Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 143 - Contract

Chapter 143 - Contract

Another workday for Eun-sun and Hei-Ran and they both looked like they were about to be led to the slaughter. Both had different thoughts on their mind as they got ready for work. It was Friday, another day to see the bosses who were making their lives miserable and choatic.

"This is ridiculous, I don't want to go to work anymore. I quit!" Hei-Ran declared frustratedly, as she angrily threw her shoes to the ground. She had not been able to have enough sleep during the night as she tossed and turned in bed all night. Even after talking with Eun-sun who had tried to calm her down, she still didn't feel relaxed.

Eun-sun chuckled when she saw the angry look on Hei-Ran's face. She looked like she could murder someone. She was sure if Jinhai was here right now, she'll kill him with the invisible lasers darting out of her eyes.

"Like you can" Eun-sun scoffed as she continued to fix herself up for work.

"What do you mean by that?" Hei-Ran frowned. Eun-sun was making fun of her predicament. Well who wouldn't laugh at the ridiculity of this stupid situation? Even she would laugh if not for the fact that she wasn't up for it.

Eun-sun turned around to look at her, "The last time i remembered you said your boss is a psychopath. The psychopathic Song Jinhai who we both know might move his office into this room if you decide to quit, he might even do something really crazy soon, just prep yourself for it" Eun-sun told her before returning her attention to the mirror in front of her.

"Something like what?" Hei-Ran asked inquisitively, while Eun-sun looked at her through the mirror.

"Hei-Ran I don't know, but from what I've realized recently is that bosses of these days are crazy and they can do really shady stuffs, and Jinhai looks just like one" Eun-sun spoke out of experience – experience of having a demonic boss herself– Hei-Ran sigh deflatedly.

"I'm doomed" Hei-Ran said as she fell back on the bed and fixed her eyes to the ceiling.

Eun-sun sighed and shook her head pitifully. She also had her own lunatic boss who she also couldn't avoid. If only she could stop working and get a job elsewhere, but that's wasn't even possible. She had still had a lot of debts to pay; she was yet to settle the loan sharks from the casino where her mother gambles, the bank would soon forclose on the house and the student loan she took was yet to be paid, and then there was still her own debt to Lee Dan-Han. She had received a notification from her school and also from the bank. So quitting for her wasn't even an option. She might have to make do with what she has at the moment.

"Common get ready" Eun-sun urged her, as she herself also got ready.

Soon both ladies were ready for work, looking good in their formal attires, Eun-sun didn't forget to pack Dan-Han's meal as usual. She had learnt her lesson the hard way two days ago, she couldn't make the same mistake twice.

"You always pack a lot for lunch lately, what's up with that?" Hei-Ran inquired as she dragged herself towards the door.

"Nothing, just a huge appetite" Eun-sun hadn't told her about her extra job as a chef for Lee Dan-Han. Talk about having a domineering and overbearing boss, she believes he slayed the rank.

"What an appetite" Hei-Ran snorted, making Eun-sun to eye her as they walked out of the apartment.

They had only walked outside the door when they both received the shock of their lives.

Hei-Ran's hand tightly gripped Eun-sun in trepidation when she saw her supposed 'new creepy boyfriend' standing beside his car in front of her apartment with a smile on his face. While Eun-sun narrowed her eyes at the clown smiling and waving at her.

'What is going on here? What was he doing here? And so early at that" Eun-sun asked herself, before her eyes fell back to the Hei-Ran's creepy boss who was also standing there.

It was at this point that she noticed Hei-Ran's tight grip over her. She looked at Hei-Ran who looked uncomfortable like she was.

about to cry. She narrowed her eyes back at the boss.

What was it with all these boss and threatening women into dating them? Was this the new trend for courting women? What happened to the medieval and classical way of courting women?josei

For instance she didn't even want to be courted but here she was being pursued and harassed by her boss who she was very helpless against.

Eun-sun knotted her brow and looked fiercely at Jinhai, "Let's go" She said to Hei-Ran who seemed really reluctant at the moment. She pulled her and led the way towards Jinhai. Her look was pensive and her eyes were by no means friendly.

"Good morning Mr Song" She greeted as soon as they stopped in front of the man, not wanting to bow at him. Today wasn't the

day for pleasant greeting.

"Good morning" the man greeted back, a small smile crawling on his face, but his eyes darted between both friends. Eun-sun was sure this was the first time she was seeing him smile after the few times she had bumped into him. But his first smile wasn't as impactful as Dan-Han's.

Wait! Why was she even comparing smiles right now?

She looked the man over before saying,

"Mr Song, I'd like to let you know that I have black belt in taekwondo, and I can be very out of control when I'm angry and when my loved ones are provoked, so be nice" Eun-sun said sternly, her eyes were as threatening as her words. Jinhai was quite stunned with her words.

'Wa...was that a threat??' He asked himself in disbelief.

Eun-sun turned to Hei-Ran and gave her a squeeze on her hand. "If he gives you too much trouble, you can always throw a punch, then call me" Eun-sun said to Hei-Ran but her voice was audible to Jinhai's hearing. Jinhai's eyes widened in horror when he heard what Eun-sun said.

Eun-sun turned towards Jinhai and bowed slightly before walking away with her shoulders squared. If she couldn't threaten Dan-Han, she could atleast do that to Jinhai. Because to her, Dan-Han was more formidable than Jinhai.

Jinhai looked at the petite woman who had just threatened him in stupefaction. He had never for a minute thought that this small framed girl would be this scary. Here he was thinking he could befriend her to win his woman's heart, but it seemed like she was worst than the woman he was in love with.

"Mr Song?" Hei-Ran called in a small voice. This was the first time she was speaking to him. Jinhai snapped himself back and turned towards her.

"Your friend is scary" He told her.

"She's very scary when she wants to be, and when she's protecting me" Hei-Ran said. She would as well drive in Eun-sun's threat into his head. Maybe he could put a stop to this madness.

"From who? Me?" Jinhai tilt his brow at her.

Wasn't it obvious who she was protecting her from?

"Mr Song why are you here?" Hei-Ran asked instead of replying him because she didn't even have the answer to that.

"Why am I here?" Jinhai asked back, while Hei-Ran nodded.

"To pick my girlfriend up for work of course" Jinhai announced with a smile.


'Girlfriend?!' This guy was really taking things very serious wasn't he? Since when did he start picking her up for work? 'Sweet lord help me!!' She cried in her mind.

"What is it?" Jinhai asked when he noticed the distorted look on her face.

"Nothing, it's just..... weird." She honestly replied.

"Weird?" He asked, but he continued without waiting for her answer. "Don't worry you'll get used to it, because I intend to go all out on this" He said flashing her a cool smile. Hei-Ran's heart skipped when' she heard him.

What does her mean by all out? Like real couple stuff? She wasn't going to do that. This was supposed to be a faux kind of relationship, so what was getting into him. And why was he suddenly smiling alot, it was creepy!

"Mr Song what do you mean by going all out?" Hei-Ran asked. She had to be sure what she was getting herself into.

Jinhai looked at her as she spoke, he noticed the way she was avoiding making eye contact with him.

"Don't worry you'll find out soon enough" He told her. His reply made Hei-Ran quite uncomfortable.

"Get in we're getting late" He said as he opened the door for her. Hei-Ran looked at him for a while, before stepping into the car. Her eyes caught sight of the brown envelope on his seat.

A new contract she supposed? Jinhai always treasures his work. His diligence and passion for work intrigues her. Those were one of the things she likes about him, scratch that! The only thing that she likes about him. The man was professional to the core, except now that she didn't know what has suddenly come over him.

Jinhai happily walked around the car and hopped into the driver's seat. He picked up the envelope on it before sitting. He turned towards Hei-Ran and passed it to her.

"Here for you" He said.

"For me?" Hei-Ran asked skeptically as she looked at it, slowly raising her hand to take it.

"What is it?" She asked as she received it.

"A contract" Hei-Ran furrowed her brows when he said that.

"A new job?" She asked. It was normal for them to sigh new contracts with new clients.

"No, for us"

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