Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 240 - Broken

Chapter 240 - Broken

Eun-sun numbly walked into the apartment and fell to the ground the moment she walked through the door, her legs felt weak and they couldn't hold her up anymore. She was grateful Hei-Ran wasn't home at the moment, she didn't want anyone to see her like this most especially Dan-Han hence why she had sent him away. The moment she stepped into the house, tears streamed down her cheek, it was as if a damn had been broken. She couldn't hold herself anymore, her heart was aching in a thousand places and she felt choked with pain. She pounded on her chest which was squeezing her tightly.

This was too brutal. It was so unfair!

She buried her head on the floor and screamed her lungs out. She sceamed till her voice cracked up. She felt torn and betrayed. She didn't know if this was actually the worst thing she had experienced in her life because it hurt like hell.

They had said many things to her, done many things to her, humiliated her, rejected her, cursed her, hurt her but none of all those things felt as painful as knowing this horrible truth.

They weren't her parents? So whose child was she? Where did she come from? Why did they hurt her so bad, made her feel responsible for them, hate her so much if she wasn't their child? Why?!!!

Memories of how she had been treated in past years, how she had worked hard to provide for a mother who didn't appreciate her came flashing into her head. How she had struggled, denied herself of countless things just to make them happy.....all those sacrifices were all for what? To get treated like this?

So this was the reason why Song-Hee had treated her with such cruelty? Was this why she hated her so much she treated her worse than a dog, sold her to a man because she wasn't her daughter?! She blamed her too? What was her crime for being born?

All these depressing thoughts kept coming into her head, she could barely breath.

Eun-sun laid on the floor of the house and bawled her heart out. She didn't know how long she laid on the cold floor but when she stood up she felt numb and cold. Looking at the time it was past midnight already. She had one thing in mind and that was seeing Song-Hee. She had to irrespective of the time.

She didn't know how she had changed her clothes and gotten into a taxi. She stood in front of the house which she had lived for years and she remembered the times Song-Hee had kicked out to sleep on the porch. She had countlessly screamed, 'I'm not your mother, you witch! You're cursed!'

Eun-sun let out a mirthless laugh, as she all remembered that. She had been so dumb!

How foolish of her not to have known the truth all this while. Song-Hee had actually been honest with her but she had been to dumb and stupid not to have heard the truth in her words.

She knocked on the door and no one answered but she didn't relent. She kept knocking until someone finally answered, asking who it was before opening the door.

Eun-sun looked at the person who had opened the door and it was Byung-Hun.

"You! What are you doing here?" He asked when he saw her. He had seen her from the peephole.

"Where's she?" Eun-sun asked coldly, while Byung-Hun looked her from head to toe glaringly. He still hasn't forgotten how the little brat had humiliated him at the hospital.

"She's not here. Get out of here before I squeeze life out of you." He warned as he tried to close the door but Eun-sun stopped the door with her hand, her eyes fiercely glaring at him.

"I said get out of here!" He put in more effort to shut the door but Eun-sun startled him when she forcefully pushed the door back and landed a kick on his stomach which left him sprawling to the floor while he groaned in pain.

"What's going on here?" Song-Hee who had heard the commotion came dashing into the living room. The moment she saw Eun-sun she frowned but as soon as she saw Byung-Hun on the floor, her eyes darkened.

"You evil girl, what have you done?" She asked as she rushed to Byung-Hun who was groaning in pain.

Eun-sun scoffed when she heard her. 'Evil girl?' She was an evil girl?!

Eun-sun watched as Song-Hee helped Byung-Hun up. That was something she didn't do for her. Even when she had beaten her up in the past, she had never helped her. She'd leave her in pain and she wouldn't care even if she died. Seeing this made Eun-sun livid, her blood boiled.

Turning to Eun-sun who was still static to a spot, "What are you doing here?" Song-Hee distastefully asked as she helped Byung-Hun up. She remembered what had happened to her the last time at that dark and creepy where she had been kept. That scary man had threatened her not to appear before Eun-sun again else he was going to kill her. She didn't want trouble.

"I came to see you." Eun-sun coldly replied as she stared at the woman before her with an expressionless face.

"I don't want you here. You should go back." She firmly stated, but Eun-sun intensed her gaze on her and took few steps closer till she was two feet away from her.

"W-hat are you doing?" Song-Hee questioned fearfully when she saw the odd way Eun-sun was staring at her. Her eyes were cold and fierce, it was something she had never seen before.

"I'll only ask you once, so answer with all honesty." She drawled.

"Who are my parents?"josei

......'s the weekend. Happy weekend everyone. Don't forget to spend time with family and friends. If you're a loner like poor author, then spend sometime with yourself....hehe. Go out and have fun.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


What are your thoughts about Eun-sun's ordeal? Share them with me at the comment section. Thank you.

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