Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 10 - Prima Donna

Chapter 10 - Prima Donna

Choi Mansion

"Come in" Mi-Ok said lazily when she heard a knock at the door knowing it was mother. ​​

Mother Choi pushed open Mi-Ok's door and saw her lying in bed, still in her pink pyjamas.

"Why did you miss breakfast?" Mrs Choi asked quietly as she took her seat on the chair by the vanity table.

"Nothing mother, I just didn't feel hungry" Mi-ok replied sitting up with her head resting on the head board.

"Are you sure? Are you still angry about your date yesterday? You don't really have to think about it" She said moving to sit down by the bed side.

"I got a call from Mrs Lee, she apologized for her son's absence and she agreed to fix another date between you two." She said stroking Mi-Ok's hair, while Mi-Ok frowned.

"No mom, I won't go on another date with him." Mi-Ok said feeling upset, as she pulled her head away from her mother's reach. There was no way she'd go on another date with that conceited man. She had suffered the worst embarrassment of her life because of him, and now she was expected to go another date with him? She'll never do that.

Because of a him, a peasant, a complete lowlife had dared to raise a hand to her. That nobody had slapped her because that prideful man had chosen to do something less important and had decided to keep her waiting. Now she had to pray her name doesn't pop up on the tabliods for what will seem like the hundreth time. A lot of scandals have been following her lately, but what could she do? It's not her fault that does low lifes didn't know how to respect someone of higher class.

The truth was what happened at the restaurant last night was something new to anybody.

Choi Mi-Ok was a prima Donna with princess syndrome. She'd never run after a man, after all she was the Choi's only child. And thus has been treated as a princess all her life. She had a thing for spot lights and thus, wrecks havoc where she goes. She was the complete definition of a twat, who feels everyone below the social class, wasn't permitted to breathe the same air as her, or share the same ground with her.

Sincerely the reason why she didn't show up for breakfast because she had spent refreshing the internet page to see if she truly made the tabloids. If she did her father won't let her hear the last of it.

"But why?" Mrs Choi asked raising her brows.

"Because he cancelled even though I already left because that stupid waitress soiled my gown" she blurted out angrily.

"Don't get vexed honey." Her mother comforted her.

"Mom you don't get it. He said he'll ask his secretary to call ME to fix a date. Like I don't deserve a call from him or what? Who the hell is he? Some prince or what? " She asked angrily.

"If he doesn't call, I'm not going to" She stated with a hint of finality in her voice as she laid back on her bed.

"Come on, you know you've to, your father wants this. He needs it for the company." She softly said pulling Mi-Ok up by her hand.

"But mom..."

"No Mi-Ok. This family needs this, if we must move higher in our social circle, you need to marry into the Lee family. There's no better match than them" Mrs Choi said sharply.

"Now go freshen up, and I will get the maids to bring up your breakfast." she added as she stood up to leave the room.

"Mom, can you please talk to father for me? I really don't want to go on a second date with him neither do I want to get married to him. He's so disrespectful. Mom please." Mi-Ok pleaded. She didn't know who her supposed date was, but one thing was sure, she hated his guts. josei

"When was the last time you visited the spa?" Her mother asked raising Mi-Ok's chin up with her hand as she tried to change the conversation. She looked at Mi-Ok's face closely as she titled her face sideways.

"Few days ago. Why?" Mi-Ok replied staring at her mom with a confused look. 'What's the connection between our conversation and the spa?' she asked herself. She really couldn't see through her mother at all.

"Please get your facials done, I didn't give birth to a monkey. And you wonder why he cancelled the date." she said, making Mi-Ok's mouth to open in shock as she walked out of the room.

"What! Monkey??" she said jumping off the bed and rushing up to the mirror on the vanity table to have a look at her face.

"I'm not a monkey! I am Choi Mi-Ok, not a monkey. And I look beautiful, too beautiful for your so called Mr Lee Dan-Han." she yelled angrily. Who the hell was that man anyway?

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