Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 107 - Celebration Dinner

Chapter 107 - Celebration Dinner

Eun-sun was yet to regain herself from what had happened back in Dan-Han's office. Who knew his office had a lounge attached to it. How foolish was she not to have noticed there was another door in his office. Damn that stupid secretary that had lied to her. Dan-Han wasn't inside his office, but he was in the lounge and that was where he had walked out from.

That secretary Chang-Wok should watch his back while walking, else she might just murder him unexpectedly.

What a sleaze bag!.

'You don't to have answer that. Whether you like me or not, I'll make you like me'

She had blinked her eyes rapidly when she heard those words from him. She couldn't find any words to say to him, making her stare at him stupidly. She kept looking into his eyes and he locked eyes with her as well. She couldn't help the way her body kept reacting to his words and proximity between them. From the look in his eyes and the way he stared at her and said those words, Eun-sun had a feeling that Dan-Han was being honest with his words. Did he really like her? But why?josei

That was the one question on her mind which she'd like to ask him; 'Why her?'

There were more than a million girls he could like but there he was saying those kind of words to her. Why was it her? Why was he doing these things to her? Saying these things to her? And why was she responding this way?

The sweaty hands, racing heart, blank brains, dry mouth....every other that she has been experiencing since Dan-Han started saying all these things to her. They were all kind of new stuff. Why were they happening to her?

And what does he mean by he was going to make her like him? Who was going to like him? Her? He must be dreaming.

There was no way in hell she was ever going to like someone like him. He was a dangerous man, a scam, a villian, he was wicked, and most importantly he was a fraud. She was never going to like him, she was sure of that. As a matter of fact she wasn't going to like anybody, at least not until she has achieved her goals.

She wondered how she was going to get past each day of giving him breakfast. Her life was slowly getting messed up by the day. First it was a debt, now she's returning a favour of feeding the devil she was indebted to, just because he had a loving mother she couldn't say no to.

How horrible could her life get? She missed the old days when she didn't have to think about all this.

She jolted when her phone started ringing. She looked at it, and it was In-Ha calling. She looked at the time and realized it was almost time to close fron work. She had promised to have lunch with him, but he had later called to inform her that they should cancel and have dinner together. Ah, it was better to have dinner with In-Ha than to spend a minute that cold looking boss of hers. Though In-Ha was a bit crazy, but he was still better than her boss who kept having this weird effect on her.

She picked up the phone and answered. "Hello, let me guess you're on your way here already" She spoke the moment she answered the phone.

"Yeah sugar, I'm on my way. I'll be there in twenty minutes" He replied as he walked towards the car, pressing the unlock button, which didn't escape Eun-sun's hearing.

"But you're still at the residence?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Ha, you heard that. Well I am, but I'm about to leave"

"In-Ha you should learn the difference between I'm about to leave, and I'm on my way. You just lied" She lectured, while In-Ha laughed amusedly.

"Pumpkin there is no difference between those. Whether I've driven out of the residence or I've only just walked out of my room, that's the same thing. What matters is that I have taken the first step towards coming over to you. And did I tell you that the bill is on you, consider this as the celebration dinner you promised me. You promised me that you'll treat me to good food when you get your job remember?" He said as he hoped into the car.

Eun-sun's eyes widened in surprise when she heard him. Did she promise him that? She couldn't remember making such a promise.

"When did I promise that?" She asked suspiciously. This guy and his friend were both trying to swindle her out of money. Did they know that money was hard to work for?She wasn't rich like them, so how was she supposed to buy him some fancy food from some fancy restaurant? She was sure rich people like him don't eat from the kind if restaurants she can afford.

"Baby Eun-sun, you can't get out of this. You promised and you'll fulfill it. Just so you know, I'm really hungry tonight and I can probably eat a whole cow" He said with a smile.

"Then go buy yourself a cow" She retorted. He was the rich one, and could definitely afford it.

"Why should I buy when I have you. You just have to give me a piece of yourself to eat" He said with a teasing smile. He chuckled when he heard her groan in anger. He could imagine her face right now, most especially her eyes which would be glaring fiery darts at him. That was one thing he liked about her.

"In-Ha are you by chance calling me a cow?" Eun-sun asked through gritted teeth, and just like In-Ha was thinking, she was actually shooting lethal glares with her eyes. Thankfully he wasn't there yet, or else she'd probably kill him with her glares.

"Come-on sweetheart calling you a cow is too exaggerative, you don't even make up for calf you're too lean—"

"In-Ha!!" Eun-sun roared over the phone, her tone was threatening, making In-Ha rupt out in laughter. He missed this part of her, she and her fiesty little nature were slowly growing on him.

"I'm sorry baby. I just like it when you snap like that, I wish I can see your face now"

With her eyes narrowed into slits, she asked, "Do you miss my shoulder flips? Do you want me to break your bones in a lot of places?" She asked defiantly, almost as if she'd do it right now, if only he could just conjure himself and appear right in front of her at this moment.

"Eun-sun are you threatening me now?" He asked in surprise. He tsked and shook his head. "I thought we were becoming fast friends, but it seems you're only going to bully me till the day I die" He hissed.

"Maybe, I might really just kill you, before you eat that meal"

"Pumpkin, I can't die on an empty stomach, just let me eat first then I can die. I'd rather die in the hand of a beauty like you than meet with an accident. And maybe you can kiss me before I totally give up, what about that?" He teased.

"You know what? Just forget about dinner" She said. She wasn't ready to deal with his craziness. He always have a way of making her talk and wearing her out, so much she wants to kill him. How did she even agree into becoming friends with him? He was too flirty with words. Though she has told herself to accept the fact this was his nature, but she still wasn't used to this like this.

"Ha, you can't get back out of this. I'll be at your office soon, I'll call you the moment I get there. Don't miss me baby" He teased before ending the call. He laughed when he heard her grunt in annoyance. She was just something else.

He turned on the ignition and started to drive out. In-Ha had only just driven out from the security check point when a car parked right in front of him, blocking his path. His face instantly turned dark and his eyes cold when that happened. He didn't even need to guess who was behind this. There was only one person who had a knack for blocking his path. What temerity!

His eyes were glistening with anger. He wanted to get down out if his and throw a slap across that face, but he held himself back. He wasn't that kind of a person. He shouldn't let his anger get the best of him.

He lolled back on his seat, he wasn't going to step a foot outside his to go meet uninvited guest who didn't know when to show their uphurling faces. He scoffed derisively when he saw the person stepped out the car. The moment he saw that face, his felt his stomach churn and his blood boil. People barely change, and especially this vixen standing right in front of him.

Watching the way she swayed herself towards him, made him more livid. Everything about her right now annoyed him to the core. Just did him and his family get entangled with such a girl in the first place.

He closed his eyes shut when she finally approached his car and knocked on his window, thank God, it was tinted.

"I know it's you In-Ha, wind down or I'm not leaving"

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