Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 501 - 501 Confession

Chapter 501 - 501 Confession

501 Confession

Mi-Cha didn’t expect for her eyes to be covered, but she figured it was because they didn’t want to know the direction they were headed and the place they were taking her.

But if her hearing was right they were probably moving towards the southern part of the city were the old train track was said to run through. She could hear the roaring rails from a distance.

She had never been to country C before, but she had read a lot about it, simply because her parents had not always talked about their stay their.

Mi-Cha ran her plan through her mind. She was going to confront that demon that has set out to destroy her family, him excluded, because he wasn’t and would never be her family.

She was going to make him answer all her questions and then she’d draw out a confession from him, before calling the cops.

She slightly turned to both sides and even though she could not see, she could feel the presence of two people at her side.

They were three. The driver and the two men trapping her in from both sides.

“Where’s your phone? Give me your phone!” One of the men suddenly demanded, and Mi-Cha snapped her head towards the source of the voice. It was the man on her right.

“What do you want with my phone?”


“Give me the damn phone!” He snapped and Mi-Cha jerked.

She reached for the phone in her pocket and with fidgeting hands, handed it over to him. josei

She heard the winding sound of the window, and soon the sound of something hitting the road followed

Was that her phone?

She was almost tempted to ask why they threw out her phone, but she stopped herself.

She had actually expected something like this could happen and that’s why she had prepared for that.

It had been a decision made on the spur of the moment when the thought of her phone being taken away from came to mind.

Her father could very well track her, and though while she was truly backing on that incase the plan goes awry and that monster refuses to let her go, she knew he would take precautionary measures.

Because if she could think of it, so could he, and that’s why she had bought the driver’s phone at an outrageous amount before he dropped her off, yes, and she hoped it would help.

The phone she had handed over was indeed hers, but without her sim card. She had slot in her card into the drivers phone which was currently stuck in her jeans.

Mi-Cha didn’t know how long they’ve drove for, but the car finally came to a stop.

She cooperated with them as they roughly pulled her out of the car.

She felt the rough coarse stone on the ground and soon she stepped on smooth floorboard, which she reasoned to be inside some house.

The warm temperature different from the chilly one she had felt outside, confirmed her suspicion.

She was shoved into a chair, and the black cloth was pulled off her.

She hissed and squinted her eyes at the abrupt assault of bright, white light.

Her lashes fluttered a few times till the haze cleared and eyes were fully adjusted to the light of the room.

She coursed her around her in silent observation of her surrounding.

Obsolete floral wallpapers covered the walls, old picture frames of some unfamiliar faces hung on it like some family gallery and she wondered whose. It must belong to the previous occupant of the house.

Yong-Gun must have bought it. Looking from how antiquated the structure is, he must have bought some old and reclusive mansion to hide away from the eyes of other.

“Glad to see you feeling at home.” She heard his voice behind her and she snapped her head around.

There he was standing behind her like some ancient villain. His lips split into a smile as he walked closer.

Mi-Cha had her eyes cautiously following after him. He took a sit behind a makeshift desk opposite her.

“What do you think of the place? Good enough?” He archly asked with a casual smile litting up his eyes.

Mi-Cha wanted to tell it was as ugly as his soul but she stopped herself. “I guess you’re so scared you found a shit hole to hid yourself.”

“Shit hole?” He chuckled. “Is this what you think of your new home?” He asked, amusedly staring at her.

“It seems giving you to my brother was a stupid idea. They’ve thought you manners. But not to worry, we can fix that. But first let’s get you treated to a meal. You look too....gaunt.” He hissed and waved a hand, gesturing at someone behind her.

Mi-Cha looked over and saw a man strolling over with a platter in hand. He placed it on a stool before Mi-Cha, and walked away.

Rare, bloodied cooked lamb, mashed potatoes and some unknown sauce, with salad which had more celery than lettuce, were what they had served.

She scoffed at the sight of the plate.

“What is it not to your liking? You want something different?”

“Yes.” She replied and a arched a brow expectantly. “How about you get a coffin and stuff me into it after you watch me die.” She said with scorn.

She observed his brows furrow as his gaze remained kindled on her, and slowly shifted to the plate.

“Are you allergic to something on the tray?” He questioned, and even though, indeed, she was allergic to celery, she didn’t find the need to answer that.

There was no need to let him on such information, especially when she knew she was disposable to him.

It would be stupid of her to inform the enemy on how best and quick to kill her, especially when the enemy was the monster who fathered her.

Mi-Cha pushed the stool aside and rose to her feet.

“Let’s save ourselves the unnecessary frivolities and repulsive gesture and get to the issue at hand. Your faux care is irking me out, so I’d rather skip it, as it might probably lead to my death.” She said brusquely.

Yong-Gun wryly scoffed as he looked at the platter. He slightly nodded his head and raised his gaze to her.

He lolled back on the chair which reclined back with a squeak, screaming it’s age and years of being out of use.

Mi-Cha focused her sharp and acrid gaze on him. “Why?” She asked, and he arched a brow at her.

“Why are trying to hurt my family?” She asked. She observed the slight narrowing of his eyes, and she guessed he maybe taken aback with her question.

That probably what he wanted to hear. He must have thought she’d ask him why he had given her away. She wasn’t stupid to ask that, as she’d rather have her parents now than him.

Despite all the sourness, the hurt, roller coaster of emotions and pain the reveal of her parentage had caused her, she was more grateful to have had Ki-Jun and Sena raise her as their parents, than this monster.

What would she have become had she been under her care? An assassin? A wasted drug addict? Or a huge participator in his evil and vicious schemes.

No, she was happy to be raised far from such vile and crude life.

Yong-Gun stoically stayed his gaze at her, and in the shift of a moment he wryly chuckled.

“Family?” He scoffed. “I’m your family little girl. You think my brother loves you? Think again.”

“There’s no need for that. Because I’d rather have whatever he gives me, and if you must know, it’s alot. It’s something you can never give and would never have simply because you’re just an evil person trying to spread sadness and death all around you.” She snapped at him.

“Watch your mouth!” He drawled with a scowl, but Mi-Cha didn’t cave, matching his eyes with a flaring glare of her own!

“Or else you’d do what? Kill me like you killed that pregnant girl to frame Dan-Han? Is that it? ” She dared, intentionally riding him up and guiding towards where she actually wanted him because her phone was ready to pick up whatever he was going to say.

She strolled towards his desk. “Do you think you can kill me and get away it? ”

He raised his macabre eyes to her, crossly showing his disdain for her defiance and brusque attitude.

“Do not think I can? After all you’ve been a collosal failure. You should be grateful I even brought you home?”

‘Home?’ This was home? It was no home. It looked like hell. A hell where she’d forever be abused.

A flicker of hurt at being called a failure passed through her eyes, but it faded away as soon as it came, because his words shouldn’t mean anything to her. Him and his words were nothing to her.

She’d rather be a failure to evil than a weapon of it.

She tipped a defiant chin at him. “You can tell you little boogeyman to come chop me up into pieces like he did with that poor girl.”

“Poor girl?” He amusedly asked. “That girl was never a poor girl. She and that Ji-Tae boy had fed themselves with a lot of my money, she was only giving back what they had both taken from me. Though they still owe me a lot more, but I’ll pacify myself with that Lee boy rotting in jail. So if you think I won’t chop you up and that whorish mother of yours, then think again.”



Hi everyone,

How are we all doing?

So I have an important announcement.

I’m happy to announce to you guys that this book is quickly come to an end. I know I’ve said so before, but this time is different.

We’ll be drawing the final curtains of this book in 10 or so chapters. It’s a mixed reaction for me. I’m happy yet I’m sad.

Happy because it’s been a successful journey with you guys, and sad because I’m gonna miss them all, at least, till we get to see Ni-Na and In-Ha’s love story, as well as another couple which might come as a surprise, but some of us might have already figured it out.

I’ll miss them greatly, and I hope you will too.

You can check out my other books:


The Temptations Of Love

The Wrong Bride — which will be resuming it’s update soon. To it’s readers here, I’m sorry for the slow update. It hasn’t been easy writing it because I recently realized writing contemporary romance is my niche, not fantasy.


Anyway I’m going to write, and I’m going to take my time with it, because I now have more ideas for it.

Thanks for all the support and love.

Love you first.


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