Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

Chapter 486: ShareHolders Meeting (2)

“Nervous?” Ki-Jun asked when he observed the nervous look on Eun-suns face. Her hands kept rubbing against her pant as she held her lips in a tight press.

Eun-sun looked at him and shook head, but Ki-Jun could see right through her.

A loving smile lit up his face. “You don’t have to be. It’s just a meeting with a few unfamiliar faces that’ll learn to respect you.” He told her, but Eun-sun knew that wasn’t entirely true. josei

Indeed there’d be a lot unfamiliar faces, but it wasn’t those faces that scared her.

Okay, maybe they did, but what actually had her palm- sweating nervous was that one familiar face that had always paid her a hostile look, and she knew today wouldn’t be any different.

Maybe, it might, but in what way? Would he hate her more, or would he change his mind and find her suitable to be with his son.

Today would be first day to be introduced as a shareholder. Though her shares were only but a measly number, she was still a share holder.


She looked at her hand when he placed his on top of hers. “There’s nothing to be worried about.” He assured her, and Eun-sun wanted to believe so.

Her heart thumped a bit wilder as the car turned into the premises of the company, revealing the tall, giant building she had last seen over a month ago. Her heart always pumped with pride everyday she stepped past it’s doors as a employee, and she was always overwhelmed with joy, knowing the man who ruled such an establishment was hers and no one else.

But seeing that familiar building today, all Eun-sun felt was more anxiety than she had ever felt in her entire life.

Dan-Han could stop being that amazing captain that everyone reverenced and feared. He could lose all he had worked for because of her.

Eun-sun took a deep breath and turned to her father when the car pulled over at the parking lot. “Dad, are you certain they’d give their support?” She asked.

Ki-Jun smiled at her and nodded. “Of course they will.” He told her and Eun-sun nodded, although nervously. She just couldn’t help it.

She couldn’t help her thumping heart.

“I hope they do.” For her sake and Dan-Han’s.

She picked up her phone to see if there had been any more text or calls from him, but there hadn’t been any. She sighed as she slipped her phone into her bag.

“Still hasn’t spoken to him?” Ki-Jun asked and Eun-sun shook her head.

It’s been two whole days since she last spoke to him, and in these two days, Dan-Han had left her series of calls and text messages, and even though she was tempted to answer or reply to him, she always stopped herself. And it wasn’t because she didn’t miss him, but rather because he wasn’t learning.

This relationship was a partnership. One that they both have to trust on each other to make it work, but Dan-Han wasn’t doing that with her.

He was used to doing things his own way, and she understood that, but he also had to know that he wasn’t alone anymore. Whatever happened to him, happens to her as well and vice versa.

Dan-Han simply had to learn to trust her to do right by him, fight for him the same he has been fighting for her, and until he learns that or promise to do that, she was going to treat him this way, even if it kills her.

“You have to talk to him. I’m sure he has his reason for not telling you.” Ki-Jun told her.

“I know, but this isn’t just about him. I might not be as capable as he is, but he should trust me to always do my best and give my all to protect him. He can’t shield me away forever. I’m not a doll he wants to possess and keep away. I want to help him too, same way he helped me find my family.”

Ki-Jun nodded in understanding. He placed his other hand underneath hers and patted her the top of her hand with the other. “I’m sure you both will be fine, but ensure you talk to him today. . Prolonged silence can fester a relationship, and create room for more misunderstandings.” Ki-Jun advised and Eun-sun nodded.

He picked up a brown file which they had carried with them. He peered at Eun-sun before stretching it towards her. “I’m sure Dan-Han wanted you to help him, and he knew you could.”

Eun-sun stared at the file as she wondered what he meant by his words and what he was giving it to her.

“Come on,” Ki-Jun urged as he tipped his chin towards the file.

Eun-sun skeptically looked at him before receiving it. She slowly opened it and looked at the documents inside of it.

It was a transfer of shares deed and it had her name on it as the receiving party, and his as the....

Eun-sun snapped her gaze to him. “What is this? Why are you giving me this?” Eun-sun asked in horror.

Why was he giving her his shares?

“I’m giving it to you, because it’s yours.”

“Mine?” Eun-sun arched a brow at him. How was it hers? It wasn’t hers.

“I’m sorry, I can’t take this” Eun-sun closed the file and passed it back to him, but Ki-Jun didn’t accept it.

“I’m not taking that back.” Ki-Jun told her. “You’re my daughter and all I have belongs to you and Mi-Cha. We all talked about it, and we collectively agreed you should take this.”

“You did?” Eun-sun was surprised to hear that.

“Yes.” Ki-Jun affirmed, but Eun-sun still shook her head.

“I still can’t accept this.”

“Why?” He asked.

“Because it’s yours. You don’t have to give me anything, and what am I to do with this? It’s too much money that I can’t handle.”

“Then let me teach you. I can teach you to manage everything we own, and we do own alot.” He told her. “Our ancestors were said to possess some blue blood, and that has left us with too much wealth to handle. I had been overwhelmed with everything and had left it all for Yong-Gun to handle, but you’re here now, and you can do it with Mi-Cha. She’s still learning, but she can help you too, and so will Dan-Han. You just have to accept that you’re home and there’s a lot of things that comes with being at home and this is one of it.”

Eun-sun looked away from him to the document dumbfoundedly. She couldn’t believe this.

Ki-Jun held her hand tightly in his. “I know I can’t make up for the time we lost with mundane things like this, but I want to have this and more because they rightly belong to you. I might have gotten these shares as a return for the investment I made years ago, but I had hoped you’d have them. Jun-Sun and I had once made a funny pact to get our kids married and they’d both own half of the company together, and I think that pact is being fulfilled.”

Eun-sun’s silently looked at him as he spoke. “I... I..” She stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Ki-Jun smiled at her as he brushed her hair backward. “I love you, Kim Eun-sun, and I’d do anything to make you happy, and so will your mom, who’s waiting to hear how you drop Jun-Sun’s jaws after making you cry.”

Eun-sun chuckled amidst the tears dropping out of her eyes. Of course, she’d expect that from her mother.

These past few days the woman had shown she had the tendency for being troublesome and vindictive especially towards those that hurt her family.

She had heard her flip when her dad informed her about Father Lee’s attitude towards and disapproval towards her relationship to Dan-Han.

What had she said again? That no Lee family was qualified to marry any of her daughters, and Dan-Han wasn’t even handsome enough even though he was her god-son and her best friend’s child.

Her flare had been interesting too watch, and it was beautiful seeing someone defend her so zealously for the first time aside Dan-Han.

Eun-sun wrapped her arms around Ki-Jun who chuckled as he hugged her back. “I love you, princess.” He said, gently patting her hair.

“I...” Eun-sun stuttered. She had the words in her tongue, but it felt too heavy and unwilling to roll, but she was going to say it. She wanted to, because he deserved to hear it from her especially after all they’ve been through and how close she got to losing him. “I love you and mum too.” She said and Ki-Jun hugged her even more.

“Your mom would love to hear you say that too.”

“I’ll tell her everyday.”

“She’d love that.” Ki-Jun kissed her cheek and wiped the tears that has rolled down her face.

“You’ll ruin your makeup and give that old fox more reasons to oppose being with that son of his.” He said as he whipped out an handkerchief and dabbed off her tears making Eun-sun chuckle.

She didn’t think she’d ever receive such fatherly doting care at this stage of her, but here she was having it all and more.

“Come on, let’s go.” Ki-Jun told her and Eun-sun nodded, stepping out of the car after him.

Eun-sun walked with him to the elevator with her hand in his, like a little girl going to the park with her father. The gesture reminded of those few happy moments in her life as a child when she had gone to the park with her adoptive father.

Eun-sun had only stepped into the elevator when she saw the last person she wanted to meet. Lee Ji-Tae and his irking smile.

“Look who we have here.” He smiled.

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