Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 483

Chapter 483

Chapter 483: Never Ending Battles

Teach Dan-Han’s father to stay humble?

Eun-sun did not understand what her father meant, but more than that, she did not understand why Dan-Han would lie to her.

She had asked him if the shareholders meeting was the reason behind his leaving, but what had he said?

He said he wasn’t.

Again, he was keeping things away from her despite her plea not to do so.

Why was he doing this? Eun-sun mused.

“Are you listening?” Sena called when it seemed Eun-Sun had become distracted in her thoughts.


She blinked back to reality and stared at her mum. “I’m sorry,” She apologized. She had meant to be distracted from their conversation but she couldn’t help it.

“It’s okay, honey. I guess you were surprised.” Sena smiled with understanding. She thought Eun-sun was flustered by Ki-Jun’s sudden announcement to take Eun-sun to the shareholders meeting, and she understood why she’d feel that way.

Ki-Jun taking Eun-sun to such a place only meant one thing. That he was going to find a way to introduce Eun-sun as their child at the meeting, and that would quell any unwanted question about who she was when Dan-Han announces his plan to marry her.

No one would dare ask for her background or ask unnecessary questions.

“Are not okay with that? Do you not wish to go?” Ki-Jun inquired when he observed the solemn look on Eun-sun’s face. She didn’t look like she was pleased about it, and if she wasn’t then he wouldn’t force her. He’d have things done his own way.

The Kim’s charity ball was soon to held, and that could be another medium to announce her identity to the world.

Eun-sun sighed and shook her head when she observed her father’s concern. “That’s not it. I’m just surprised to know...that the meeting was rescheduled.” She explained.

“Dan-Han didn’t tell you?” Ki-Jun asked with a frown and she shook her head. No, he didn’t, and she was sure he hadn’t failed to tell her because he had forgotten, but rather because he chose not to.

“I’m sure he didn’t tell you because he didn’t want you worried. Dan-Han has always been that way as a boy. He always carries his problems alone. I’m sure he’ll come around.” Sena made an attempt to comfort because it was clearly indicated on Eun-sun’s face that she was displeased.

Ki-Jun concurred with a nod. “I’m sure he didn’t tell you because he wanted you to be relaxed. He’ll be fine.” Ki-Jun assured her, and Eun-sun slowly and tersely nodded.

Eun-sun wasn’t sure if her father’s announcement about attending the shareholders meeting had surprised her more than the fact that Dan-Han had lied to her.

He had told her his reason for returning wasn’t based on the shareholders meeting which had intially been scheduled to hold a week away, but had suddenly been rescheduled to take place two days from now.

Why the hell had he lied to her?

Eun-sun couldn’t bring herself to eat again, and she excused herself from the table.

She paced as she repeatedly dialled his number but he wasn’t picking up. She sent him a text, but even after two hours, Dan-Han didn’t reply to her text or return her calls.

She dialled secretary Chang-wok’s number, as Dan-Han had instructed her to do if anything were to come up and he couldn’t be reached. Her heart raced as the phone rang, and just when she thought the call would go unanswered, it connected.

She did a rough estimation of the time in her head before greeting. “Good morning, Mr Chang.” She greeted, and Chang-wok politely greeted back.

“Can I speak to Dan-Han? Is he busy?” Eun-sun hurriedly asked, not wanting to waste her time or his.

Chang-wok peered through the glass door of the conference room to the man with a stern look on his face.

“President Lee is currently in a meeting, and can’t come to the phone at the moment.” He explained.

“Oh, okay.” Eun-sun sighed when she heard that. She felt apologetic for disturbing him and Dan-Han when they were both busy, but if only Dan-Han had told her about the meeting, she wouldn’t have been this worried for him.

“Please can you please tell me if everything is going on fine with him? I..I know the meeting is slated to take place on Friday. What’s the situation of things?” Eun-sun inquired.

She knew she shouldn’t be asking Chang-wok about it, but what could she do? The man who’d risk his head for her, didn’t trust her enough to share his own burdens with her.

“Ms Eun-sun, I don’t think I’m in the place to talk to about it. You should probably speak to President Lee.”

“I know, but I’m desperate. He already has a lot on his plate as it is. Just tell me, would he lose his position? Are they shareholders in his favor?” This was the most important thing, and it was what troubled her heart the most.

She knew if the majority of the shareholders doesn’t support Dan-Han, then he’d lose his seat. And he has spent the last few weeks helping her and saving her family when he should ould have been going around to rally round his supporters.

“Please, tell me anything. I beg you.” Eun-sun pleaded when Chang-wok seemed to be hesitant.

Chang-wok sighed.

“The truth is, I don’t think things are looking well for President Lee.” He said and Eun-sun’s hear to skipped.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but something foul seems to be happening. The shareholders who were on his side suddenly seems to be having cold feet.”

“They are? Why?” Eun-sun anxiously asked, and Chang-wok shook his head.

“I don’t know.” Chang-wok’s replied. “But if there’s anyone who can turn the tables around, it’s President Lee. You don’t have to worry about it.” Chang-wok told her when he realized he might have scared her with his words. If Dan-Han was to know he had said the things he did to her, the man would have his head.

There was no way Eun-sun wouldn’t worry about it. How was she not to worry, or not even think about it? There was simply no way any of that was possible.

“Thank you, Mr Chang-wok for telling me this. I’m grateful.” Eun-sun appreciated him.

“It’s okay.” He replied before Eun-sun disconnected the call.

She tossed her phone to the chair on the patio as she absentmindedly began to pace. She hassled her brain on what to do to help Dan-Han.

All of this was simply because Father Lee hated her so much he’d rather kick his son out than let him be with her.

Dan-Han had assured her his father was only trying to bait him, but it didn’t seem so anymore.

She had heard the person he was pitching against Dan-Han was his creepy cousin, Ji-Tae.

Ni-Na had always told her to be careful around him, and personally, she had seen how creepy and crazy he could be. Was he probably working behind the scenes to give Dan-Han a hard time?

Of course, he was. She wouldn’t doubt it, but what should she do? Call him? And say what?

Eun-sun felt that was a stupid idea not what considering. Ji-Tae had once tried to tear she and Dan-Han apart by capitalising on the existing problem they had at the time, so what’s going to stop him from doing it again?

He might find a way to use it against Dan-Han, and she wouldn’t let that happen.

Instead of an making any stupid calls, she called Ni-Na. She hadn’t spoken to her since they left city A, and she felt bad about it.

“Hey, Ni-Na.” Eun-sun called the moment the call connected.

“Hey, sister-in-law.” Ni-Na languidly greeted, and Eun-sun arched a brow.

“Are you okay?” She asked, wondering why she sounded that way like she was having a bad day.

Ruffling sounds came from across the phone. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a long day.” Ni-Na explained.

“What did you do?” Eun-sun inquired like a big sister who was overly concerned for her little sister, because that’s what Ni-Na had become to her.

Mi-Cha and Ni-Na were her little sisters, and Hei-Ran was her best friend who sometimes took the role of a big sister. And she didn’t deserve any of them.

Ni-Na listlessly yawned. “I’ve been putting my things together, so I can go back go school. I thought about calling you later to inform you about it. You know I promised you I was going to wait for your return, and why didn’t you return with brother Dan-Han? Is it because of the meeting?” Ni-Na curiously inquired.

She had been shocked to discover that Dan-Han had returned without Eun-sun.

Eun-sun perked up at the reminder of the meeting. “I have something important to do over here that’s why I didn’t return, but about the meeting, how is it looking? Is your brother really trying to usurp Dan-Han’s position?” She asked and Ni-Na wearily sighed.

“Yeah, he is, and heaven knows what’s going on in that head of his. He knows he can’t look after the company like Dan-Han does. As a matter of fact, no one can. But he’s just being his annoying self as usual, and even now, I think it’s more crazy than usual.”

“I overheard my parents talking about Ji-Tae working under the directions of my uncle, but I doubt big uncle is in control of the situation. Ji-Tae is a manipulative psycho, and I think the rescheduling of the meeting has something to do with him. He must have influenced uncle somehow to do this, and I also heard he has been meeting with shareholders while Dan-Han was away.” Ni-Na reported.

Eun-sun was astonished by the information she had been given, and she doubted no part of it. Father Lee seemed like he could do anything just go get what he wants and in this case, it was ensuring she never gets into his family.

While, Ji-Tae on the other hand had made it clear he had a vendetta with Dan-Han he was dedicated to winning.

“What’s going to happen now? Is there some way to help Dan-Han?” She knew what was going to help him was him having the majority of the shareholders in his favor, that was the surest way to Dan-Han winning, but she was open to other ideas.

Ni-Na resignedly sighed. “I don’t know Noona. Uncle has the largest shares of the company, which sums about 24% of the company’s total shares. Aunty’s shares were willed to brother Dan-Han, and added to his own shares of the company, he still doesn’t meet up his uncle’s. My Dad would in favour of big brother, but that only makes it a total of 20%. It still isn’t enough to win.” Ni-Na told her.

“Are there no other shareholders supporting him at all?” Eun-sun inquired. There had to be. At least she wanted to believe so.

“Yes, there are, but they won’t match up the the number of supporters uncle will rally. Brother Dan-Han might be a formidable leader, but my dad seems to believe it is uncle who owns their trust. He had built the company and had worked with them for years before handing over to big brother, so they’re still ded to him. That alone makes it look bad for brother Dan-Han.”

Hearing all this, Eun-sun felt like she could faint. Her stomach churned and she gut wrenched, but she held it down. She had to think, but what exactly could she think about.

Her measly number of shares wouldn’t be able to turn the tide in Dan-Han’s favour. She didn’t know what to do, and it was frustrating.

“I don’t know what to do, Ni-Na. I can’t help Dan-Han, and I don’t know how to help him.” She said as her eyes welled with tears.

“You don’t have to cry.” Ni-Na comforted her.

“I know, but your uncle is making things hard for him. Must I really leave Dan-Han to let him have some peace?” She sobbed out frustratedly.

“What are you saying?” Ni-Na asked with a scowl. “Don’t you even dare say that. Brother Dan-Han would be angry to hear that, and I’ll be angry if you attempt anything stupid.” josei

“I don’t...I don’t...” Eun-sun’s voice quivered as she tried to bite back her tears. Wasn’t Dan-Han going through so much just to be with her?

It was as if, he was always in a battle front ever since he has been with her. It has always been from one issue to another, and the problems were never ending.

She didn’t want to leave Dan-Han, not because of all the sacrifices he had made for her, or the challenges they’ve endured together, but simply because she couldn’t live without him.


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