Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 238 - Heaven's Joke

Chapter 238 - Heaven's Joke

Eun-sun was surprised when Dan-Han led her into the restaurant and she saw several men dressed in black suits. They all had stoic looks on their faces that was almost similar to the one Dan-Han always had on his face except when he was with her.

With how calm Dan-Han was as they walked past them and how they bowed to him, she knew they were Dan-Han's men. But did they need such security just to see her father? Was he that dangerous that Dan-Han had to be concious of him? She didn't think so.

Though he had changed, he was now a criminal she still didn't think he'd hurt her, after all she was his child. Even if he didn't want her anymore he shouldn't harbor the thoughts of killing her or harming her right? Eun-sun had all these thoughts in her mind little did she know these protection wasn't for Dan-Han but for her.

Dan-Han noticed the way she dragged her feet behind as they approached the door to the private room. He held her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze before opening the door of the private room.

Eun-sun stopped by the door when she saw her father sitting on one of the couch in the room, he had a ciagrette between his fingers. He looked up the moment the door opened and their eyes met which made her heart skip.

He has indeed changed.

"Princess." He called with a sly smile curving his lips.

Eun-sun felt her heart skid when he called her that. 'Princess' was how he had addressed her as a child, and hearing him call her that made her feel weird. It brought old memories to her.

Funny how this princess became a pauper in a day. Eun-sun looked at him from head to toe. He seemed not to have changed much except from the freckle line and wrinkles on his face and he looked a bit burly. His muscles seemed to have filled out, he must have been working out. Apart from these physical changes, something else seemed to have changed about him.


"President Lee." He called with lit eyes as he stood to his feet. Eun-sun couldn't help but notice how he genuinely smiled when he saw Dan-Han compared to when he had seen her. And it made her feel hurt.

"It's such a pleasure to see you President Lee." Mr Park smiled as he stretched his hand towards Dan-Han but when he met his cold eyes, he paused halfway. He knew the rumours that circulated around him, president Lee Dan-Han was cruel to the bones except to those he wanted to be nice to, and in this case it was Eun-sun.

Dan-Han gazed at him, "I'll be outside." Was all he said but that was enough to send his message to the man. He was outside so if by chance Mr Park harbored any dirty ideas in his head, he should have a rethink.

Mr Park chuckled when he heard him, "I'll put that in mind." He nodded.

Dan-Han turned to look at Eun-sun who looked slightly nervous. "Call me when you're done." He said before placing a kiss on her forehead while she nodded. Dan-Han gazed at her father one last time before stepping out of the room.

Eun-sun watched him leave before staring back at her father who now had a non-chalant look on his face.

"You still look the same." He said as he began to lit his ciagrette. Eun-sun watched him as he carries on with what he was doing. She didn't look the same, she was ten years older than she was the last time she saw him. She had developed and grown taller.

When he left she was a teenager, now she was an adult, so no, she wasn't looking the same.

Mr Park took a drag of his ciagrette and puffed the smoke into the air before looking at her, "How's your mother?" He asked.

"She's fine." Eun-sun slowly replied. She didn't think meeting her father after so many years would be so awkward. She had always envisioned it to be an heart wrenching moment. She had thought he'd hug her and then they'll cry in each other's arms. He'd tell her how much he had missed her and how regretful he was for leaving them behind, but this was a far cry from her imagination.

"I see you're now dating the tyrant himself. I heard the rumors but didn't believe till I witnessed it with my eyes few days ago. Seems your luck has turned around eh?" He raised a brow at her.

'Her luck?'

Wait was that why she had seen him days ago?

"Was that the reason why I saw you?" Eun-sun couldn't help but ask.

Puffing the smoke of his ciagrette into the air he smiled, "What do you think?" That was the answer he gave.

Eun-sun didn't know why but his answer hurt alot. She had promised Dan-Han she would try not to be affected by whatever happened but she was breaking her promise.

"Father do you hate me this much? Did I do something bad to you or mother? What was my wrong?" Eun-sun couldn't help but ask. She needed answers to these questions because only these answers would let her understand why she was being treated less than an animal.

Mr Park hissed before bellowing out in laughter, "What was your wrong?" He asked back but continued without waiting for her answer.

"Your wrong was coming back home with Song-Hee to a home where you didn't belong. Eun-sun that was your wrong." He snapped at her. Eun-sun was stunned to hear him.

What does he mean by a home she didn't belong? How didn't she belong there? If she didn't belong with her parents where else would she belong?

"What do you mean?" Eun-sun asked with a hurt voice. His words, tone and actions were cutting deep into her, she was trying really hard not to go weak right now.josei

Mr Park scoffed, "Why don't you ask Song that question." He replied as he threw his hand behind the chair and looked away.

Ask her mother? Why couldn't he answer her? He was going to tell her what he meant by that.

"You should tell me. I'm not asking her, I'm asking you. Tell me why you said that. If I don't belong with my parents where else should I belong?" Eun-sun snapped at him. Enough of all the emotional torture she has been going through. She wasn't going to let them hurt her anymore. She needed answers and she was going to get them right now.

Mr Park looked at her and sighed and that got Eun-sun more vexed.

"Tell me father where else do I belong?!" She demanded in an angry tone, her eyes spitting fire.

"With your family Eun-sun whoever they are. You belong with your family!"

She stiffened at his response. 'Her family?'

"Aren't family?" Eun-sun asked in a shocked small voice. Why was he treating her this way? Eun-sun had waited to hear something else but the answer she got crumbled her.

"No I'm not. I'm not your father neither is Song-Hee your mother. We're not your family." He drawled.

Eun-sun felt like the world had stopped spinning the moment she heard those words come out of his mouth. She wasn't sure if she was staring at him or at the wall behind him. She felt breathless as shock washed through her.

The words he had said kept looping in her head and with each loop she felt like she was about to die.

Mr Park sighed when he saw how thunderstruck and helpless she looked. Her stunned expression reminded him of the little girl he had raised for fifteen years who would always fake a surprise expression whenever he did something funny to her. That little girl had brought him so much joy.

"I know this isn't what you have come to hear, but I think it's high time you know the truth. Song-Hee and I aren't really your parents. As for who your parents are I also don't know, you have to go ask her. I never meant to be cruel to you and leave the princess I raised behind, but when I found out the truth, I was really hurt.

Knowing the daughter who I have loved and raised for fifteen years wasn't mine, I lost it. My company had been foreclosed at the time, I was actually at my lowest. I asked Song-Hee to take you back but that stubborn woman refused and that broke the home and I put the blame on you and left. I know none of this is your fault because you and I are both victims of Song-Hee's ploy but I can't help but resent the both of you. I'm happy you have someone like Mr Lee, and i hope he treats you well. I played a role in your life now be grateful to me and don't come looking for me anymore. If you need more answers ask that woman and stop letting her devalue you the way she does, because you owe her nothing." He said as he stood up to his feet and left without looking back at her.

He was aware none of this was her fault but he couldn't let go of Song-Hee betrayal. He was petty for blaming Eun-sun too, but that was who he was.

Eun-sun was still in shock after he had left. She remained fixated as she stared at nothing in particular. She threw her head back and laughed. She didn't know why she was laughing but she couldn't help but laugh harder. She laughed she didn't know tears were streaming down her eyes.

Dan-Han who had over heard their conversation stepped in the room and watched her from behind. He could feel her pain from where she stood. He hissed when he heard her say, "I must be heaven's Joke"

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