Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 489

Chapter 489

Chapter 489: His Daughter

There were too many interesting yet mind puzzling things going on at the table but Ji-Tae tried not to think about them.

All he was concerned about was winning and taking over Dan-Han’s seat, and he was already certain he was going to win.

His lips curved up as he glanced at Dan-Han who had a pensive look etched on his face. This was the first time his inscrutable demeanor seemed to be absent, and it was fun to see.

Looking at the pile of voting paper stacked at one side against the other as the s was being counted, Ji-Tae’s smile turned into a smug one as he believed it was his.

Victory was unboubtedly his, he reasoned. Before the end of the meeting he was going to kick Dan-Han out of the company, because if he doesn’t, Dan-Han was going to find his way back, so he has to make it impossible.

He had assurance from a majority of the board that they’d support him, and he was going to use that same support to get rid Dan-Han from PK corps.

Doing otherwise would be a risk to his future.


“The s has been counted.” The person appointed to be charge of the whole voting process announced. It was one of the old staff in the company who wasn’t a member of the board.

Deep silence fell across the room as everyone waited for the results.

“29.2% d in support of President Lee dismissal, 41.8% opposed his dismissal, and 20% withheld their voting rights.” The man announced and conflicted murmurs suddenly filled the room.

Ji-Tae’s brows narrowed into slits as he lost his control over his face and frowned. What the hell just happened?!

His gleaming gaze shifted to father Lee who seemed to be taken aback, and was making some calculations in his head, before turning to Dan-Han, who looked like the result was just within his prediction.

This wasn’t right!

Ji-Tae coursed his gaze across the faces on the table, especially to the fools who had given their words and the other who had forgotten he had some leverage over.

But who amongst them withheld their voting rights? And a whole 20%?! And who on the table d for Dan-Han?

Ji-Tae could sense some foul play, and this had to do with Dan-Han or the man seated across him, Kim Ki-Jun.

He was the piece that he failed to handle.

He had forgotten how much influence the man possessed across the table and Dan-Han must had banked on him, hence why his little woman was beside him and had miraculously gotten hold of some company shares.

“I do not agree with this. Can we know those who d?” Ji-Tae suddenly asked and all eyes darted to him.

Dan-Han dryly scoffed and peered at him. “And in what country is that done?” Dan-Han questioned him.

“This wasn’t some national election.” Ji-Tae countered.

“And neither is it your bedroom election. Be more reasonable in the questions you ask. Or were expecting something different?” Dan-Han cocked a brow at him.

Dan-Han glared at him when he observed his lips part to utter another line of nonsense, before travelling his gaze across the faces of the table.

He knew what Ji-Tae had done under the table. He was certain he had made undertable deals to assure that he wins, but what Ji-Tae had failed to realize was that, he has been on this table since he clocked five.

He was born to sit and lead this table, so he was always on top of his game, and Ji-Tae not to be too undermining, wasn’t a worthy opponent when it came to issues like this.

He hardened his face as he peered at them. “Gentlemen, we already have our results, and with that out of the way, let’s move to the next agenda for the day.” Dan-Han suddenly declared, making the people stare at one another as they wondered what other agenda they had slated for the meeting other than the ones they’ve handled.

Father Lee peeked a glance at Dan-Han as he equally wondered what other agenda Dan-Han had in mind, but before Dan-Han could continue he interjected.

“Whatever that agenda is, it can wait. The voting is done, and President Dan-Han will be keeping his seat.” He said and turned towards Eun-sun, who lifted her head to meet his eyes. “But now can we talk about this young lady here?” His stern eyes met with Eun-sun who didn’t seem fazed.

She wasn’t surprised by his impatience. She had long observed the stern look he had been darting at her all through the meeting and she was certain she knew what he was going to say next.

“How much?” He asked, attracting everyone’s attention to himself.

“How much what?” Eun-sun asked indifferently back, as if clueless to what he was asking about and that feigned ignorance angered Jun-Sun even more.

“How much would it cost to get those shares out of your hand?” He grimly inquired, and Eun-sun tried not to smile at how predictable he was.

The man was just too predictable in his words and actions. He was looking at the same way he did when he threatened her to leave Dan-Han alone or he was going to take the company away from him.

“With all due respect sir, I’m not interested in selling what I have, and I don’t think this is the right place to have this sort of conversation even if we’re to have it.” Eun-sun politely told him, but Jun-Sun’s eyes narrowed into slits as he pushed out of his seat.

“And who the hell are you to tell me when and where is appropriate?! State your price!” He snapped.

Her price? Eun-Sun mused.

Well, she didn’t have one, except his son, Lee Dan-Han. She’d give anything to have him in her life same way he’d do for her, but she wasn’t going to say that there. She had come to help her man and she had done just that, so there was no need for any more drama.

Father Lee might be wealthy, but even for someone like him it would be difficult to purchase the numbers of shares she now has in her name, and this was all thanks to her father.

The difficulty in purchasing the shares wasn’t because they were unaffordable, but simply because the company had too many projects going on and wouldn’t be able to dish out such amount of money no matter how desperate Father Lee wanted to.

She slightly swiveled her chair towards him, so she could meet him in the eye. “I do have a price, but the question is, will you be able to afford it?” She raised a brow and asked.

She resignedly sighed. “And I think the first question you should have asked before requesting for a price should have been, how many shares do I have in my possession?”

She was sure he didn’t know, and if he did, he wouldn’t be this eager to humiliate her like he was doing right now.

Eun-sun knew she shouldn’t be undermining, especially not with the things she hadn’t earn on her own terms, but she just couldn’t help it. And neither did she mean to sound disrespectful to him, after all, he was going to be her father-in-law, whether he likes it or not.

But Dan-Han’s father has repeatedly proven he was too stubborn to give in, and that he would never accept her. He had never let go of the opportunity to humiliate her and insult her since she started dating his son, and now he was doing it in the presence of so many people.

And if this was how he wanted things to pan out, then she was going to head down that road with him. .

“And even if I told you, I doubt you’d be able to buy it from me.” She silkily told him.

Jun-Sun’s eyes furrowed into slits as he stared her down with ire. He could tell she was being smug about the shares she had stolen from his son. And what exactly did she mean by he should have asked how many she shares she was in possession of? And that he wouldn’t be able to afford it?

What temerity she has! He snarled.

“You do not have to make a fool of yourself, you only have-”

“25.5.” Eun-sun said and murmurs suddenly echoed across the table as they all looked at her in disbelief and at one another.

There were doubtful whisperings around her, but Eun-sun paid no mind to them. She wasn’t concerned about any of them, so they could doubt for all she cares.

Jun-Sun’s face contorted with a deep scowl. “What nonsense are you talking about?” How dare she lie to him and the other people across the table? Did she think them fools?!

Was this the woman Dan-Han wanted to marry? To bring into their family?! Not only was she from the slumps, but she also a liar.

But what should he have expected from the child of a criminal?

Eun-sun gave a non-committal shrug after hearing his question. “It’s up to you to believe me. But I have no reason to lie to you, chairman Lee.”

No reason to lie to him? Of course, she was lying.

There was no way they had so much number of stocks on the open market for her to have just accumulated that wholesome number of it. And there was no way she could afford it!

What did she take him for? A fool?

Did she think she was surrounded by fools? If she had such percentage of shares that made her the highest shareholder in the company!

That was hilarious! She was dirt poor, and was only a gold-digger looking for a moneyed man like his son. What an unscrupulous woman she was!

“You must think we’re all stupid, little girl.” He drawled. “Those measly shares under your name doesn’t belong to you-”

“So who does it belong to?” Ki-Jun asked unable to take it anymore.

Jun-Sun glared at him. “Old Kim, I’d advice you to stay away from it. This unscrupulous girl isn’t someone you’d want to defend. You do not know the kind of person she is or her horrifying background. She is-”

“Father that’s enough!”

“Insult my daughter one more time and I’ll sue you for derogation!” Dan-Han and Ki-Jun snapped.

Ki-Jun was done listening to all the rubbish Jun-Sun had been spewing to his child. How dare he?!

Jun-Sun froze and peered at his friend wide-eyed as he tried to understand what he was talking about.

His daughter? What was he saying?

Jun-Sun was utterly confused and so was everyone else except Dan-Han who was solely looking at Eun-sun.

“Ki-Jun -”

“Who do you think you are?!” Ki-Jun snapped and interjected him, surprising Jun-Sun even more.

“I’ve been listening to you and all the abusive words you’ve been hurling at her! You call my child unscrupulous simply because she likes your son?! Is this what age and time has done to you? You now look down on anybody?”

“You thought she was from a poor home you humiliate her right before my eyes? Is this how you’ve been treating my child?” Ki-Jun had tried to keep his anger and not join Jun-Sun on his madness by embarrassing himself in a meeting such as this, but he couldn’t handle it anymore.

He stared at Jun-Sun who seemed too shocked to hear what he had just heard and was stunningly staring at him and Eun-sun.

“Is this true?” Jun-Sun turned to Dan-Han and asked. josei

Dan-Han slowly turned towards him with cold eyes. “It’s the truth.” Dan-Han confirmed and Jun-Sun stiffened and soft gasps echoed round the table.

“How...why didn’t you-” He hushly spoke and slurred.

“Why didn’t I tell you?” Dan-Han asked, and read his answer from his eyes. “There was nothing to tell, and I warned you not to disrespect her anymore, not because of who she is, but because I loved her, but what do you do? You insult me in presence of everybody by insulting her.” Dan-Han drawled at him but safe away from ears of others.

He turned to Ki-Jun when it seemed the man was still upset and was about to hurl off his father’s head, and he wasn’t going to fault him for that, but at the moment they had to take their private issues away from the table.


“Uncle Ki-Jun, please be calm. We can move this conversation else where after this meeting is concluded, please.” He pleaded, and despite Ki-Jun being too livid, he glared at his friend as he tried to pin down his anger.

Dan-Han toured his gaze across the table one more time and requested absolute silence. He observed Ji-Tae’s look of shock as he stared at Eun-Sun and her father. He could imagine the thoughts going on in his head, but that was solely for Ji-Tae to think about.

“What is this other agenda that you have?” Someone from across the table asked and a few moments of silence elasped before Dan-Han replied.

“The dismissal of Chairman Lee from PK Corps.” He announced and the whole place burst up in a roar of gasps.

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