Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 100 - I Like You

Chapter 100 - I Like You

Dan-Han had a gloomy look on his face as he secretly glared at Eun-Sun. She was doing this on purpose. She was ignoring him, and was perfectly earning some applaud from some on lookers which she had gathered for herself. He didn't like the fact that other guys were now staring at her. He was deeply regretting his decision of bringing her there.

He couldn't stay for one more minute.

"Ms Eun-Sun" He called out in a flat and cold tone. Eun-Sun snapped her head towards him, the intensity of his voice had slightly startled her making her to miss the hoop.

She almost glared at Dan-Han for making her miss such a perfect score, but her glare disappeared when she saw the grim look on his face.

Was he angry? Why was he angry now? Well she didn't care. He has always acted oddly towards her, so she was no longer surprised with his actions and dark mood. He was the one who had brought her here, so he shouldn't give her any attitude. 

Eun-Sun grabbed the redemption tickets she had won for herself and hurried after Dan-Han who was now walking ahead in long strides. She knew she had to hurry after him, before he leaves her behind in a country where she knew no one and had no way of reaching home. She had intentions of claiming the gift with the redemption tickets which she had won, and she'd give the gift to Hei-Ran as a souvenir. She knew the gift wouldn't be more than a plushie, and that's why she had wanted to give it to Hei-Ran, she likes stuff like that. But it seems President Lee wasn't going to let her claim it now. She saw a young child standing with her mother. The girl was hungrily staring at a stuffed toy in the claw machine.

She bent down towards the small girl. "Want a toy?" She asked, while the baby nodded.

"Here consider it your lucky day" She said passing the tickets to her, before sprinting after her devilish boss.

"President Lee" she called out when she finally cut up with him. She was panting and that caught Dan-Han's attention.

"Why were you running?" He asked in an annoyed tone, his eyes trailing the beads of sweat on her head. Eun-Sun looked at him like he had just said something stupid.

Didn't he know why she had to run? What sort of man was he? Why was he always acting strange? Just when she was about enjoying the game that was when he just had to get back into his dark mode again. 

"You were leaving" She replied rhetorically, making sure Dan-Han caught the stink eye she was shooting at him.

Dan-Han took a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. "Wipe your face, you're sweating" He said in a cold tone. Eun-Sun looked at the handkerchief he was offering her and she hesitated taking it. She had one in her bag, if only he hadn't hurried her up back in the car, then she would have carried it.

Dan-Han hissed when he saw that she was refusing his handkerchief. What's with her and being stubborn? Must she always be this defiant? If it were to be others, by now they'd probably be living a hard life for their stubnorness, he would have ensured it. But with her he was completely helpless. He couldn't help but deal it with, and if he had to be honest her stubborness was one of the reasons he was attracted to her. 

Taking her by surprise he reached for her hand and pulled her close almost slamming her body against his rock hard body. Eun-Sun let out a loud gasp when he did that. She wasn't expecting that at all.

She tried to wriggle free, but Dan-Han's hold on her was strong, but not hard enough to hurt her.

"Stay still, or I might do something you won't like" He threatened in a low and dangerous voice making Eun-Sun stiffle. She didn't like being threatened, but there was something about Dan-Han's threats that makes her spineless.

"B—but Mr Lee, you're — too close" She stuttered.

They were too close, overly too close. From the awkward position Dan-Han had put her in, she had a clear view of his handsome face, his jaw line looked perfect, his pointed nose.

'Was his jaw carved with a chisel?' She asked herself in her head. She had to admit, her evil boss was truly handsome.

Despite all her toughness, she was a girl afterall. A girl who was also attracted to gorgeous looking men...not that she was attracted to her boss.

 His music scent was wafting strongly into her nostrils and her heart was beating irregularly, she didn't know why.

"Don't you like it?" Dan-Han heard himself ask, as he began to damp her sweat with his handkerchief. His actions made her uncomfortable and she couldn't stop blinking her eyes, her heart was thumping harder than before.

'What was wrong with him now? Why would she like such proximity between them? Why was he even asking such a question?'

"You should learn to always look pretty and keep your hair in place" He said, as he picked the hairs that were sweat stucked to her face, behind her ear.

"Hmm?" Eun-Sun was about to faint now. Dan-Han was messing with her. Was he trying to punish with all these things that he was doing? Her heart was beating too fast and she didn't know why it was. All she knew that it might probably explode soon if she didn't get away from his hold.

She gathered her strength from and snatched her hand from Dan-Han's hold. She took a step back as she looked at him.

"President Lee why are you doing this?" She asked in a stern and flat tone. "Is this your way of messing with me because of the money I owe you? What right do you have to always do stuffs like this…."

"Stuffs like what?" Dan-Han interjected.

"Closing in on me, touching me, my hair, everything" Eun-Sun snapped. She has never appreciated those kind of close contacts, but Dan-Han was always doing it. And she couldn't even do anything about it.

"And you don't like it?" Dan-Han asked back.

"No, like hell I don't" She snapped.

"Then tell me what you like" He said to her, making Eun-Sun narrow her eyes at him.

"What for?" She asked back.

"So I can do them for you" He replied, his tone was now slightly gentle and warm. His response made Eun-Sun speechless. She rubbed her hand over her face frustratedly. She looked at him squarely and asked, "Why?"

Why would he want to do the things she liked for her? Why was he acting strange towards her?!

Dan-Han looked at her intently. His gaze was piercing and and intense. He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, as he hesitated his response. For the first time in his life he was hesitating because of a girl. Eun-Sun was also staring at him, her heart was racing fast as she waited for his reply.

"Because I like you"

Those words came as a shock to Eun-Sun, She didn't believe that Dan-Han had just said he liked her. Was this supposed to be a prank? Okay fine she had thought about this just a while back, but she had concluded it was all her imagination. He was probably doing all the things he did just to frustrate her, because he knew he was her boss, and that she knew he was a dangerous who couldn't be triffled with.


"I Like you and I'm serious" Dan-Han said in a serious tone, when he noticed the disbeliving look on her face.

From the look on his face she had a feeling he wasn't joking. 'He was serious?! This wasn't another one of his ploy to mess with me?' Eun-Sun couldn't believe what was going on right now. So she was right after all. She wasn't imagining things. Her gaze was glued to his face, but her mind blank and void of any thoughts at the moment. 

Dan-Han saying something like that to her was unexpected. Why her? She was bewildered. She closed her eyes slowly shook her to get her head straight. She couldn't understand what she was feeling at the moment. She was overwhelmed by Dan-Han's confession.josei

"Eun-Sun…." He called out softly when he saw the confused look on her face. 'I must have startled her' He said to himself. Maybe he shouldn't have said that yet. He should have stuck to his initial plan of slowly pursuing her.

Eun-Sun took a step back, and with an intense gaze fixed on Dan-Han, she said, "President Lee don't"

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