Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 24 - Leave Her Alone

Chapter 24 - Leave Her Alone

"We're so going to drink you poor" In-Ha said laughing hysterically. This would be fun. He'll use the opportunity to order some insanely expensive wines that he'll share with his ladies later. A wicked smiile appeared on his face.

"That's impossible, our president Lee owns the country's money plate. He'll just print more" Jae-Hyun teased. ​​

"I could always buy both your father's companies. Then you can really stay poor" Dan-Han said with indifference, like it was something to be considered.

"That's it. Good bye your deviousness. You are just a tyrant" In-Ha said as he got up from the couch he was sitting on in the bedroom when he heard a knock on the door.

Eun-Sun had turned around to knock on the next door when she didn't get a reply. She wasn't sure which room belonged to her new boss. She turned back when the door opened from the inside.

"Oh..Sir i.." her words trailed when In-Ha gestured at her to be quiet as he was still on the phone.

"In-Ha is that a woman in my house?" Dan-Han asked in a dead pan voice when he heard a lady's voice.

"President Lee be calm" He replied hushing Dan-Han.

"You're courting death" Dan-Han fired back fiercely. In-Ha brought a woman to his house? Even he hasn't done that.

"Come on, it's the beautiful house keeper" He replied with a mischievious look in his eyes as he winked at Eun-Sun.

"Dan-Han your house keeper is in trouble if In-Ha called her beautiful" Jae-Hyun lectured laughing. It wasn't something new to them. Dan-Han's previous housekeepers had at a time or another happily resigned when they thought In-Ha had a thing for them and would marry them. Yes, the guy was that shameless. Anything in skirt was appealing to him.

His level of debauchedness could never be questioned.

"You better leave her alone, or else I'll kill you" Dan-Han abruptly hung up. In-Ha was the only one who could give him a headache. His words were meaningless to him.

In-Ha shrugged and smiled when the call ended. He knew better than to upset Dan-Han, but now he couldn't careless especially when there was a pretty girl in front of him, "What can I help you with?" In-Ha asked as he walked out and closed the door behind him while he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"I wanted to ask if there was anything else I needed to do?" Eun-Sun asked. She was through almost everything. Thankfully someone had dropped a detailed description of what she was expected to do. Personally, she didn't think the house needed a house keeper, since the things she was expected to do were so minimal, but was she to complain. The rich had their way of doing things. They won't dirty or stress themselves, this was the perk of being wealthy.

"What about lunch?" In-Ha said.

"What do you want for lunch?" Eun-Sun has seen the refrigerator was fully stocked with food.

"Why don't we go to the kitchen and I can tell you what I want there" He said heading for the stairs.

"Okay" Eun-Sun said with a shrug as she followed behind. She eyed his back lividly. She didn't miss that wink he did earlier. 'Casanova' A voice in her head screamed.

"Sir what would you like?" Eun-Sun asked when they walked into the massive kitchen.

"What I like?" He asked softly with a mischevious glint in his eyes. His eyes wandering around her. She wasn't a 38B obviously, but she was still busty enough for him.

"Would you give it to me if I tell you?" He asked as walked over the kitchen counter to where she was standing. Eun-Sun frowned slightly but she quickly retrieved it.

"Well I would quickly heat it up" she replied politely as she took a step back even though she felt like poking her fingers into his eyes. Maybe she should just flip him over her shoulder and beat him to pulp then resign after that, after all it was only her first day.

After having a satisfying look at her he asked "What would you like to eat?"

"Hmm??" Eun-Sun was confused.

"I asked what you love eating?" In-Ha flashed an amused smile.

Eun-Sun didn't see the reason to answer such a stupid question. Frankly, she was almost losing her temper, and giving this 'libertine' a good scolding and reasonable amount of slaps would calm her down, but rather she answered "Black bean noodles sir"

This was a necessary compromise as she really needed the job.

"Let's order that then" He told her as he picked up his phone to search for a nice restaurant which made Black bean noodles.

"Order?" Eun-Sun cocked a brow. What's wrong with this one? josei

"Yes and I'm ordering for the both of us. So you can't say no. So hurry with what you have to do before the food gets here" He informed her as walked out not waiting for her reply.

It was finally set in the walls of Eun-Sun's heart that, not only was her new boss a lewd person, he was also stupid. But she'll perserver.

She stood there staring at him as he walked out. 'Idiot' She cussed in her heart of heart.

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