Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 20 - Kang In-Ha

Chapter 20 - Kang In-Ha

In-Ha had a cheerful grin plastered on his face as he strolled out of the airport. The thought of seeing his best friends after a long time made him extremely excited. josei

He hurriedly exited to the airport to find Dan-Han waiting for him. He took in the familiar air of the city and it felt nostalgic. How long has it been since he crossed the borders of this country? ​​

In-Ha craned his neck as he searched for that familiar face he hasn't seen in a while. A frown quickly formed on his face when he noticed a placard with his name boldly written it. He approached the bespectacled man who held the placard, one look at him and he knew Dan-Han had sent him. This most be one of that man's minions. They were so easy to recognize. One look at them and you would Dan-Han's branding mark of cruelty which he had used to tame them.

"Where is he?" Were the first words that flew out of In-Ha's mouth as he stood in front of Dan-Han's secretary.

Secretary raised his gaze to the man standing right in front of him with a displeased look etched on his face. He recognized as the man his boss had asked him to pick up.

He didn't need to take another look at the photo which his boss had sent to him to confirm that truly this was Kang In-Ha. The man was a indeed beautiful as he looked in his picture and his blue-green eyes were unique enough for Secretary Chang-Wok to know he had seen the right person. If hasn't seen a more graciously endowned man like his boss, he would have given the title of 'most beautiful man' to In-Ha.

If he didn't have a girlfriend he was sure he would have doubted his own sexual orientation, thank to these men.

Would it be wrong to say, God was unfair? Someone as cold as his boss didn't deserve the gift of beauty that was bestowed on him. He wasted his heavenly look by always holding that stoic look in his face. Sometimes he wondered if he had facial paralysis.

"I'm sorry but president Lee is caught up in a meeting, that's why he has asked me to pick you up" Secretary Chang-Wok explained politely. He could see the scowl forming on the man's face which made him uneasy, but he quickly composed himself, because compared to this man's gaze, his boss still had the most deadliest stare. Dan-Han's scowl was enough to wipe him and his entire generation off the surface of the earth, and looking at In-Ha's he was sure his frown would waiver and split into a pleading smile if he stood before his boss.

"Let's go" In-Ha said with a disappointed look on his face which Secretary Chang-Wok did not miss. Working with the most intimidating man in the business world had made him quite observant of people's emotions and expressions, and he could tell that In-Ha wasn't at all happy. He took a mental note to anger him if he didn't want to vex his boss as well.

Secretary Chang-Wok led In-Ha to the car that was waiting for them. As if on cue secretary Chang-Wok received a call from Dan-Han inquiring if he has seen In-Ha.

"Is that your boss?" In-Ha asked and Chang-Wok nodded affirmatively.

"Give me that" In-Ha said before taking the phone from secretary Chang-Wok.

"You dare to leave me at the airport Dan-Han?" In-Ha asked over the phone with a displeased tone. "What happened to you picking me up? Was that the plan? Why didn't you pick me from the airport yourself?" In-Ha asked angrily. He knew he was making a storm out of a tea cup but he felt he should do it anyway. He was really looking forward to seeing Dan-Han at the airport. But what got him more pissed was the fact that the man was being silent and picking up the challenge to explain himself.

"I'm busy and I'm sure my secretary told you so" Dan-Han casually said not bothered by the man's rantings. Whining was In-Ha's forte and he was certain the man wasn't as angry as he trying to sound. In-Ha just wanted to be unreasonable and nag him, nothing more.

"Is that all you have to say?" Incredulity engulfed In-Ha even when he knew he shouldn't be surprised by Dan-Han's attitude. Dan-Han personally informing him that he was busy was the best compromise In-Ha could ever get from Dan-Han and he knew that well.

"The cleaning agency will be sending someone over, so expect them" Dan-Han added. He didn't need to elaborate neither does he have to tell In-Ha what to do.

"Lee Da..." In-Ha was shocked when he heard the phone beep indicating that the call has been disconnected. Secretary Chang-Wok who has been keenly listening to In-Ha's conversation suddenly felt sorry for him when he saw the stunned look on his face.

That was his boss for you. Completely ruthless even to his own friend.

That man had no joy.

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