Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Chapter 420: Made A Mistake.

Her assignment in In-Ha’s life?

Eun-sun kept pondering on those words long after they’ve both left the beauty spa. Each and every word Ni-Na had said to her had put her in a deep state of thought, and had stirred up several questions in her mind.

Her life experiences, the pain, the verbal and physical abuse she had endured had really made her different and left her broken in places she wouldn’t want to admit, but she had to.

The rejection from her mom, the abandonment of her biological parents and the father who had raised her, the loss of the few people who were dear to her had made her build so many high walls that had somewhat become limitations to her life and her relationships to the people currently around her.

Her experiences in the past, especially with her mother had some shaped her in an unhealthy way. The verbal and physical abuse had not only bruised her self-esteem, but had also made her lose a part of herself. A very good part of herself that she’d like to get back.

She sighed and glanced at Ni-Na who was punching away at her phone. The girl had brought to her face the things she has been avoiding for so long, and had been trying her best to go around.

Ni-Na was an amazing girl who was far intelligent for her age.


Her brows pulled together when she suddenly realized something she hadn’t thought about before.

How did Ni-Na get to know about In-Ha’s feelings for her?

Eun-sun was sure she had never mentioned it before, either to her or anybody else, and she was certain Dan-Han would never mention it.

Her brows furrowed deeper into a knot as she turned to Ni-Na, softly calling her name. “Ni-Na, how did you know?” She asked with a curious note as they made their way to the mall, which was their next stop. Honestly, she was long out of the mood for shopping or anything related to it. All she wanted at the moment was to be in Dan-Han’s arms as he tightly holds her.

There was so many things in her she wanted to bare, and she wanted to do it with him.

Ni-Na raised a brow at her, “How did I know about what? In-Ha’s feeling for you?” She asked when she saw the look on Eun-sun’s face, and Eun-sun readily nodded.

“Yeah. Did he tell you about it?” She asked, her voice holding a bit of suspicion, even though a tendril of doubt was looping in her mind that In-Ha wouldn’t tell her something like that.

But there was also the fact that Ni-Na seemed to know alot about In-Ha and has a clear view of his feelings.

Ni-Na softly chuckled and sighed when she observed the intent look on Eun-sun’s face. She found her countenance and question a bit amusing.

“No one needs to tell me anything before I know it, sis. I have eyes, and I can see.” She said, making Eun-sun brows tighten more at her.

Was she saying no one told her? josei

She fully turned to her and paid her a more serious look. “Tell me, Ni-Na. How did you really know?” She pressed.

Ni-Na silently looked at her as she scrunched her lips to the side. She took a quick look at the cars and houses they were fastly moving against outside the window.

She let out an resigned sigh, and lolled back on the seat. “In-Ha wasn’t really discreet about it.” She said with a shrug. “At least his gaze on you weren’t discreet.” She added, but she chuckled out when she saw the confused look that suddenly framed Eun-sun’s face, which was eagerly asking for clarity.

“When you were attacked and you almost died, he looked like he could die with you if you as much as crossed the line. He looked way worse than my brother did, and that time at your house when he brought you supplement, he kept looking at you were that one thing he solely desired but couldn’t have. But I guess the first time I really noticed was at my Aunt’s funeral.”

“I saw the way he looked at you when you walked away, there was a longing there and I could swear my brother saw it too, because he turned murderous from where he stood.”

“Dan-Han?” Eun-sun’s eyes widened in surprise. She could remember In-Ha talking to her at the funeral, asking her to meet with him so they could talk, but she didn’t know Dan-Han had seen that. As a matter of fact, she didn’t remember Dan-Han looking her that way. He had intentionally evaded her gaze, at least that was what she thought.

“I didn’t know he saw that.” Eun-sun said in disbelief while Ni-Na scoffed.

“Nothing escapes my brother’s eyes. He might want to play dumb and choose not to acknowledge something, but he knows, or at least he has an inkling on it.” She said with a proud tone, making Eun-sun scoff.

“You’re always so proud of that brother of yours.”

“Of course, what’s not to be proud of. He’s the richest man in the country, he’s handsome, intelligent, and powerful. So what’s not to like? If I have a chance, I’ll steal him away from and drag him to the altar.”

“That would be incest.” Eun-sun told her.

“That’s the only thing stopping me.” She dramatically hissed out, making Eun-sun laugh.

“Just so you know, I would have fought you hard for him.” Eun-sun told her with a smile.

“I’m sure you would have.” Ni-Na replied with a smile.

A brief moment of silence reigned between them when Eun-sun suddenly remembered something.

“What about that guy you said you liked?” She inquisitively asked, remembering Ni-Na had longed mentioned him to her.

“What guy?

“The older guy you like. The one with committment issue, and your brother might kill if you start dating?” She was sure those were the exact words Ni-Na had used.

Ni-Na paid a quick glance at her and shrugged. “Nothing’s changed. He’s still ten years older than me, and he’s still isn’t emotional available, and my brother is still going to kill him if he has much as look my way, and I think I’m coming to realize that he might not just be good for me.”

“Really? Why?” Eun-sun wondered why she would say that. She had seen the way her eyes gleamed when she spoke about him the first time.

Ni-Na gave a non-committal shrug. “Because I think I might have made a mistake.” She said with a distant tone.

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