Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 13 - Indebted

Chapter 13 - Indebted

"Mr-Mr Lee?" Eun-Sun called out in suprise with her eyes widened. She did not expect to see him. 'Didn't he run away? Maybe he had come to ask me to pay up the bills' she thought to herself. Eun-Sun quickly recomposed herself and hardened her gaze at him.

"Miss, what are you doing?" Dan-Han asked raising a brow wondering why she was by the door and not on the bed. He was not expecting to see her out of bed. And it obviously looked like she was going out as he looked at her from head to toe, though she still had the hospital gown on. ​​

He further pushed open the door and scanned through the room in search of the private nurse he had gotten her.

"Where is your nurse?" He turned to her and asked.

"Ermm - The nurse? She went out to the pharmacy for pain killers" she answered truthfully while trying her best to maintain a straight face.

"Do you want something?" He asked again.

Why did he have to show up now? Eun-Sun asked herself.

"Yes, but before I ask you to help me get it, can you answer a question?" Eun-Sun was fearlessly staring straight into his eyes. Dan-Han gave her a good look. He hasn't missed the way the petite girl in front of him wasn't moved or scared of him like the others. Even her gaze matched his, almost in a defiling and daring manner.

"Ask" He replied. They were both still standing by the door.

"Why did you bring me into such an expensive room? When you were bringing me here, who did you have in mind to pay the bills?" She asked in a daring manner. Dan-Han was stunned at the manner at which she was talking to him, this was the first time someone had talked to sounding that way. He kept his gaze at her, not sure what he was thinking of.

"I.." He opened his mouth to say something, but Eun-Sun raised her a finger to stop him.

"Don't mind answering that" She interjected. Dan-Han was surprised by her actions. This was the first time was talking to him this way and even interrupting his words. He stared at her quietly like he was trying to ascertain her thoughts from her look, but he got nothing.

From his looks and brand of suit he was wearing she could tell he was rich. But the question is, are all rich people kind-hearted. And she didn't care about who he was. He should have taken a good look at her before bringing her to this room. She had walked off the road, so the accident was her fault, which means that she had to settle her bills by herself. But right now she didn't have that kind of money right now, she also can't directly beg this stranger to settle her bills. What if he wants her to pay for it and indeed, that might be the reason for his return.

Eun-Sun would never allow herself to be indebted to anyone. That's why in the last ten years, she hasn't gone beyond her budget, or get any new thing for herself. She had lived within her budget and would never borrow a dime or let anyone do her favours for free. Because to her even in Freetown nothing is free. Call it pride she didn't care, because to her it is a principle.

"Can you help me get water?" She asked pointing to the empty bottle by the bedside, indicating her's was finished.

"Okay. Go back to the bed" He said before turning around. josei

"Wait Mister" She said stopping him. He turned around and looked at her waiting to hear what might come out of her mouth next.

"Give me your pen" She said stretching out her hand.

He reached for a pen in the inner pocket of his suit and gave it her. Wondering what she needed a pen for...well, that was none of his business.

"Thank you" she said and he responded with a 'hmm' before leaving to get her water.

Dan-Han came back to the room few minutes later with a bottle of water and snacks, but was surprised when he saw the room was empty. His pen and a note lying on the bed caught his attention. He walked closer and he picked it up.

The note read...

'Mr Lee, I don't know if I should be thanking you for taking me to the hospital or not. How dare you put me in such an expensive room? Unfortunately i won't be able to take care of the bills, so please do. And I'm not asking you to do it for free cause I'm not a charity case. I promise to pay you back as soon as I get a job and earn well. Believe me I'll pay you back even with interest. I look forward to being to settling this debt soon.

Thank you in advance '

Dan-Han couldn't believe this. He wasn't going to ask her to pay. He looked at the paper agai and a chuckle escaped his lips. He folded the note and kept it in his pocket.

If she wants to pay, then who is he to reject such an offer. But with interest?

If she wanted some interest then he'd have to think of a rate, right?

"This is a debt I'll definitely collect" he said with a broader smile.

For the first time in a forever, Lee Dan-Han had found something to look forward to.

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