Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 438

Chapter 438

Chapter 438: Avoiding In-Ha.

Ni-Na picked on her food, not finding the appetite to eat anything since her return from her supposed vacation.

She hadn’t been able to eat, and even though she hated herself for reacting this way to something she had been trying to be mature about, she still couldn’t help it. She couldn’t help the numbness in her chest that she had been desperately trying to shake off her.

A numbness that came from having a delayed epiphany.

What happened didn’t exactly tear at her heart as anyone would think, but it ached because she knew it meant nothing to In-Ha. She had known that from the start, but she had indulged herself because, like many humans out there, she had been secretly daydreaming about the day when she’d share something with him, something special and beautiful as sex.

Keeping one’s virtue might not seem too honorable an act in this present day and world, but she had thought about giving hers to no one else but him as a show of her love and devotion to him.

Well, she can say she got something from this craziness. She might not have gotten the man’s heart as it has long been established in her heart that In-Ha was a far-fetched dream and a toxic elixir to her sanity, but at least she had fulfilled one of her secret wishes.

Her first time wasn’t as memorable and appreciated as she had wanted it to be-if anyone ever felt that way towards having sex, but she wanted it to be more than anything than it had been – Unpleasant and regretful. At least, that was what In-Ha felt.


That look of epiphany that had struck him when he woke up at her side.

God! How stupid could she be?

She still couldn’t remember how she had collected herself and feigned nonchalance to it all, but thinking about it now... josei

Ni-Na burrowed her teeth into her lips to stop the waterworks threatening to flood the dining table. She couldn’t make a mess of herself and definitely not in front of her parents.

“You better stop stabbing that poor meat if you aren’t going to eat it.” Her father’s stoic voice cut through the thick shroud of her deprecating thoughts. She slowly raised her gaze to him and apologized.

“I’m sorry. I’m not really hungry.” She said, setting the utensils down before shifting the plate away.

“Same thing you said during breakfast. What’s wrong with you?” He asked curiously-his tone holding a bit of coldness in them while his eyes furrowed at her.

“Honey, don’t sound too cold.” Ni-Na’s mother scolded as she turned to Ni-Na, who was sitting opposite her. She was also concerned about the weird change in Ni-Na.

Ni-Na was one of those kids who were smarter than other kids her age. She could be calm and rational when she wanted to but also had a tint of recklessness and restlessness, which came from the air of confidence she carried about herself. So seeing her this way, less her usual self, felt weird.

“Sweetheart, did something happen on your trip? Did anyone do anything to you? Did your cousin scold you?” Though she doubted Dan-Han would ever scold her because of every member of the whole family, he indulged her the most and was the major reason for her untamed attitude.

Ni-Na sighed and shook her head. Her lips parted to give a disarming smile, but noticing how tight her jaw felt, she believed she must have given a half-pained smile. “It’s nothing, mom. I’m okay.” She said in the most convincing voice she could manage. “And you know brother Dan-Han will never scold me.”

“I know, but you’re acting weird. And I haven’t seen you like this. So, tell me, did something happen?” Her mother relentlessly pressed.

“I assure you, I’m fine. It’s just... I’ll be returning to school soon. I’m going to miss you and Dad.” Ni-Na quickly settled for a lie – a lie that held some truth in it. But in an actual sense, Ni-Na believed returning to school would give her some ease from the unwanted feeling in her heart.

Her father skeptically looked at her, but her mother was already convinced and sold to her half-baked lie. She felt bad for lying to her parents and manipulating their emotions, but she couldn’t tell them she’d rather be thousands of miles away from home because she’ll feel safer and saner there. She’d be able to build back the defenses that had come crumbling just a few nights ago.

Her mother stretched her hand across the table and held hers, giving it that emotional squeeze that drained out the energy she had been mustering up.

“We’re going to miss you too, honey.” Her mom said with a sad smile.

Ni-Na glanced at her father as if waiting for his contribution to the mock emotional send-off. The real one would have more waterworks, and even her usually collected father would have a rush of emotions when sending his princess away.

Smiling at that thought, she rose to her feet and sweetly kissed their cheeks. “I’m going to miss you both too.”

Her mom patted her cheeks and kissed them. “Me too, baby.”

“When are you leaving?” Her father asked.

“Next weekend. I’ll wait for brother Dan-Han’s and sister-In-law’s return. Then I’ll leave.” She said, and her father nodded. Ni-Na would rather go back now, but she had promised Eun-sun she’d wait, so she’ll have to endure for the next few days. All she had to do was avoid bumping into In-Ha till then.

“I’ll go to my room now. I’ll probably go out to see my friends later. We’re attending a birthday party, but I’ll come back early.” She said, and her parents nodded.

“Don’t stay out too late,” Her father told her, and she nodded. She planted one more kiss on their cheeks before making a beeline towards her room.

Ni-Na had only stepped into her room when she heard her phone. Her eyes narrowed when she saw who was calling. This was the fifth time he was calling today.

Why was he calling her endlessly? She had said all she wanted to say, which was them acting like adults.

Who knew Kang In-Ha could be this persistent? Well, he had shown enough persistence in chasing his best friend’s woman for quite a while, and she must say that he deserved some commendation.

For a man who fled from the bed of every woman he slept with after having his itch scratched, he had shown great change.

‘And an even greater one for climbing into your bed’. A voice said in her head.

“How fleeting his change can be.” She cynically muttered.

Ni-Na frowned when her phone rang out again. Thinking it was him calling again, she was prepared to yell at him, but she stopped short when she realized it was only one of the girls calling.

It was a reminder for the party and the urgent cry for her arrival. Though she had taken advanced permission for it, Ni-Na wasn’t really looking forward to hanging out because going to public places increased the chances of meeting him, which increased the chances of having the conversation he was begging to have, but she wasn’t keen on having.

But was she going to hide away because of this? Throwing herself into some self-isolation isn’t going to change anything but rather would only make her fall deeper into deprecating thoughts.

Maybe she should go. Hanging out and being in the company of friends might just be what she needed to put her shit together. She wasn’t the first person to have had sex or a one-night stand, as that was the proper name for it. Since she wasn’t the first, she wasn’t going to act like a fool and stop sulking.

With that thought, Ni-Na got herself ready. She put on a hot number that clung to her body and showed her curves in the right places. The emerald green shade of the gown made the color of her eyes look pop as she glimmered her lips with her favorite pink lip gloss.

She peered at her reflection in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction before heading out.


The moment Ni-Na heard the boisterous sound of music coming from the loudspeakers, she knew she had made the right decision coming out.

The sight of people mingling and dancing was somehow uplifting.

Her eyes darted around, searching for her friends, but when she heard the girly squeals behind her, she knew they’d found her.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes, Lee Ni-Na. I don’t know how you do it, but you make hearts stop.” One of her friends said as she grazed her eyes over Ni-Na in admiration.

Ni-Na gave a blushed smile as she hugged Rachel. The girl was always good with compliments and was ever ready to dish them out charitably.

“You look amazing too.”

“What’s up, Lee?” Bo-Na enthusiastically chirped.

“I’m good. Where’s Myeong-su?” Ni-Na inquired when she registered the absence of their fourth friend.

Rachel snorted. “You know her. Always doing the extra to look pretty but always ends up looking like she had participated in a fight of colors. I’m sure she’ll join us soon, but now tell us, how was your trip? Anything exciting happened?” Rachel switched to her gossipy mood as she passed Ni-Na the glass in her hand.

The other girls looked with heightened anticipation. They’ve been impatiently waiting to see some pictures on her social media, but so far, there has been nothing.

Ni-Na observed their Inquisitive gazes and darted her attention toward the content of her drink before gulping it. She pinched the inside of her lips with her teeth at the reminder. She had come out to forget about the ‘trip’, not to be reminded of it.

“No,” She blandly replied as she turned her head around to avoid their eyes, but she suddenly stopped short at the glimpse of a familiar face.

She slowly retraced the movement of her neck. Her heart skipped when she saw caught sight of him staring at her.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’ Ni-Na hissed in her head.


A/N: Good day, everyone!

I hope we’re having/had a pleasant day. Well, I am. Thanks for asking. LoL

So I want to ask for your opinion. I don’t remember if I’ve asked before, but I will ask again.

Do you guys think Ni-Na’s and In-Ha’s story should be added here? Or would you prefer if it’s written as a side story, or if it should be skipped altogether?

I’m asking because I’m in haste to end this book so that I can focus on another of my book, “The Wrong Bride!” I don’t think I’ll be able to write all three books, as I know my strength. But your opinions will help me guide myself hence while im asking.

Please drop your answers in the section. Thank you.



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