Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 512 - 512 A Fall To Death

Chapter 512 - 512 A Fall To Death

512 A Fall To Death

Dan-Han watched with annoyance as Eun-Sun got ready for work, from wearing a dress he didn’t actually like to wearing makeup and fixing her hair, it all irked him.

He was pissed with each activity she did, but he had given his word to let her do as she pleased, and that was something he sorely regretted.

Giving Eun-Sun liberty to do whatever she wanted had never ended well for him, and he should have remembered that, before letting her charm him into agreeing to let her go back to work.

“You don’t have to look so gloomy. I can see you from here.” She tipped her chin towards his reflection on the mirror, her lips revealing a smile, but Dan-Han sternly stared at her.

“Glad you know I’m not happy about this.” He coolly said.

Eun-Sun held his gaze through the mirror, but he sighed and looked away. She watched as he fixed his cufflinks and adjusted his tie, before glancing back towards her. “I’ll have someone drop you off.” He said, and Eun-Sun sharply turned towards him. josei

“I’m not riding with you?” She confusedly inquired, her eyes gleaming with sheer confusion.

Was he that displeased about her going to work? She knew he didn’t like it and he has been trying to take back his words in the past few days, but she didn’t know it would get to this. If he was going to act this way, why then did he say yes? Not that she needed his permission anyway, but she respected him and that’s why she had wanted him to agree with her decision.

“Dan-Han, it’s been three weeks already, and the doctor said I’m fine. Can you not act like I’m going to die by going to work? I love my job, and you know I’ve always being working. I can’t continue to stay idle everyday. Why are you acting this way?” She wearily asked.


Dan-Han steeled his gaze at her. “I’m not acting anyway.” He countered. He sighed when he saw the accusation in her eyes.

He walked over and kissed her temple. “I’ll have Alex prepare lunch and send it over to you. But if you want to eat with me, come to my office.”

Eun-Sun stared at him with a glint of surprise and confusion in her eyes.

She didn’t understand him. Why was he suddenly acting this way? She mused. But not wanting to say anything else, she simply nodded and Dan-Han pecked her cheek before starting for the door.

Eun-Sun looked at him with shock-surprise. That was it? A peck? Eun-Sun wondered to herself as she watched him leave.

“Dan-Han,” She called, stopping him on his heels before he could reach for the door, and he turned towards her. His eyes were lacking of the gleam that always thrived in them whenever he stares at her.

“Will you be free after work on Friday?” She politely asked.

“Why? Is something special happening?” He raised a brow and curiously asked and Eun-Sun looked at him incredulously.

Did he just ask her that? Has he forgotten? Eun-Sun eyes dimmed and a pang of sadness seeped into them.

She stiffly shook her head and turned away. “It’s fine. I’ll see you at home.” She bleakly replied and picked up her comb to resume fixing her hair.

She watched him through the mirror as he turned around walked out of the room without saying another word.

Eun-Sun felt a small lump on her throat as she wondered what was suddenly wrong. They were just fine until last night, so what happened? What did she do?

Eun-Sun felt the lump in her throat swell, but she pushed it back in, refusing to believe Dan-Han didn’t know what Friday was.

She was going to wait and see what happens. If he actually forgot, she was never going to marry him. Not even in her dreams. As a matter of fact, she was going to move out of his house and keep the baby with her! She seethed in her heart.

Eun-Sun knew those were her pregnancy hormones talking, but she still wasn’t going to forgive him if he truly forgets.

Dan-Han tried not think about the expression he had seen on Eun-Sun’s face as he strolled out of the house, because if he did, he might just ruin the surprise.

It had taken his whole force of will to have walked out on her. Friday was four days away and he hoped he could manage without spilling his surprise for her.

“Good morning, Mr Lee,” His driver greeted with a bow as Dan-Han stepped out of the house.

“I’ll be driving myself. Take her to work.” He instructed and received the keys from the driver. “And be discreet about it.” He added and the man obediently nodded.

Dan-Han knew people would definitely come to know about their relationship soon, especially those at the company, but he still wanted to protect Eun-Sun from unnecessary attention and trouble as much as he can, at least for the next few days before they became official.

He was still surprised how they’ve carried on their affair for so long with no one knowing about it, except his chef and secretary, and the board members who knew her as Ki-Jun’s daughter.

Dan-Han had only stepped into his car when his phone rang.

“Is it done?” He questioned he moment he answered the phone.

“Yes, boss. It’s all done.”

“So where is he?”

“Here at the Presbyterian hospital. We did as you instructed and closed off the road. So they had to bring him here.” Tae-Ho replied.

“And Stephen?” Dan-Han asked.

“Out of surgery too.” Tae-Ho answered.

“Good. I’ll be there shortly.” Dan-Han said and disconnected the call. He drove out of the compound and sped off to the location Tae-Ho was currently waiting for him.

The Presbyterian Hospital was one of the moderate secondary health care institutions, with an easily hackable security system, making it perfect for what he was about to do.

The moment Dan-Han pulled up across the street, Tae-Ho approached him with another subordinate tailing behind.

“Boss,” They both greeted, and Dan-Han replied with a terse nod.

“How many minutes do I have?” He asked Tae-Ho, who looked at his watch.

“Ten minutes after the camera’s are cut off, and three minutes after power is interrupted.” Tae-Ho replied.

“Backup generator?” He inquired.

“Taken care of.”

“And the authorities guarding them?” He asked as those was the most important.

“A good diversion will be created before you get off the elevator on the third floor. The room number is 501.” Tae-Ho informed him and Dan-Han immediately started for the hospital after receiving a small package from Tae-Ho which he slipped into his pocket.

He walked across the lobby to the elevator, and the moment he stepped out of it, he saw two uniformed men speaking to a nurse and hurrying past him.

Dan-Han didn’t know what diversion Tae-Ho had created, and he didn’t care. All he wanted was— he pushed open the door and stepped into the room where his target was listlessly lying — Kim Yong-Gun.

Yong-Gun, who had slowly stirred up when the sound of the door disrupted his slumber, widened his eyes in shock when he saw Dan-Han standing at the foot of the bed and murderously staring at him.

“You..” Yong-Gun listlessly muttered. He still felt groggy from the anasthetics that had been administered to him, but he knew who was standing in the room with him.

“I hope you had a good sleep?” Dan-Han inquired, while Yong-Gun looked towards the door in alarm.

Weren’t there supposed to be people guarding the door? How did he get in there?

“Be rest assured no one’s coming,” Dan-Han said, as if he could read his mind.

Yong-Gun snapped his head back to him. “You can’t do anything to me here. This is a hospital and the authorities are here.” Yong-Gun threatened, his eyes darting back and forth.

Dan-Han wryly chuckled. “I can’t do anything to you here?” He dryly asked as he took a step closer, his eyes heavily fixated at Yong-Gun. “I could have had you killed in prison.” He said lowering his eyes to Yong-Gun’s stomach, before raising his gaze back to him.

“But I thought there’d be no fun in doing that. Do you understand me?” Dan-Han slightly raised a brow at him.

It took a while for Yong-Gun to realize what Dan-Han was saying to him. His eyes darted to the side of his stomach where he had been fatally stabbed this morning at the queue for breakfast.

He had suddenly been attacked, and stabbed a few times by an object he didn’t quite know. Horror quickly flashed through his eyes, before hiding it away, but Dan-Han had caught on to it.

Yong-Gun raised his gaze to Dan-Han. “So, what do you want to do? Kill me yourself? Do you have the guts?” He dared in a challenging tone.

Dan-Han bleakly looked at him. His eyes darkened as he stared dead into Yong-Gun’s eyes. “You’re already dead to me.” He drawled.

His eyes shifted to the drip line attached to his hand, and Yong-Gun followed his gaze. His heart skipped when Dan-Han stalked towards it, and pulled a syringe out of his pocket.

“What are you—is someone there?” He desperately called out, but Dan-Han was already pushing in the content of the syringe into his body.

“What are you...what is that?” He panickly asked.

“Something that would make you feel good and help your walk down to hell easy.” Dan-Han coolly replied, and Yong-Gun quavered with panic.

“Da... Dan-Han, you don’t have to do this. I’m currently doing the time.” He rambled and Dan-Han mirthlessly chuckled.

“And what time will you do to compensate for my child or for the pain you made my girl go through?” Dan-Han cocked a brow.

Yong-Gun shook his head. “Dan-Han—” He tried to say, but Dan-Han cut him off.

“Do not waste too much of your energy. In the next minute, the injection I just gave will begin to kick in. You’ll feel weak and then some good hallucinations will begin to chip in. I hope they’ll make you feel the way you’ve made the people that have been unfortunate to be around you feel these past years.” He said, while Yong-Gun frantically shook his head.

He tried to say something but he suddenly felt weak. It seemed the drug was already setting in.

Dan-Han wheeled forward a wheel chair, that he hadn’t noticed before, and he helped him into it.

Yong-Gun wanted to protest. He wanted to call out for help but he couldn’t. His body was slowly feeling heavy and his mind...he didn’t know.

He could hear faint whispers, and they sounded like voices he had heard before, but he knew they weren’t real. It had to be the whatever Dan-Han had given him.

“Lee boy, shouldn’t do this. Cops...the authori...” He slurred.

Dan-Han’s lips curved into a cynical smile, as he stared at him, but his eyes were dead. “I would have preferred to torture you and make you scream till you wished for death, but I know your kind. People like you, inflicting you with pain is showing you mercy, and I’m not that gracious.” Dan-Han told him.

Yong-Gun tried to mumble out some words but Dan-Han ignored him and wheeled him to the door.

He cautiously observed the hallway before wheeling Yong-Gun out of the room. He walked past a few people but they all seemed to be frazzled and in haste.

Whatever Tae-Ho had done, he didn’t know, but it was working, and he would reward him.

He wheeled the man into the elevator and pressed the button to the rooftop. When the elevator chimed on arrival, he looked at his watch before wheeling Yong-Gun out, and the moment they stepped out of the elevator, power went off, not even giving the elevator door the time to close up.

Dan-Han wheeled Yong-Gun forward till they were only a few feet away from the edge of the building.

Dan-Han grabbed the man by the arm and pulled him to his feet. Whatever part of Yong-Gun’s sanity that still lingered tried to protest.


“Do not fight it. I heard it’s used in mental institutions, so it’s more potent than you think.” He said to him, as he slowly led him towards the edge of the building.

Dan-Han peeked down the height of the building, before staring at Yong-Gun who was still trying to fight the effect of the drug. His body was taken over, but his was trying not to give in.

“I... won’t...fall.” He muttered, with a slow shake of his head, and Dan-Han scoffed.

“You already are.” He drawled, but Yong-Gun tried to shake his head.

“You’re not going to missed and be rest assured, I’m going to kill everyone that worked for you. Every single one of them, and for your death, it’s just to be ruled as suicide.”

“Le..e boy.”

“Go to hell.” Dan-Han darkly drawled as he pushed him over the edge of the building and to his death.

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