Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430: A Younger Version

Eun-sun didn’t know how long she had been standing rooted to the ground with eyes dumbfoundedly fixed on the face of the woman standing in front of her till she heard Dan-Han’s voice.

“Honey, say hello to my aunt.” He said, and Eun-sun’s gaze robotically darted towards him before reverting to the couple in front of her.

His aunt?

Eun-sun registered the look of shock and surprise on the woman’s face, and she could guess it was for the same reason that had her transfixed and confounded.

The middle-aged man looked just as surprised as she was. His gaze silently stayed on her as if he was looking at something unbelievable. Or maybe like her, he too was trying to ascertain why she looked almost exactly like the petite woman with hazel eyes just about the same size as hers, small heart-shaped lips that easily formed a line, and a familiar straight nose that looked almost too small yet perfect for her oval-shaped face.

Eun-sun felt like she was probably taking a sneak peek of herself in the next 30 years, except for the lighter brown hair the lady seemed to have. Her dark brown hair seems to match the man, unsettlingly peering at her.

What was this? Eun-sun mused.


Was this some...

‘When you see her, you’ll know...” That was what Dan-Han had said. Eun-sun instantly snapped her head to Dan-Han one more time, and that look...

God, the man was a devil, wasn’t he?

‘Were this her...’ Eun-sun’s thought trailed off when the woman’s voice suddenly broke through the awkward air of silence that had tinged the humid afternoon air.

“This is your girlfriend? This is her?” She asked with incredulity and surprise, completely shaking the shock effect that had overwhelmed her seconds ago, while Dan-Han nodded.

“Oh my!” She gasped as she crossed the distance between her and Eun-sun, who stood like a pillar with a plinth running deep into the ground.

“I can’t believe you brought her.” She said in awe as she peered at Eun-sun with gleaming eyes.

“Are you really the girlfriend my lovely friend spoke to me about?” She enthusiastically asked, and Eun-sun nodded responsively.

“Oh my, you’re really as beautiful as she said you are. Small, I must agree, but beautiful.” She chirped.

“T-thank you,” Eun-sun muttered responsively.

“I’m Kim Sena, and that gruffy man over there is my husband.” She pointed to her husband, who didn’t seem offended by her introductions, nor did he look amused. His gaze was just fixed on Eun-sun.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Sena.” Eun-sun bowed.

“Don’t be so formal.” She mockingly chided. “You’re this rascal’s girlfriend, so you’re free to call me Aunt. I’ll be your godmother-in-law soon too.” She said with a wink and a smile, but Eun-sun struggled to smile back.

Her mind was filled with so many thoughts at the moment, and her stomach was making a twist she didn’t quite understand.

But one thing she knew for sure was that these people might really be her family. A feeling came with that instinct, and Eun-sun knew she was right.

Dan-Han watched from the sides. He observed Eun-sun’s countenance as she watched Sena talk and the occasional dart of her eyes towards the man who was also peering at her with intent.

Dan-Han furrowed his brows as he observed him. He knew if Aunt Sena couldn’t make any recognition or feel suspicious, her husband would. And it wouldn’t be her fault if she didn’t harbor any suspicion. josei

She had mourned her dead child for so long, and for her to move on, she must have tried to close that part of her heart. And even if she could see the resemblance, she must be telling herself not to make any absurd assumptions.

“Honey, come here. Come say hi to our guest.” Sena beckoned to her husband when he awkwardly remained at the back and slowly walked over.

Eun-sun slowly gulped when the man stood right in front and stretched out a hand, “I’m Kim Ki-Jun; welcome to our home.” He introduced himself, and Eun-sun hesitantly stared at his hand before receiving it.

They both stared at one another before Sena spoke up. “Let’s go inside. I instructed the chef to make lunch as soon as Dan-Han said he was coming.” She gestured towards the house and immediately led the way while they all followed behind.

She turned to Eun-sun, “I didn’t know you’d be coming, so all the meals are Dan-Han’s favorite. I hope you don’t mind.” She apologetically informed Eun-sun, who readily nodded.

“It’s fine,” Eun-sun replied.

“You’ll love the food. Our chef is a great cook.” She said to assure Eun-sun as if to compensate for not making anything that would be to her liking.

Dan-Han followed after the trio, and he couldn’t help but notice the furrowed look on his godfather’s face as he followed after Eun-sun.


“We’re so sorry we couldn’t make it to her funeral. I couldn’t bring myself to come over.” Sena apologized, a rueful look etched on her face.

“It’s okay. I know it’s just as hard for you as it was us for us.” Dan-Han said in a comforting tone, but Sena let go of her cutlery which clattered on the plate, as she reached for a handkerchief to wipe the tears pooling in her eyes.

“I can’t believe she’s gone.” she broke out in sobs, finally unable to control herself.

“She....she didn’t even say she was sick. She...” She slurred as tears streamed down her face. Her husband turned towards her and gently patted her back.

“It’s okay, honey. You’ve been crying for months. Remember what the doctor said. You have to stop crying.” He comforted her.

“It’s so hard. I still can’t imagine not having our monthly call or her telling me about her plans for her outreaches. It’s so unbelievable. It’s like one minute I heard her telling me about the province she was visiting, and the next minute she’s gone.” She said between sobs.

“Sto crying. I’ve told you that’s life. Nothing is certain, not even tomorrow. But we’re sure she’s in a better place. She deserves that, especially after all her impact on people’s lives. You know that, right?”

“Yes.” She nodded as she sniffed. Her husband passed her another handkerchief, and she wiped her tears.

Eun-sun, who had been watching them, glanced up at Dan-Han, and she couldn’t help but notice the tight line on his lips. She slipped her hand under the table and gave his hand a squeeze.

Dan-Han looked back at her and bitterly smiled.

“Oh my dear, I’m sorry for this. I’m not really like this.” Sena let out an awkward laugh as she dabbed her eyes dry. “I’m sorry, dear.” She apologized to Eun-sun, who gave her an understanding nod. She also felt like crying. The thought of Mrs. Lee brought tears to her eyes whenever she remembered she’d never be able to see her face again.

“I hope you like the food. It’s there anything you want? I can get the kitchen to prepare it for you.” Sena offered.

“Not all. The food is really nice.” Eun-sun said with a polite smile which had Sena convinced as she smiled back.

“Then eat more. I used to make all these for Dan-Han whenever he and that Kang rascal visited. How is he? In-Ha, I mean?”

“He’s fine. He’s back in the country.” Dan-Han told her.

“Still causing mischief, I presume?” Ki-Jun asked while Dan-Han smiled.

“Not really. But In-Ha will always be the same person.”

“That’s for sure.” Ki-Jun amusedly nodded, and so did Sena.

They had a lovely dinner with Sena asking Eun-sun questions as she tried to familiarize herself with her, and for every question, Eun-sun gave an honest reply. Her eyes were intently fixed on the woman, who never seemed to run out of a smile.

She turned to Dan-Han, feeling eager to ask him the questions spiraling in her mind. She felt like she already had the answers, but she was too scared to admit it.

Eun-sun noticed the man’s awkward gaze on her before he excused himself and asked Dan-Han to follow him.

“I’ll be back. Stay with Aunt, okay?” He told her, and Eun-sun nodded. Dan-Han registered the restlessness in her eyes, and he pressed an assuring kiss on her temple, which rarely had any effect on her frantic mind.


Dan-Han received the glass of whiskey which his godfather poured for him.

“Remember when I gave you your first alcohol when you visited at fifteen?” The man asked as he poured himself a glass.

Dan-Han nodded and smiled. “My mother and aunty gave you an earful for days.”

Ki-Jun chuckled. “You acted so bravely, yet you rattled me out with your stupid red cheek. What a headache you were.” He smiled as he raised the glass.

Ki-Jun silently peered at Dan-Han, but after a while, he asked, “Who’s that girl?”

“Eun-sun?” Dan-Han innocently asked.

“Yes.” Ki-Jun nodded.

“Well, she’s my girlfriend.”

“I know she is. But why does she-” He paused and sighed. He kept silent for a while before speaking up again. “She looks a lot like Sena. Like how she looked when she was young. She would have....she would have looked like her if she were alive. Don’t you think?”

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