Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 113 - A Day With No Dan-Han

Chapter 113 - A Day With No Dan-Han

Eun-sun stood outside the PK Corporation building for a quite a while, her eyes staring at the door. For some reason she didn't like the idea of coming to work today. She didn't want to see her boss' face after he had just harassed her in her dreams. How was she even supposed to come to go to his office to give him food? What if her dreams becomes a reality.

No, she wasn't going to do that today. She was going to avoid him as much as she could. That man was making her lose her mind.

Eun-sun jolted out of shock when someone suddenly tapped her shoulders. She turned around to find Hye-Jin smiling at her, making her let go of the breath she has been holding.

"Good morning" The girl greeted with a sunny smile. "Sorry I startled you" She quickly apologized.

"Good morning. It's okay" Eun-sun replied.

"What are you doing here? Let's go in" The girl said, while Eun-sun nodded and they both walked in together.

"Did you hear the rumours going?" Hye-Jin asked in a full gossipy tone. Eun-sun looked at her from the corner of her eyes before shaking her head. She wasn't interested in hearing any rumours right now, her eyes were roaming around the lobby, as they watched out for the tyrant - Lee Dan-Han.

Hye-Jin moved closer to her and lowered her voice. "I heard that the president was seen with a lady at country A. That he had taken her to the project site there and she had ridden in his car too. Do you believe that?" She said moving her eyes theatrically.

Eun-sun abruptly stopped on her feet. She was surprised by the girl had said. Who could they have known about that? That happened in country A, so how come the news had suddenly reached here.

"How did you hear that?" Eun-sun asked Hye-Jin who was also standing now.

"I heard people talking about it. I think it's legit news, because they said it was some eye witness from the scene who had said it" She paused and moved closer to Eun-sun, inching closer to her ears.

"I heard that he's slowly overcoming his Illness" She added. Eun-sun furrowed her brows when she heard her.

"Illness?" Was Dan-Han Ill? What kind of illness could he have. She was looking at the girl with expectant eyes waiting for her to reconfirm what she had just said.

"Look director Gi-Hye is coming" Hye-Jin said pulling Eun-sun by the hand as they hurried towards the elevator. Eun-sun turned around to catch a glimpse of the woman who her colleague had just spotted. Her eyes met with the woman's eyes which were glaring at her. She was the director who Dan-Han had used to punish Eun-sun during her first week of work. Since Dan-Han moved her to HR, she has become cold and cranky, thus scaring the junior colleagues to work.

Eun-sun noticed the way the woman was staring at her, even after giving a quick bow despite the fact that Hye-Jin was pulling her into the elevator.

"That woman has suddenly turned Anabelle since her transfer to another department. I wonder what happened to her" Hye-Jin said patting her chest which was pounding heavily due to the sight of the director.

"I wish she I could get to see less of her face every day" She continued to speak to Eun-sun, or so she thought. But Eun-sun was now to lost in her own thoughts.

Soon the elevator chimed on arrival and they both walked out of the elevator. They headed straight to their desk, but Eun-sun was shocked by what she saw waiting for her.

It was a rose, waiting on her desk. She was stunned when she saw it. She looked at Hye-Jin who was smiling and grinning at her, while making funny noises by her ears.

"Aww....seems somebody has an admirer huh?" Hye-Jin teased before walking to her seat. Eun-sun was too stunned and embarrassed especially when she saw the gaze of some of her colleagues who had just resumed work, on her.

Slowly she dropped her bag on her desk and lowered herself to her seat, her eyes fixed on the red rose staring at her, without reaching for it.

For some awkward reason her heart was thumping loud and hard against her chest. She kept staring at the rose. Who could have sent her this? Was the question running through her head, but unfortunately there was an already made up answer waiting for her.

Lee Dan-Han.

She didn't want to believe he was the one behind this. It could also be In-Ha, he had sent her flowers before too? But why would he send her flowers now? The last time he sent her flowers was to congratulate her right? So what could his reason be?

Maybe it could be someone else? It should be anybody other than Lee Dan-Han, that way she could exert her the stress she was facing right now by beating up that person. It should be anyone, anyone other than that crazy boss.josei

But the more she thought about the possibility of it being someone else, the more she was convinced that this was Dan-Han's handiwork. Seeing the flower she got that uneasy feeling she gets whenever he's close to her. And didn't he promise her he was going to chase after her and make her like him? Was this the strategy for his pursuit?

First he appeared in her dreams and kissed her; harassing her and now he was delivering flowers to her?

Eun-sun could feel her pound like it was about to explode.

Her eyes fell on the trash can beside and her and as if a muscle memory has just been triggered, she hastily grabbed the flower from her desk and attempted throwing it in the bin, but her hand froze midair when a thought came into her head.

What if it's truly from him, and he finds out she has thrown it away. What would she do then? That would anger him right? What would she do to then?

She knew fully well that Dan-Han wasn't someone to be angered. The memory of how he had tortured her with work during her first week was still fresh in her memory.

Before she takes any rash decision that might get her in trouble with Dan-Han and might result in him doing the kind of things she doesn't like to her, she should maybe call In-Ha and confirm with him.

If he was responsible for this, God help his entire generation.

Eun-sun picked up her phone and dialled his number but In-Ha doesn't pick. She tried two more times but he still didn't respond.

She looked at the flower one more time before quickly put it away. She'd know what to do after talking with In-Ha. But for now all she has to do was avoid Dan-Han, and the first step towards doing that was by not going to his office today.

She'd order him some food. Mrs Lee never mentioned anything about her personally delivering food to her son. The major task was to get him food. With that in mind, Eun-sun ordered him some healthy breakfast which would be delivered to the reception. She had dropped Secretary Chang-wok's name with the restaurant, so they request for him upon delivery.

After doing that she delved herself completely to work. Hopefully today would pass by without seeing President Lee.


Dan-Han was looking at the time, it was 10am already, far past the time Eun-sun was supposed to come with his breakfast.

Why wasn't she here already?

He wasn't really about that, more about seeing her face every morning. He was about to call Secretary Chang-wok when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in" He said coldly.

He looked at the man who just walked in to the office with several worried lines on his face and a bag in his hands, but that wasn't his problem right now. He'd come to that later.

"Did she get it?" He inquired, his mood was obviously foul.

"Yes sir" Secretary Chang-wok nodded responsively.

'Then why isn't she here yet. Was she angry because he had sent just one rose?' He tsked, as he shoved that thought out of his mind. That was a very stupid thought, he chided himself.

"What's that?" Dan-Han pointed his chin to the bag in Chang-wok's hand. Secretary Chang-wok looked down at the bag in his hand and cold sweat began to break out from his back.

How was he to tell him that Eun-sun had decided not to personally bring him breakfast as usual, and had rather ordered some for him.

"S-ir it's break-fast" He answered with a stutter.

"Then why is it in my office?" Dan-Han snapped angrily. Secretary Chang-wok had the effrontery to come flaunt his breakfast when he hasn't had one himself, or rather his real breakfast which was a form of a girl was yet to make an appearance.

"Sir, it's - for you"

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