couldn’t.

There was no way he could discard what she had said, after all he had asked for an answer and that was what he had gotten. He had seen the look in Song-Hee’s eyes and he could tell she had spoken the truth, and she wouldn’t dare lie because she was too frightened to do so.

Eun-sun’s parentage was a big reveal, one he hasn’t expected and had placed him in shock.

Despite believing Song-Hee’s word he also has to fully confirm by himself, but before that can be possible, he has to keep the current situation under control. If what Song-Hee said was true, then he couldn’t let this boyfriend of hers jeopardize everything, because that was what his greed was going to cause.


He quickly sent a picture and phone number which he collected from Song-Hee to Tae-Ho. He ensured finding Byung-Hun was the utmost priority of every man working for him, and finding him before he made contact was their goal.

“Find him at all cost.” He steely ordered. “Do not let him make contact.”

“Yes, boss.” Tae-Ho replied before ending the call.

Dan-Han buzzed in his secretary and instructed him to see Song-Hee out. She had done what had brought her and he couldn’t handle her presence anymore. He felt spiteful towards her, because once again she has chosen to use Eun-sun to her advantage. How far would she go with her revulsive attitude? Till the girl was faded off the face of the planet? He wouldn’t let that happen.

“Thank you for the information. You can leave now.” He curtly told her.

“Bu..t what are you going to do to him? You’re not going to hurt him are you?” Song Hee anxiously inquired as she stood in front of Dan-Han’s desk, but her question drove Dan-Han mad.

He clenched his jaw as he silently gazed at her. “Depends on his cooperation,” he ground out.

Co-operation? Song-Hee thought.

Byung-Hun wasn’t one to cooperate. He was brash and stubborn and was an addict like her. The drugs makes him irrational and sometimes dangerous. Though their relationship was only something to keep her by – help her contain the hurt she still hasn’t been able to shake off in the last ten years, and mostly for the endless supply of drugs, she could say she knew the man well. But as wild as he could be, he was nothing before the man sitting in front of her.

“Do not hurt him.” She pleaded, but Dan-Han gave no response. Song-Hee could tell he had something to say by how calculative his eyes were, but he didn’t say a word.

He signalled at Chang-wok to see her out, but just as they approached the door, Dan-Han called out.

“Mrs Park.” He called and Song-Hee turned towards him. She cautiously watched as he stood up from behind his desk and slowly stalked towards her. His demeanor like a hunting predator trying to chill out it’s prey with it’s blazing eyes.

He stopped just few feet away from her, his height towering over her and his intimidating demeanor unsettling her. She slowly raised her gaze to his cold silvery eyes.

“Do not breath another word of this to anybody else. Do you understand?” He asked and Song-Hee readily bobbed her head. There was a different level of coldness effortlessly seeping from his eyes, and the aura coming from him told her he wasn’t making a request. It was an order.

Dan-Han took another step towards her and she instinctively stepped back, but the frightening look in his eyes still came closer. “I mean it, Mrs Park. Not a single word to another soul.” He softly drawled, the iciness in his voice sending chills down Song-Hee’s spine and she nodded her head in trepidation. Of course, she wouldn’t dare tell another soul, lest he asks for her head. The man was a freaking monster, and his eyes told her he could kill her if he wanted to. That was something he had made her understand from their very first encounter, and she knew the very reason why he hasn’t done anything like that, was probably because of Eun-sun.

“Good.” Dan-Han nodded and straightened himself. He tipped his chin towards Chang-wok signalling him to see her out.

“Ma’am” Chang-wok gestured to Song-Hee with his hand as he held door for her.

Song-Hee gave a quick bow and followed Chang-wok.

She suddenly halted and turned to Dan-Han one more time, while he watched with a stoic gaze.

“Is she...” Song-Hee’s lips trembled. Her grip over her purse tightened when her hand slightly fidgeted. She briefly lowered her head before staring at Dan-Han. “ is she?” She asked making Dan-Han’s brows slightly furrow.

He intently observed her. Seeing the look in her eyes, he could tell she knew Eun-sun had been injured and the only way she would know was if her ex-husband told her and that meant he had someone on Eun-sun’s tail.

He knew this because he had locked down any news about the incident. No one other than that security guards on duty had been present that night and they had been well paid to keep their mouth shut about it.

This further drives in the fact that he really hasn’t been paying enough attention towards Eun-sun’s safety.

“Her well being is no longer your concern. Have a safe trip home.” He coldly answered and turned away.

Having nothing else to say Song-Hee stifly nodded and hurried out of the place.

Dan-Han took a quick glance as she hurried out. He had a question he wanted to ask, but he stopped himself. He wanted to know if she had come to him because her conscience deemed it right, or because she only wanted the money. But that wouldn’t be necessary. She has shown over and again, that Eun-sun was only an object to her. josei

All that mattered now was what he knew about Eun-sun’s birth, and whether Song-Hee had suddenly grown a conscience or not, it wouldn’t take change the years of hardship she had inflicted on the child what was supposed to love and care for, and neither would it take away the pain.

He walked over to his desk, his eyes settling on the file on top of it – a gloomy look quickly framed his face while a plethora of thoughts ran through his mind.

Dan-Han had barely seated when Chang-wok urgently rushed back into his office,intercepting Dan-Han’s thought

“What is it?” Dan-Han asked with a frown, when he noticed how unsettled Chang-wok was.

“There’s been an incident in one of our sites.” Chang-wok replied as he breathlessly handed his tablet over with pictures of destroyed building on display.

A deeper frown framed Dan-Han’s face as he looked at the pictures. “When did this happen?”

“This morning.” He replied. “I just received a call and they sent me this.”

Dan-Han looked at the pictures once again. “What caused this?”

“An explosion, sir.” Chang-wok reported.

Dan-Han’s turned grim. “What sort of explosion?” He asked not liking the sound of that.

“Some pressurized containers had caused it exploded.”

“Pressurized containers? Who brought those to the site?”

“Sir, I guess the workers had some-”

“Was anyone injured?” That was the most important thing.

“I don’t have a full report.”

“Then get me who ever was in charge!” He snapped. The last thing he wanted at the moment was another problem to solve, and the last place he wanted one was in his company.

Dan-Han wasn’t just livid because of the unexpected problem, but more because this project was an almost completed work. They had just purchased the paints and other painting materials few days ago. He could guess the paints had aided the explosion. What a day!

Chang-wok instantly had the director in charge of the project on the phone, and with every word that fell out of Dan-Han’s lips he felt terrified for the man at the other side of the phone. He had sweat trickling down his spine so he couldn’t imagine the state of the person at the receiving end.

“Sir, should I call the tarmac?” Chang-wok asked the moment Dan-Han ended the call. His finger already hovering over a number as he awaited his instructions.

He silently stared at Dan-Han who suddenly seemed to have fallen deep in thought.

“President Lee,”

“A board meeting or a subtle approach.” Dan-Han mumbled under his breath while Chang-wok held a confused look on his face, not sure what the president was mumbling about.

“Call an emergency board meeting.”

“Sir? A board meeting?” Chang-wok asked in confused surprise, but Dan-Han had no time to reply that.

“I want everyone here in half an hour, and also, book a flight and inform Ji-Tae he’s needed at the conference room.” He ordered. “It’s about time he handle his madness.”

Chang-wok gazed at the boss in sheer confusion, but he couldn’t ask questions neither could he fathom what this was all about. He has never been one to guess what the boss was up to. As a matter of fact no one was able to do that. He readily nodded and did as he was told.


An hour later the conference room bustled with available board members trooping in with confused look on their faces. A lot of emergency summons were being made lately and it was becoming troublesome, but no one was complaining, yet.

They showed respect as Dan-Han strolled in with Ji-Tae leisurely tailing behind, a familiar lazy smile edging his lips as usual.

“I’ll wipe that smile off your face if I were you.” Dan-Han coldly told him while Ji-Tae chuckled and lowered him to the only available seat.

Dan-Han looked across the faces of the men. “Gentlemen and ladies, sorry for the imprompt call. I won’t waste our time, so I’ll get straight to business.” He apologized. “I believe you’ve all heard about the building collapse in country B?” He asked and majority of them nodded.

“That was meant to be one of our best work in country B, and it had helped us secure the automobile deal with the government, but unfortunately it’s crumbled to the ground and that means losses for us, and far above the losses is the credibility of the company. We know what needs to be done?”

“Then why are we seated here?” Ji-Tae snickered, earning him some looks from the people seated around the table, but they all turned back to Dan-Han when he spoke up.

“We’re sitted here to determine if you’re qualified to be sent over to fix this problem and your performance will be used to evaluate your capacity for the new position I’ll be nominating you for.”

Ji-Tae’s countenance instantly turned somber as he regarded Dan-Han with an intent look. “What position?” He asked.

“The one you’ve been vying for. Mine.”

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