Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 172 - His Addiction

Chapter 172 - His Addiction


That was strange.

Eun-sun paused on her stride and carefully turned back.

But the moment she did, she froze and her heart suddenly skipped a thousand beats when she saw what laid before her eyes or rather what surrounded her.

Eun-sun couldn't help but look around, with widened eyes. She looked at the ground and she realized what she had been walking on.


It was a sea of red roses and she was standing on it. Her heart began to thump erratically. She didn't need anyone to tell her who was behind it.

It had to be him. He was the only one capable of doing this. Turning the garden of a hospital into a romantic spot. How cheeky!

Eun-sun was still in shock when she suddenly felt someone's warmth envelop her from behind, and his hand wrapped against her waist.

It was him. She knew it.

"I'm sorry" She heard him say from behind her ear. Eun-sun could feel her heart racing now, it was thumping so loudly she could hear it in her ears. She didn't know if it was because of what she was seeing or because of how intimate they were right now. He was hugging her from behind.

Eun-sun stood transfixed, she was too stunned to utter a word. Dan-Han slightly panicked when she didn't say anything and just stood stiffly. He feared she was still angry at him. He regretted ever quarrelling with her and he had spent the last four hours thinking about how he could rectify his mistake and makeup with her.

He didn't want to ruin his chances of being with her.

He placed his head on her shoulder as he tightened his hold on her waist and with a low voice, he apologized again, "I'm sorry. I'll never fight with you again."

Eun-sun heard him. She heard him apologize and speak so softly to her. His voice was causing some kind of reaction in her body.josei

The giddiness in Eun-sun's heart at the moment was indescribable. She couldn't even explain how she was feeling, but there were so many emotions flowing through her.

She felt overwhelmed.

Eun-sun slowly took a step forward causing Dan-Han to reluctantly let go of his hold on her. She slowly turned around and looked at his face. Seeing his face and the way he was anxiously looking at her, Eun-sun couldn't control herself. She leapt into his arms and wrapped her hand around his waist, not realizing how stiff he was.

Dan-Han was shocked when she did that. He was stunned he didn't know what to do. He had not expected her to pounce on him like that. He didn't even know if he should hug her back. He stood still as she hugged him so tightly while snuggling her face on his chest. Dan-Han looked down at her with widened eyes, he still couldn't believe she was hugging him of her own volition!

He was always the one making the first move, this was the first time she was taking the initiative towards being close to him.

Eun-sun had not thought much about her actions before she hugged him, she had felt like hugging him and she impulsively did so. It was after she had done the deed that she finally realized what she had done.

She felt embarrassed and didn't even know what to do.

This was awkward!!!

She bit her lips as she slowly tried to pull away but that was when Dan-Han suddenly hugged her back, pulling her against his broad and comfortable chest.

Eun-sun's eyes blinked rapidly when Dan-Han pulled her back to him. She had to admit it felt quite good there, and he smelt so good too. Eun-sun helplessly wrapped her hand around his waist and hugged him once again. She drew in deep breaths to calm herself down. She was just going to enjoy this for now.

Equally feeling emotional like her, Dan-Han said from above her head. "I'll never fight with you again." He rested his chin on top of her head. He couldn't begin to describe how miserable he has been since he walked out of that room. He only wanted to give her some space so she could think about what she had said and maybe make her try to miss him, but he ended up missing her more. He finally realized that he loved her more than he thought he did.

She was like a drug, he was slowly getting addicted to.

Snuggling against him, Eun-sun also apologized, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so rude to you and I shouldn't have said those words to you" She said without looking at him.

"It's okay. I should have understood how you felt. You've been catering and fighting for yourself for a long time so it has become a part of you. I should have known all these things were new to you and I could have been more understanding.....I just wanted to loosen your burden. I just wanted you to think less about those debts. I know you're not familiar with my ways and I can be a little overbearing but it just because I hate to imagine or see you struggling. But I promise I'll never do anything without your consent again. I'll put your feelings first before I'll act" He promised.

Eun-sun regretted saying those words to him. He was the only one who had treated her like this. Deep down she knew he had done what he did because he cared for her but her pride had gotten into her head. She should have at least thought about things from his perspective. Dan-Han was being too nice to her and the least she should I've done was insult him the way she did.

"I'll work more on my temperament" Was all she said. Dan-Han smiled when he heard her. He didn't know if he should see this as progress, because that was what it was right?

She was opening up to him, wasn't she?

"Wait," Dan-Han said as he pulled away and hurried to the bench where had sat the other time. Eun-sun's eyes followed him. She chuckled when she saw him pick up a bouquet and walked back to her.

"For you," He said.

Eun-sun received it with a small smile, on her face.

"It's two hundred and one and it's a hundred times bigger than the ones they brought," Dan-Han said, while Eun-sun looked at him with disbelief. Was all this because she had received flowers from other men? Unbelievable!

"So you're giving me flowers because I accepted flowers from them?" She couldn't help but ask. She had to be sure.

And indeed the shameless man nodded his head.

"How can they give you flowers when I haven't given you one?" He asked with an accusing tone.

"You should never accept gifts from other men" He firmly told her.

'Here we go, another command' She rolled her eyes.

"So if I accept anything from anyone you'll buy me a hundred more?" She curiously inquired, while he shrugged.

"What if it's a jet?" She couldn't stop herself from asking.

"Then you can go steal a money plate"

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