Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

Chapter 404: Club?

“I’m not sure about this.” Eun-sun said, looking at Ni-Na who was rummaging through her makeup kit in search of another lipstick. This would be her fifth search for the ‘perfect stick with the perfect shade’ as she had favorably called it.

Ni-Na had put her through long hours of face shading and chin sculpting. Though it was unusual, Eun-Sun found it fun and relaxing. She still couldn’t believe the enormous make-up kit Ni-Na had brought with her on this short trip.

“What’s there to be sure about?” Ni-Na casually asked as she picked up a lipstick and turned to Eun-sun. Eun-Sun prayed she finally got it, and wasn’t going to apply it only to wipe it off just like she had done the last four times.

She sighed in relief when Ni-Na thoughtfully pursed her lips and shook her head in disapproval. “Too dull.” She said and hissed as she put the lipstick away and continued her search for another shade.

Were they ever going to be done with this? Eun-Sun wondered.

She dumbfoundedly stared at Ni-Na as she kept rummaging through her outrageous number of lipsticks. “Do you really use all of these?” She asked when she couldn’t keep a leash on her curiosity anymore. Her eyes trailed through the disturbing amount of makeup strewn on the table and still contained in the box.

“Not yet.” Ni-Na absentmindedly replied, while she kept searching.


“Found it.” She announced with twinkling eyes when she finally saw the ‘perfect shade’ she has been searching for. Eun-sun inwardly sighed in relief at her announcement, and she really wished this was it.

Ni-Na tipped her chin up and deftly applied the lipstick. “The makeups-” She said with a tone, “-don’t worry about them. I haven’t used all because I haven’t been opportuned to use them as much as I’d love to, thanks to yours truly.” She irritably hissed making Eun-Sun giggle as she was fully aware who she was referring to.

“Anyway, like they say, it’s better to have in abundance than have sparingly. And I’d rather have it now than be in need of it when I truly need it, the universe will be against me finding it by that time. So yeah, this lot is to solve any future problem I might encounter.” She explained said while Eun-sun dumbfoundedly blinked at her powerful logic for wastefulness and excuse for her impulsive buying.

Ni-Na chuckled when she observed Eun-sun’s stunned countenance. She turned her face to both sides and a satisfied smile curved her lips when she saw how perfect she looked.

“Now you look perfect.” She smiled, stepping away from the mirror so Eun-Sun could see herself.

Eun-sun’s eyes widened in awe when she caught a glimpse of her own face. Her lips gaped as she looked at herself with incredulity.

She looked... different. The make was neutral save the smoky eyes and her perfectly lined lips that now looked full and pillowy.

“This is...” She trailed when she couldn’t reach for the right word.

“I know. You look beautiful.” Ni-Na said, believing that was the word she needed. “I did an amazing job, didn’t I?” She proudly chirped, her lashes batting in desperate need for a compliment.

“This is beyond amazing.” Eun-Sun honestly praised. It was far from all she had ever looked with make up, even with Hei-Ran’s expertise and her personal failed attempt at doing it. Ni-Na would suffice for a professional resident beauty, and not to forget, a fashion expert.

Her gaze trickled down her dress and her hair that has been curled into fine waves cascading down her back and shoulders.

She was overly dressed for just dinner. She looked like she was dressed for a party.

Her head snapped towards Ni-Na. “Isn’t this too much for just dinner? I thought we were just going to the restaurant downstairs to eat or isn’t that the plan?” She curiously inquired. She might have asked a bit too late, but she could still ask, right?

She wouldn’t put it past Ni-Na to have a reckless plan in mind, and seeing how she had dolled them up, she believed Ni-Na was hiding the true intent for all this layering and beautification.

This makeup was way too much for just getting their stomachs full.

Ni-Na sheepishly smiled. “This is definitely not for dinner and boring conversations.”

“Then what is it for?”

Ni-Na shrugged as she tried to hide the mischievous smile pricking the edges of her lips. “Let’s just say for something that might get us in trouble. But I’ll trust your beauty to get us through the night unscathed.” She winked and picked up the two purses lying on the bed.

She passed the silver studded one to Eun-sun which matched her small black shimmering gown perfectly. It complimented her silver accessories, while her pink purse went perfectly with her body-con strapless electric blue dress. Both dresses spoke nothing of innocence and bashfulness, and fairly showed off all their curves and flat planes.

Eun-sun looked at the purse and then herself at the mirror. “Ni-Na, I’m not sure.” She sighed, as she tugged on the side of the dress but Ni-Na gently smacked her hand off.

She folded her arms across her chest as she sternly looked at Eun-sun. “Why have you brought me here?” She asked.

“ have fun.” Eun-Sun thoughtfully replied.

Ni-Na nodded at her response. “And does sitting in an hotel room and watching boring soap operas a good definition of fun?” She cocked a brow at Eun-sun who warily sighed knowing where this conversation was headed. She has dug her own grave, hasn’t she?

“No.” She indulgently replied.


Ni-Na held a finger out and shook her head. “No buts.” She interjected. “You brought me here to spice up your life, so let me do that. And as my brother’s woman, I think it’s high time you look the part.” She added, while Eun-sun frowned.

“Look the part? What do you mean?” She asked. Crease lines folded her forehead.

A few thoughts went through her mind, but she tried not to believe that Ni-Na’s word weren’t intended to hurt or insult her, that maybe she wasn’t sophisticated or good enough, but Eun-sun doubted Ni-Na would think so of her.

Ni-Na observed the subtle pensive look in Eun-Sun’s eyes and she sighed. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I simply meant looking your best. Women are moved by touch and kind gestures, but men are moved by sight.” Including her brother.

“So, what I’m saying is, keep my brother around your pinky by looking like a hot chic he can’t stay away from, and looking this good will also help set the ground when you guys are finally ready to make a public appearance. I’m sure my brother is dying to that already.” She explained.

Eun-sun equally believed Dan-Han was eager to tell everyone she was his woman, but he was refraining himself from doing so just for her sake.

She silently looked at Ni-Na before staring at the mirror. She wanted to be befitting of Dan-han in every ramification. Although there were a few things about that she wouldn’t be able to change, but she could definitely do this much.

She encouraged herself with a nod as Ni-Na offered her a hand and she stood to her feet.

Ni-Na smiled when she saw their reflection on the mirror. “We’re going to make heads turn.” She said matter of factly. She wasn’t in doubt of her abilities. josei

Eun-sun wasn’t sure about that, but she was simply going to comply with whatever she said.

“We should call Dan-Han and inform him of our whereabouts.” Eun-sun suggested, but Ni-Na snatched her phone before she could reach for it and dial Dan-Han’s number.

“I’m sure he’d find out before we step into the elevator. He always keeps an eye on everybody, and there’ll be no need for that as we’d be within the building. I can’t take you too far with the cast on your leg.” She said and they both glanced at her leg.

For a moment there, Eun-sun had almost forgotten about the weird leg cast that seemed like she was wearing a long stock.

Ni-Na had given her a back hose to wear over it and her on her leg. So, except someone was keenly paying attention to her disproportionate legs, they wouldn’t know she was wearing a cast.

Well, there was also the one leg flats she was wearing. “What about my shoes?” She pointed out. It wouldn’t seem okay when she appears in public wearing just one shoe.

“No one would know. It would be dark in there.”

‘Dark?’ Eun-sun frowned, wondering where they were going to that would be dark. It was evening already but it wasn’t that dark yet, or was it?

She looked at the time and she was surprised to discover it was past eight. They had spent three good hours in hairs and makeup. Unbelievable!

“Come on.” Ni-Na urged as she held her hand and gently pulled her to follow. Eun-Sun briefly exhaled as she closely followed Ni-Na.

She could tell the girl was ecstatic about where ever they were headed, and her excitement frightened her, but she couldn’t stop now. She also wanted to do something with her time. Nothing reckless, but something fun.

Fun times were really what she lacked in her life, and whatever memory of it she has had come from her encounter with Dan-Han. She needed to do what others did for once in her life.

Eun-sun felt relieved when Ni-Na led them to the restaurant on the fifth floor of the hotel. She couldn’t help but notice the attention they received as they passed through the foyer and even within the restaurant. But whatever attention they got wasn’t contemptuous or jeering, rather it was filled with admiration especially from the men and that made Eun-Sun uncomfortable.

She kept tugging her gown as they walked. Ni-Na had their arms locked together as a form of support so she wouldn’t leap or exert too much strength on her leg.

“People are staring.” Eun-sun whispered, but Ni-Na knowingly smiled.

“They love what they see. It would be difficult to tear any gaze away from us right now.” Ni-Na told her.

Seeing her attitude, Eun-sun was convinced Ni-Na was aware of the glances they were receiving and she was used to it. She carried herself well and she walked like she wanted everyone to know she was in the room and they did notice. Eun-Sun proudly smiled at Ni-Na carriage.

A waiter led them to a table and took their orders. They ate as Ni-Na told her about her friends and how they all had a huge crush on Dan-Han.

“They all like him?” Eun-sun was utterly surprised to hear that, but she wondered why she was surprised.

Dan-Han wasn’t an average man. His looks, built, gait, smile and even the indifferent look he always wore... everything about him was an addiction. He was more beautiful than most men and she began to wonder what he had really seen in her.

“Not just my friends, but majority of the ladies in the country do. People would hate you when they find out you stole their dream man.” Ni-Na told her.

Eun-sun rapidly blinked for a moment before shrugging her shoulders as she tucked the last of her food into her mouth. “He’s all mine now, they should all back off.” She declared making Ni-Na look at her in surprise.

“Possessive! My brother is teaching you well.” She giggled.

They barely finished their dessert before Ni-Na urged Eun-sun to leave it all behind and led her out of the restaurant.

Eun-sun inquired a few more times for their destination, but Ni-Na only gave her cryptic and mischievous smile. Eun-sun slowly followed her to the elevator and she couldn’t help but notice they were going down. They weren’t leaving the hotel, were they?

She didn’t think so, because Ni-Na had said they weren’t leaving the building, and she got her answer when they didn’t stop on the ground floor, but they kept going down.

Her brows furrowed as she turned to Ni-Na.

“Where exactly are we going?” She asked, wondering what was below the ground floor that they were headed for.

Ni-Na wriggled her brows at and sheepishly grinned. “You’ll see, baby.”

Eun-sun wasn’t sure if she wanted to see this through anymore, but still, she let Ni-Na lead her down a fairly dim hallway with colored LED lights illuminating it and giving off a different vibe. Eun-sun noticed the two burly men guiding a door and she forcefully pulled Ni-Na by the arm, but the girl smiled.

“Relax, sis, it’s nothing, okay?” She told her, but Eun-Sun didn’t believe her.

“This isn’t noth-”

“Have you ever been to a club before?” Ni-Na interjected her, making Eun-sun stiffen as her eyes darted to the huge soundproof door in front of them.

‘club?’ Damn! She was done for.

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