Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 247 - Scared Of Me?

Chapter 247 - Scared Of Me?

"I'm sorry", She apologised in a small, croak voice as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her eyes were hazed and cloudy, and Dan-Han could feel her shoulders slightly tremble in his arms. Confusion flashed through his eyes as he stared at her worriedly, pondering on her reason for apologising. But no matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't think of any possible reason why she should apologise.

With frantic eyes, he cupped her cheeks between his hands and asked, "Why? Why are you apologizing?" He didn't understand her reason for doing that, and most especially, he couldn't understand her need to cry.

"You shouldn't apologize for anything. You've done nothing wrong-" He told her as he caught the next drop of tear that was about to fall from those beautiful eyes of hers. God! How he hated seeing her cry. Just the thought of it drove him insane, now seeing her cry.....he didn't even know what to do.

"No," She vehemently shook her head and exclaimed, "It's my fault..." She choked. Her outburst made Dan-Han stunned. He didn't understand what was up with her this morning. Eun-sun was feeling extremely emotional as she stared at him so intently, even though it seemed like there was so much pain in her eyes. "It was because of me, you...killed that man." She said in a broken voice, making Dan look at her in stupefaction.

He was more than stunned to hear that. Disbelief washed through his face as he gazed at her; he couldn't believe that was her reason for crying and apologising to him. And why would she even say that? Seriously, this woman!


"No! I made you do that," She abruptly cut him off. "I made you do something so terrible, and I fear you might want to resent me for it."

"God, no!" Dan-Han exclaimed. Now, that was it! He wouldn't hear that, most especially not from her. What was she even saying? What sort of thought was this?

"Don't you ever say that again!" His tone was firm and definite, making Eun-sun stiffen a bit. A sigh escaped his lips when he felt her body stiffen due to the coarseness of his voice. He drew in a calm breath before speaking up again, this time in a calmer tone, "I'll never resent you, not in this world or the next. I'll never bear the thought of hating the woman who makes me incredibly happy. So never say that again," his hand gently trailing down her cheeks soothingly.

"But–" She tried interjecting him once again, but he cut her off.

"No buts Eun-sun. You shouldn't apologize to me. As a matter of fact, I should be the one apologizing to you," His hands flew across her as he pulled her tightly against himself.

"What... are you saying?" She asked in a broken voice as she tried to pull away from him so she could look at his face, but he didn't let her. His hold around her tightened even more as he held her in place. His face buried deep in her hair as he continued...

"I should be the one apologizing to you for not protecting you enough. I should have done better. What if....something had happened to you? What if I had been a second late? What would I have done? I could...I could have lost you. When I got that call and heard a gun was being pointed at you, I almost died. I regretted ever leaving you alone when you needed me the most. I... I" Eun-sun felt her heart repeatedly stumble when she felt his shoulders tremble as he said those words which were about to make her heart burst the very next second. She couldn't believe this big intimidating man was actually quivering in her embrace just with the thoughts of losing her. Her grip around him tightened, and her palms suddenly began to move around his back in slow and circular motions – on their own accord, her fingers tendering to his muscles like they were the frailest thing in the world all in an attempt to soothe him.

"Dan-Han, don't say that," She couldn't believe he was now taking the blame for what happened earlier. She couldn't believe she was making this powerful man say these words, but before she could say something else, he continued.

"No, you don't understand; this is truly my fault. If...if only I had stopped my father, you wouldn't have been in danger. Eun-Sun, I should have protected you better." His voice was filled with so much guilt, and she didn't miss it. Dan-Han was convinced about the attack being his fault because had his father not fed that prima-donna princess and her family with baseless hope of getting them married, Mi-Ok wouldn't have gone after her in the first place. So it was indeed his fault.

Slowly raising his head from her shoulders, she stared deeply at him with his head between her hands, "Shh...stop saying that. It's not your fault, and it can never be. You protected me so well I don't even have a scratch on me, Dan-Han. You've been protecting me ever since we met, even from my own family, so honey; you can't be at fault. If it's anything, I'm eternally grateful to you. I'm grateful to have met you, have fallen in love with you, grateful to have a man like you beside me. Yes, I was a bit scared earlier, but seeing you...kill someone to protect me..."

"Are you now scared of me?" Dan-Han abruptly asked, his eyes anxiously searching hers for her answer. This has been the question taunting his heart all night.

"No, never! I'll never be scared of you. I... don't want you doing that for me again." She said in a pleading tone.

He slightly pulled away so he could see her face more clearly, "Sweetheart, it's my duty to protect you. If killing one man would keep you safe, then I'd do it all over again. I'd do more than kill a few men to protect you because I'll consider myself a failure if I can't protect the woman I love. I'll do anything... anything to have safe and alive by my side." He said in a firm and determined tone.

Eun-sun felt something course through her veins when he said those words, it wasn't just the way he said it, but it was the look in his eyes. The look that showed her he meant every word he said, that he'd protect her no matter the cost.

"Oh, Dan-Han" She threw her hands around him and buried herself in his warm embrace. Eun-sun didn't know what else to say. She was utterly speechless and utterly overwhelmed. No one had ever said something like that to her before, not that she liked the killing part, but it was terrific and heart-swelling hearing someone say something like that to her. Her heart was overwhelmed with different emotions, and her entire being was overwhelmed with love and sweetness. How had she been this fortunate to have someone like him in her life? Just how? He was her light in her darkest times. Her new dawn after decades of perilous darkness. He was too good to her. She didn't know what she'd do had he not been in her life now, most especially at the moment like this when she was all alone.

"I love you." She whispered behind his ears, her tiny arms clingingly wrapped around him.

Her actions made his lips curl into a smile. He trailed his hand down her lustrous hair, "Then stop crying, my love. It doesn't suit you," He told her as he slowly pulled her body away, and his thumb carefully wiped her tears away. "You know how much I hate seeing you cry."

"I...I'm just emotional. I'm sorry." She softly apologised as she sobbed.

"Don't be sorry. If you're feeling emotional, why don't you do something else." He told her hoarsely, a mischievous glint searing through his eyes as he held her gaze.josei

"Something like what?" She innocently inquired.

"Kiss me," He said.

"Please." He added in an almost compelling voice. His tone was gentle and charming, and it sounded sensuous.


Hey, guys.... I want to say a big thank you for all your patience. And to all those that prayed and checked up on me, I'm eternally grateful.

I love you all.

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