Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 137 - Creepy Thoughts

Chapter 137 - Creepy Thoughts

Eun-sun could still feel her heart racing even after leaving Dan-Han's office. She looked back at the door as she hurriedly made her way to the elevator. She gently tapped on her chest to stop it from beating too fast.

'Did that man just try to kiss me?' She asked herself as she quickened her steps towards the elevator. She had almost died from lack of oxygen because she instinctively held her breath when Dan-Han said those words and leaned closer to her. She didn't know what to do other than to hold her breath at that point in time. He really would have kissed her had his Secretary not walk in at the nick of time. Knowing Dan-Han's attitude she could guess secretary Chang-wok was been grilled alive right now, but that wasn't her problem. It was theirs.

'That was very creepy' She thought to herself when she remembered all that happened and would have happened back in his office.

"You know I want you, but you're just being stubborn towards accepting me" Dan-Han had said in a soft and unusual tone.

"I'm.... I'm not stubborn" Eun-sun stubbornly refuted his words.

"And that's you being stubborn again" He hissed wearily.

"Presi....please let me go" Eun-sun pleaded in a low tone. She had almost forgotten the name thing.

"Why?" He tilted his brows and asked. "Do you really hate me that much you don't want me to touch you?" He asked her.

This wasn't a matter of hating him or not. He was making her uncomfortable, and the fact that she was helpless was irking her out, but she still couldn't help it.

"I...i have to work" She tried wriggling away from his grip, but Dan-Han tightened his hold on her waist making her jolt. There was something about the way he was holding her. She couldn't explain it, but it was uncomfortable.

"I own the company, and...." He paused as he slowly stood upright, his hand still firmly wrapped around her.

He tucked another imaginary lock of hair behind her ears, "I can't help it Eun-sun, I want to kiss you" He had suddenly announced surprising her to death.

"That was really creepy" She mumbled out as she shook her head. But why did his words make her feel that way? She felt her heart skid when she thought about the way Dan-Han had held her firmly against himself. The way he looked at her like he wanted to bury himself in her eyes, and the unusual softness in his tone, What was that all about?

Eun-sun shook her head again to get those thoughts out of her mind. She shouldn't think those thoughts.

She hurrliedly made her way to her office to officially start work for the day. One of these days she was going to get a query for the long hours she spends outside the office. She sighed.

Thankfully no one knows where exactly she spends those long hours.

Eun-sun had only plonked herself on her seat when she noticed Hye-Jin's awkward gaze on her.

"What is it now Hye-Jin? You better say it out" Eun-sun said as she logged into her system, not looking back at the girl who had her gaze fixed on her.

Eun-sun turned and glanced at the girl when she waited but didn't hear anything. She cocked a brow at her and asked, "What is it?" her face holding a curious smile.

"I don't know if I should ask this, but I'm going to ask anyway" Hye-Jin said.

"Are you dating Secretary Chang-wok?"

"What?" Eun-sun's eyes widen in shock when she heard that.

"Sorry if i startled you with my question. I didn't mean to pry. I'm sorry I let my curiosity get the best of me" Hye-Jin apologized when she realized it wasn't in her place to ask such a personal question.

"Why do you ask?" Eun-sun asked a question of her own. She didn't know if she knew something about her unfortunate closeness with the big boss... that would be bad. The last thing she wanted was for rumours to start flying around about her dating the boss or getting favours from him or stuff like that, when she doesn't.

"Well that's because he keeps coming her with stuffs for you, the last time he brought food and this morning he brought you something else"

"He did?" Eun-sun furrowed her brows and asked. She was obviously surprised.

"Yes, look there" Hye-Jin pointed at the small gift bag just behind the desktop. Eun-sun's eyes followed her fingers and she spotted the small gift bag on the desk. Her eyes slightly widened up, before she turned to Hye-Jin again.

"He brought this?" She asked skeptically, while Hye-Jin nodded.

Eun-sun glanced back at the bag and slowly picked it up. If secretary Chang-wok had brought doesn't that mean it was from Dan-Han? Why did he send her something when she was just in his office. Couldn't he have given it to her?

The question is, would she have accepted it?

She slowly opened the bag and saw a single red rose sitting inside, just like the last one he had sent. She brought out the box which was also in the bag and discovered it was a small box of chocolates, and a note was attached to it. It read....

"Till you say yes"

Eun-sun scoffed slightly when she saw the note. She looked over at the things he had sent and then back at the note again. He was really going to continue harassing her with stuff like this till she agrees? That's funny.

How long does he think he can keep up? What if she never agrees? Not like she was planning to any.

'Good luck with that' She hissed inwardly.

Eun-sun had to admit that Dan-Han's gesture kind of have some effect on her. Maybe it was because he was the first person who was putting so much relentless effort into pursuing her.

She paused her thought and shook her head. What nonsense was she saying now? He was the first? No way, what about Ji-Sang, that guy was far more relentless than Dan-Han was. At the long run he gave up, she was sure Dan-Han will too.

[A/N: In your dreams]josei

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