Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 18 - Expecting A Miracle

Chapter 18 - Expecting A Miracle

"Thank you for letting me stay here. I should have heeded to your advice when you asked me to move in with you." Eun-Sun said as she sipped on her hot cup of chocolate.

"Shut up your mouth you little brat, who are you thanking?" Hei-Ran said as she pinched Eun-Sun's arm. ​​

"I have always asked you to move in with me but you just had to be stubborn" She added as she laid back on the bed she was sitting.

"Whatever. Anyway I'm here now" Eun-Sun said rolling her eyes at Her-Ran.

"Are you really just going to let Byung-hun get away like that. You should report this to the cops" Hei-Ran asked as she sat up, tilting her head to look at Eun-Sun.

"And tell them what? That my mother's boyfriend who has been living with us in the same house tried to **** me? Would they believe me? Even if they did I don't have any evidence. It's his word against mine. And what would my mom say about it?" She asked with a sigh.

Eun-Sun was regretful she didn't do something worse to Byung-hun. She should have yanked his scrotch off, that way he wouldn't dare to think about doing something like that again.

"Well, when you put it like that, I can't really argue" Hei-Ran hissed bitterly before falling back on the bed again. She'd love to teach that good for nothing Byung-hun a lesson for messing with her friend.

Eun-Sun also laid back on the bed and faced Hei-Ran and said in a low voice "Hei-Ran sincerely, I'm truly grateful to you. Thank you."

"Well you are welcome if you really want to say it" She knew Eun-Sun well enough to be this kind of a person. When she was grateful she wouldn't stop thanking you.

"All I need right now is a job so I could help you with the expenses" Eun-Sun said with her face up against the ceiling.

"You know you don't have to share the rent, I can handle it"

"Then I'll have to leave" Eun-Sun said with a tone of finality. She couldn't stay and not contribute to the upkeep of the house. She'd rather stay with her mom and Byung-Hun.

"Fine suit yourself. Pay if you must" Hei-Ran already knew this was the only way Eun-Sun would stay with her. The girl was too principled for her own good. "Now speaking about jobs, I heard there is a vacancy at the cleaning agency close to my office. A colleague mentioned it at work earlier" Hei-Ran told her.

"Really?" Eun-Sun asked as she sat up on the bed. josei

"Yes, I think you should go there tomorrow." Hei-Ran replied with a smile.

"Wow, thanks Hei-Ran" She said with a smile.

"For what?" Hei-Ran asked with a confused look.

"For the good news" She answered rolling her eyes.

"Haha... you're welcome. I guess I'm getting a lot of 'thank you' from you lately" She said laughing.

"Whatever" Eun-Sun laid back. "Hei-Ran thanks in advance"

"For what?"

"For the delicious dinner you'll be making me later" Eun-Sun said with a small smile and her eyes closed. Hei-Ran was speechless.

"Eun-Sun can I ask you a question?" Hei-Ran asked with a serious look on her face.

"Sure" Eun-Sun replied without opening her eyes.

"How do you remain sensible with all the food thoughts that always run through your brain?" Hei-Ran asked with a straight face before bursting into laughter when Eun-Sun's eyes shut open.

"Hei-Ran!! Do you want to die!!!?" Eun-Sun asked with a mock glare. "Are you saying I'm not sensible?"

"You don't have to be shy? I'm very proud of you no matter how you turn out to be" Hei-Ran said laughing heartily.

"Sometimes I just wonder if you brain is made of an hamburger with lots of cheese probably mixed with jam. Maybe that's why you are such a foodie" She said laughing even harder.

"Shut up, just make me something nice, and I'm not a foodie, I just love the idea of delicious food. Food makes the world a better place" Eun-Sun commented.

"Yea right, what an Idea indeed. I promise to make you something nice so the world can be a nicer to you" She said teasingly while Eun-Sun chuckled.

Could the world be indeed nice? She didn't think so.

"But Eun-Sun, for how long will you continue with this meagre jobs. For goodness sake you graduated with honors. You need a befitting job" Hei-Ran said matter of factly.

"I know I need a better job and I pray it comes soon but I can't stay at home being idle till something better comes along right?" She sighed. She still had bills to pay, her mother to cater for and debts to settle.

She'll be elated if she had her dream job at the PK Corporation. She had always imagined her self working in that company. But that wasn't easy. She has applied a million times, but not once did she get a call from them.

"I understand" She'd be thrilled if Eun-Sun got a good job. Some miracle should happen soon.

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