Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 254 - Hypocrite

Chapter 254 - Hypocrite

Maybe Mrs Lee had ended up in the hospital because of an argument with her husband, but aren't arguments between couples supposed to be normal? And also, she knew what was actually wrong with Mrs Lee.

Dan-Han gazed down at her, "Eun-sun –"

"Let them talk." She interjected him, her voice sounding firm, letting him know she wasn't going to step out of his way. He stared at her blandly, but the little woman didn't budge.

She sighed when she saw how tight he knitted his brows. Crossing the space between them, she hooked her hand around his waist and placed her head on his chest, "Come on, love, take a deep breath, okay. He won't argue with her again." She told him. She took a look at his face to check if the cold look on his him had faltered, but on, it remained.

She hissed loudly and leaned back on his chest again, her small hands moving slowly across his back. "Dan-Han, I'm hungry. My stomach is literally growling; what do you want to do about it?" She said against his chest. She really wasn't hungry, but she said that to distract him, and expectedly it worked. She smiled when she felt his muscles slouch the moment he said that. She pulled away and looked at his now gentle face.josei

He looked down at her stomach before taking a deep breath. He had completely forgotten that they hadn't had breakfast this morning, and she always had to be fed because of her stomach ulcer. He pulled her into a hug before saying, "I'm sorry, I'll get you food."


Back in the room.

The tension hovering between the elderly couple was thick that a knife could cut through it.

"Is this what you've truly become?" Mrs Lee asked her husband, and her tone was acrimonious. She couldn't believe she was staring at her very own husband. Father Lee stared at her without replying to her question, but his silence made her angrier.

"She's a girl who our son, your son loves," she emphasised on the 'your'. "How could you let something like that happen? You almost had her killed!" She snapped at him.

"Technically, I didn't. It was Mi-Ok who called a hitman on her, not me." Father Lee defended himself.

"The very crazy girl you still want my son to marry? But you knew about it, and you let it happen."

"What was I supposed to do? I don't have rulership over that clan anymore, and you know that. You made me give it up, so you know I have no influence there."

"Yes, you might not, but you could have protected her, but yet you turned a blind eye towards it. Dan-Han might not know the truth, but I know. I know that clan was an elite force created by you years ago, outside the Lee clan. You might have given it up, but nothing gets past you! So stop lying to me, Lee Jun-Su!"

"Honey, stop getting angry." He tried to pacify her when he saw her getting worked up again. But she glared at his approaching hand, making him withdraw his hand.

"I should stop getting angry? Do you dare say that? You almost let an innocent girl die. Our son could have been shot. You made my son kill a person in front of the woman he loves who has no background like ours, you've turned my son into an angry and ruthless man, you reject the one woman he has ever accepted, and you ask me not to be angry?!" Mrs Lee eyes were spitting fire this time at this point.

"Why are you both hung up on her? She's isn't good for our son!"

"Why? Because her father is a criminal?"


"Aren't you one? Aren't you and that God-forsaken friend of yours criminals? Aren't you turning our son into one?" She fired back. "You're a hypocrite!" she stated as a matter of factly. Her tone was harsh, making her husband look at her in surprise. She was really lashing out at him because of an ordinary girl?

"Aside from having a criminal for a father, she has nothing to bring to the family. They are dead poor, and she's using our son to pay their debts." He refuted back, making Mrs Lee chuckle.

"She's poor? So what if she is?" She tilted her chin up. "Are we in need of money? Has the Lee family become so poor we need a marriage alliance to stand up tall?" She asked her tone building again.

"When my father gave me away to you, Lee Jun-Su, you weren't rich either. You were barely a promising man ready to take on the world to make it in life, but no one looked down on you. Your brother couldn't even support you because he had nothing."

"That's enough!" Father Lee snapped.

"Its not!' she shot back. 'My Lee family needs no marriage to maintain its wealth. So I'll tell you now, if you and your demented friend's family dare to plot against my son's woman one more time, you'd have me to contend with." She firmly declared, prompting father Lee to stare at his wife in stupefaction.

"Honey–" He tried to touch her arm but she moved her body away from his reach.

"And tell that crazy girl you want for my son, that she'll never take up my family name, not in this life or the next. And tell her and her crazy father to steer clear of my children or else the next bullet leaving a gun will be buried in her brain." She drawled, her eyes challengingly staring at her husband letting him know in a million ways she meant every word she said.

Father Lee was stunned, he really couldn't believe he was being threatened right now by his own wife. That was a first. And all because of a girl they barely knew. How perfect!


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