Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396: Forgiveness.

Hei-Ran couldn’t imagine how A-Yeong had been living in the last seven years. She didn’t want to imagine it.

Hearing her ordeal, she realized that misunderstandings, no matter the fraction of it, doesn’t just cause rifts in relationships but can destroy everything that had been built over the years, just like hers and A-Yeong’s.

She realized that she might have acted a bit too selfishly with A-Yeong. She had been caught up in her pain so much that she didn’t think about what changed in A-Yeong, or what could have brought up the changes in her.

For someone she had claimed to know, she should have paid more attention to her when she returned as a whole different person because people didn’t just change. Difficult situations in life sometimes leave us a whole new person – strangers we barely recognize even when we stand in front of a mirror.

Hei-Ran believed this was the change A-Yeong had gone through. She had become a whole new person to save her child, which wasn’t her fault. Yes, she made a few mistakes by hurting her and her relationship, but she could see why. josei

A-Yeong might have realized that for her to do Ji-Tae’s bidding, she had to take over the company, and that was why she had framed her. But her reasons didn’t make her right, nor did they justify her decision.

She hadn’t forgiven A-Yeong for what she did because she had never once apologized till that very moment, but for the first time, Hei-Ran didn’t want to hate her. Rather she felt a bit of resentment towards herself.


Maintaining relationships was a conscious effort, and it required a lot of hard work and sacrifice, which she had failed to offer.

Maybe if she had spoken to A-Yeong and made an effort to know the reason for her change, things wouldn’t have gone as long as they did. Maybe they would have saved themselves of some hurt, and she would have been able to lift some of the burdens off her. Maybe they might have worked together and found a solution like they always did, and A-Yeong’s daughter wouldn’t have grown up away from home or come to know the horrible man who was her father.

Hei-Ran felt her heart throb with regret.

She hugged A-Yeong tighter as she brushed her hand through A-Yeong’s hair. “I’m sorry, A-Yeong.” She whispered because that was all she could say.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all that by yourself.” She apologized again and kissed the top of her head while her hands kept going through her hair.

A-Yeong shook her head to stop her from apologizing because Hei-Ran didn’t have to. It was no one’s fault. She was the one who made a mistake by being with the wrong man, but as much as she hated Ji-Tae, she didn’t hate the child he had given her because she was also a part of her.

“You don’t have to apologize. I- I should be the one apologizing.” She croaked.

“Shh... it’s okay.” Hei-Ran hushed her, but A-Yeong stubbornly pulled away.

She turned to Hei-Ran with tear-glistening eyes. She raised her gaze to Hei-Ran as she apologized. “I’m sorry, Hei-Ran. I’m sorry for what I did to you. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness-”

Hei-Ran placed a hand on her lips and stopped her. She gently wiped the tears rolling down A-Yeong’s cheek while she tried to hold back hers. “I agree I hated you at one point, and at another, I was convinced I’d never forgive you, but after hearing all you’ve gone through, I’m sure I’d have done the same if not worse. You made a mistake, but you were only looking after your child, that’s already a lot. I forgive you, truly.” She told her, completely surprised at how easy that came out, but her words prompted A-Yeong to cry even more. She could tell the remorse in her eyes.

“T...thank you.” A-Yeong sobbed out as she put her arms around Hei-Ran. She didn’t know how long she had wanted to say that – to apologize, but the circumstances surrounding her wouldn’t let her. She felt a weight had suddenly been taken off her chest.

Hei-Ran let out a small smile as she wiped the tears, which seemed like they had no intention of stopping off A-Yeong’s face.

“What’s her name?” Hei-Ran asked, trying to move the discussion into something lighter

after they’ve both calmed down.

“Hee-Young.” She replied, a smile warming her face as she sniffed. “She gives me joy, you know?” Her eyes held a smile, and Hei-Ran could tell the child did give her joy.

“I think she’ll give all us of joy when she comes home.” Hei-Ran smiled back, but A-Yeong suddenly tensed up, and the calmness in her eyes disappeared, completely replaced by fear and worry.

“Hei-Ran, wh..what if something happens to her? What if he finds out his business has been revealed, and he takes her away?” She panickly rattled out.

“He wouldn’t do such a thing. We won’t let him.” Hei-Ran firmly told her.


“This isn’t just your fight anymore, A-Yeong. You have your family now, and we’ll help you get her back, and didn’t president Lee say he’d do the right thing? If anyone can help, then it’s him. He’ll help you. All you have to do is go to city A as he requested. I’m sure everything will be fine.” She assured her, but A-Yeong was still unsettled, and Hei-Ran understood why.

She sat down beside her and hugged her tight. “We’ll bring her home, and everything will be just fine.” She comforted her.

Hei-Ran wished to go with A-Yeong to city A, but Dan-Han had requested she comes alone.

“Do you think I should tell the others?” A-Yeong asked, referring to the other members of the family.

“Not yet. You get her while I talk with grandfather. When you return, you can tell the rest of the family.” Hei-Ran told her, and A-Yeong nodded in concordance. She liked it that way. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to face her parents just yet.

She leaned closer and hugged Hei-Ran. “Thank you, Hei-Ran.” She said. “I don’t deserve you.”

“That’s the first true thing you’ve said since you were born,” She teased, and they both chuckled. She continued. “But we’re family, and family sticks together even though they can be bothersome and annoying.”

A-Yeong felt her swell as she hugged her even more. It’s been so long, and she had missed this.

She had truly missed Hei-Ran, and there was no lie in that.

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